Working with Retail Store Restock (WRSR)

Purpose: Use Work with Retail Store Restock to:

• create retail store restock orders for selected stores, perform pick slip preparation and generate pick slips for the restock orders, and update inventory in the stores.

• run an anticipated store restock for selected stores. The anticipated store restock allows you to look ahead to see which stores are in need of restock without actually creating restock orders and generating pick slips.

For more information: See Understanding Store Restock for a process overview.

In this topic:

Select Stores Screen

Submit Store Restock Screen

Anticipated Store Restock

Store Selection Exception Report

Anticipated Store Restock Generation - Restock Summary Report

Actual Store Restock

Work with Retail Store Restock Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to indicate whether to generate retail store restock orders, or to generate reports on anticipated retail store restock requirements.

How to display this screen: Enter WRSR in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Work with Retail Store Restock from a menu.




Use this field to indicate whether to perform an actual retail store restock orders, or just the reports describing anticipated retail store restock requirements.

Valid values are:

Retail Store Restock = Generate store restock orders.

• If you select this option, the system displays the Pick slip generation select option field, so that you can select the pick slip generation option to use to print pick slips before you advance to the Select Stores Screen.

Anticipated Store Restock = Generate reports listing anticipated store restock requirements.

If you select this option, you advance directly to the Select Stores Screen, where you can select the stores you want to include in the anticipated store restock reports.


Pick gen select opt (Pick slip generation selection option)

The pick slip generation selection option to use to print store restock orders. Displayed only if you Select Retail Store Restock in the Selection field.

You can prompt on this field to display a list of valid pick slip generation options.

The system displays an error message similar to the following if you select a pick slip generation selection option that does not have the Restock orders only field selected: Warning - This Pick Gen will not generate Restock picks.

See Streamlined Pick Slip Generation (WSPS) for more information on setting up a pick slip generation template.

After you complete this field and click OK, you advance to the Select Stores Screen.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.

Select Stores Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to select the retail stores to include in the anticipated store restock or the actual store restock, depending on which option you selected on the Work with Retail Store Restock Screen.

How to display this screen: Click OK at the Work with Retail Store Restock Screen.




A code for a warehouse that represents a retail store. You can create a warehouse that represents a retail store through Creating and Maintaining Warehouses (WWHS).

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Description (Store description)

The name of the retail store.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.


The region assigned to the retail store, such as New England. Defaults from the Region field at the Create Store Screen,

Alphanumeric, 5 positions; optional.


The rank assigned to the retail store, such as outlet. Defaults from the Rank field at the Create Store Screen.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Day (Store restock day)

The day the store is scheduled to be restocked. Valid values are 1-14. Defaults from the Replen day field at the Create Store Screen.

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.

Route (Truck route)

The truck route assigned to this store. Informational. Defaults from the Truck route field at the Create Store Screen.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Sts (Store status)

The status of the store. Defaults from the Status field at the Create Store Screen.

Valid values are:

A = Active. The store is included when you select Select All.

I or blank = Inactive. The store is not included when you select Select All; however, you can still select it individually.

Enter a status to display stores that match your entry.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Instructions: To select stores for anticipated or actual retail store restock.

1. Select stores individually, or select Select All to select all stores in an active status.

2. Optionally, select an inactive store to include it in the anticipated or actual retail store restock.

3. Optionally, Deselect a store, or select Deselect All to deselect all stores and start over.

4. Click OK to advance to the Submit Store Restock Screen, where you can review the stores you selected for store restock and submit the actual or anticipated store restock.

Screen Option


Select a store

Select a store to include it. The system displays the word “selected” next to the store.

Deselect a store

Deselect a store to deselect it. The system removes the word “selected” from the store.

Select all stores in active status

Select Select All. The system displays the word “selected” next to the stores that are in an active status.

Deselect all stores

Select Deselect All. The system removes the word “selected” from each store.

Submit Store Restock Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review the stores you selected for anticipated or actual store restock, and to submit the restock.

How to display this screen: Click OK on the Select Stores Screen.




A code that represents a retail store.

You can set up a warehouse to represent a retail store in Work with Warehouses. See Creating and Maintaining Warehouses (WWHS).

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.


A description of the retail store.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.


The region assigned to the retail store, such as New England. Defaults from the Region field at the Create Store Screen,

Alphanumeric, 5 positions; optional.


The rank assigned to the retail store, such as outlet. Defaults from the Rank field at the Create Store Screen.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.


The day the store is scheduled to be restocked. Valid values are 1-14. Defaults from the Replen day field at the Create Store Screen.

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.


The truck route assigned to this store. Informational. Defaults from the Truck route field at the Create Store Screen.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.


The status of the store.

Valid values are:

A = Active. The store is included when you select Select All at the Select Stores Screen.

I or blank = Inactive. The store is not included when you select Select All at the Select Stores Screen.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Instructions: To submit the actual or anticipated retail store restock.

1. Review the stores that you selected and optionally deselect any stores you do not want to submit to store restock.

2. Select Submit. You return to the Work with Retail Store Restock Screen.

For more information: See Understanding Store Restock for more information on the processing the system performs at this time.

Anticipated Store Restock

When you submit an anticipated store restock, the system generates two reports:

Store Selection Exception Report: This report displays the stores that were not eligible for store restock.

Anticipated Store Restock Generation - Restock Summary Report: This report displays the stores that are eligible for store restock and how many items and units are needed for restock.

Actual Store Restock

When you submit an actual store restock, the system:

• checks the setting of the Maximum Number of Lines to Include on Store Restock Order (I51) system control value to determine the number of order lines to include on a store restock order. For example, if this system control value is set to 5, the system includes no more than 5 order lines on a store restock order before creating a new store restock order.

• after creating the restock orders, performs pick slip preparation and generates pick slips for the orders if there were no errors and the orders are not on hold. The setting of the Fulfill Restock Orders from Bulk Only (J85) system control value determines which locations the system uses to fulfill the store restock order.

• generates the following reports:

Phone Errors Report. This report displays any errors on the restock order.

Store Selection Exception - Store Restock Generation Report. This report displays any stores that are not eligible for restock.

Anticipated Store Restock Generation - Restock Summary Report. This report displays the stores that are eligible for restock and how many items and units are needed for restock.

Order Batch Listing. This report displays the batch number assigned to the store restock order and order information such as source code and sold to customer number.

For more information: See Understanding Store Restock for more information on the steps the system uses to create and process a store restock order.