Allow Dynamic Creation of Cash Control Numbers (B20)

Purpose: Use this screen to indicate whether you want to define cash control numbers for checks during Order Entry, or if you want the system to automatically display the cash control numbers entered for the Cash Batch procedure.

This control value works in conjunction with the Batch Cash? (B22) control value. If the Batch Cash feature is used, leave this field unselected.

Yes/No field: If you select this field, you can enter new cash control numbers for checks during Order Entry, (meaning that a cash control number was not assigned when the cash batch was entered).

If you leave this field unselected and you have selected the Batch Cash? (B22) control value, the batch control number from the Batch Details screen is assigned automatically during Order Entry. Order Entry validates the cash control number entered against the Order Pending Check table (created in Cash Batching). If you enter a cash control number that doesn't exist, you will receive an error message, and you will not be able to assign the cash control number.

For more information: See Opening a Cash Batch (WCSH).

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