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Generating Units Sold by Period Reports (Period Menu Mix)

This procedure generates two reports, the Stand Units as % of Total Units Report and the Item Totals Units and Net Per Cap Report. The Stand Units as % of Total Units Report shows units sold for each item separated by inventory location for the period that you select. This report also shows the percentage of units sold relative to the total number of units sold for each inventory item. The Item Totals Units and Net Per Cap Report shows the combined total of units sold and the net per cap for each inventory item for the period that you select.

Figure 1-155 Generating the Units Sold by Period Report (Period Menu Mix)

This figure displays the Period Menu Mix – Stand Units as % of Total Units – Dates/Item window
  1. On the toolbar, click Period Reports, click Stand/Location Reports, and then click Stand Units as % Total Units By Date/Time.
  2. Use the From and To fields to select the event date range, select the Output destination, and then click Print.

    To generate the reports for a single day, select the same date in the From and To fields.