Customer Affinity Recalculation Method (G60)

Purpose: Use this screen to determine whether the system uses the current date, or the customer’s last order date to update the Lifetime frequency rate field in the customer affinity records when you run the Batch Affinity Updates (MBAU) function to update records.

Code field: Enter Order in this field if you want the Batch Affinity Updates function to recreate customers’ Lifetime frequency rates calculations and dates made when the customer placed his last order. If you have changed threshold values since the customer’s last order, the customer’s preference flag may be different from what it was on the date the order was actually placed.

Enter Affinity in this field if you want the Batch Affinity Updates function to update customers’ Lifetime frequency rates calculations and dates as if the customer placed an order on the current date and as if the order or return does not include an item linked to the attribute value for which you are updating information.

About Customer Affinity preferences: Affinity Add-on Sales is a function which identifies items that appeal to a customer’s preferences, and presents those items as potential add-on sales when the customer places an order. The Affinity function tracks each customer’s order history to determine the Customer Affinity Preferences for specific Attributes of the items you offer for sale, and specific Values of those attributes. For example, a customer might have a preference for the attribute Fabric type, and prefer linen or cotton. You can link these Item Attributes and Values to items or SKUs you offer for sale. When a customer places an order, the system suggests upsell items from your current offer which match the customer’s preferences.

About Batch Affinity updates: When you run the Batch Affinity Update function to update your records (the Initialize field on the Batch Affinity Update screen is left unselected), the system updates all Customer Affinity Preference records for each attribute value.

For more information:

Affinity Add-on Sales

Working with Customer Affinity Preferences (WCST)

Batch Affinity Updates (MBAU)

IN03_02 OROMS 5.0 2018 OTN