Purchase Journal Summary Report by Vendor Number

Purpose: Use this report to review your A/P purchases for each vendor and verify that you have posted all your vendor invoices to the Accounts Payable system to ensure that they are paid.

How to print: Select this report on the Print Summary Report Select Screen.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


Date range: the dates through which you specified to run this report. This report can be run for a single day if you entered the same date in the From and To date fields on the Print Summary Report Select Screen.

Vendor number

Vendor name

Activity date: the date on which you posted a vendor invoice to the Accounts Payable system.

Invoice number: the number of the vendor's invoice for the merchandise or service purchased.

Invoice date: the date on the vendor's invoice.

Due date: the date on which the vendor's invoice is due to be paid, based on the vendor payment terms (terms code).

Merchandise: the total charge on the vendor's invoice for item(s) purchased.

Other: the sum of the miscellaneous charges on the vendor's invoice, which may include sales tax, freight, etc.

Total: the sum of the merchandise and other charges on the invoice.

Subtotal by vendor: the total of A/P postings for each date.

Grand total: the overall total of A/P postings for all vendors within the specified date range.

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