Displaying the General Ledger Interface (DGLI)

Purpose: This topic describes how to review the contents of the General Ledger (G/L) Interface table and print listings of its contents.

CWSerenade posts transactions to the G/L Interface table, which you can download to your own G/L application. You define the G/L account numbers in Working with G/L Accounts (WGLA) and define their relationship to a division and financial entity in Working with Chart of Accounts (WCA). You then define which G/L number to use for posting each transaction; for example, you define the G/L number to debit for merchandise sales in Working with Pay Types (WPAY).

In this topic:

Work with General Ledger Interface Screen

Display G/L Interface Details Screen

Display General Ledger Detail Screen

Display General Ledger Source Detail Screen

Source Document Type Values

Print General Ledger Interface Screen

Print General Ledger Interface Report

General Ledger Interface Summary

Purge G/L Detail Window

Work with General Ledger Interface Screen

How to display this screen: Enter DGLI in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Display General Ledger Interface from a menu.



Ent (Entity)

A code representing a business unit within your company. You must define at least one entity. See Working with Entities (WENT).

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Div (Division)

A code representing a group within a business entity. You must define at least one division for each entity. You define G/L numbers for sales, returns, freight, taxes and additional charges in the Division table. See Working with Divisions (WDIV).

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; display-only.


The G/L account number to which the transaction should post. The G/L account number is defined in and validated against the General Ledger Account table. The system determines the G/L number to use by checking the appropriate table; for instance, the Inventory Transaction Code, Warehouse, Item, or Item Class tables for changes to inventory valuation; the Pay Type, Division and Bank tables for sales transactions.

See Working with G/L Accounts (WGLA), for more information on the G/L account number. See General Ledger Overview for more information on how the system uses G/L numbers for posting to the G/L Interface table.

Numeric, 8 positions; optional.


The date the transaction occurred.

Numeric, 7 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.


The amount of the transaction. Credit transactions are distinguished from debit transactions by the CR code that appears immediately to the right.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Journal source

The description of the transaction that caused the posting. See the Journal source field description at the Display G/L Interface Details Screen for a list of valid values.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.

Screen Option


Display a transaction

Select Display for a transaction to advance to the Display G/L Interface Details Screen.

Display transaction details

Select Display details for a transaction to advance to the Display General Ledger Detail Screen.

Print a listing

Select Print to print the Print General Ledger Interface Report and, optionally, the General Ledger Interface Summary.

Purge general ledger detail

Select Purge detail to display the Purge G/L Detail Window.

Display G/L Interface Details Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review header information, such as the transaction date, time and amount for transactions posted to the G/L Interface table.

How to display this screen: Select Display for a transaction at the Work with General Ledger Interface Screen.

Note: You can display this screen for a transaction only if you have defined the G/L number in the Chart of Accounts table. See Working with Chart of Accounts (WCA).



Transaction time

The time the transaction was posted to the G/L Interface table.

Numeric, 6 positions (HHMMSS format); display-only.

Journal source

A code representing a type of transaction. The description of the journal source appears on the Work with General Ledger Interface Screen.

Valid values and their descriptions are:

A = Sale/Additional Freight

B = Cash/Deferred Liability

C = Sale/Additional Charge

D = Sale/Merchandise Discount

E = A/R

F = Sale/Freight

G = Sale/GST

H = Sale/Handling

I = Sale/Hidden Freight

J = Accounts Receivable/Offset

K = Sundry/C/R Sundry Credit


L = Sundry/C/R Sundry Debit

M = Sale/Merchandise Sale

N = Purchase/Accounts Payable Expense

O = Cash/Accounts Receivable Credit Card

P = Sale/PST

Q = Cash/Credit Card Deposit

R = Sale/Merchandise Return

S = Coupon/Deferred Liability

T = Sale/Tax

U = Purchase/Accounts Payable

V = Item/Inventory Value

W = Item/Inventory Offset

X = Refund/Cancel

Y = Disbursement/Accounts Payable

Z = Sale/Currency Fluctuation


1 = Cash/Accounts Payable

2 = Cash/Accounts Receivable

3 = Sale/Cash or Check

4 = Sale/Coupon or Gift Certificate

5 = Sale/Credit Card

6 = Sale/Accounts Receivable

7 = Sale/COD

8 = Refund/Refund

9 = Refund/Writeoff

* = A/R Adjustment

# = A/R Adjustment Offset

% = Rfnd/Write Off Offset

@ = Refund/Refund Offset

$ = Rfnd/Cancel offset

& = Disb/Accounts Payable Offset

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only, assigned by the system.

Date posted

The date you posted the entry to your G/L.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Cross reference #

The chart of accounts number from your general ledger. The cross reference number is defined in the Chart of Accounts table. See Working with Chart of Accounts (WCA).

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Display General Ledger Detail Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review the transactions that caused this general ledger posting. You can use this screen to track a general ledger posting back to the source transactions, for example, if you are trying to resolve general ledger discrepancies.

This screen is available only if the Capture General Ledger Detail (E71) system control value is selected.

How to display this screen: Select Display Details for a transaction at the Work with General Ledger Interface Screen.



Journal source

The description of the transaction that caused the posting. See the Journal source field description at the Display G/L Interface Details Screen for a list of valid values.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.

Transaction date

The date the transaction was posted to the General Ledger Interface.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); display-only.


The code and description of the entity where the transaction posted.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.


The code and description of the division where the transaction posted.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

G/L (General ledger account number)

The G/L account number and description to which the transaction posted. The G/L account number is defined in and validated against the General Ledger Account table. The system determines the G/L number to use by checking the appropriate table; for instance, the Inventory Transaction Code, Warehouse, Item, or Item Class tables for changes to inventory valuation; the Pay Type, Division and Bank tables for sales transactions.

See Working with G/L Accounts (WGLA), for more information on the G/L account number. See General Ledger Overview, for more information on how the system uses G/L numbers for posting to the G/L Interface table.

Numeric, 8 positions; optional.

Seq #

The number assigned to each transaction posted to the entity, division and G/L # on the specified date. The system increments this value by 1 each time a transaction is posted.

Numeric, 5 positions; assigned by the system, display-only.


The time each transaction posted to this general ledger number for the division, entity and date specified.

Numeric, 6 positions (HHMMSS); display-only.

Source document description

A description of the source document type associated with the transaction. The journal source determines which source document type is associated with a transaction. See Source Document Type Values for a listing of the values sent to this field based on the journal source and source document type.


Valid source document types and their descriptions are:

W = Inventory transaction type/Warehouse code/Item/SKU/Other

I = Invoice #/Ship to #/Line #/Order #/Customer sold to #/Customer bill to #

O = Order #/Order payment method sequence #/Gift or Coupon #/Customer sold to #/Check #

C = Invoice #/Order payment method sequence #/Order #/Customer sold to #/Ship to #/Pay type code

A = Customer bill to #/A/R open item #/Check #/Customer sold to #/Invoice #

V = Vendor #/A/P invoice #/Check #/Purchase order #

B = Cash receipt batch #/Customer bill to #

D = Cash receipt batch #/Order #/Order payment method sequence #/Order batch #


Example: Source document type C is associated with the Sale/Credit Card (code 5) journal source. Since the source document type is C, the values that default to the Source document description field for the Sale/Credit Card journal source are:

• Invoice #

• Order payment method sequence #

• Order #

• Customer sold to #

• Ship to #

• Pay type code




A + indicates you can review more fields at the Display General Ledger Source Detail Screen.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.


The amount of the transaction. Credit transactions are distinguished from debit transactions by the CR code that appears immediately to the right.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Screen Option


Review general ledger source detail

Select Display for a transaction to advance to the Display General Ledger Source Detail Screen.

Source Document Type Values

This table lists the values the system defaults for a transaction, based on the journal source and source document type associated with the transaction. You can review all of the details associated with a transaction at the Display General Ledger Source Detail Screen.

Note: If a particular field defined for a source document type is not available for a journal source, the field remains blank.

Journal Source

Source Document Type

Fields Sent

A: Sale/Additional Freight


• Invoice #

• Ship to #

• Line #

• Order #

• Customer sold to #

• Customer bill to #

• Pay type code

B: Cash/Deferred Liability


• Cash receipt batch #

• Order #

• Order payment method sequence #

• Order batch #

Note: Order # and Order payment method sequence # only default if the Deferred Liability Cash Post Method (C48) system control value is set to ORDER.

C: Sale/Additional Charge


• Invoice #

• Ship to #

• Line #

• Order #

• Customer sold to #

• Customer bill to #

D: Sale/Merchandise Discount


• Invoice #

• Ship to #

• Line #

• Order #

• Customer sold to #

• Customer bill to #

E: A/R


• Customer bill to #

• Check #

• Customer sold to #

• Invoice #

F: Sale/Freight


• Invoice #

• Ship to #

• Line #

• Order #

• Customer sold to #

• Customer bill to #

G: Sale/GST


• Invoice #

• Ship to #

• Line #

• Order #

• Customer sold to #

• Customer bill to #

H: Sale/Handling


• Invoice #

• Ship to #

• Line #

• Order #

• Customer sold to #

• Customer bill to #

• Pay type code

I: Sale/Hidden Freight


• Invoice #

• Ship to #

• Line #

• Order #

• Customer sold to #

• Customer bill to #

J: Accounts Receivable/Offset


• Customer bill to #

• A/R open item #

• Check #

• Customer sold to #

• Invoice #

K: Sundry/C/R Sundry Credit


• Cash receipt batch #

• Customer bill to #

L: Sundry/C/R Sundry Debit


• Cash receipt batch #

• Customer bill to #

M: Sale/Merchandise Sale


• Invoice #

• Ship to #

• Line #

• Order #

• Customer sold to #

• Customer bill to #

N: Purchase/Accounts Payable Expense


• Vendor #

• A/P Invoice #

• Check #

• Purchase order #

O: Cash/Accounts Receivable Credit Card


• Invoice #

• Order payment method sequence #

• Order #

• Sold to #

• Ship to #

• Pay type code

P: Sale/PST


• Invoice #

• Ship to #

• Line #

• Order #

• Customer sold to #

• Customer bill to #

Q: Cash/Credit Card Deposit


• Invoice #

• Order payment method sequence #

• Order #

• Customer sold to #

• Ship to #

• Pay type code

R: Sale/Merchandise Return


• Invoice #

• Ship to #

• Line #

• Order #

• Customer sold to #

• Customer bill to #

S: Coupon/Deferred Liability


• Order #

• Order payment method sequence #

• Gift/coupon #

• Customer sold to #

• Check #

T: Sale/Tax


• Invoice #

• Ship to #

• Line #

• Order #

• Customer sold to #

• Customer bill to #

U: Purchase/Accounts Payable


• Vendor #

• A/P invoice #

• Check #

• Purchase order #

V: Item/Inventory Value


• Inventory transaction type

• Warehouse code

• Item


• Other

Note: The system does not create a * transaction history record when you update the standard or average cost of an item; however, the * transaction type is still used in the General Ledger Interface Detail. See * = Change Average or Standard Cost.

W: Item/Inventory Offset


• Inventory transaction type

• Warehouse code

• Item


• Other

Note: The system does not create a * transaction history record when you update the standard or average cost of an item; however, the * transaction type is still used in the General Ledger Interface Detail. See * = Change Average or Standard Cost.

X: Refund/Cancel


• Order #

• Order payment method sequence #

• Gift/coupon #

• Customer sold to #

• Check #

Y: Disbursement/

Accounts Payable


• Vendor #

• A/P invoice #

• Check #

• Purchase order #

Z: Sale/Currency Fluctuation


• Invoice #

• Order payment method sequence #

• Order #

• Customer sold to #

• Ship to #

• Pay type code

1: Cash/Accounts Payable


• Vendor #

• A/P invoice #

• Check #

• Purchase order #

2: Cash/Accounts Receivable


• Customer bill to #

• Check #

3: Sale/Cash or Check


• Invoice #

• Order payment method sequence #

• Order #

• Customer sold to #

• Ship to #

• Pay type code

4: Sale/Coupon or Gift Certificate


• Invoice #

• Order payment method sequence #

• Order #

• Customer sold to #

• Customer ship to #

• Pay type code

5: Sale/Credit Card


• Invoice #

• Order payment method sequence #

• Order #

• Customer sold to #

• Customer ship to #

• Pay type code

6: Sale/Accounts Receivable


• Invoice #

• Order payment method sequence #

• Order #

• Customer sold to #

• Customer ship to #

• Pay type code

7: Sale/COD


• Invoice #

• Order payment method sequence #

• Order #

• Customer sold to #

• Customer ship to #

• Pay type code

8: Refund/Refund


• Order #

• Order payment method sequence #

• Gift/coupon #

• Customer sold to #

• Check #

9: Refund/Writeoff


• Order #

• Order payment method sequence #

• Gift/coupon #

• Customer sold to #

• Check #

*: A/R Adjustment


• Customer bill to #

• A/R open item #

• Check #

• Customer sold to #

• Invoice #

#: A/R Adjustment Offset


• Customer bill to #

• A/R open item #

• Check #

• Customer sold to #

• Invoice #

$: Refund/Cancel Offset


• Order #

• Order payment method sequence #

• Gift/coupon #

• Customer sold to #

• Check #

@: Refund/Refund Offset


• Order #

• Order payment method sequence #

• Gift/coupon #

• Customer sold to #

• Check #

%: Refund/Write Off Offset


• Order #

• Order payment method sequence #

• Gift/coupon #

• Customer sold to #

• Check #

&: Disbursement/

Accounts Payable Offset


• Vendor #

• A/P invoice #

• Check #

• Purchase order #

Display General Ledger Source Detail Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review the details of a transaction that caused this general ledger posting.

This screen is available only if the Capture General Ledger Detail (E71) system control value is selected.

How to display this screen: Select Display for a transaction at the Display General Ledger Detail Screen.



Journal source

The description of the transaction that caused the posting. See the Journal source field description at the Display G/L Interface Details Screen for a list of valid values.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.

Transaction date

The date the transaction was posted to the General Ledger Interface.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); display-only.


The code and description of the entity where the transaction posted.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.


The code and description of the division where the transaction posted.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.


The G/L account number and description to which the transaction posted. The G/L account number is defined in and validated against the General Ledger Account table. The system determines the G/L number to use by checking the appropriate table; for instance, the Inventory Transaction Code, Warehouse, Item, or Item Class tables for changes to inventory valuation; the Pay Type, Division and Bank tables for sales transactions.

See Working with G/L Accounts (WGLA), for more information on the G/L account number. See General Ledger Overview, for more information on how the system uses G/L numbers for posting to the G/L Interface table.

Numeric, 8 positions; optional.

Seq #

The number assigned to each transaction posted to the entity, division and G/L # on the specified date. The system increments this value by 1 each time a transaction is posted.

Numeric, 5 positions; assigned by the system, display-only.


The time each transaction posted to this general ledger number for the division, entity and date specified.

Numeric, 6 positions (HHMMSS); display-only.


The amount of the transaction. Credit transactions are distinguished from debit transactions by the CR code that appears immediately to the right.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Source document / Field value

Fields that may be populated, based on the source document type and journal source associated with the transaction you are reviewing. The fields available are:

• Invoice #

• Ship to #

• Line #

• Order payment method sequence #

• Order #

• Order batch #

• Customer sold to #

• Customer bill to #

• A/R open item #

• Check #

• Cash receipt batch #

• A/P invoice #

• Warehouse code

• Item


• Purchase order #

• Purchase order line #

• Vendor charge back #

• Inventory transaction type

• Vendor #

• Gift certificate or Coupon #

• Payment type

For more information: See Source Document Type Values to review a table that lists which fields the system populates for a transaction, based on the journal source and source document type associated with the transaction.

Print General Ledger Interface Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to print the Print General Ledger Interface Report, and, optionally, the General Ledger Interface Summary. The Print General Ledger Interface Report lists all transactions posted to the G/L Interface table for a period of time, while the General Ledger Interface Summary provides total postings for the same period of time.

How to display this screen: Select Print at the Work with General Ledger Interface Screen.



Start date

The first date of the period to include in the G/L Interface posting list.

Numeric, 8 positions; required.

End date

The last date of the period to include in the G/L Interface posting list.

Numeric, 8 positions; required.

Print Summary

Indicates whether to generate the General Ledger Interface Summary in addition to the Print General Ledger Interface Report:

Selected = Print both the General Ledger Interface Summary and the Print General Ledger Interface Report

Unselected = Print just the Print General Ledger Interface Report; do not print the General Ledger Interface Summary

Purge G/L Detail Window

Purpose: Use this window to purge records from the General Ledger Detail file for a range of dates.

How to display this window: Select Purge at the Work with General Ledger Interface Screen.

Completing this window: Enter a Start date and an End date in MMDDYY format to submit the PURGE_GLD job. This job purges records from the General Ledger Detail file for the specified date range.

Note: You can also schedule this purge using the PURGEGL G/L Detail Purge periodic function (program name PFR0123).