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Oracle® Communications EAGLE Database Administration - System Management User's Guide
Release 46.6
E93319 Revision 1
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Changing Terminal Command Class Assignments

This procedure is used to change the assignment of command classes to a terminal using the chg-secu-trm command. This procedure can only be performed if you have been assigned the command class “Security Administration.” This can be useful to restrict the types of commands that can be entered on an EAGLE terminal. This procedure can only be performed if you and the terminal have been assigned the command class “Security Administration.” The EAGLE commands are grouped into these command classes.

  • Basic
  • Database Administration
  • Debug
  • Link Maintenance
  • Program Update
  • Security Administration
  • System Maintenance
  • 32 Configurable Command Classes

With the chg-secu-trm command, only six of these command classes can be assigned to a terminal. The Basic command class is automatically assigned to every terminal and to every user and is not configurable. Refer to the Commands Manual for a list of command classes and the commands assigned to them.

The chg-secu-trm command uses these parameters.

:trm – The terminal number 1-16.

:all – The commands in all non-configurable command classes (dbg, link, sys, sa, pu, db) can be entered on the specified terminal.

:db – Database Administration commands can be entered on the specified terminal.

:dbg – Debug commands can be entered on the specified terminal.

:linkLink Maintenance commands can be entered on the specified terminal.

:pu – Program Update commands can be entered on the specified terminal.

:sa – Security Administration commands can be entered on the specified terminal.

:sys – System Maintenance commands can be entered on the specified terminal.

:cc1 - :cc8 – Eight configurable command classes. These parameters specify whether or not the commands in the specified configurable command class can be entered on the specified terminal. The value of these parameters consist of the configurable command class name (1 alphabetic character followed by 2 alphanumeric characters), and either yes or no. The command class name and the yes or no values are separated by a dash. For example, to allow commands in the configurable command class db1 from terminal 5, the cc1=db1-yes parameter would be specified in the chg-secu-trm command for terminal5.

To specify any configurable command classes, the Command Class Management feature must be enabled and turned on. Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command to verify whether or not the Command Class Management feature is enabled. If the Command Class Management feature is not enabled or turned on, perform Activating Controlled Features to enable and turn on the Command Class Management feature. Up to 32 configurable command classes can be assigned to terminals. When the Command Class Management feature is enabled and turned on, the configurable command class names are given the names u01 - u32. These command class names, the descriptions of these command classes, and the commands assigned to these command classes can be changed using Configuring Command Classes.

The chg-secu-trm command allows up to eight configurable command classes to be assigned to a terminal each time the chg-secu-trm command is performed.

If the all=yes parameter and the db, dbg, link, pu, sa, sys parameter values are specified as no, for example, chg-secu-trm:trm=1:all=yes:pu=no; all commands can be entered on the specified terminal except those commands in the command class specified with the chg-secu-trm command. In this example, all commands can be entered on terminal 1 except for program update commands.

The terminal command class assignments cannot be changed for the specified terminal if a user is currently logged onto that terminal. This can be verified with the rept-stat-user command.

At least two terminals in the EAGLE must always be assigned to the security administration command class to prevent the EAGLE from becoming unadministerable.

It is possible that a terminal with the terminal type of printer or none can be assigned to the Security Administration command class. Terminals with these terminal types are not counted as having Security Administration authority since commands cannot be administered from these terminal types and is shown in the rtrv-secu-trm output report as “***”instead of yes.

When the EAGLE is delivered to the user, the terminal command class assignments will be set to the system default values for these parameters.

all = no

db = no

dbg = no

link = no

pu = no

sa = yes

sys = no

The examples in this procedure are used to change the command class assignments to the terminal assigned to port 4 to these values: Link Maintenance = yes, Security Administration = no, Program Update = yes, Database Administration = yes.

  1. Display the command class values of all terminals using the rtrv-secu-trm command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 12:31:04 GMT EAGLE5 36.0.0
    TRM    LINK SA  SYS  PU   DB   DBG 
    1      NO   NO  YES  NO   YES  NO  
    2      NO   NO  NO   NO   YES  NO  
    3      YES  *** YES  YES  YES  YES 
    4      NO   YES NO   NO   NO   NO  
    5      YES  NO  YES  NO   YES  YES 
    6      NO   NO  NO   NO   NO   NO  
    7      NO   NO  YES  NO   YES  NO  
    8      NO   NO  NO   NO   NO   NO  
    9      YES  YES YES  YES  YES  YES 
    10     NO   NO  NO   NO   NO   NO  
    11     YES  NO  YES  NO   YES  YES 
    12     NO   NO  NO   NO   NO   NO  
    13     NO   NO  NO   NO   YES  YES 
    14     NO   NO  NO   NO   YES  YES 
    15     NO   NO  NO   NO   YES  YES 
    16     NO   NO  NO   NO   YES  YES 
    Continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
    • If the cc1 through cc8 parameters are not being specified in this procedure, continue the procedure with 4.
    • If the cc1 through cc8 parameters will be specified in this procedure, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
      • If configurable command classes are shown in the rtrv-secu-user output, continue the procedure with 3.
      • If configurable command classes are not shown in the rtrv-secu-user output, continue the procedure with 2.
  2. Verify that the Command Class Management feature is enabled and turned on, by entering the rtrv-ctrl-feat command with the partnum=89005801 parameter.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 21:15:37 GMT EAGLE5 36.0.0
    The following features have been permanently enabled:
    Feature Name              Partnum    Status  Quantity
    Command Class Management  893005801  off     ----


    The rtrv-ctrl-feat command output contains other fields that are not used by this procedure. If you wish to see all the fields displayed by the rtrv-ctrl-feat command, see the rtrv-ctrl-feat command description in Commands User's Guide.

    If the Command Class Management feature is enabled and turned on (status = on), continue the procedure with 3. If the Command Class Management feature is not enabled or turned on, perform the Activating Controlled Features to enable and turn on the Command Class Management feature.


    If the Command Class Management feature is temporarily enabled, the configurable command classes can be assigned and used only for the amount of time shown in the Trial Period Left column in the rtrv-ctrl-feat output.
  3. Display the descriptions of the configurable command classes in the database by entering the rtrv-cmd command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-05-01 21:15:37 GMT EAGLE5 41.0.0
    CMD                 CLASS
    alw-slk             link, u11
    ent-user            sa
    unhb-slk            link
    rtrv-attr-seculog   sa, u31
    inh-slk             link, abc
    rtrv-meas-sched     link, abc, def
    act-lbp             link
    act-dlk             link
    act-slk             link
    rtrv-seculog        sa, abc, def, ghi
    act-lpo             link
    blk-slk             link, abc, u23, u31
    dact-lbp            link
    canc-dlk            link
    inh-card            sys
    canc-lpo            link, u01, u02, u03, u04, u05, u06, u07, u08, u09, u10,
                        u11, u12, u13
    canc-slk            link
    ublk-slk            link, u01, u02, u03, u04, u05, u06, u07, u08, u09, u10,
                        u11, u12, u13, u14, u15, u16, u17, u18, u19, u20, u21,
                        u22, u23, u24, u25, u26, u27, u28, u29, u30, u31, u32
    inh-trm             sys, krb
    rept-meas           link
    chg-meas            link
    tst-dlk             link, krb
    tst-slk             link

    If the desired configurable command class descriptions are not in the database, perform Configuring Command Classesto configure the desired command classes.

  4. Verify that no users are logged onto the terminal whose command class assignments you wish to change using the rept-stat-user command.

    If the user is logged onto the terminal, notify the user to log off the terminal. This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-05-01 09:12:15 GMT  EAGLE5 41.0.0
    USER ID          TERM #  IDLE SINCE         COMMAND             STATE
    fred                3    09-04-19 05:06:43  rept-stat-user      PROCESSING
    frodo              13    09-04-20 08:12:23  chg-db              IDLE
    manny               1    09-04-27 04:37:56  ent-dlk             IDLE
    travist             7    09-04-30 10:06:22  rtrv-meas           IDLE
  5. If you wish to change the Security Administration command class assignment of the specified terminal to no (:sa=no), make sure the EAGLE has at least two terminals assigned to the Security Administration command class.

    This is shown in the output of 1 , the rtrv-secu-trm command output, with the entry YES in the SA field. If this procedure would leave the EAGLE with only one terminal assigned to the Security Administration command class, use the chg-secu-trm command and change another terminal’s assignment to the Security Administration command class from NO to YES. For this example, enter the chg-secu-trm:trm=1:sa=yes command

  6. Change the command class assignments of the terminal using the chg-secu-trm command.

    For this example enter this command.


    When this command has successfully completed, this message should appear.

    rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 12:31:04 GMT EAGLE5 36.0.0
  7. Verify the changes made in 6 by using the rtrv-secu-trm command with the port number specified in 6 .

    For this example, enter this command.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 12:31:04 GMT EAGLE5 36.0.0
    TRM    LINK SA  SYS  PU   DB   DBG  
    4      YES  NO  NO   YES  YES  NO   
  8. Back up the new changes using the chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed command.

    These messages should appear, the active Maintenance and Administration Subsystem Processor (MASP) appears first.

    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on active MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on active MASP to fixed disk complete.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on standby MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on standby MASP to fixed disk complete.

Figure 4-11 Changing Terminal Command Class Assignments

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