Displaying More Options in Order Entry

Purpose: Select More Options on one of the following screens to display a screen that provides additional options related to order entry. These options are unavailable on the regular order entry screens.

Order entry:

Work with Order Screen

Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order)

Work with Order/Recap Screen

Order maintenance:

Work with Order Screen in Order Maintenance

Work with Order Lines Screen

Display More Options Screen

Note: Each field on this screen is display-only.



Order #

The number of the order and the order ship-to (shipping address) you are currently working with.

Order number: numeric, 8 positions.

Ship-to number: numeric, 3 positions.

Sold to

A unique number to identify the customer who placed the order, and the customer's name or company name.

Customer number: numeric, 9 positions.

Name: alphanumeric, 41 positions.

Bill to

The bill-to customer associated with the customer who placed the order. This number will be zero if the customer did not use an accounts receivable pay type, or a pay type with an accounts receivable alternate refund type, on the order.

Numeric, 7 positions.

A/R credit balance

The total amount of A/R credit open items available to be allocated toward an open order. This credit total is not reduced by the total amount of invoice open items, and does not include credit open items flagged for refund checks and credit card credits or disputed items.

Note: Included only in order entry/maintenance, and if the Allow A/R Credits as Payments (E81) system control value is selected.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal.

Options on this screen:

Alternate currency view: select this option to review order totals in the alternate currency (the currency defined for the offer associated with the source code on the order header). This option is available only if the Use Alternate Currency Pricing (H89) system control value is selected and the order is associated with an alternate currency. See Alternate Currency View Screen.

Ticklers: select this option to work with ticklers associated with the order. See Work with Ticklers Screen. This option is available only if the Use Workflow Management (H96) system control value is selected.

Customer action notes: select this option to enter, update, delete or resolve an action issue for a customer. A pop-up action window opens each time you select the customer until the issue is resolved. See About Customer Action Notes.

Email for order: select this option to advance to the Work with Email by Order Number Screen, where you can review or work with emails sent to or received from the customer related to the current order.

Customer profile: select this option to create a demographic profile for the current customer, which may describe the customer's gender, age, income, geographic location, or other types of demographic data. See the Work with Customer Profile Screen.

Email for customer sold to: select this option to advance to the Work with Email by Customer Sold To Number Screen, where you can review or work with emails sent to or received from the sold-to, ship-to, bill-to, or individual customer on the order.

Customer ownership: information will be provided by MICROS at a later date.

Customer notes: select this option to record or view information about the current customer. See Edit Customer Notes Screen.

Email for customer ship to: select this option to advance to the Work with Email by Customer Ship To Number Screen, where you can review or work with emails sent to or received from the sold-to or individual customer on the order.

Void/reprint picks (order entry/maintenance only): select this option to void or reprint a pick slip for a previous order for the customer, if, for example, the customer wants to use a different shipping service. See the Reprint/Void Pick Slips by Order Screen in Reprinting and Voiding Pick Slips (WVRP or WSVP).

Email for customer bill to: select this option to advance to the Work with Email by Customer Bill To Number Screen, where you can review or work with emails sent to or received from the sold-to or bill-to customer on the order.

Display picks: select this option to find out the status of picks printed for an order, such as when they were printed and/or confirmed. See the Display Pick Tickets for Order Screen.

• Email for Customer Individual:

Order totals: select this option to view accumulated totals across all shipping addresses (recipients) on an order. See Display Order Totals Window.

Customer email addresses: select this option to advance to the Work with Customer Email Address Screen, where you can review and work with email addresses for a sold-to customer.

Telemarketing specials (order entry/maintenance only): select this option to view items on telemarketing special for this offer, which may lead you to upsell the customer. See Working with Telemarketing Specials.

Display invoices: select this option to advance to the Display Invoices Screen where you can review invoices associated with the order.

Work with A/R open items (order entry/maintenance only): select this option to review or work with the disposition of A/R credit and invoice open items for the bill-to customer associated with the customer who placed the order. This option is available only if the Allow A/R Credits as Payments (E81) system control value is selected. Additionally, the Access Work with A/R Open Items for Order Entry/Order Maintenance (A67) secured feature controls access to this function. See the Work with A/R Open Items Screen in Work with A/R Open Items (WARI).

Letter request: This option is not currently supported.

Ticklers: select this option to work with ticklers associated with the order. See Work with Ticklers Screen (order view). This option is available only if the Use Workflow Management (H96) system control value is selected.

Customer warranty information: select this option to review, create, change, and delete customer warranty information for a product on the order. See the Work with Customer Warranty Information Screen.

Customer memberships: select this option to review or work with membership programs you use to generate periodic orders for the customer. This screen displays each customer membership for the sold-to customer on the current order. This information appears only for the customer who purchased the membership, not the recipient (if any). If the membership was created through order entry rather than the Work with Customer Membership menu option, the order number appears on this screen. You cannot create a customer membership through this screen. See Working with Customer Memberships (WWCM).

Customer affinity: select this option to display the Select Affinity Items Window listing upsell items for the customer placing the order. From this window you can select one or more items to add to the order. See Working with Customer Affinity Preferences (WCST).

Display carton contents: select this option to review the contents of a carton that has shipped.

Display batch OM transactions: select this option to review errors created when the customer attempted to maintain or cancel this order from the web storefront. See Working with Batch Order Maintenance Transactions (WBOM).

Print/Email Quotes: Select this option to advance to the Print/Email Quote Window, where you can select to print the Quote form or generate the Quote Confirmation email. See Entering Pre-Order Quotes. Note: This option is available only for orders whose order type has the Quote option selected. In addition, this option does not display if the Quote Printing Program (K73) and Quote Confirmation Email Program (K74) system control values do not contain a value or if all of the items on the quote are soldout and the Exclude S/O on order confirmation field for the order type on the quote is selected.

Customer order item history: Select this option to display the Customer Order Item History Screen

Rewards Points: Select this option to review the membership information for a customer that is enrolled in the Rewards Customer Membership Program. When you select this option, the system sends the sold to customer’s information to the Rewards system. Note: This option is available only if the Use Rewards Integration (K86) system control value is selected and the customer’s class is not excluded from participating in the Rewards program.

• If the Rewards system finds a single membership match to the sold to customer, the system advances you to the Customer Rewards Screen, where you can review the customer’s Rewards membership information.

• If the Rewards system finds more than one membership match to the sold to customer, the system advances you to the Rewards Customer Selection Screen, where you can select a Rewards membership match for the sold to customer.

• If the Rewards system does not find a membership match to the sold to customer, the system advances you to the Customer Not Enrolled in Rewards Window, where you can select to enroll the sold to customer in the Rewards membership program.

• If a connection could not be made to the Rewards system, the system displays an error message: Unable to connect to Rewards system.

See Rewards Customer Membership Program for an overview.

For more information: Each option available from this screen is described in Displaying More Options in OIOM.

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