Order Batch Listing

Purpose: When you accept a non-web order batch, the system prints this report. See Accepting or Rejecting the Order Batch.

How to print: At the Work with Order Batches Screen, select Accept for a non-web order batch to accept it. After running this report, the system deletes the batch from the Work with Order Batches screen.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


• batch number

• order number

• number of recipients (shipping addresses on the order)

• order date

• entry date

• entered by

• order type

• source code

• customer number (Sold To Customer number)

• customer name or company name

• order total

The following information about the batch prints at the bottom of this report:

• batch number

• total number of orders in the batch

• total order value in the batch

• total paid in the batch

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