Printing Primary Capacity Reports (PPCR)

Purpose: Use Print Primary Capacity reports to print the following reports:

Primary Capacity Report: Use this report to review pickable primary locations in the warehouse specified on the Print Primary Capacity Reports Screen that are not associated with any records in the Item Location table, and are not defined as a primary primary location for any items/SKUs in the SKU table.

Maximum SKUs Report: Use this report to review pickable primary locations in the warehouse specified on the Print Primary Capacity Reports Screen whose Maximum SKUs setting is greater than the number of items/SKUs associated with the location, indicating you can assign this location as the primary primary location to additional items/SKUs.

SKU Primary Location Mismatch Report: Use this report to review pickable primary locations in the warehouse specified on the Print Primary Capacity Reports Screen that are defined as a primary primary location for one or more items/SKUs in the SKU table, but are not associated with any records in the Item Location table for the specified warehouse.

Empty Primary Location Report: Use this report to review pickable primary locations in the warehouse specified on the Print Primary Capacity Reports Screen that have an on hand quantity of 0 in the Item Location table.

Print Primary Capacity Reports Screen

Purpose: Use the Print Primary Capacity Reports screen to select the warehouse used to print the reports.

How to display this screen: Enter PPCR in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Print Primary Capacity Reports from a menu.




The code for the warehouse used to print the reports.

The warehouse code defined in the Default Warehouse (A04) system control value defaults; however, you can override it.

Warehouse codes are defined in and validated against the Warehouse table; see Creating and Maintaining Warehouses (WWHS).

Numeric, 3 positions; required.

Screen Option


Submit the primary capacity reports

Enter a valid warehouse code in the Warehouse field and select Submit to submit the reports. The system displays the message Job (PRIM_CAP) has been submitted to batch.

Note: In order to generate the primary capacity reports, a value must be defined in the Item Classification for Slotting Groups (L82) system control value.

For more information on the contents of each report and a sample report, see:

Primary Capacity Report

Maximum SKUs Report

SKU Primary Location Mismatch Report

Empty Primary Location Report