Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking

User Guides


This page contains the user guides for various modules of Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking.

Getting Started

Explains the login in procedure to Oracle Flexcube, provides information on the keyboard compatbility, and explains the common operations that can be performed while using different modules.
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This manual is designed to help you quickly get acquainted with the Common Core - Automated End of Day module of Oracle FLEXCUBE.
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This manual is designed to help you quickly get acquainted with the Common Core - Core Entities and Services module of Oracle FLEXCUBE.
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This manual is designed to help acquaint you with the Common Core - Messaging System module of Oracle FLEXCUBE.
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This manual is designed to help acquaint you with the Common Core - Gateway module of Oracle FLEXCUBE.
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This Manual is designed to help you to quickly get familiar with the Common Core - Security Management System (SMS) module of Oracle FLEXCUBE.
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Explains the features of Common Core Scheduler module, including, steps involved in setting up and maintaining the module, query features and reports.
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Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Base

Explains how to define and automatically trigger everyday routine tasks in the system during beginning of day, end of cycle, and end of day operations.
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Explains customer creation, 360 degree view of customer information, FATCA and FATCA customers, customer reports generation, and the mandatory maintenances required to enable all these features.
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Explains the standard maintenances required for using Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking system.
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Explains how to set up a teller product and perform various teller operations using Data Entry module.
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Explains how to set up Chart of Account, reporting Line structure, alternate reporting structure, transfer GL balances, and integrate with an external GL system.
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Explains the procedure to maintain System Data Elements, User Data Elements, Interest and Charges product and build formula to apply and process Interest and charges on all balance type accounts of the bank.
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Explains how to maintain MIS Class, MIS Cost, MIS Group, MIS Head, and Pool Codes. It also explains the procedure to make MIS adjustments to a Pool code and lists reports defined in the module.
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Explains how to maintain media types, media control systems and advice formats for handling incoming and outgoing messages.
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Explains the generation of reports for different modules and maintenance of reports for a particular branch.
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Explains definition and maintenance of security features in Oracle FLEXCUBE such as creating user access roles, clearing user profiles, changing system time level, viewing user activity status, and so on.
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Explains how salaries are processed and the basic information that has to be maintained for processing salaries.
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Explains general maintenance and product set up for using intermediary services that act as a middleware between the bank and the customer. It also explains the commission payment and charge collection for every intermediary transactions.
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Explains the usage of Isalmic Profit module of Oracle FLEXCUBE. It explains the process to maintain System Data Elements, User Data Elements, Profit and Charges product and build formula to apply and process profit and charges on all balance type accounts of the bank.
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Explains setting up of users as Relationship Managers (RM) of the bank, defining RM hierarchy, and changing RMs for customers in bulk.
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Explains the required maintenance to create and process Outward Retail Bills Contract, Inward Retail Bills Contract, Cash Letter, and Overseas Cheques.
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Local Limits Usage
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Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Base - Sub Systems

Explains setting up of broker details, defining brokerage rules, and processing brokerage on a contract.
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Explains the procedure to set up Charge or Fee collection details for a product by defining Charge classes and building Charge rules.
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Explains the process to create both manadatory and optional classes like Interest Class, Charge Class, Events Class etc that are required for processing transactions in Oracle FLEXCUBE.
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Explains the procedure to maintain, calculate, and process all types of commissions that your bank wants to collect from customers.
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Explains the procedure to process interest in Oracle FLEXCUBE by creating interest rules, linking rules to a product and applying them to a contract.
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Explains how to liquidate and maintain components of a contract. The manual also covers details about the batches, reports and module wise suggested messages that can be generated in the module.
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Explains the procedure for setting up margin maintenance, margin products and processing margin transcations for your bank or your portfolio customers.
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Explains the concept of 'Product' in Oracle FLEXCUBE and the procisedure to create a product and associate various components like charges, fees, tax etc to it for carrying out various transactions.
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Explains the process of netting payments across modules and handling money settlements in Oracle FLEXCUBE
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Explains how to maintain and process taxes on the contracts you process in Oracle FLEXCUBE.
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Explains how to define Events for various stages of a contract lifecycle in Oracle FLEXCUBE.
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Explains how to create custom fields and associate them to specific products and functions to suit the requirements of your bank.
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Current Accounts and Savings Accounts

Explains how to create and work with current and savings account. It also explains how to maintain cheque details, amount blocks, and stop payment instructions given by the customer.
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Explains how to view the current and projected nostro account balances based on expected future transactions.
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Explains how to maintain customer and account signatories for accounts. It also explains how to scan and retrieve customer signatures for on-line and off-line verification.
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Explains how to create Islamic customer accounts, isalmic term deposits, and capture risk associated with every investment to calculate profit distribution on a Mudarabah fund.
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ATM Interface

Explains the interface between Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking and the Switch software system used in your bank. You can find details on maintenances required for the functioning of this interface, the interface workflow, validations, and processing of the interface.
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Explains the transaction processing workflow, the common operations that can be performed while processing transactions and the process to replicate host data in the branch. It explains the maintenance of basic information and passbook details for the Saving Module. Explains the types of Cash Transactions, Instrument Transactions, General Ledger Transactions, Time Deposit Transactions, Credit Card Payments, Value Operations, Balancing Operations, and branch deployment options that can be performed in this module. It also details the batch operations and reports defined in the module.
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Explains the maintenance of basic information in the clearing module, creation and maintenance of a clearing product and accounts, rate and charge details of a clearing product. Explains the maintenance of settlement transactions, resolving customer credits for cheque clearance and charges on dishonored cheques, and querying clearing information. It details the reports defined in the module, information regarding order of replacement of parameters with wild card entries, and information regarding different currency combinations used for rate code and rate type pickup.
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Explains the procedure to set up accounting details for retail teller products and set up retail teller products for specific services of the bank. It also details the reports defined in the module, the inbuilt retail teller products, and types advices and notices generated at each stage.
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Explains the procedure to set up products for utility payments, set up account details and charges for a utility product and process utility payment transactions for a customer issued against a bill.
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Explains the basic details and attributes to be maintained for the collections product. Explains the processing of collections contract and details the reports, batches, and the accounting entries and defined in the module.
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Commercial Leasing

Explains the maintenance of basic information in the module, defining a leasing product, creating an account, making manual disbursements, maintenance and amendment of leasing payments. It also details the batch processes and accounting entries defined in the module.
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Consumer Leasing

Explains the maintenance of basic information in the module, defining a leasing product, creating an account, making manual disbursements, maintenance and amendment of leasing payments. It also details the batch processes and accounting entries defined in the module.
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Explains the procedure to set up the Islamic Fixed Assets product, processing activities and maintenance activities required for Islamic Fixed Assets. It also details the accounting entries and events defined in the module.
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Exchange Traded Derivatives for Commodities Futures and Options

Explains the procedure to define underlying assets, instrument products, ET instruments, portfolios and products, and deal products. Explains the maintenance of instruments prices, commodity price, price codes, broker accounts, and broker schemes. Explains the processing of batches and exchange traded deals. It also details the event wise accounting entries and advice tags defined in the module.
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Exchange Traded Derivatives for Equity and Index Futures and Options

Explains the procedure to define underlying assets, instrument products, ET instruments, portfolios and products, and deal products. Explains the maintenance of instruments prices, commodity price, price codes, broker accounts, and broker schemes. Explains the processing of batches and exchange traded deals. It also details the event wise accounting entries and advice tags defined in the module.
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Expense Processing

Explains the creation, processing, and maintenances required for a Expense Product. It details the reports and accounting entries and advices defined in this module.
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Foreign Exchange

Explains maintenance of basic information, defining attributes specific to FX products, maintenance of BOD operations, processing of contracts, and processing of continuous linked settlements. It also details the reports, FX advices, FX messages, and Accounting entries and Advices defined in the module.
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Interactive Voice Response Interface

Explains the interface between Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking and the Switch software system used in your bank. You can find details on maintenances required for the functioning of this interface, the interface workflow, validations, and processing of the interface.
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Letters of Credit

Explains the maintenance of basic information in the module, definition of basic attributes of the LC product, processing of an LC contract, recording availment under an LC, amending details of an LC, transferring LC, liquidating the component of an LC and credit limit tracking of an LC. It also details the batch processes, reports and suugested accounting entries, event advices, system data elements, and SWIFT Category 7 messages supported by the module.
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Explains the maintenance of basic information in the module, definition of basic attributes of the Islamic LC product, processing of an Islamic LC contract, recording availment under an Islamic LC, amending details of an Islamic LC, transferring Islamic LC, liquidating the component of an Islamic LC and credit limit tracking of an Islamic LC. It also details the batch processes, reports, suggested accounting entries, events, and advices defined in the module.
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Money Markets

Explains the procedure to set up attributes for a money market product. Explains the processing of money market deals, repayments, value date changes to a money market deal, roll over a deal, and automatic updation of contracts. It also details reports, advices, messages defined in the module and the suggested accounting entries generated during the lifecycle of the module.
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Explains the procedure to define the attributes of the product, process a Murabaha money market deal, process and liquidate repayments, make profit rate changes, and roll over a deal. It also details batch processing function, customer messages and advices, accounting entries and advices, and reports defined in the module.
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Explains the maintenance of an account for disbursing mortgage. Explains the setting up of attributes specific to a mortgage product, creation of customer accounts, capturing of additional details, branch transfer of mortgages, manual mortgage disbursements, and other operational details that can affect a mortgage. It also details reports and batch operations defined in the module and the types of accounting entries generated at each stage.
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Nostro Reconciliation

Explains the procedure to define standard rules for matching nostro entries, reconciliation class, and external accounts. It also explains the procedure to manually update and upload external statements and matching internal nostro entries with external statements.
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Payments and Collections

Explains the reference information to be maintained and the product attributes to be set up in the module. Explains the processing of the PC module and the operations involved in it and details the charges applicable for the PC module and the workflow of outgoing payments. It lists the accounting entries and reports for this module.
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Point of Sale Interface

Explains the interface between Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking and the Switch software system used in your bank. You can find details on maintenances required for the functioning of this interface, the interface workflow, validations, and processing of the interface.
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Relationship Pricing

Explains the maintenances required to provide services to customers based on the business that the customer conducts or could potentially conduct.
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Safe Deposit Box

Explains the maintenance of basic information in the module, defining the attributes of the DL product and processing of various operations/transactions in the product. It details the events, accounting entries, and advices supported by the module.
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Explains the Interactions, Alerts, Spend Analysis, Conversations, Reminders, and Instruction functions defined in Oracle Flexcube.
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Reference Documents

Explains the various steps, components, tasks and requirements to implement Oracle FLEXCUBE.
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Explains the maintenance of Bulletin Boards that posts all the messages pertaining to the business between the bank and its customers
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Provides detailed information on the dashboard facility mapped to each user role and the organization of dashboards.
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Lists all the available keyboard shortcuts.
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Asset Management

Explains the procedure to create a fund product preference class, define attributes of a fund product, set up a fund, define charges on a fund, and subscribe to different funds. It also details on the corporate actions that can be performed on a fund, the events, accounting entries
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Bills and Collection

Explains the maintenance of basic information such as goods, documents, instructions, free format text, and clause codes. Explains the procedure to define attributes of the product, process bills, define discount accrual fee, and register a collection bill. It also details the batch processes, accounting entries, error codes, error messages, SWIFT messages, and Free Format Texts messages supported by the module.
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Explains the maintenance of basic information such as goods, documents, instructions, free format text, and clause codes. Explains the procedure to define defining attributes for the product, process Islamic bills, liquidate receivable components of an Islamic bill, define discount accrual fee, and register Islamic collection. It also details the batch functions, reports, free format texts, suggested accounting entries, error codes, and error messages defined in the module.
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Explains the basic information to be maintained in the module. It explains the procedure to set up a Microfinance product, create a microfinance loan account, and the processing of manual disbursements. Explains the various operations that can be performed including the bulk operations on microfinance accounts and details the reports, batch operations and accounting entries defined in the module.
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Cash Management

Explains the basic information to be maintained in the module. Explains the procedure to set up a retail lending product and account, transfer of a loan account between branches, and manually disbursing loans. It also details the reports, batch processes and accounting entries defined in the module.
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Explains the maintenance of parameters for the Islamic Integrated Liquidity Management process. It also details the batch functions, reports, accounting entries, and setting up of IP rules in the module.
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Corporate Deposits

Explains the procedure to define attributes of the deposit product, capture details of a deposit, process repayments, rollover deposits, and make value dated changes in the deposits. It explains the events in the lifecycle of a deposit and the procedure to input deposit as a multiple of specific units of a particular currency. It also details the accounting entries and advices, customer messages and advices, and reports defined in the module.
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Commercial Loans

Explains the maintenance and operations to disburse a loan. Explains the procedure to define the product, create an account, transfer loans between branches, make manual disbursements, and operations that can be performed on loan payments. It also defines the batch processes, accounting entries, and reports defined in the module.
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Explains the capturing of attributes, processing, and maintenances required for the securitization of loans. It details the reports, batch processes and accounting entries and advices defined in this module.
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Explains the creation and maintenance of finance products and finance accounts and details the types of islamic finances supported by Oracle FLEXCUBE. Explains the procedure to transfer finance from one branch to the other, make manual disbursements, set up and define Islamic transactions, and process Vendor payments. It also details the reports, batch processes, and accounting entries defined in the module.
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Explains the maintenance of basic information in the module, definition of basic attributes of the securitization product, and processing of an Islamic Securitization Contract. It also details the online batch processes, reports and suugested accounting entries and advices defined in the system.
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Electronic Messaging Service

Explains about the EMS (Electronic Messaging Service) interface between external systems and Oracle FLEXCUBE and the maintenance of customer transactions through this service.
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Exchange Traded Derivatives for Currency Futures and Options

Explains the procedure to define underlying assets, instrument products, ET instruments, portfolios and products, and deal products. Explains the maintenance of instruments prices, commodity price, price codes, broker accounts, and broker schemes. Explains the processing of batches and exchange traded deals. It also details the event wise accounting entries and advice tags defined in the module.
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Exchange Traded Derivatives for Interest Rate Futures and Options

Explains the procedure to define underlying assets, instrument products, ET instruments, portfolios and products, and deal products. Explains the maintenance of instruments prices, commodity price, price codes, broker accounts, and broker schemes. Explains the processing of batches and exchange traded deals. It also details the event wise accounting entries and advice tags defined in the module.
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Fixed Assets

Explains the procedure to set up the Fixed Assets product, processing activities and maintenance activities required for Fixed Assets. It also details the accounting entries and events defined in the module.
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Funds Transfer

Explains the creation, maintenance and processing of an FT product. Explains the processing, maintenance, of the Straight Through Processing (STP) function and the processing of the Non SWIFT Incoming payment messages. It also details the batch processes and the batch upload function, the accounting entries and advices defined in the module and derivation logic of debit and credit accounts for the STP process.
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Inventory Management

Explains the basic information to be maintained in the module and process workflow in the module. It also details the various operations, interfaces, gateways and reports defined in the module.
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Loan Syndication

Explains the maintenance of reference information in the module, defining the LS product, processing repayment schedules of loans, processing charges and fees, Rolling over a drawdown loan, and making additional disbursements and rate changes that affect a loan. It also details the events, advices, accounting entries, reports, SWIFT messages, and customer correspondence advices defined in the module.
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Explains the procedure to maintain syndication funds and various operations that can be performed on these funds. It also details the batch processes, reports, events and accounting roles defined in the module.
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Over the Counter Currency Options

Explains how to maintain and process Over the Counter dealings in Interest Rate and Currency Options. It also assists you in handling all the necessary activities in the life cycle of an OTC instrument once it is booked, including the generation of messages and reports, accrual and liquidation of interest components, application of charges and taxes and so on.
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Over the Counter Interest Rate Options

Explains how to maintain and process Over the Counter dealings in Interest Rate and Currency Options. It also assists you in handling all the necessary activities in the life cycle of an OTC instrument once it is booked, including the generation of messages and reports, accrual and liquidation of interest components, application of charges and taxes and so on.
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Explains the maintenance of basic information of the securities product, price details, market price codes, safe keeping locations, portfolio preference classes, security preference class, deal preference class, security restriction class, portfolio restriction class, corporate actions, maintaining block security details, and repos and reverse repo deals for securities products. Explains the concept of accounting roles and accounting heads, building branch and currency restrictions, defining attributes of a securities product, defining attributes of a portfolio product, defining attributes of a deal product, defining attributes of a product combination, defining portfolios, processing a securities deal, processing a block securities deal, transferring securities across locations, making queries, and printing subsidiary general ledger forms for Repo or Reverse Repo Deals. It also details the batch processes, the types of advices, error codes, error messages, and event - wise accounting entries defined in the module.
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Standing Instructions

Explains the setting up of attributes for a SI product, recording an instruction, automatically run periodic activities, capuring of text based instructions and linking of these instructions to a specific customer. It also details error codes, error messages, and reports defined in the module.
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Swaps and Forward Rate Agreements

Explains maintenance of basic information and defining attributes specific to derivative products, the processing of a deriviative contract, processing of BOD and EOD batch functions. It also details the reports, error codes, error messages, and Accounting entries and Advices defined in the module.
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Explains the maintenance of basic information to be set up in the module. Explains the procedure to define attributes of the product, define fair price evaluation methods, process an Islamic Derivative Contract, and confirm profit and principle schedules. It also details the batch functions, reports, accounting entries, error codes, and error messages.
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Term Deposits

Explains the creation and maintenance of a Term Deposit account and the operations that can be performed on this account. Explains the Recurring Deposit operations that can be performed on an RD account. It also details the reports, batch processes, and accounting entries and advices, defined in this module.
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Explains the creation and maintenance of a Structured Deposit product and the procedure to capture details of every fund raising activity for a structured deposit product.
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Explains the procedure to create a fund product preference class, define attributes of a fund product, set up a fund, define charges on a fund, and subscribe to different funds. It also details on the corporate actions that can be performed on a fund, the events, amount tags, and accounting roles defined in the module.
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Retail and Small and Medium Enterprise Loans

Explains the maintenance and operations to disburse a loan. Explains the procedure to define the product, create an account, transfer loans between branches, make manual disbursements, and operations that can be performed on loan payments. It also defines the batch processes, accounting entries, and reports defined in the module.
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Explains the capturing of attributes, processing, and maintenances required for the securitization of loans. It details the reports, batch processes and accounting entries and advices defined in this module.
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Explains the creation and maintenance of finance products and finance accounts and details the types of islamic finances supported by Oracle FLEXCUBE. Explains the procedure to transfer finance from one branch to the other, make manual disbursements, set up and define Islamic transactions, and process Vendor payments. It also details the reports, batch processes, and accounting entries defined in the module.
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Explains the procedure to set up the Islamic Fixed Assets product, processing activities and maintenance activities required for Islamic Fixed Assets. It also details the accounting entries and events defined in the module.
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Explains the maintenance of basic information in the module, definition of basic attributes of the securitization product, and processing of an Islamic Securitization Contract. It also details the online batch processes, reports and suugested accounting entries and advices defined in the system.
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Information Server

Explains the features which are to be maintained in Oracle FLEXCUBE for enterprise reporting.
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Explains the features of this module accessible from the landing page, provides details of origination dashboards, and details the methods to configure queues, landing, and sub stages to suit your bank's requirements.
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Explains the maintenances required for origination module.
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Explains the features and functionality of the Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) module and the various actions that can be performed using the BPEL workflow. This workflow helps in defining a workflow for handling different transactions.
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Explains the features of alerts and dashboards
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Explains the process of creating and maintaining corporate customer details.
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Explains the process of creating and maintaining a new current account for further processing.
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Explains the process of creating and maintaining prospective applicant details for a Savings account.
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Explains the workflow of a corporate loan generation process and procedure to define and maintain the prospective customer details. It also details reports defined in this module.
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Explains the workflow of creating retail loans.
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Explains the process of creating and maintaining the prospective applicant details for TD processing.
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Explains the process of maintaining the applicant term deposit account details that will aid in TD account foreclosure.
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Explains the process of issuing, updating, and maintaining LC contracts.
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Explains the process of issuing, updating, and maintaining import LC issuances.
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Explains the workflow of Ijarah finance and process of maintaining the prospect details.
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Explains the workflow of Istisna finance and the process of maintaining the prospective borrower or a finance applicant details.
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Explains the workflow of Mudatabah finance and process of maintaining the prospective applicant details.
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Explains the workflow of Murabaha finance and process of maintaining the prospective applicant details.
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Explains the workflow of Musharaka finance and process of maintaining the prospective applicant details.
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Explains the workflow of Tawarooq finance and process of maintaining the prospective applicant details.
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Explains the workflow of Ijarah corporate finance and process of maintaining the prospect details.
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Explains the workflow of Istisna corporate finance and the process of maintaining the prospective borrower or a finance applicant details.
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Explains the workflow of Mudarabah corporate finance and process of maintaining the prospective applicant details.
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Explains the workflow of Murabaha corporate finance and process of maintaining the prospective applicant details.
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Explains the workflow of Musharaka corporate finance and process of maintaining the prospective applicant details.
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Explains the workflow of Tawarooq corporate finance and process of maintaining the prospective applicant details.
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