Submitting Deferred SKU Offer Updates (MDSS)

Purpose: Use the Deferred SKU Offer Changes function to submit pending SKU offer updates which you have entered previously through the Working with Deferred SKU Offer Changes (WDSO) option or the Deferred SKU Offer Update (MDSU) option. The Deferred SKU Offer Changes function also enables you to advance to the Work with Deferred SKU Offer Changes Screen to create, change, display, or delete SKU Offer Change records.

Important: The deferred SKU Offer update process updates individual SKU Offers only, not updates to Item Offers. Although the system does not prevent you from creating SKU Offer Change records for a non-SKU’d item or the base of a SKU’d item, it does not actually process these update when you submit them, and does not automatically process updates against all SKU Offers for a specified Item and Offer.

Submit Deferred Changes Screen

How to display this screen: Enter MDSS in the Fast Path field at the top of any menu or select this option from a menu.

Submitting changes: To submit a group of deferred changes, enter the offer code that you want to update. The system submits the DFRCHG_UPD job, which processes all deferred changes that you have created for SKU’s in that offer through Working with Deferred SKU Offer Changes (WDSO).

Screen Option


Work with deferred SKU offer changes

Select Def Changes to advance to the Work with Deferred SKU Offer Changes Screen.