Daily Cash Receipts Journal

How to print:

1. At the Print Cash Receipts Journal screen (see Printing the Cash Receipts Journal (PCRJ)), enter the date that corresponds to the daily journal you want to print.

2. Select Daily in the Type of journal field.

3. Select OK to submit the specified report for print.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.

Note: This report is also available as a .csv (comma-separated value) file, which you can open in a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel®. See Reports Available in CSV (Spreadsheet) Format for more information.


Date: The date the report was generated.

Bank: The bank to receive deposits.

Batch: The cash batch number; a sequential, system-assigned number. For all miscellaneous or adjustment transactions, the system defaults a batch number from the Default Cash Receipts Batch Number (E84) system control value (a separate page prints for each batch).

Acct: Account number, if an A/R customer.

Bill to name: Customer bill to name for A/R receipts or Customer sold to name.

Note: the receipt source, such as an order number.

Tran: transaction type, such as a check or cash.

Check #: check number associated with the transaction.

Deposit: deposit amount in the local currency.

Type: A/R transaction type (See Establishing Accounts Receivable Types (WART)).

Inv #: invoice number associated with the transaction.

Detail A/R: the amount applied to each A/R invoice in the local currency. If you use alternate currency pricing (the Use Alternate Currency Pricing (H89) system control value is selected) and the transaction is associated with an alternate currency, the amount is also in the alternate currency. CWSerenade uses this calculation to determine the alternate currency amount: transaction amount x conversion rate defined for the order in the Order Header Extended table = alternate currency amount. If the Decimalized currency field for the alternate currency is selected, CWSerenade includes the decimals in the alternate currency amount; if the Decimalized currency field is unselected, CWSerenade rounds the alternate currency amount to the nearest whole unit of currency. For example, if the transaction amount is 24.00 in the local currency and the conversion rate is 2.36, the alternate currency amount is 56.64. If the Decimalized currency field for the alternate currency is unselected, the alternate currency amount is 57.00.

Deferred liability: the amount applied to deferred liability in the local currency.

A/R CC: the amount applied to credit card A/R in the local currency.

Contribution: the amount applied to contributions in the local currency.

Sundry: the amount applied to sundries in the local currency.

G/L #: the general ledger number for the transaction.

Alternate currency totals: the total alternate currency amount for all of the A/R invoices in the cash batch. This field is blank if the invoices in the batch are not associated with an alternate currency. This field is included only if the Use Alternate Currency Pricing (H89) system control value is selected.

The report also provides column totals by batch, bank, and date for the following:

Alternate currency totals: the total alternate currency amount for all of the A/R invoices associated with the bank. This field is blank if the invoices for the bank are not associated with an alternate currency. This field is included only if the Use Alternate Currency Pricing (H89) system control value is selected.

Deposit: the total deposit amount in the local currency for the cash batch, bank, and date.

Adjustments: the total adjustment amount in the local currency for the cash batch, bank, and date.

A/R: the total A/R amount in the local currency for the cash batch, bank, and date.

Deferred liability: the total deferred liability amount in the local currency for the cash batch, bank, and date.

A/R credit card: the total A/R credit card amount in the local currency for the cash batch, bank, and date.

Contribution: the total contribution amount in the local currency for the cash batch, bank, and date.

Sundry: the total sundry amount in the local currency for the cash batch, bank, and date.

Note: Both the daily and monthly report include totals by currency if the Multi Currency by Offer (E03) system control value is selected.

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