Accounts Payable Secured Features

A/P Vendor Hold Status (A37)

This secured feature controls whether the user can change the default or current status of vendor invoices by placing them on or releasing them from hold.

Allow = the user can hold all invoices for a vendor by selecting the Hold checks field in the Vendor Extended table.

Note: Held invoices do not generate checks through the Defining A/P Check Controls (MCHK) menu option.

Additionally, with proper authority, the user may hold or release specific invoices for the vendor through A/P Invoice Entry or Maintenance.

Alternatively, the user can place selected invoices on hold by using Option #9 (Don't pay/Hold invoice) on the Work with A/P Checks screen or by selecting the Override vendor hold status field on the Create A/P Check screen, if adding a direct disbursement.

These features help you identify your held invoices:

• A/P Inquiry shows an H in the Sts (Status) field if the invoice is on hold; also, Hold Vendor Checks appears on several inquiry screens

• An H prints in the status field on the A/P Ledger report if the checks for the vendor are on hold.

The Accounts Payable Held Invoices Report prints automatically when you run the Generate A/P Checks option.

Exclude = the user cannot change the default or current status of vendor invoices by placing them on or releasing them from hold.

VCB Cost Maintenance (A42)

This secured feature controls access to the Cost field on the Vendor Charge Back Detail Screen (Create A Vendor Charge Back). You use the vendor charge back function to return merchandise to the vendor and create an A/P credit for the items.

Allow = the user can override the cost that defaults for each item on a vendor charge back. The cost that defaults here is the one from the last purchase order you have received for the item.

Exclude = the Cost field is not enterable on the Vendor Charge Back Detail screen.

VCB Reverse Authority (A44)

This secured feature controls the ability to reverse a processed or shipped vendor charge back. Reversing a charge back has the effect of returning the items back to inventory and creating an A/P invoice that backs out the original A/P credit from the charge back.

Allow = the user can reverse a charge back at the Vendor Charge Back Detail Screen (Create A Vendor Charge Back) by selecting Reverse.

Exclude = the user cannot reverse a charge back.

VCB Delete Authority (A43)

This secured feature controls the ability to delete an open vendor charge back. It is possible to delete a vendor charge back only if you have not yet processed the inventory transactions.

Allow = the user can delete an unprocessed vendor charge back at the Vendor Charge Back Detail Screen (Create A Vendor Charge Back) by selecting Delete.

Exclude = the user cannot delete a vendor charge back.

Accept A/P Invoice Batches (A71)

This secured feature controls the ability to accept or reject an A/P invoice batch. You use batches to enter A/P invoices if the Batch Entry of A/P Invoices (F02) system control value is selected.

Allow = the user can accept or reject a suspended A/P invoice batch in Working with A/P Invoice Entry (MAPE) at the Work with A/P Invoice Batches screen, or accept a batch at the A/P Invoice Entry screen.

Exclude = the user cannot accept or reject the batch.

Change A/P Invoice Batch Totals (A72)

This secured feature controls the ability to change A/P invoice batch control totals. You use batches to enter A/P invoices if the Batch Entry of A/P Invoices (F02) system control value is selected.

Allow = the user can change the batch control values for an A/P invoice batch in Working with A/P Invoice Entry (MAPE) by selecting Change for a batch at the Work with A/P Invoice Batches screen.

Exclude = the user cannot change the batch totals.

A/P Invoice Maintenance (A73)

This secured feature controls the ability to maintain open or held A/P invoices. You can advance to A/P invoice maintenance by entering the division and bank at the Enter A/P Invoices screen in A/P entry (fast path = MAPE) and selecting Maintain, rather than OK.

Allow = the user can advance to the Select A/P Invoice screen to select an invoice for maintenance.

Exclude = the user cannot maintain invoices.

For more information: See Maintaining A/P Invoices.

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