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Oracle® Communications EAGLE Database Administration - System Management User's Guide
Release 46.6
E93319 Revision 1
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Configuring the Integrated Measurements Feature

This procedure is used to configure IP communications links between the EAGLE and the customer’s network and enable the Integrated Measurements feature on the EAGLE using these commands.

  • ent-ip-host – Configuring the IP host of the E5-MCAP.
  • chg-ip-card – Configuring the IP address of the E5-MCAP.
  • chg-ip-lnk – Configuring the IP link assigned to the E5-MCAP.
  • chg-measopts – Enabling the measurement collection option for the E5-MCAP card option.
  • enable-ctrl-feat – Enabling the Integrated Measurements feature.
  • chg-ctrl-feat – Turning the Integrated Measurements feature on.

Some of these commands contain parameters that are not used in this procedure. Commands User's Guide contains a full description of these commands.

The Integrated Measurements feature requires measurements FTP servers. A maximum of three measurements FTP servers can be configured with one of these procedures.

This procedure can be performed only on EAGLEs that contain E5-based control cards. Refer to Maintenance and Administration Subsystem for more information about the control cards.

The Integrated Measurements feature is enabled using the enable-ctrl-feat command with these parameters.

:fak – The feature access key provided by Oracle.

:partnum – The Oracle-issued part number of the Integrated Measurements feature, 893037301.

Once this feature is enabled, it is permanently enabled. This feature cannot be enabled with a temporary feature access key.

The enable-ctrl-feat command requires that the database contain a valid serial number for the EAGLE, and that this serial number is locked. This can be verified with the rtrv-serial-num command. The EAGLE is shipped with a serial number in the database, but the serial number is not locked. The serial number can be changed, if necessary, and locked once the EAGLE is on-site, with the ent-serial-num command. The ent-serial-num command uses these parameters.

:serial – The serial number assigned to the EAGLE. The serial number is not case sensitive.

:lock – Specifies whether or not the serial number is locked. This parameter has only one value, yes, which locks the serial number. Once the serial number is locked, it cannot be changed.


To enter and lock the EAGLE serial number, the ent-serial-num command must be entered twice, once to add the correct serial number to the database with the serial parameter, then again with the serial and the lock=yes parameters to lock the serial number. Verify that the serial number in the database is correct before locking the serial number. The serial number can be found on a label affixed to the control shelf (shelf 1100).

Once the Integrated Measurements feature has been enabled, the Integrated Measurements feature must be turned on with the chg-ctrl-feat command. The chg-ctrl-feat command uses these parameters:

:partnum – The Oracle-issued part number of the Integrated Measurements feature, 893037301.

:status=on – used to turn the Integrated Measurements feature on.

Once the Integrated Measurements feature has been turned on, it be cannot be turned off.

The status of the Integrated Measurements feature is shown with the rtrv-ctrl-feat command.

If a Class B IP address is specified for the ipaddr parameter of the chg-ip-lnk command, the subnet address that results from the ipaddr and submask parameter values cannot be the same as the subnet address that results from the pvn and pvnmask, fcna and fcnamask, or fcnb and fcnbmask parameter values of the chg-netopts command. The pvn and pvnmask, fcna and fcnamask, or fcnb and fcnbmask parameter values can be verified by entering the rtrv-netopts command. Choose ipaddr and submask parameter values for the IP address assigned to the E5-MCAP card whose resulting subnet address is not be the same as the subnet address that resulting from the pvn and pvnmask, fcna and fcnamask, or fcnb and fcnbmask parameter values of the chg-netopts command.

The Integrated Measurements feature supports the collection and reporting of all measurement entities for EAGLEs configured with a maximum of 2400 signaling links (or 1200 links if the 15-minute measurements feature is turned on) using the E5-MCAP cards instead of the MCPM. The enhanced reporting capabilities provided by the Integrated Measurements feature support the generation of text file measurements reports in the CSV format. The reports can be sent to a customer-provided FTP server on-demand or on a scheduled basis. EAGLEs with more than 2400/1200 signaling links require the Measurements Platform for full measurements support.

  1. Display the status of the controlled features by entering the rtrv-ctrl-feat command. The following is an example of the possible output.
    rlghncxa03w 10-04-28 21:15:37 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    The following features have been permanently enabled:
    Feature Name              Partnum    Status  Quantity
    Command Class Management  893005801  on      ----
    LNP Short Message Service 893006601  on      ----
    Intermed GTT Load Sharing 893006901  on      ----
    XGTT Table Expansion      893006101  on      400000
    XMAP Table Expansion      893007710  off     ----
    Large System # Links      893005910  on      2000
    Routesets                 893006401  on      6000
    HC-MIM SLK Capacity       893012707  on      64
    The following features have been temporarily enabled:
    Feature Name              Partnum    Status  Quantity     Trial Period Left
    Zero entries found.
    The following features have expired temporary keys:
    Feature Name              Partnum
    Zero entries found.

    If the Integrated Measurements feature is enabled and turned on, continue the procedure with 21.

    If the Integrated Measurements feature is enabled but not turned on, continue the procedure with 19.

    If the Integrated Measurements feature is not enabled, continue the procedure with 2.

  2. Display the control cards in the EAGLE by entering this command.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-04-01 16:07:48 GMT  EAGLE5 42.0.0
    Card  Part Number  Rev Serial Number  Type     DB     APPL     GPL Version
    ----  -----------  --- -------------  ----     --     ----     -----------
    1113  870-2903-01  C   10206255064    E5MCAP   4096M  OAMHC    132-018-000
    1115  870-2903-01  C   10206255165    E5MCAP   4096M  OAMHC    132-018-000
    Command Completed.

    To enable the Integrated Measurements feature, E5-MCAP cards must be installed in card locations 1113 and 1115. If E5-MCAP cards are not shown in either card location 1113 or 1115, install the E5-MCAP cards in card locations 1113 or 1115 as required. Contact the Customer Care Center before installing the E5-MCAP cards. Refer to the My Oracle Support (MOS) section for the contact information.

    After the E5-MCAP cards have been installed, or if E5-MCAP cards are shown in card locations 1113 and 1115 in the rtrv-stp output, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
    • If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows the HC-MIM SLK Capacity feature with a quantity of 64 and other features, continue the procedure with 7.
    • If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows only the HC-MIMSLK Capacity feature with a quantity of 64, continue the procedure with 3.
  3. Display the serial number in the database with the rtrv-serial-num command. This is an example of the possible output.
    rlghncxa03w 09-07-28 21:15:37 GMT EAGLE5 41.1.0
    System serial number = nt00001231
    System serial number is not locked.
    rlghncxa03w 09-07-28 21:15:37 GMT EAGLE5 41.1.0
    Command Completed


    If the serial number is not correct and not locked, continue the procedure with 4If the serial number is correct and locked, continue the procedure with 7. If the serial number is correct but not locked, continue the procedure with 6. If the serial number is not correct, but is locked, this feature cannot be enabled and the remainder of this procedure cannot be performed. Contact the Customer Care Center to get an incorrect and locked serial number changed. Refer to My Oracle Support (MOS) for the contact information. The serial number can be found on a label affixed to the control shelf (shelf 1100).
  4. Enter the correct serial number into the database using the ent-serial-num command with the serial parameter.

    For this example, enter this command.

    ent-serial-num:serial=<EAGLE’s correct serial number>

    When this command has successfully completed, the following message should appear.

    rlghncxa03w 10-04-28 21:15:37 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
  5. Verify that the serial number entered into 4 was entered correctly using the rtrv-serial-num command. This is an example of the possible output.
    rlghncxa03w 10-04-28 21:15:37 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    System serial number = nt00001231
    System serial number is not locked.
    rlghncxa03w 10-04-28 21:15:37 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    Command Completed

    If the serial number was not entered correctly, repeat 4 and 5 and re-enter the correct serial number.

  6. Lock the serial number in the database by entering the ent-serial-num command with the serial number shown in 3, if the serial number shown in 3 is correct, or with the serial number shown in 5, if the serial number was changed in 4, and with the lock=yes parameter.

    For this example, enter this command.

    ent-serial-num:serial=<EAGLE’s serial number>:lock=yes

    When this command has successfully completed, the following message should appear.

    rlghncxa03w 10-04-28 21:15:37 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0

    If the IP address for the E5-MCAP cards will be either a Class A or Class C IP address, continue the procedure with 8.

    If the IP address for either E5-MCAP card will be a Class B IP address, continue the procedure with 7.

  7. The subnet address that results from the ipaddr and submask parameter values of the chg-ip-lnk command cannot be the same as the subnet address that results from the pvn and pvnmask, fcna and fcnamask, or fcnb and fcnbmask parameter values of the chg-netopts command.

    Display the pvn, pvnmask, fcna, fcnamask, fcnb, and fcnbmask parameter values of the chg-netopts command by entering the rtrv-netoptscommand.

    If error message E3967 Cmd Rej: E5IS must be on is displayed after the rtrv-netopts command is executed, the pvn, pvnmask, fcna, fcnamask, fcnb, and fcnbmask parameters are not configured. Continue the procedure with 8.

    This is an example of the possible output if the E5IS feature is on.

    rlghncxa03w 10-04-28 21:17:37 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    PVN        =
    PVNMASK    =
    FCNA       =
    FCNAMASK   =
    FCNB       =
    FCNBMASK   =

    Choose ipaddr and submask parameter values for the IP link to the MCPM whose resulting subnet address is not be the same as the subnet address that resulting from the pvn and pvnmask, fcna and fcnamask, or fcnb and fcnbmask parameter values of the chg-netopts command. Continue the procedure with 8.

  8. Display the IP link information for both E5-MCAP cards by entering these commands.


    The following is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-04-01 21:20:37 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    1113  A    --------------- --------------- HALF   10    DIX     NO   NO
    1113  B    --------------- --------------- HALF   10    DIX     NO   NO


    The following is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-04-01 21:20:37 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    1115  A    --------------- --------------- HALF   10    DIX     NO   NO
    1115  B    --------------- --------------- HALF   10    DIX     NO   NO
  9. Assign an IP link to each E5-MCAP card by entering the chg-ip-lnk command for each E5-MCAP card with these parameters: loc, port=a, ipaddr, submask, speed=100, mcast=yes, duplex=full.

    For this example, enter these commands.

    chg-ip-lnk:loc=1113:port=a:ipaddr= :speed=100:mcast=yes:duplex=full

    chg-ip-lnk:loc=1115:port=a:ipaddr= :speed=100:mcast=yes:duplex=full

    When each of these commands have successfully completed, this message should appear.

    rlghncxa03w 10-04-01 21:20:37 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
  10. Display the changes for each E5-MCAP card by entering these commands.


    The following is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-04-01 21:20:37 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    1113  A  FULL   100   DIX     NO   YES
    1113  B    --------------- --------------- FULL   10    DIX     NO   NO


    The following is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-04-01 21:20:37 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    1115  A  FULL   100   DIX     NO   YES
    1115  B    --------------- --------------- FULL   10    DIX     NO   NO
  11. Display the current IP host information in the database by entering the rtrv-ip-host:display=all command.

    The following is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 07-13-13 09:12:36 GMT EAGLE5 45.0.0
    IP Host table is  (3 of 4096) <1% full
  12. Assign an IP host to each E5-MCAP card by using the ent-ip-host command.

    For this example, enter these commands.



    When each of these commands have successfully completed, the following message should appear.

    rlghncxa03w 10-04-01 21:18:37 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
  13. Display the changes for each E5-MCAP card by entering the rtrv-ip-host command with the host name specified in the 12.

    For this example, enter these commands.


    The following is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 07-13-13 09:12:36 GMT EAGLE5 45.0.0
    IP Host table is  (5 of 4096) <1% full


    The following is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 07-13-13 09:12:36 GMT EAGLE5 45.0.0
    IP Host table is  (5 of 4096) <1% full
  14. Display the IP card information associated with each E5-MCAP card by entering these commands.


    The following is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-04-01 09:12:36 GMT  EAGLE5 42.0.0
       LOC 1113
         DNSA      ---------------
         DNSB      ---------------
         DEFROUTER ---------------
         DOMAIN    ---------------
         SCTPCSUM  crc32c
         BPIPADDR  ---------------
         BPSUBMASK ---------------


    The following is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-04-01 09:12:36 GMT  EAGLE5 42.0.0
       LOC 1115
         DNSA      ---------------
         DNSB      ---------------
         DEFROUTER ---------------
         DOMAIN    ---------------
         SCTPCSUM  crc32c
         BPIPADDR  ---------------
         BPSUBMASK ---------------
  15. Assign a default router to each E5-MCAP card using the chg-ip-card command with these parameters: loc, srchordr=local, domain, and defrouter.

    For this example, enter these commands.



    When each of these commands have successfully completed, the following message should appear.

    rlghncxa03w 10-04-01 21:20:37 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
  16. Display the changes for each E5-MCAP card by entering these commands.


    The following is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-04-01 09:12:36 GMT  EAGLE5 42.0.0
       LOC 1113
         DNSA      ---------------
         DNSB      ---------------
         DOMAIN    nc.tekelec.com
         SCTPCSUM  crc32c
         BPIPADDR  ---------------
         BPSUBMASK ---------------


    The following is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-04-01 09:12:36 GMT  EAGLE5 42.0.0
       LOC 1115
         DNSA      ---------------
         DNSB      ---------------
         DOMAIN    nc.tekelec.com
         SCTPCSUM  crc32c
         BPIPADDR  ---------------
         BPSUBMASK ---------------
  17. Display the FTP Server configuration using the rtrv-ftp-serv command.
    rlghncxa03w 10-04-01 09:12:36 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    APP       IPADDR           LOGIN            PRIO
    --------  ---------------  ---------------  ----
    meas      ftpmeas3         3
       Path:  ~meas\local
    meas      ftpmeas2         2
       Path:  mp\measurements\backup\dat
    FTP SERV table is (2 of 10) 20% full

    The EAGLE allows a maximum of three measurements FTP servers (shown by the entry meas in the APP column of the rtrv-ftp-serv output). If there are less than three measurements FTP servers, perform the Adding an FTP Server procedure to add the required measurements FTP server. If there are three measurements FTP servers in the database, and you wish to change any of these measurements FTP servers, perform the Changing an FTP Server procedure.

  18. Enable the Integrated Measurements feature with the enable-ctrl-feat command specifying the part number for the Integrated Measurements feature and the feature access key. Enter this command.

    enable-ctrl-feat:partnum=893037301:fak=<Integrated Measurements feature access key>

    The Integrated Measurements feature cannot be enabled with a temporary feature access key.

    The value for the feature access key (the fak parameter) are provided by Oracle. If you do not have the feature access key for the Integrated Measurements feature, contact your Oracle Sales Representative or Account Representative.

    When the enable-crtl-feat command has successfully completed, this message should appear.

    rlghncxa03w 10-04-28 21:15:37 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
  19. Turn the Integrated Measurements feature on with the chg-ctrl-feat command specifying the part number for the Integrated Measurements feature and the status=on parameter. Enter this command.



    Once this feature is turned on, it cannot be turned off.

    When the chg-crtl-feat command has successfully completed, this message should appear.

    rlghncxa03w 10-04-28 21:15:37 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
  20. Verify the changes by entering the rtrv-ctrl-featcommand with the Integrated Measurements feature part number. Enter this command.


    The following is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-04-28 21:15:37 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    The following features have been permanently enabled:
    Feature Name              Partnum    Status  Quantity
    Integrated Measurements   893037301  on      ----
    The following features have been temporarily enabled:
    Feature Name              Partnum    Status  Quantity     Trial Period Left
    Zero entries found.
    The following features have expired temporary keys:
    Feature Name              Partnum
    Zero entries found.
  21. Verify whether or nor the Integrated Measurement collection option for the E5-MCAP card is turned on (OAMHCMEAS = on) using the rtrv-measopts command.
    rlghncxa03w 10-04-01 16:02:05 GMT  EAGLE5 42.0.0
    OAMHCMEAS        = off


    The rtrv-measopts command output contains other fields that are not used by this procedure. If you wish to see all the fields displayed by the rtrv-measopts command, see the rtrv-measopts command description in Commands User's Guide.

    If the OAMHCMEAS value is on, continue the procedure with 24.

    If the OAMHCMEAS value is on, continue the procedure with 22.

  22. Turn on the Integrated Measurement collection option for the E5-MCAP card by entering this command.


    Once this option is turned on, it cannot be turned off.

    If more than 700 signaling links are provisioned, the scheduled UI measurement reports are disabled. The number of signaling links that are provisioned is shown in the rtrv-slk or rtrv-tbl-capacity outputs.

    If the PLATFORMENABLE option is set to on before this command is executed, these actions occur after the command is executed.
    • All of the historical measurements data on the MCPM is transferred to the E5-MCAP card. The data transfer provides continuity of data within the Measurements Subsystem and takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. UIM 1170 is displayed when the transfer has completed.

      The status of the transfer is shown in the AST field of the rept-stat-card output for the active E5-MCAP card. The value in the AST field shows a value that represents the percentage of the measurements data that has been transferred. When the value in the AST field is 100%, the data transfer is complete.


      The transition of MEAS from the OAM to the MCPM and the other way around may disrupt the MEAS collection process during the transition period. It is possible to observe incorrect measurement reports during measurement cycles covering the transition period.
    • The PLATFORMENABLE option will be set to off.

    When the chg-measopts command has successfully completed, this message should appear.

    rlghncxa03w 10-04-01 00:22:57 GMT  EAGLE5 42.0.0
  23. Verify the changes by entering the rtrv-measopts command.
    rlghncxa03w 10-04-01 16:02:05 GMT  EAGLE5 42.0.0
    OAMHCMEAS        = on


    The rtrv-measopts command output contains other fields that are not used by this procedure. If you wish to see all the fields displayed by the rtrv-measopts command, see the rtrv-measopts command description in Commands User's Guide.
  24. Verify that measurement collection is on or off using the rtrv-meas-sched command.

    This is an example of the possible output. The COLLECT field shows whether measurement collection is on or off.

    rlghncxa03w 10-04-01 12:22:55 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0 
    COLLECT        =  off


    The rtrv-meas-sched command output contains other fields that are not used in this procedure. Refer to the rtrv-meas-sched command description in Commands User's Guide to see these fields.
    • If measurement collection is off, continue the procedure with 25.
    • If measurement collection is on, continue this procedure with 27.
  25. Turn measurement collection on by entering this command.


    When this command has successfully completed, this message should appear.

    rlghncxa03w 10-04-01 00:22:57 GMT  EAGLE5 42.0.0
  26. Verify the changes by entering the rtrv-meas-sched command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-04-01 12:22:55 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0 
    COLLECT        =  on


    The rtrv-meas-sched command output contains other fields that are not used in this procedure. Refer to the rtrv-meas-sched command description in Commands User's Guide to see these fields.
  27. Back up the new changes using the chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed command.

    These messages should appear, the active Maintenance and Administration Subsystem Processor (MASP) appears first.

    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on active MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on active MASP to fixed disk complete.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on standby MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on standby MASP to fixed disk complete.

Figure 4-34 Configuring the Integrated Measurements Feature

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