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Oracle® Communications EAGLE Database Administration - System Management User's Guide
Release 46.6
E93319 Revision 1
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Copying the Database from the Active to the Standby Fixed Disk

This procedure copies everything on the active fixed disk to the standby fixed disk using the copy-disk command. Figure 2-10 shows the action of the copy-disk command.

Figure 2-10 Action of the Copy Disk Procedure

The copy-disk command uses these parameters.

:sloc – the card location of the active fixed disk

:dloc – the card location of the standby fixed disk

:force – does the standby fixed disk contain system data? This parameter provides some protection against data loss from copying over a fixed disk containing system data. If the standby fixed disk contains system data, you must specify the force=yes parameter. The default value for this parameter is no.

:format – is the standby fixed disk to be formatted before the data from the active fixed disk is copied to the standby fixed disk? The default value for this parameter is yes, the standby fixed disk will be formatted before copying.

Specify the format=no parameter with the copy-disk command to copy to the standby fixed disk without formatting the standby fixed disk. The standby fixed disk must be properly formatted to specify the format=no parameter. If the standby fixed disk is not properly formatted and the format=no parameter is specified, the copy-disk command will be rejected with this message.

E2819 Cmd Rej: Destination disk is unformatted


The performance time required to copy a fixed disk to another fixed disk varies depending on database size and system activity. This operation should typically take no longer than 2.5 hours. If you are not performing the low-level format (format=no), the operation should take no longer than 1 hour. If the copy-disk operation exceeds 3 hours, contact My Oracle Support for assistance. Refer to My Oracle Support (MOS) for the contact information. If the copy-disk operation without the low-level format exceeds 1.5 hours, contact My Oracle Support.

The databases in the current (FD CRNT) and the backup (FD BKUP) partitions of the active MASP must be coherent. For more information on verifying the database, refer to the Verifying the Database section. Measurements must be inhibited.

The standby fixed disk cannot be formatted if the security log on the standby fixed disk contains any entries that have not been copied to the FTA area of the fixed disk. This can be verified with the rept-stat-seculog command. If the security log on the standby fixed disk contains entries that have not been copied to the file transfer area of the fixed disk, copy these entries to the file transfer area using the copy-seculog command.

The copy-disk command can be executed if the status of the security log on the standby fixed disk cannot be determined. This allows the copy-disk command to format and initialize a previously un-initialized fixed disk. An un-initialized fixed disk does not contain a security log.


To prevent any potential database corruption when performing this procedure, the SEAS terminals must be placed out of service with the rmv-trm command before executing the copy-disk command.
  1. Verify that the databases in the current (FDCRNT) and the backup (FDBKUP) partitions of the active MASP are coherent using the rept-stat-dbcommand.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 16:07:48 GMT  EAGLE5 36.0.0
            E5TDM 1114 ( STDBY)                 E5TDM 1116 ( ACTV )
             - -------- ---------------------  - -------- ---------------------
    FD BKUP  Y       75 04-06-01 13:11:43 GMT  Y       95 04-06-01 13:11:43 GMT
    FD CRNT  N       55 DIFF LEVEL             Y      105     
             E5MDAL 1117
             - --------
    RD BKUP  -    -         -        -

    If E5-based control cards are installed in the EAGLE, this is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-03-01 16:07:48 GMT  EAGLE5 40.1.0
            E5TDM 1114 ( STDBY )                 E5TDM 1116 ( ACTV )
             - -------- ---------------------  - -------- ---------------------
    FD BKUP  Y       75 09-02-19 10:19:18 GMT  Y       95 09-02-19 10:19:18 GMT
    FD CRNT  N       55 DIFF LEVEL             Y      105
            E5MCAP 1113                         E5MCAP 1115
            - --------                        - --------
    RD BKUP -    -         -        -         -    -         -        -
    USB BKP -    -         -        -         -    -         -        -
  2. Verify whether or nor the Measurements Platform option is enabled (PLATFORMENABLE = on) using the rtrv-measopts command.
    rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 16:02:05 GMT  EAGLE5 36.0.0
    COLLECT15MIN     = off
    CLLIBASEDNAME    = off
    SYSTOTSTP        = off
    SYSTOTTT         = off


    The rtrv-measopts command output contains other fields that are not used by this procedure. If you wish to see all the fields displayed by the rtrv-measopts command, see the rtrv-measopts command description in Commands User's Guide.
    • If the Measurements Platform is enabled, continue the procedure with 5.
    • If the Measurements Platform is not enabled, continue the procedure with 3.
  3. Verify that measurement collection is on or off using the rtrv-meas-sched command.

    This is an example of the possible output. The COLLECT field shows whether measurement collection is on or off. In this example, measurement collection is on.

    rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 12:22:55 GMT EAGLE5 36.0.0 
    COLLECT        =  on
    GTWYLSFLTR     =  both
    SYSTOT-STP     =  off
    SYSTOT-TT      =  off
    SYSTOT-STPLAN  =  on
    COMP-LNKSET    =  off
    COMP-LINK      =  on
    GTWY-STP       =  on
    GTWY-LNKSET    =  on
    MTCD-STP       =  on
    MTCD-LINK      =  on
    MTCD-STPLAN    =  on
    MTCD-LNKSET    =  on
    • If measurement collection is off, continue the procedure with 5.
    • If measurement collection is on, continue the procedure with 4.
  4. Inhibit all measurements using the chg-meas:collect=off command.


    Measurement collection must be turned off or the copy-disk command cannot be executed. The chg-meas:collect=on command should not be executed while the copy-disk command is in progress. If possible, do not turn off measurement collection at midnight since doing so can cause the loss of an entire day of measurements. For the period of time that measurement collection is turned off, those measurements will be lost.

    This message should appear.

    rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 16:12:50 GMT  EAGLE5 36.0.0
  5. Verify that the security log on the standby MASP contains no entries that must be copied to the FTA area of the fixed disk with the rept-stat-seculog command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 15:59:06 GMT EAGLE5 36.0.0
                 -- SINCE LAST UPLOAD --  OLDEST   NEWEST   LAST
    1114 Active  8312    84    No   No    03-12-05 04-06-01 04-05-30
                                          11:23:56 15:59:06 14:02:22 
    1116 Standby 693     7     No   No    03-12-05 04-06-01 04-05-30
                                          11:24:12 14:00:06 14:02:13

    If the number shown in the ENTRIES field for the standby MASP (shown with the entry Standby in the ROLE field) is 0, continue the procedure with 7.

    If the number shown in the ENTRIES field for the standby MASP is greater than 0, these entries must be copied to the FTA area of the fixed disk. To copy these entries, continue the procedure with 6.

  6. Copy the security log entries on the standby MASP to the FTA area on the fixed disk with the copy-seculog command.

    For this example, enter the copy-seculog:slog=stb command. This is an example of the message that should appear.

    rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 15:59:06 GMT EAGLE5 36.0.0
    Security log on E5TDM 1116 copied to file 961004s.log on E5TDM 1114
  7. Display the terminal configuration in the database with the rtrv-trm command.

    The SEAS terminals are shown in the output with the entry SEAS in the TYPE field. This is an example of the possible output. In this example, the SEAS terminals are terminals 18 and 27. If no SEAS terminals are shown in the rtrv-trm command output, continue the procedure with 10.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-01 16:02:08 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    1    VT320    9600-7-E-1  SW    30    5     99:59:59
    2    KSR      9600-7-E-1  HW    30    5     INDEF
    3    PRINTER  4800-7-E-1  HW    30    0     00:00:00
    4    VT320    2400-7-E-1  BOTH  30    5     00:30:00
    5    VT320    9600-7-O-1  NONE  30    5     00:00:30
    6    VT320    9600-7-O-1  NONE  30    5     00:00:30
    7    PRINTER  9600-7-N-2  HW    30    5     00:30:00
    8    KSR     19200-7-E-2  BOTH  30    5     00:30:00
    9    VT320    9600-7-O-1  NONE  30    5     00:00:30
    10   VT320    9600-7-E-1  HW    30    5     00:30:00
    11   VT320    4800-7-E-1  HW    30    5     00:30:00
    12   PRINTER  9600-7-E-1  HW    30    4     00:30:00
    13   VT320    9600-7-O-1  NONE  30    5     00:30:00
    14   VT320    9600-7-E-2  SW    30    8     00:30:00
    15   VT320    9600-7-N-2  HW    30    5     00:30:00
    16   VT320    9600-7-E-2  BOTH  30    3     00:30:00
    TRM  TYPE      LOC              TMOUT MXINV DURAL      SECURE
    17   TELNET    1201             60    5     00:30:00   yes
    18   SEAS      1201             60    5     00:30:00   yes
    19   TELNET    1201             60    5     00:30:00   yes
    20   TELNET    1201             60    5     00:30:00   yes
    21   TELNET    1201             60    5     00:30:00   yes
    22   TELNET    1201             60    5     00:30:00   yes
    23   TELNET    1201             60    5     00:30:00   yes
    24   TELNET    1201             60    5     00:30:00   yes
    25   TELNET    1203             60    5     00:30:00   yes
    26   TELNET    1203             60    5     00:30:00   yes
    27   SEAS      1203             60    5     00:30:00   yes
    28   TELNET    1203             60    5     00:30:00   yes
    29   TELNET    1203             60    5     00:30:00   yes
    30   TELNET    1203             60    5     00:30:00   yes
    31   TELNET    1203             60    5     00:30:00   yes
    32   TELNET    1203             60    5     00:30:00   yes
    33   TELNET    1205             60    5     00:30:00   yes
    34   TELNET    1205             60    5     00:30:00   yes
    35   TELNET    1205             60    5     00:30:00   yes
    36   TELNET    1205             60    5     00:30:00   yes
    37   TELNET    1205             60    5     00:30:00   yes
    38   TELNET    1205             60    5     00:30:00   yes
    39   TELNET    1205             60    5     00:30:00   yes
    40   TELNET    1205             60    5     00:30:00   yes


    The rtrv-trm command output contains other fields that are not used by this procedure. If you wish to see all the fields displayed by the rtrv-trm command, see the rtrv-trm command description in Commands User's Guide.

    If SEAS terminals are not shown in the rtrv-trm output, continue the procedure with 10.

    If SEAS terminals are shown in the rtrv-trm output, continue the procedure with 8.

  8. Display the status of the SEAS terminals with the rept-stat-trm command with the terminal number of the SEAS terminals.

    For this example, enter these commands.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 15:08:45 GMT EAGLE5 36.0.0
    TRM   PST           SST           AST
    18    IS-NR         Active        -----
    Command Completed.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 15:08:45 GMT EAGLE5 36.0.0
    TRM   PST           SST           AST
    27    IS-NR         Active        -----
    Command Completed.
  9. Place the SEAS terminals out of service using the rmv-trm command with the number of the terminal displayed in 8 whose state is not OOS-MT-DSBLD.

    The force=yes parameter must be used when placing the last SEAS terminal out of service.

    For this example, enter these commands.



    If the status of the SEAS terminals shown in the PST field in 8 is OOS-MT-DSBLD (out-of-service maintenance disabled), the terminal is already out of service and the rmv-trm command does not need to be executed for that terminal.

    This message should appear when each of these commands have successfully completed.

    rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 15:08:45 GMT EAGLE5 36.0.0
    Inhibit message sent to terminal
    rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 15:08:45 GMT EAGLE5 36.0.0
    Command Completed.
  10. Enter the copy-disk command along with the card location of the standby E5-TDM (shown by the indicator STDBY in the rept-stat-db command output in 1) that the data is being copied to.

    If the standby fixed disk contains system data, the force=yes parameter must be specified with the copy-disk command. If you do not wish to format the standby fixed disk before copying, specify the format=no parameter with the copy-disk command.

    For this example, enter this command.


    In this example, the standby fixed disk contains EAGLE data and will be formatted before any data is copied to the standby fixed disk.


    The performance time required to copy a fixed disk to another fixed disk varies depending on database size and system activity. This operation should typically take no longer than 2.5 hours. If you are not performing the low-level format (format=no), the operation should take no longer than 1 hour. If the copy-disk operation exceeds 3 hours, contact My Oracle Support for assistance. Refer to My Oracle Support (MOS) for the contact information. If the copy-disk operation without the low-level format exceeds 1.5 hours, contact My Oracle Support.


    Failure of the copy-disk command may result in corrupted E5-TDMs. If you experience a copy-disk command failure, contact the My Oracle Support for assistance. Refer to My Oracle Support (MOS) for the contact information.

    When the command has been executed and completed, these messages should appear.

        rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 10:22:05 GMT EAGLE5 36.0.0
        Command entered at terminal #3.
        rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 10:22:06 GMT EAGLE5 36.0.0
        Copy-disk (fixed): from active (1116) to standby (1114) started.
        Extended processing required, please wait.
        rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 10:22:08 GMT EAGLE5 36.0.0
        Copy-disk (fixed): format of standby disk started
        rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 10:27:08 GMT EAGLE5 36.0.0
        Copy-disk (fixed): format in progress
        rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 10:32:08 GMT EAGLE5 36.0.0
        Copy-disk (fixed): format in progress
        rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 11:07:05 GMT EAGLE5 36.0.0
        Copy-disk (fixed): format of standby disk completed
        rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 11:07:06 GMT EAGLE5 36.0.0
        Copy-disk (fixed): copying to standby disk started
        rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 11:12:06 GMT EAGLE5 36.0.0
        Copy-disk (fixed): copy in progress
        rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 11:27:10 GMT EAGLE5 36.0.0
        Copy-disk (fixed): from active (1116) to standby (1114) completed.
        Measurements collection may be turned on now if desired.

    If the format=no parameter was specified in this example, these messages should appear when the copy-disk command has successfully completed.


        rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 10:22:06 GMT EAGLE5 36.0.0
        Copy-disk (fixed): from active (1116) to standby (1114) started.
        Extended processing required, please wait.
        rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 11:07:08 GMT EAGLE5 36.0.0
        Copy-disk (fixed): copying to standby disk started
        rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 11:12:06 GMT EAGLE5 36.0.0
        Copy-disk (fixed): copy in progress
        rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 11:17:06 GMT EAGLE5 36.0.0
        Copy-disk (fixed): copy in progress
        rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 11:22:06 GMT EAGLE5 36.0.0
        Copy-disk (fixed): copy in progress
        rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 11:27:08 GMT EAGLE5 36.0.0
        Copy-disk (fixed): from active (1116) to standby (1114) completed.
        Measurements collection may be turned on now if desired.

    The standby MASP is rebooted to load the data when the command completes successfully.


    While this command is executing, commands that affect the database configuration cannot be executed. Any attempt to execute such a command will be rejected.
    • If measurement collection was turned off in 4, continue the procedure with 11.
    • If measurement collection was not turned off in 4, continue the procedure with 12.
  11. Turn measurement collection on using the chg-meas:collect=on command.

    This message should appear.

    rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 16:12:50 GMT  EAGLE5 36.0.0
  12. Verify that the databases of both MASPs are coherent using the rept-stat-db command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 16:07:48 GMT  EAGLE5 36.0.0
            E5TDM 1114 ( STDBY)                 E5TDM 1116 ( ACTV )
             - -------- ---------------------  - -------- ---------------------
    FD BKUP  Y       95 04-06-01 05:53:36 GMT  Y       95 04-06-01 05:53:36 GMT
    FD CRNT  Y      105                        Y      105     
             E5MDAL 1117
             - --------
    RD BKUP  -    -         -        -

    If E5-based control cards are installed in the EAGLE, this is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-03-01 16:07:48 GMT  EAGLE5 40.1.0
            E5TDM 1114 ( STDBY )                 E5TDM 1116 ( ACTV )
             - -------- ---------------------  - -------- ---------------------
    FD BKUP Y        95 09-02-19 10:19:18 GMT  Y       95 09-02-19 10:19:18 GMT
    FD CRNT Y       105                        Y      105
            E5MCAP 1113                         E5MCAP 1115
            - --------                        - --------
    RD BKUP -    -         -        -         -    -         -        -
    USB BKP -    -         -        -         -    -         -        -

    If SEAS terminals are shown in the rtrv-trm command output in 7, continue the procedure with 13. Otherwise this procedure is completed.

  13. Put the SEAS terminals back into service using the rst-trm command with the number of the terminals specified in 9.

    For this example, enter these commands.



    This message should appear when each command has successfully completed.

    rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 15:08:45 GMT EAGLE5 36.0.0
    Allow message sent to terminal
    rlghncxa03w 06-10-01 15:08:45 GMT EAGLE5 36.0.0
    Command Completed.

Figure 2-11 Copying the Database from the Active to the Standby Fixed Disk

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