Customer Invoice

How to print: Complete the Print Invoices screen; see Printing Invoices (PINV). You can also print an A/R invoice by select Print Invoice to print an invoice at the First Display Invoice Detail Screen or Second Display Invoice Detail Screen in order inquiry.

Working with forms: See Forms Management (My Forms) for information on displaying or printing invoices and other forms.

Note: The information presented here is included on your invoice only if your print program supports it. The Invoice Print Program (B83) system control value identifies the invoice printing program to use.

Sample invoices: See the:

graphical debit invoice sample (generated with the Invoice Print Program (B83) system control value set to INVOICEG, and the Print Company Address on Invoice (D57) system control value unselected)

non-graphical debit invoice sample (generated with the Invoice Print Program (B83) system control value set to INVOICE, and the Print Company Address on Invoice (D57) system control value selected)

graphical credit invoice sample (generated with the Invoice Print Program (B83) system control value set to INVOICEG, and the Print Company Address on Invoice (D57) system control value unselected)

non-graphical credit invoice sample (generated with the Invoice Print Program (B83) system control value set to INVOICE, and the Print Company Address on Invoice (D57) system control value selected)

Note: The information included on the graphical and non-graphical invoices is the same; however, the graphical version also includes elements such as field labels, the company logo, and text boxes to highlight the printed information.


Company logo: prints only if the Invoice Print Program (B83) system control value is set to INVOICEG, and the Print Company Address on Invoice (D57) system control value is unselected. See Setting Up Company Logos for Forms for setup information.

Company description and address: prints only if the Print Company Address on Invoice (D57) system control value is selected. Includes the description, first and second address lines, city, state, postal code, and country.

Customer P. O. number: the purchase order number from the Order Ship To table, entered on the Work with Order Ship to Properties Screen (Properties at the Work with Order Screen) or the Work with Order/Recap Screen in Order Entry

Order no: the system-assigned number of the order that generated the invoice

Invoice no: the invoice number is assigned during pick slip generation or Billing Async, depending on the setting of the Generate Invoice Number at Pick Gen (H80) system control value

Bill to: the name and address of the bill-to customer on the order (for an A/R payment method) or the sold-to customer (for other payment types), consisting of:

• Company Name

• First name, Middle initial, Last name

• Street Address and Apartment Number

• Address Lines 2-4

• City

• State

• Postal Code

• Country code

Ship to: the delivery address on the order, consisting of:

• Company Name

• First name, Middle initial, Last name

• Street Address and Apartment Number

• Address Lines 2-4

• City

• State

• Postal Code

• Country code

Note: If the Consolidated Invoice (B49) system control value is selected and the Invoice Consolidation Method (E29) is set to ORDER, the ship-to name and address does not print.

Order date: the original order date

Order no: the system-assigned number of the order that generated the invoice

Terms: the description of the payment terms specified for the bill-to customer; included only for A/R orders

Customer no: the bill-to account number (for A/R orders) or the customer sold-to number (for other payment methods)

Sales rep: the sales representative specified for the order, if any

Invoice Date: the date the shipment or return was billed and the invoice created

Shipped via: the description of the ship via who shipped the order (does not reflect whether any of the individual order lines were shipped by override ship vias)


Ordered: the quantity ordered from the Ordered field on the Order Detail record; a negative number indicates a return processed by creating a new order line for a negative quantity

Shipped: the quantity shipped from the Qty Shipped field on the Invoice Detail record for this invoice; a negative number indicates a return

• Invoiced: the quantity billed on this invoice; a negative number indicates a credit

Item number: the item and SKU numbers from the Invoice Detail table.

Description: the item description from the Item table, and the SKU description from the SKU table

Unit price: the selling price of the item, from the Price field in the Invoice Detail table. This is the selling price of the item after applying any discounts.This is the selling price of the item after applying any discounts.

Extension: the extended amount of the invoice detail line, calculated by multiplying the price times the quantity shipped in the Invoice Detail table. If the invoice detail line on a debit invoice was partially paid by a different payment method than accounts receivable and the Include All Payment Types on Printed Invoice (D28) system control value is selected, there is an asterisk (*) next to the extended amount, and a note at the bottom of the invoice indicates * = Line partially billed on other payment type.

Notes: up to 3 lines of Order Information lines print here if they are flagged with a Print status of Print on Invoices or Print on Both. You enter these messages by selecting Messages in Order Entry or Order Maintenance

Total merchandise: the total of all extended amounts for all detail lines on the invoice

Shipping and handling: the total of the amounts in the Freight, Additional Freight, Handling, and Additional charges on the Invoice Ship To record

Sales tax: the tax amount from the Tax field on the Invoice Ship To record

Order total: the total merchandise, tax, shipping, and handling charges for the Invoice Ship To record

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