Pass E-Commerce Order Status Response Type (H68)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether to generate an Order Status Response Message, regardless of whether an order is found that matches the order status inquiry request.

Yes/No field: Select this field if you wish to generate an E-Commerce Order Status Response Message (CWStatusResponse), regardless of whether an order is found that matches the order_id in the E-Commerce Order Status Message (CWOrderStatus).

The Order Status Response message includes the response_type field, which indicates whether an order was found that matches the order status inquiry request.

1 (order found and last name matches) = an order was found that matches the order status inquiry and the bill to last name, company name, and/or individual last name defined for the inquiry matches the name on the order. The Order Status Response message contains the order information with a response type of 1.

2 (order found/last name mismatch) = an order was found that matches the order status inquiry, but the last name defined for the inquiry (bill_to_lname, ind_lname, or company_name) does not match the last name on the order. The Order Status Response Message contains the order information with a response type of 2; you can decide to display an error on your web storefront indicating the mismatch or display the order information on the web storefront, regardless of the mismatch.

3 (order not found) = an order was not found that matches the order status inquiry. The Order Status Response Message includes company, order number, and a response type of 3, but does not include order information.

Note: You will not receive an Order Status Response Message if the connection between the web storefront and the E-Commerce server is not made, regardless of the setting of this system control value.

Leave this field unselected if you with the system to only send an Order Status Response message to the web storefront when an order number is found that matches the order_id in the Order Status message and a match is found on at least one of the name fields in the request (bill_to_lname, ind_lname, or company_name).

Additionally, when this system control value is unselected, the Order Status Response Message does not include the response_type field.

For more information: See E-Commerce Order Status Processing for additional processing information.

IN03_16 OROMS 5.0 2018 OTN