Copying SKU Offer Information (MCSO)

Purpose: Use Copy SKU Offer Information to copy item/SKUs from one offer to another offer by selecting an offer to copy "from" and the new offer to be created "to."

Copy SKU Offer Information allows you to:

• copy all item/SKUs from one offer to another offer

• copy item/SKUs from one offer to another offer by item class

• update existing item/SKU offers in the "to" offer with information in the "from" offer

• select which item/SKU information, such as page number and cost, to copy

You can also copy a selected SKU offer record from one offer to another offer using the Copying SKU/Offer Records (CSKO) menu option.

In this topic:

Copy SKU/Offer Information Screen (Selecting Information to Copy)

Entering Adjustment Percentages

Enter Adjustment % Window: Return Percentage

Enter Adjustment % Window: Projected Units

Copy SKU/Offer Information Screen (Selecting Information to Copy)

How to display this screen: Enter MCSO in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Copy SKU Offer Information from a menu.



From offer

The offer from which the information will be copied. This must be a valid offer in the Offer table. See Working with Offers (WOFR).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required.

To offer

The offer to which the information will be copied. This must be a valid offer in the Offer table.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required.

Item class(es)

The item class(es) from which the information in the “from” offer will by copied. Each must be a valid item class in the Item Class table; see Working with Item Classes (WICL).

You can maintain item/SKU offers by item class through Working with Offer Overrides by Item Class (WSOI).

Alphanumeric, ten 3-position fields; optional.

Update SKU and item offers

Indicates whether the system updates existing item/SKU information in the “to” offer with the copied information in the “from” offer.

Valid values are:

unselected (default) = Existing item/SKU information in the “to” offer will not update with the copied information in the “from” offer.

selected = Existing item/SKU information in the “to” offer will update with copied information in the “from” offer.


Item "Sunglasses" exists in offers 1 and 2.

In offer 1, the price of the sunglasses is $10.00 and in offer 2 the price of the sunglasses is $20.00.

If you are copying information from offer 2 to offer 1 and this field is selected, the price in offer 1 will update to $20.00.

If this field is unselected, the price will not update and only new information will copy to offer 1.

Note: Each of the field descriptions below describes the information to copy from the “from” offer to the “to” offer if the field is selected.

Page number

The item/SKU page numbers in the "from" offer. Valid values are:

unselected = In the “to” offer, the item/SKU page numbers will not change.

selected (default) = Item/SKU page numbers in the “to” offer will default the Page number from the “from” offer.

Expected return %

The percentage of returns you expect to receive for the item/offer. Used for forecasting projections and other reports (such as the Inventory Status & Projection Report (ISRP)).


3.5 = 3.50%



No = In the “to” offer, the expected return percentage will not change.

Yes (default) = Item/SKUs in the “to” offer will default the Expected return % from the “from” offer.

Actuals = Use the actual return percentage from the “from” offer as the expected return percentage for the “to” offer. You will have the opportunity to adjust the return percentage higher or lower from the “to” offer's actual return.



The cost to include the item/SKU in the offer. Cost is used in square inch analyses and offer page analyses. Used in calculations to determine item contribution and profitability.

selected (default) = The items will carry the same cost from the “from” offer to the “to” offer.

unselected = In the “to” offer, the Cost for the items will not be changed.


The freight amount to be charged for this item. Multiplied by the quantity ordered. Used only if the Freight method for the source code is By Item or Flat Rt /Item.

Valid values are:

unselected = In the “to” offer, the freight amount will not change.

selected (default) = Item/SKUs in the “to” offer will default the Freight from the “from” offer.

Square inches

The square inches (not the percentage) that the item occupies on the catalog page or in the offer. Used to calculate the profitability of the item on the page. Valid values are:

selected (default) = The items in the “to” offer will have the same square inches as the items in the “from” offer.

unselected = In the “to” offer, the Square inches for the item will not be changed.

Sale item

Indicates whether the item is on sale. This flag controls whether to generate a sale credit when the customer returns the item, based also on the payment method and the setting of the Generate Sale Credit for Orders with Sale Items (I64) system control value. Valid values are:

selected (default) = The items in the “to” offer will have the same Sale item setting as the items in the “from” offer.

unselected = In the “to” offer, the Sale item setting for the item will not be changed.

If the Exclude Sale Item When Prorating Discounts (I65) system control value is selected, this flag controls whether the item is included in prorated discounts or is included when determining whether an order qualifies for a promotion. See the system control value for more information.

S/H (Special handling)

This item is eligible for any type of special handling in this offer (such as, monogramming, hemming, etc.).

selected (default) = The items in the “to” offer will have the same special handling as the in “from” offer.

unselected = In the “to” offer, the Special handling field for the items will not be changed.

Coupon discount

Represents the amount that is subtracted from the price when the item/SKU is ordered from this offer. Valid values are:

selected (default) = The items in the “to” offer will have the coupon discount amount as in the “from” offer.

unselected = In the “to” offer, the Coupon discount $ (Coupon discount dollars) for the items will not change.

S/H code (Special handling code)

Represents the type of special handling that is required for this item. If you enter a special handling code, during Order Entry a pop-up window appears. When this item is ordered, you can specify the quantity ordered, a special handling charge (if different), and special handling instructions. Valid values are:

selected (default) = The items in the “to” offer will have the same special handling codes as in the “from” offer.

unselected = In the “to” offer, the S/H code (Special handling code) for the items will not change.

Projected units

The number of units of this item that you expect to sell in the offer. You enter this forecasting value manually; the system does not update this field. Used for reporting purposes such as in the Inventory Status & Projection Report (ISRP). Valid values are:

Yes (default) = The items in the “to” offer will have the same projected units as in the “from” offer.

No = In the “to” offer, the Projected units for the items will not change.

Actuals = Use the actual unit quantity ordered from the “from” offer as the projected units for the “to” offer. You will have the opportunity to adjust the return percentage higher or lower from the “to” offer’s actual unit quantity ordered; see Entering Adjustment Percentages.


S/H price (Special handling price)

The price to charge the customer for special handling. You can specify in the Evaluate Special Handling Charges by Order Line (D67) system control value whether to add the price just once for each order line, or multiply the special handling price by the item quantity for the line.

selected (default) = The items in the “to” offer will have the same special handling price as in the “from” offer.

unselected = In the “to” offer, the S/H price (Special handling price) field for the items will not be changed.

Curve code

A code that represents the item's expected selling pattern in this offer. This code is used by the forecasting system for inventory projection and analysis reporting. Validated against the Projection Curve table. See Working with Projection Curves (WCRV). Valid values are:

selected (default) = The items in the “to” offer will have the same curve code as in the “from” offer.

unselected = In the “to” offer, the Curve code for the items will not be changed.

G/W (Gift wrapping)

A value that indicates whether items can be gift wrapped.

selected (default) = The items in the “to” offer will have the gift wrap flag set the same way as in the “from” offer.

unselected = In the “to” offer, the Gift wrap flag for the items will not be changed.

Hidden freight

Used only with item level freight methods, such as: Flat rate by item, flat rate by item quantity, flat rate by item source, and by item.

Hidden freight represents the portion of the item's catalog price that is used for freight. You might define a hidden freight value when the freight charge to ship the item is very high. The hidden freight charge is included in the price of the item so the actual freight charge is not visible to the customer.

The amount of freight is posted to a separate G/L number, which is defined in the Division table. Hidden freight is also known as “theoretical” or “buried” freight. Valid values are:

selected (default) = The items in the “to” offer will have the same hidden freight amount as in the “from” offer.

unselected = In the “to” offer, the Hidden freight amount for the items will not be changed.

G/W price (Gift wrapping price)

The price in this offer that will be charged to gift wrap this item. The G/W field must be selected to indicate that this item is gift wrap-eligible. The gift wrap price will be charged for each unit of this item that is gift wrapped. The system will multiply this charge by the order quantity for the item.

selected (default) = The items in the “to” offer will have the same gift wrapping price as in the “from” offer.

unselected = In the “to” offer, the G/W price (Gift wrap price) for the items will not be changed.

Volume discount

Indicates whether this item is eligible for an end-of-order discount that will be applied when you accept the order during Order Entry. See Item Volume Discounting. Valid values are:

selected (default) = The items in the “to” offer will have the same volume discount setting as in the “from” offer.

unselected = In the “to” offer, the Volume discount field for the items will not be changed.

SKU price

The price at which the item/SKU will be sold in this offer. Valid values are:

selected (default) = The items in the “to” offer will have the same SKU price as in the “from” offer.

unselected = In the “to” offer, the Price field for the items will not be changed.

If the Tax Included in Price (E70) system control value is selected, the message *Includes Tax price* displays next to this field. This message indicates that both the offer price and the tax-inclusive price will be copied if you set the SKU price flag to Y.

Alternate currency price: If the Use Alternate Currency Pricing (H89) system control value is selected the system calculates an alternate currency price using the conversion rate defined for the offer and the local price defined for the item. If a conversion rate is not defined for the “to” offer, indicating the “to” offer is in the local currency, the system does not calculate an alternate currency price. See Using Alternate Currency Pricing for an overview and required setup.

Associate price

The price at which the item will be sold in this offer to associate customers. A customer pays the associate price when the Associate flag on an order is selected. Valid values are:

selected (default) = The items in the “to” offer will have the same associate price as in the “from” offer.

unselected = In the “to” offer, the Associate price field for the items will not be changed.

If the Tax Included in Price (E70) system control value is selected, the message *Includes Tax Price* displays next to this field. This message indicates that both the offer associate price and the tax-inclusive associate price will be copied if you set the Associate price flag to Y.

Coupon effective date

The date the coupon becomes effective. Valid values are:

selected (default) = The items in the “to” offer will have the same coupon effective date as in the “from” offer.

unselected = In the “to” offer, the Coupon expiration date for the items will not be changed.


Defines whether the item in this offer is a warranty item.

Valid values are:

selected (default) = The items in the “to” offer will have the same warranty setting as in the “from” offer.

unselected = In the “to” offer, the Warranty field for the items will not be changed.


Indicates whether the item is considered a featured or optional item in a depiction. A depiction is a photograph or drawing of several items within an offer. The featured item is the focus of the depiction; whereas, the optional items are less prominently displayed. For example, if a dining room is depicted, the dining room set may be the featured item and the individual place settings, crystal, and centerpiece may be the optional items. Valid values are:

selected (default) = The items in the “to” offer will have the same feature/option setting as in the “from” offer.

unselected = In the “to” offer, the Feature/option field for the items will not be changed.

Required reason

Defines whether an Order addition reason code is required when the item in this offer is added to an order in order entry or order maintenance. When you specify an add reason code for an item, there is a record of the add reason code stored in an order line history record, available for review at the Display Order Line History Screen.

Valid values are:

selected = The item in this offer requires an add reason code when the item is added to an order in order entry or order maintenance. The Enter Add Reason Window opens when an operator adds this item to an order in order entry or order maintenance.

unselected = The item is this offer does not require an add reason code when the item is added to an order in order entry or order maintenance.

Note: When the item is added automatically to an order through the order API, the add reason code is not required. For example, an item might be added to an order automatically if it is set up as a free gift by source code


Indicates whether the item has been carried over from a previous offer or is new to your product offerings. Valid values are:

selected (default) = The items in the “to” offer will have the same pickup/new setting as in the “from” offer.

unselected = In the “to” offer, the Pickup/new field for the items will not be changed.

Entering Adjustment Percentages

If you selected Actuals in the Expected return % field or the Projected units field at the Copy SKU/Offer Information Screen (Selecting Information to Copy), the system displays one or both of the following windows when you click OK.

Note: The system uses the information in the SKU/Offer/Page table (INSKOP) to calculate the actual return percentage and the projected units.

Enter Adjustment % Window: Return Percentage

Use this window to specify a percentage to adjust the Actual return percentage for items/SKUs in the “from” offer up or down when creating the Projected returns percentage for items/SKUs in the “to” offer. You advance to this window if you selected Actuals in the Expected return % field.

Actual return percentage: The system calculates the actual return percentage by dividing the returned quantity by the shipped quantity based on the information in the SKU/Offer/Page table (INSKOP). Unlike on the Inventory Status & Projection Report (ISRP), this calculation does not consider the # of Periods to Offset Returns (C06) system control value; all shipments are included in the shipped quantity, regardless of when they occurred.

Completing this window:

• To adjust the Projected returns percentage for items/SKUs in the "to" offer higher than the Actual return percentage for the "from" offer, enter a positive percentage.

Example: The Actual return percentage for item AB100 in the “from” offer, OFA, was 10.00%; however, you expect the returns for AB100 in the “to” offer, OFB, to be 10.00% higher. Enter 10.00 in this window to set the Projected returns percentage for AB100 in OFB to 11.00% (10 + 10%).

• To adjust the Projected returns percentage for items/SKUs in the "to" offer lower than the Actual return percentage for the "from" offer, enter a negative percentage.

Example: The Actual return percentage for item AB100 in the “from” offer, OFA, was 10.00%; however, you expect the returns for AB100 in the “to” offer, OFB, to be 10.00% lower. Enter -10.00 in this window to set the Projected returns percentage for AB100 in OFB to 9.00% (10 - 10%).

Note: You cannot enter an adjustment percentage that is less than -100.00

• To have the Projected returns percentage for the items/SKUs in the "to" offer the same as the Actual return percentage for the "from" offer, leave the percentage set at .00 (the default).

Enter Adjustment % Window: Projected Units

Use this window to specify a percentage to adjust the Actual units ordered for items/SKUs in the “from” offer up or down when creating the Projected units for the items/SKUs in the “to” offer. You advance to this window if you selected Actuals in the Projected units field.

Actual units: The system bases the actual units ordered on the information in the SKU/Offer/Page table (INSKOP). This total increases whenever a customer orders an item/SKU from the offer and decreases when the item/SKU is canceled with a cancel reason whose Reduce flag is selected. However, the quantity is not reduced by additions or exchanges in order maintenance if the Update Demand for Order Maintenance Transactions (C72) system control value is unselected.

Completing this window:

• To adjust the Projected units for the items/SKUs in the "to" offer higher than the Actual units ordered for the items/SKUs in the "from" offer, enter a positive percentage.

Example: The Actual units ordered for item AB100 in the “from” offer, OFA, was 100; however, you expect the units ordered for AB100 in the “to” offer, OFB, to be 10.00% higher. Enter 10.00 in this window to set the Projected units for AB100 in OFB to 110 (100 + 10%).

• To adjust the Projected units for the item/SKU in the "to" offer lower than the Actual units ordered for the item/SKU in the "from" offer, enter a negative percentage.

Example: The Actual units ordered for AB100 in the “from” offer, OFA, was 100; however, you expect the units ordered for AB100 in the “to” offer, OFB, to be 10.00% lower. Enter -10.00 in this window to set the Projected units for AB100 in OFB to 90 (100 - 10%).

Note: You cannot enter an adjustment percentage that is less than -100.00

• To have the Projected units ordered for the item/SKU in the "to" offer the same as the Actual units ordered for the item/SKU in the "from" offer, leave the percentage set at .00 (the default).