Data Warehouse Transaction Purge Days (H10)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the number of days to retain DW Capture Transaction records before purging them.

Number field: Enter the number of days to retain records in the DW Capture Transaction table before purging them. The Process DW Changes job performs the purge, deleting any records if:

Original process date is less than or equal to the current system date - the number of purge days

Example: Today is 11/30, and you have set this value to 5. Any record whose Original process date is 11/25 or earlier is purged.

You can set this job up as part of your periodic processing, or run it on demand; see the Process Data Warehouse Changes Window.

Leave this field blank if you do not want the Process DW Changes job to purge DW Capture Transaction records, or if you are not using CWData.

About DW Transaction records: If the Use Data Warehouse (G94) system control value is selected, the system uses the DW Capture Transaction table to track each transaction that should be downloaded to the data warehouse for CWData.

For more information: See the CWData Overview.

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