Generating Forecasting Reports

Purpose: This topic discusses forecast reports that you can run to evaluate the status of your promotions (offers, source codes, etc.) and inventory

Source Code Analysis Screen (RSCA)

Source Code Analysis Report (RSCA)

Source Analysis Recap Report (RSCA)

Print Offer Page Analysis (OPAR)

Offer Page Analysis Report (OPAR)

Print Offer Projection Summary (OPSR)

Offer Projection Summary Report (OPSR)

Print Inventory Status and Projection Reports (ISRP)

Select Offers Screen

Select Class/Sold Out/Curve Overrides Screen

Select Items to Include Screen

Select Report Sort Screen

Inventory Status & Projection Report (ISRP)

Summary Page Report (ISRP)

Print Source Promotion Report (PSRP)

Source Promotion Report (PSRP)

Display Offer/Source Code Analysis (DOSA)

Offer/Source Analysis Screen

Display Offer/Source Analysis Screen

Print Product Performance Reports (PPPR)

Product Performance Reports Screen

Product Performance Report (Ordered Totals)

Product Performance Report (Shipped Totals)

Print Campaign Performance Reports (PCPR)

Campaign Performance Report (PCPR)

Print Order Promotion Analysis Report (POPA)

Promotion Analysis Report

MK03_08 OROMS 5.0 2018 OTN