Sale Credit Print Program (D31)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the program the system uses to print sale credits.

System name field: Enter the program name the system uses to print sale credits. The base program is CSR0574.

The system generates a sale credit for a return if:

• the Generate Sale Credit for Orders with Sale Items (I64) system control value is selected, and

• the item is flagged as a Sale item in the Item Offer or SKU Offer for the order detail line, and

• the pay type:

• is a Coupon/Credit pay category, or

• has an Alt refund type (Alternate refund type) that is a Coupon/Credit pay category, or

• has an Alt refund category (Alternate refund category) of coupon/credit

You might issue a sale credit when the customer paid for a sale item on an order with a coupon or credit, or when the customer prepaid for a sale item on the order, but returned the sale item after a grace period. Select the Generate Merchandise Credits field at Processing Refunds (MREF) to generate sale credits.

If you leave this field blank the system does not print sale credits. The system prints only the Coupon/Credit Register if you print sale credits and have not specified a program name in this field.

IN03_08 OROMS 5.0 2018 OTN