Display Backordered Telemarketing Special Items (F37)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether backordered items display on the pop-up windows you use to select telemarketing specials for an order.

Yes/no field: Select this field to have telemarketing specials that are all items and SKUs, regardless of availability, display on the pop-up windows you use to add telemarketing specials to an order.

Leave this field unselected to have items or SKUs display on the telemarketing specials windows only if they are currently available; however, non-inventory items will always display.

Note: The system does not check the item's soldout status. Items that are flagged with a soldout status of “sellout immediately” will still display if you have inventory available.

If you use display by item category: Selecting this field will not prevent an item category from displaying at the Select Item Category pop-up window (first window) even if all items are backordered. Similarly, this setting will not prevent a SKUed item from displaying at the Display Telemarketing Items window (second window) even if all SKUs are backordered. The system does not check the item's availability until it gathers detail-level information.

For more information:

• setting up telemarketing specials: Working with Offers (WOFR)

• using telemarketing specials in order entry and order maintenance: Displaying More Options in Order Entry

IN03_02 OROMS 5.0 2018 OTN