Entering Batched Orders

Topics in this part:

Introducing Batch Order Entry describes the process of entering batched orders from a high-level point of view.

Opening a Cash Batch (WCSH) describes how to enter payment information on the system to tie the checks received for mail orders and to ensure that the orders entered on the system balance to the payment information.

Opening an Order Batch describes how to enter order information on the system from the order forms in a batch to set up the order controls for the batch.

Performing Batch Order Entry describes how to enter the individual orders in the batch.

Balancing the Order Batch describes how to guarantee that the individual orders entered in the batch balance to the batch's payment and order controls.

Accepting or Rejecting the Order Batch describes how to release the individual orders in a batch on the system once the batch is in balance or how to reject the entire batch, if necessary.

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