Introducing Forecasting

Purpose: Forecasting allows you to project:

• Mail and telephone response by week or by day

• Future activity of an offer

• Item requirements

How forecasting works: You set a pre-defined curve that the order activity is expected to follow. The system uses the curve you define and the actual order activity to project activity for the rest of the offer.

Most of the parameters in the Forecasting system are user-defined and are set up in the System Control table. See Setting Up Forecasting Values.

How forecast data is calculated: When an order is placed, the system determines how many days from the date of the first order for the offer and source code that the transaction occurred. A transaction can be an order, a return, an exchange, a sale, or a sell-out. If there is no date of first order, then the order date is used.

Once the system calculates how many days have elapsed since the date of the of the first order, it divides this number by the number of days in a forecasting period, defined in the System Control table, to determine the appropriate forecasting period to use. If the calculated value exceeds the number of forecasting periods defined in the System Control table, then the last period (or the period that is equal to the number of forecasting periods) is used.

Table setup: The tables and fields that you need to set up before you can use the Forecast system are:

Source Category

• Projection Curve

Offer and its associated Curve

Source code and its associated:



B/E amount (Break even amount)

Cover code

Drop code

House acct code (House account code)

Data collection: The following table illustrates the information the system captures for each item/SKU/offer, source, and offer/drop and the information captured during each forecasting period and on a daily basis.




Each Forecasting Period








Forecast period #





Start date

Date of first order

Forecasting period #

Forecast period #

Forecast period #

End date

Date of first order for order category #1

Start date


Start date

Number of orders

Date of first order for order category #2

End date

Number of orders for order category #1

End date

Dollar value of orders


Number of orders for order category #1

Dollars ordered for order category #1

Quantity ordered



Dollars ordered for order category #1

Number of orders for order category #2

Dollars ordered



Number of orders for order category #2

Dollars ordered for order category #2

Quantity returned



Dollars ordered for order category #2


Dollars returned





Quantity canceled





Dollars canceled





Quantity shipped





Dollars shipped





Quantity sold out





Dollars sold out





Quantity exchanged





Dollars exchanged





Producing a forecast: See Working with Forecasts (WFCS) for information on creating and specifying amounts for a forecast.

Forecasting reports: See Generating Forecasting Reports for information on the various reports, including the Inventory Status & Projection Report (ISRP), which you can use to review forecast information.

Inventory status inquiry: You can use the Inventory Status Inquiry (ISIQ) menu option to review order activity for an item or SKU. You can also use the Inventory Status/Projection Inquiry (ISPI) menu option to review the information and projections generated when you ran the Inventory Status & Projection Report (ISRP).

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