Working with Data Warehouse Transactions (WDWT)

Purpose: Use this menu option to review and download data to the DW Staging tables in the CWSerenade database. This option allows you to:

• submit the initial data warehouse extract and load

• submit an update of new information for extract and download

• resubmit data warehouse transactions for a specified date range and optionally, table

• review and work with the transactions in the DW Transaction table that are ready for processing

Data Warehouse Async

The DW_ASYNC builds records in each related DW Staging table based on the key in the DW Capture Transaction Table. You can start and stop this async at the Work with Data Warehouse Transactions Screen.

When active, the DW_ASYNC looks for transactions in the DW Capture Transaction table to download to the DW Staging tables in 60 second intervals. The async processes all records in the DW Capture Transaction table with a blank Original process date and Original process time that have a capture date and time that is less than the date and time when the async woke up. Any new transactions that are written to the DW Capture Transaction table are processed the next time the async wakes up.

When to use: If you run the Process DW Changes periodic function or submit an incremental load once a day or once a week, you may wish to use the DW_ASYNC to download transactions to the DW Staging tables on a more regular basis, though using the DW_ASYNC is not required for data warehouse processing. If you run the Process DW changes periodic function more then once a day, you do not need to run the DW_ASYNC.

To transfer the data to the CWData server: To transfer the data in the DW Staging tables to the CWData server, you must run the Process DW Changes periodic function or select Process Changes to submit an incremental load at the Work with Data Warehouse Transactions Screen.

Note: When you run the Process DW Changes periodic function or submit an incremental load, the system ends the DW_ASYNC if it is running.

Work with Data Warehouse Transactions Screen

Use this screen to review and work with transactions in the DW Capture Transaction table that are ready for processing.

How to display this screen: Enter WDWT in the Fast path field or select Work with Data Warehouse Transactions from a menu.




This code indicates both the table where the change takes place and the DW Staging table to update when you process changes. For example, a code of CST indicates a new or changed record in the Customer Sold To table; when you process changes, CWSerenade creates a record in the DW Customer Sold To table (or changes an existing record, if an additional transaction takes place before you have process changes).

Not all changes and activity are tracked through the DW Capture Transaction table. For example, a change to your company address is tracked in the DW Company table.

See CWSerenade Activities Captured in the DW Capture Transaction Table for more information on the CWSerenade activities that create a DW capture transaction record and the file code assigned to the DW capture transaction record, based on the CWSerenade table(s) referenced.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Capture date

The date that the activity took place, creating the record in the DW Capture Transaction table.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY); optional.

Capture time

The time that the activity took place, creating the record in the DW Capture Transaction table.

Numeric, 6 positions (HHMMSS); display-only.

Original process date

The date when the DW Capture Transaction record was processed, creating the record in the related DW Staging table; for example, this is the date that a CST record was processed, creating a record in the DW Customer Sold To table.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY); display-only.

Original process time

The time that the DW Capture Transaction record was processed, creating the record in the related DW Staging table; for example, this is the date that a CST record was processed, creating a record in the DW Customer Sold To table.

Numeric, 6 positions (HHMMSS); display-only.

Last process date

This date is the same as the original process date.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY); display-only.

Last process time

This time is the same as the original process time.

Numeric, 6 positions (HHMMSS); display-only.


The program that processed the transaction or activity creating the DW Capture Transaction record; for example, if you change a customer at the Change Customer Sold To screen, the program ID identifying that screen (CSR0078) appears here.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.

A/C (Add/Change)

This flag indicates whether the activity represented creation of a new record, a change to an existing record, or a delete to an existing record. Valid values are:

A (Add) = A new record was added.

C (Change) = An existing record was modified.

D (Delete) = An existing record was deleted.

Note: Deletions are only captured for customer sold to records and customer bill to records.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.


The key field information to uniquely identify the updated record. For example, if you change a Customer Sold To, the key might be 027000000317, where 027 indicates the company, and 000000317 indicates the customer number. Numeric fields are right-justified and zero-filled.

See What Key Data is Captured for each DW Capture Transaction Record? for more information on the key data captured in the File key field, based on the CWSerenade table(s) referenced in the File code field for the DW capture transaction record and the DW Staging table updated.

Alphanumeric, 80 positions; display-only.

Screen Option


Delete a transaction

Select Delete for a transaction to delete it from the DW Transaction table.

Process changes

Select Process Changes to display the Process Data Warehouse Changes Window.

Reprocess changes for a specified date range

Select Reprocess Changes to display the Reprocess Data Warehouse Changes Window.

Submit the initial load of base information to the data warehouse

Select Submit Initial Load to advance to the Process Initial Load Screen.

Note: The Access Initial Data Warehouse Load (B04) secured feature controls access to this screen.

Start the DW_ASYNC job

Select Start Async. A message displays at the top of the screen indicating the Async is active: Async Staging Active.

See Data Warehouse Async.

End the DW_ASYNC job

Select End Async. A message displays at the top of the screen indicating the Async is inactive: Async Staging Inactive.

See Data Warehouse Async.

Process Initial Load Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to process the initial load of key CWSerenade information to the data warehouse. Normally, you would process the initial load in stages; see Submitting an Initial Load.

Note: The Access Initial Data Warehouse Load (B04) secured feature controls access to this screen.

How to display this screen: Select Submit Initial Load at the Work with Data Warehouse Transactions Screen.



Clear previously staged data

This field indicates whether to clear the DW Staging tables as part of the initial load. Normally, you would not need to clear this information, as the Relic program clears these tables after transferring the staging data to the CWData server; however, you might choose to clear data created through testing.

Valid values are:

Selected = Clear the data warehouse staging tables.

Unselected (default) = Do not clear the staging tables.

Process all files

This field indicates whether to download all supporting tables which are not related to customers or orders. These tables include reference information such as vendors, codes, financial and business structures, and the company itself. Normally, you would download these tables before downloading customer and order information.

Valid values are:

Selected (default)= Download all supporting tables not related to customers or orders.

Unselected = Do not download the supporting tables.

Starting with customer #

Use this field to indicate the first customer sold to number to include in the download. By specifying the first and last customer numbers to download, you can control the total number of records downloaded at one time and better allocate system resources. For example, if you have 5 million customer records, you can download these records in stages by first specifying the range of 1 to 1,000,000, then the range of 1,000,000 to 2,000,000, and so on.

Normally, you would begin downloading customers after you have downloaded the supporting tables, but before you begin the order download.

Note: The system does not validate that the starting and ending numbers are valid (that is, currently assigned to a customer sold to).

Numeric, 9 positions; optional.

Ending with customer #

Use this field together with the Starting with customer # field to specify the range of customers to download at this time.

Numeric, 9 positions; required if you specify a starting #.

Starting with order date

Use this field to download order-related tables by indicating the first order date to include in the download. By specifying the first and last order dates to download, you can control the total number of records downloaded at one time and better allocate system resources. For example, if you have 10 million orders, you can download these records in stages by first specifying a range of dates to include 2 million orders, then the next range of dates to include the next 2 million, and so on.

Normally, you would begin downloading order-related information after the supporting and customer table downloads are complete.

Note: The system does not validate that you have orders taken on the starting and ending dates.

Quotes: The system does not download quotes until they are converted to orders; see Entering Pre-Order Quotes.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Ending with order date

Use this field together with the Starting with order date field to specific the range of order-related information to download at this time.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); required if you enter a starting order date.

Screen Option


Submit the initial load

Select Submit to submit the PRC_DWLOAD job, which populates the related DW Staging tables. See Submitting an Initial Load.

Process Data Warehouse Changes Window

Purpose: Use this window to:

• build the supporting DW Staging table records.

• populate the appropriate DW Staging tables using the key information in the DW Capture Transaction table.

• purge DW Capture Transaction records based on the Data Warehouse Transaction Purge Days (H10) system control value.

• trigger the transfer of the data in the DW staging tables to the cwi_staging database on the CWData server.

You can also use the Process Data Warehouse Changes periodic function (program name DWR0068) to process data warehouse changes.

How to display this window: Select Process Changes at the Work with Data Warehouse Transactions Screen.



Scheduled submit

This field indicates whether to schedule the change processing for a later time, or submit the job immediately. Valid values are:

Selected = Schedule the job for a later time; you will need to complete the Process time and Process date fields

Unselected (default) = Submit the job immediately

Process time

The time to submit the job, if you select to schedule the job for a later time.

Numeric, 6 positions (HH:MM:SS format); required if you select to schedule the job.

Process date

The date to submit the job, if you select to schedule the job for a later time. The current date defaults.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); required if you select to schedule the job.

Completing this window: Select OK to submit the Process DW Changes (PRC_DWCHGS) job. See Submitting an Incremental Load.

Reprocess Data Warehouse Changes Window

Purpose: Use this window to reprocess all data warehouse transactions for a specified date range and optionally, table.

How to display this screen: Select Reprocess Changes at the Work with Data Warehouse Transactions Screen.

To reprocess: Select Submit to reprocess all data warehouse transactions that meet the criteria you defined.



From date

The starting date CWSerenade uses to clear the Original processed date field so that the records can be resubmitted during the next incremental load.

All records whose Original processed date was equal to or greater than the From date and less than or equal to the To date are reprocessed.

Numeric, 6 positions; required.

To date

The ending date CWSerenade uses to clear the Original processed date field so that the records can be resubmitted during the next incremental load.

All records whose Original processed date was equal to or greater than the From date and less than or equal to the To date are reprocessed.

Numeric, 6 positions; required.

File name

The name of the table containing records you wish to reprocess. Leave this field blank if you want to reprocess records based on date range alone.

Valid values are:

ACP = Accounting Period

ADD = Additional Charge

ADR = Add Reason Code

APD = A/R Payment Detail

APT = Terms

ARI = A/R Open Item

ART = A/R Type

BNK = Bank

BUY = Buyer

CAF = Customer Affinity

CBT = Customer Bill To

CCL = Customer Class

CCM = Customer Company

CEM = Customer Sold To Email

CHE = Customer Ship To Ent

CHH = Correspondence History

CIF = Customer Individual


CMP = Company

CNR = Cancel Reason

CNT = Country

CPL = Customer Profile

CRQ = Catalog Request

CSE = Customer Sold To

CSH = Customer Ship To

CSM = Customer Membership

CSO = Customer Ownership

CST = Customer Sold To

CWT = Customer Warranty

DIV = Division

DRN = Dispute Reason

ECA = E-Commerce Catalog

EIC = E-Commerce It

ENT = Entity

EXR = Exchange Reason


GZF = Geographic Zone

HAZ = Hazard

IAA = Item Attribute

IAT = Item Attribute

IAV = Item Attribute

ICC = Item Cycle

ICL = Item Class

IOF = Item Offer

IST = Item Status

ITC = Item Category

ITH = Item Transaction History

ITM = Item


ITW = Item Warehouse

LCL = Location Class

LDV = Long SKU Division

LNG = Language

LOB = Line of Business

LSC = Long SKU Class

LSD = Long SKU Description

LST = List Source

MCC = Mail/Call Code

MUA = Manifest Upload

ODT = Order Detail

OFR = Offer


OHD = Order Header

OPM = Order Payment Method

OST = Order Ship To

OTY = Order Type

PAY = Pay Type

PDA = Profile Data

PDT = PO Detail

POH = PO Header

POR = Price Override

PRD = RI Price Change Detail

PRH = RI Price Change Header


PRM = Promotion

PRP = Prep Code

RCY = Recency

RTC = Retail Class

RTR = Return Reason

SCG = Source Category

SEA = Season

SEO = SKU Element 1

SET = SKU Element 3

SEW = SKU Element 2

SKO = SKU Offer



SLC = Soldout Control

SLS = Salesman

SRC = Source

SXR = SKU Cross Reference

TRC = Item Transaction

TRR = Item Transaction

UPC = Item (SKU) UPC

USR = User

VIA = Ship Via

VIT = Vendor Item

VND = Vendor

WHS = Warehouse

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.