A/R Statement

How to print: Complete the Print Statements screen; see Printing Statements (PSTS).

Working with forms: See Forms Management (My Forms) for information on displaying or printing statements and other forms.

Note: The information presented here is included on your A/R statement only if your print program supports it. The Statement Print Program (B85) system control value identifies the invoice printing program to use.

Sample A/R statements: See the graphical statement sample (generated with the Statement Print Program (B85) system control value set to STMTG and the non-graphical statement sample (generated with the Statement Print Program (B85) system control value set to STMT).

Note: The information included on the graphical and non-graphical statements is the same; however, the graphical version also includes elements such as field labels and text boxes to highlight the printed information. For both the graphical and non-graphical statements, dollar amounts are in #,###.## or #,###.##- format; for example: 1,000.00 or 1,000.00-.

For more information: See the Invoice Age to Start Generating A/R Statement (B86) system control value for a discussion of how the system determines whether to generate an A/R statement for a bill-to customer.

Contents: The contents of the standard A/R statement are:

• company name and address (included only if the Print Company Address on Statements (D58) system control value is selected). Repeated on the right.

Note: The company name and address is included on either the standard graphical and standard non-graphical statement if the Print Company Address on Statements (D58) system control value is selected. Unlike some other forms, the A/R statement does not print a company logo from an image file.

• page number.

• statement date. Repeated on the right.

• customer number: the bill-to customer number. Repeated on the right.

• bill-to customer name and address:

• company name

• prefix, first name, middle initial, last name, suffix

• street address, including the apartment/suite and any additional address lines

• city, state, postal code, country code

• the graphical statement includes lines to enter the date paid, check number, amount, and amount remitted above the invoice (open item) details.

• for each open item:

• the transaction date

• the invoice number representing the debit or credit open item. Repeated on the right. Blank if the open item is an on-account payment

• the first 11 characters of the purchase order number, if any. Blank if the open item is an on-account payment

• the order number. Blank if the open item is an on-account payment

• the total invoice amount, or on-account payment amount. Credits are followed by a minus sign

• the remaining invoice amount after applying any payments. Credits are followed by a minus sign. Repeated on the right

Note: Which open item types are included on the statement? The statement includes open items whose status is open, including invoice open items, credit open items, payments on-account, credits flagged to produce a refund check, and credits flagged to produce a credit card credit. The statement does not include open items whose status is processed, allocated, or in dispute, even if only part of the open item balance is disputed. See Work with Open Items Screen for more information on types of open items and statuses.

• the statement messages, if any, entered through the Print Statement Message window

• the balance due from or owed to the bill-to customer. Credit balances are followed by a minus sign. Repeated on the right

• aging bucket headings: from the A/R Aging 1 Column Heading (A93) system control value through the A/R Aging 6 Column Heading (A98) system control value

• aging bucket totals for the bill-to customer, indicating the net amount due or balance owed within the aging period. Open item balances are aged based on the number of days specified in each of the aging bucket system control values, starting with A/R Aging 1 Days (A99) and ending with A/R Aging 6 Days (B05). The Net A/R Credits in Each Age ’Bucket’ When Aging A/R Items (E14) system control value controls how the system ages credit open items.

Note: Which aging buckets are included? You can include up to six aging buckets on the A/R statement if you specify values in all of the column heading name system control values (starting with A/R Aging 1 Column Heading (A93) and ending with A/R Aging 6 Column Heading (A98)) as well as all of the aging bucket system control values (starting with A/R Aging 1 Days (A99) and ending with A/R Aging 6 Days (B05)). You can include fewer aging buckets by leaving one or more of the last column heading and aging bucket system control values blank. For example, if you leave the A/R Aging 6 Column Heading (A98) and the A/R Aging 6 Days (B05) system control values blank, the A/R statement includes just five aging buckets with related totals for each.

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