Item Location Slotting

Topics in this part: The following topics describe the process, setup requirements, and functions available for item location slotting.

Slotting Overview and Setup provides an overview of the slotting process and required setup.

Printing Primary Capacity Reports (PPCR) describes how to generate reports used for slotting.

Generating Slotting Transfer Data (GSLT) allows you to transfer an item/SKU from one pickable primary location to another within a specific warehouse, based on analysis of the Slotting report. You can sort and limit the results that print on the Slotting report based on top or bottom performers. You can use the Slotting Detail Worksheet to help you physically move items from their current pickable primary location to their new pickable primary location.

Slotting Item Location Upload allows you to upload records to the Location Slotting Upload table from an external system. You can use the Generating Slotting Transfer Data (GSLT) menu option to review and work with the Location Slotting records before completing the transfer or you can immediately upload and complete the transfer from one pickable primary location to another in one step.

Generating New Item Slotting Data (GNIS) allows you to create new item locations for pickable primary locations that have remaining room, based on the selection criteria you define. You can create an item location only for locations that currently are not associated with any item locations or whose Max SKUs setting has not been reached.

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