Printing A/P Summary Reports

This part includes a description and a sample of several A/P summary reports that you can use to verify and tie out your A/P purchases and disbursements.

You can run several of these reports based on posted date, check printed date, or vendor number. Additionally, you can specify a date range for which you want to run a report. A topic has been devoted to each type of report, and an example of each report format is presented.

Printing A/P Summary Reports (PAPS) describes the A/P Purchases Summary that lists your A/P purchases in chronological (date) order or by vendor number, the Disbursements Journal Summary that lists the payments made on vendor invoices in chronological (date) order or by vendor number, and the Purchases/Disbursements Summary report that lists your A/P purchases and payments, sorted by General Ledger account number.

Printing the A/P Aging Summary Report (MPAP) describes the A/P Aging Summary report which lists the outstanding balances you owe each vendor.

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