Default Check Credit Open Item Type (E82)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the A/R open item type for the system to use when flagging a credit open item to produce a refund check.

Code field: Enter the A/R type code for the system to use when you flag a credit A/R open item, including on-account open items, to produce a refund check to the customer. The existing credit open item A/R type codes display on this screen.

You set up A/R types through the Work with A/R Type menu option (fast path = WART). See Establishing Accounts Receivable Types (WART) for more information.

You have the option of flagging a credit open item to produce a refund check through:

• the Work with A/R Items menu option (fast path = WARI; see Work with A/R Open Items (WARI) for more information);

• the Display More Options screen (Options) in order entry or order maintenance, if the Allow A/R Credits as Payments (E81) system control value is selected;

• the Apply Credit Balance pop-up window in order maintenance. This window displays automatically when you need to determine the disposition of a credit balance if the Process A/R Credits Immediately (E80) system control value is selected.

You can also flag a credit to produce a refund check for any unused balance after applying the credit to a debit. This option is available through:

• the Select A/R Credit Open Item window. This window displays automatically in order entry if the Allow A/R Credits as Payments (E81) system control value is selected and you enter an accounts receivable payment method on the order. The window is also available if you select A/R CR Paymnt in order entry or order maintenance if the system control value is selected and there is an A/R payment method;

• the Apply Credit Balance pop-up window in order maintenance;

• the Select Order for Credit pop-up window. This window is available through the Apply Credit Balance pop-up window.

The system changes the A/R type of the open item to the code you have defined in this system control value.

Finally, you can change the type of a credit open item to the value you define in this system control value in cash receipts or A/R inquiry.

For more information:

• screens that display in order maintenance: Introducing Order Maintenance and Displaying More Options in OIOM.

• Select A/R Credit Open Item window: Entering Orders.

About refund check open items: Once an A/R credit open item is flagged to produce a refund check, you cannot apply it to a debit through cash receipts or Work with A/R Items, or allocate it as payment of an open order. Credits flagged to produce refund checks are not included in the A/R credits total that displays in order entry or order maintenance; however, they are included in calculating the customer's accounts receivable total.

To “unflag”: You can change a credit open item that is flagged to produce a refund check back to a regular credit open item by changing the A/R open item type. This option is available in cash receipts (fast path = WCRT) by selecting Change for the credit at the Pay Open Items screen. This option is also available in A/R inquiry (fast path = DARI) by selecting Work with open items for an open item. Similarly, you can use these same options to flag an open item to produce a refund check, provided it is a credit or on-account open item.

See Work with A/R Open Items (WARI) and Using A/R Inquiry (DARI) for more information.

To process checks: Use the Process A/R Refunds menu option (fast path = MARC) to generate refund checks for the A/R credits flagged to produce them. This menu option is similar to the Process Refunds menu option (fast path = MREF) except that it selects only open items flagged to produce refund checks or credit card credits, not open refunds created through standard refund processing.

Once you generate a refund check, the status of the credit open item is processed (P).

See Processing A/R Refunds (MARC) for more information.

Leave this field blank if you never need to flag an open item to produce a refund check.

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