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Oracle® Communications EAGLE Database Administration - System Management User's Guide
Release 46.6
E93319 Revision 1
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Updating the HIPR2 GPL

This section presents the procedure for updating the HIPR2 generic program load (GPL). The HIPR2 GPL is used by the High-Speed IMT Packet Router 2 (HIPR2) card to control the IMT bus and resides on the fixed disk. The HIPR2 card resides only in slots 9 and 10 in each shelf in the EAGLE.

This section presents the procedure for loading the HIPR2 GPL onto the EAGLE as a trial version from a removable media, then making the trial version of the HIPR2 GPL the approved version.

If any card is not running the approved version of the GPL shown in the RELEASE column of the rtrv-gpl output, the indicator ALM is displayed next to the GPL version in the RUNNING column of the rept-stat-gpl output, and next to the GPL version in the APPROVED column in the rtrv-gpl output.

The removable media that contains the HIPR2 GPL to be loaded on to the EAGLE is required.

  1. Verify the control cards that are installed in the EAGLE.

    Refer to Maintenance and Administration Subsystem for information about the control cards.

    If E5-based control cards are installed in the EAGLE, continue the procedure with 2.

  2. Check the E5-MASPs for removable media.

    If removable media is installed in both E5-MASPs, continue the procedure with 4.

    If removable media is not installed in both E5-MASPs, continue the procedure with 3.

  3. Verify the active MASP by entering the rept-stat-db command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-07-01 15:25:40 GMT  EAGLE5 41.1.0
            TDM 1114 ( STDBY)                 TDM 1116 ( ACTV )
            - -------- ---------------------- - -------- ----------------------
    FD BKUP Y       36 09-06-19 09:38:25 GMT  Y       36 09-06-19 09:38:25 GMT
    FD CRNT Y       39                        Y       39
            MCAP 1113                         MCAP 1115
            - --------                        - --------
    RD BKUP -    -         -        -         Y       36 09-06-19 09:27:17 GMT
    USB BKP -    -         -        -         Y        3 09-06-07 01:11:22 GMT

    If removable media is installed in the active MASP, continue the procedure with 4.

    If removable media is not installed in the active MASP, insert the removable media in the removable media drive in the active MASP. For more information about inserting removable media in the removable media drive, refer to Removable USB Drive. After the removable media has been inserted in the removable media drive in the active MASP, continue the procedure with 4.

  4. Display the HIPR2 GPLs on the fixed disk and on the removable media using the rtrv-gpl:gpl=hipr2 command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-07-01 11:34:04 GMT  EAGLE5 41.1.0
    GPL Auditing  ON
    HIPR2     1114  132-002-000  132-002-000      132-001-000  132-003-000
    HIPR2     1116  132-002-000  132-002-000      132-001-000  132-003-000
    HIPR2     1115  -----------  -----------      -----------  -----------

    If the version of the HIPR2 GPL shown in the REMOVE TRIAL column of the rtrv-gpl output is not the version that is to be loaded onto the cards, remove the removable media from the active MASP.

    Insert the removable media that contains the HIPR2 GPL that is being updated into the removable media drive in the active MASP and repeat this step.

    For more information about inserting removable media in the removable media drive, or removing removable media from the removable media drive, refer to Removable USB Drive.

    If the version of the HIPR2 GPL shown in the REMOVE TRIAL column of the rtrv-gpl output is the version that is to be loaded onto the cards, continue the procedure with 5.

  5. Change the GPLs, using the chg-gpl command and specifying the value for the trial HIPR2 GPL shown in the REMOVE TRIAL column in the output of the rtrv-gpl command used in 4.

    For this example, enter this command.


    These messages should appear.

    rlghncxa03w 09-07-01  11:43:04  GMT  EAGLE5 41.1.0
    GPL Auditing  ON
    HIPR2 upload on 1114 completed
    HIPR2 upload on 1116 completed
    System Release ID table upload 1114 completed
    System Release ID table upload 1116 completed


    If you wish to leave the HIPR2 cards running the trial version of the HIPR2 GPL, continue the procedure with 8.
  6. Activate the trial GPL, using the act-gpl command and specifying the value for the trial HIPR2 GPL shown in 5.

    For this example, enter this command.


    These messages should appear.

    rlghncxa03w 09-07-01 06:54:39 GMT EAGLE5 41.1.0
    HIPR2 activate on 1114 completed
    HIPR2 activate on 1116 completed
  7. Verify that the HIPR2 GPL on the removable media is the approved GPL on the fixed disk using the rtrv-gpl:gpl=hipr2 command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-07-01 11:34:04 GMT  EAGLE5 41.1.0
    GPL Auditing  ON
    HIPR2     1114  132-003-000  132-003-000      132-002-000  132-003-000
    HIPR2     1116  132-003-000  132-003-000      132-002-000  -----------

    If E5-based control cards are installed in the EAGLE, this is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-07-01 11:34:04 GMT  EAGLE5 41.1.0
    GPL Auditing  ON
    HIPR2     1114  132-003-000  132-003-000      132-002-000  132-003-000
    HIPR2     1116  132-003-000  132-003-000      132-002-000  132-003-000
    HIPR2     1115  -----------  -----------      -----------  -----------
  8. Verify the HIPR2 GPLs on the fixed disk and the cards that are running the HIPR2 GPLs using the rept-stat-gpl:gpl=hipr2 command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-07-01 11:40:26 GMT  EAGLE5 41.1.0
    GPL      CARD   RUNNING           APPROVED      TRIAL
    HIPR2    1109   132-002-000 ALM   132-003-000   132-002-000
    HIPR2    1110   132-002-000 ALM   132-003-000   132-002-000
    HIPR2    1209   132-002-000 ALM   132-003-000   132-002-000
    HIPR2    1210   132-002-000 ALM   132-003-000   132-002-000
    HIPR2    1309   132-002-000 ALM   132-003-000   132-002-000
    HIPR2    1310   132-002-000 ALM   132-003-000   132-002-000
    HIPR2    2109   132-002-000 ALM   132-003-000   132-002-000
    HIPR2    2110   132-002-000 ALM   132-003-000   132-002-000
    Command Completed
  9. Load the approved HIPR2 GPL onto a card selected from the cards shown in 8 using the init-flash:code=appr command.


    The init-flash command cannot be entered if the IMT Rate Change sequence or the Extended Bit Error Rate Test (BERT) is being performed.

    For this example, enter this command.


    When this command has successfully completed, these messages should appear.

        rlghncxa03w 09-07-01  11:11:28 GMT  EAGLE5 41.1.0
        FLASH Memory Downloading for card 1109 Started.
        rlghncxa03w 09-07-01  11:11:28 GMT EAGLE5 41.1.0
        HIPR2 Downloading for card 1109 Complete.
        rlghncxa03w 09-07-01  11:11:28 GMT  EAGLE5 41.1.0
        Command Completed.
    Updating more than One HIPR2 Card at the Same Time

    Multiple HIPR2 cards can be updated at the same time with the init-flash command. The multiple HIPR2 cards being updated must be on the same IMT bus. Specifying card locations XX09 for the sloc and eloc parameters specifies the HIPR2 cards on IMT bus A. Specifying card locations XX10 for the sloc and eloc parameters specifies the HIPR2 cards on IMT bus B.

    To update more than one HIPR2 card on the same IMT bus, enter the init-flash command with these parameters along with the code=appr parameter:

    sloc – the first card location in the range of card locations

    eloc – the last card location in the range of card locations

    gpl – hipr2


    The sloc, eloc, and gpl parameters cannot be specified with the loc parameter.

    For example, to update the HIPR2 cards on IMT Bus B shown in 8 with the approved version of the HIPR2 GPL, enter this command.


    To update the HIPR2 cards on IMT bus A shown in 8, the sloc=1109 and eloc=2109 parameters would be specified with the init-flash command.

    When this command has successfully completed, these messages should appear.

        rlghncxa03w 09-07-01  11:11:28 GMT  EAGLE5 41.1.0
        FLASH Memory Download for cards 1110 - 2110 Started.
        rlghncxa03w 09-07-01 13:07:15 GMT EAGLE5 41.1.0
        FLASH Memory Download for cards 1110 - 2110 Completed.
        LOC 1110 : PASSED
        LOC 1210 : PASSED
        LOC 1310 : PASSED
        LOC 2110 : PASSED
        rlghncxa03w 09-07-01  11:11:28 GMT  EAGLE5 41.1.0
        Command Completed.
  10. Re-initialize the HIPR2 cards specified in 9 using the init-mux command with the loc parameter.


    The init-mux command cannot be entered if the IMT Rate Change sequence or the Extended Bit Error Rate Test (BERT) is being performed.

    For this example, enter this command.


    If more than one HMUX card was specified in 9, re-initialize the IMT bus containing the cards specified in 9 by entering init-mux command and specifying the IMT bus (the bus parameter) containing the cards specified in 9. Specifying card locations XX09 for the sloc and eloc parameters in 9 requires that IMT bus A is re-initialized. Specifying card locations XX10 for the sloc and eloc parameters in 9 requires that IMT bus B is re-initialized.

    For this example, enter this command.


    When this command has successfully completed, this message should appear.

    rlghncxa03w 09-07-01  11:11:28 GMT  EAGLE5 41.1.0
    Command Completed.


    Executing this command produces two alarms: 0002 - Card is not running approved GPL, indicating that the version of the HIPR2 GPL running on the card is not the approved version, and 0004 - Card is running non-activated GPL, indicating that the new version of the HIPR2 GPL running on the card has not been activated.
  11. Verify that the approved HIPR2 GPL from 10 has loaded and that the state of the card is in-service normal (IS-NR) state using the rept-stat-card command.

    If more than one card was specified in 9 and 10, enter the rept-stat-card command for each specified card. For this example, enter this command.


    rlghncxa03w 09-07-01  11:11:28 GMT  EAGLE5 41.1.0
    CARD   VERSION      TYPE      GPL        PST            SST        AST
    1109   132-003-000  HIPR2     HIPR2      IS-NR          Active     -----
      ALARM STATUS       = No Alarms
      TRIAL  VERSION     = 132-003-000
      FPGA VERSION       = 022-005
    Command Completed.


    If the version number of the HIPR2 GPL shown in the rept-stat-card command output is different than the version specified5 in, contact the Customer Care Center. Refer to My Oracle Support (MOS) for the contact information.
  12. Activate the approved HIPR2 GPL loaded onto the card in 9 using the act-flash command.


    The act-flash command cannot be entered if the Extended Bit Error Rate Test (BERT) is being performed.

    For this example, enter this command.


    When this command has successfully completed, these messages should appear.

        rlghncxa03w 09-07-01  11:11:28 GMT  EAGLE5 41.1.0
        FLASH Memory Activation for card 1109 Completed.
        rlghncxa03w 09-07-01  11:11:28 GMT  EAGLE5 41.1.0
        Command Completed.

    Activating the HIPR2 GPL on more than One HIPR2 card at the Same Time

    If more than one HIPR2 card was specified in 9, enter the act-flash command with these parameters:

    sloc – the first card location in the range of card locations

    eloc – the last card location in the range of card locations

    gpl – hipr2


    The sloc, eloc, and gpl parameters cannot be specified with the loc parameter.

    For example, to activate the HIPR2 GPL on the HIPR2 cards on IMT Bus B shown in 8 with the trial version of the HIPR2 GPL, enter this command.


    To activate the HIPR2 GPL on the HIPR2 cards on IMT bus A shown in 8, the sloc=1109 and eloc=2109 parameters would be specified with the act-flash command.

    When this command has successfully completed, these messages should appear.

        rlghncxa03w 09-07-01  11:11:28 GMT  EAGLE5 41.1.0
        FLASH Memory Activation for cards 1110 - 2110 Started.
        rlghncxa03w 09-07-01 13:07:15 GMT EAGLE5 41.1.0
        FLASH Memory Activation for cards 1110 - 2110 Completed.
        LOC 1110 : PASSED
        LOC 1210 : PASSED
        LOC 1310 : PASSED
        LOC 2110 : PASSED
        rlghncxa03w 09-07-01  11:11:28 GMT  EAGLE5 41.1.0
        Command Completed.
  13. Verify the HIPR2 GPLs on the fixed disk and the cards that are running the HIPR2 GPLs using the rept-stat-gpl:gpl=hipr2 command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-07-01 11:40:26 GMT  EAGLE5 41.1.0
    GPL      CARD   RUNNING           APPROVED      TRIAL
    HIPR2    1109   132-003-000       132-003-000   132-002-000
    HIPR2    1110   132-002-000 ALM   132-003-000   132-002-000
    HIPR2    1209   132-002-000 ALM   132-003-000   132-002-000
    HIPR2    1210   132-002-000 ALM   132-003-000   132-002-000
    HIPR2    1309   132-002-000 ALM   132-003-000   132-002-000
    HIPR2    1310   132-002-000 ALM   132-003-000   132-002-000
    HIPR2    2109   132-002-000 ALM   132-003-000   132-002-000
    HIPR2    2110   132-002-000 ALM   132-003-000   132-002-000
    Command Completed
  14. Continue the procedure by performing these actions.
    • If you wish to load the new HIPR2 GPL onto the other cards shown in 8, repeat this procedure from 9 for each card shown in 8.
    • If the new HIPR2 GPL has been loaded onto all the cards shown in 8, or if the new HIPR2 GPL will not be loaded onto the other cards shown in 8, then this procedure is finished.

Figure 3-5 Updating the HIPR2 GPL

Sheet 1 of 5

Sheet 2 of 5

Sheet 3 of 5

Sheet 4 of 5

Sheet 5 of 5