CNAM Subtype Support for ENUM Queries

CNAM, calling name, data is a string up to 15 ASCII characters of information associated with a specific calling party name. The Internet-draft, draft-ietf-enum-cnam-08.txt, registers the Enumservice 'pstndata' and subtype 'cnam' using the URI scheme 'pstndata:' to specify the return of CNAM data in ENUM responses. The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller recognizes CNAM data returned via this mechanism. CNAM data is then inserted into the display name of the From: header in the original Request. If a P-Asserted-ID header is present in the original request, the CNAM data is inserted there as well.

CNAM data is identified by an ENUM response with service-type: E2U+pstndata:cnam

CNAM support is configured in the sip profile configuration element, which can then be applied to either a session agent, realm, or SIP interface.

The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller can preform CNAM queries on the signaling message’s ingress or egress from the system by setting the cnam lookup direction parameter to either ingress or egress. If the CNAM lookup direction parameters are configured on both the ingress and egress sides of a call, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller will only preform the lookup on the ingress side of the call.

CNAM Unavailable Response

A CNAM response can include a Calling Name Privacy Indicator parameter ('unavailable=p') or Calling Name Status Indicator parameter ('unavailable=u') in responses. The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller can insert a custom reason string into the SIP message’s From and P-Asserted-ID header in the original requires.

Configuring the cnam unavailable ptype parameter inserts the specified text into the From and P-Asserted-ID headers when a CNAM response contains the unavailable=p parameter.

Configuring the cnam unavailable utype parameter inserts the specified text into the From and P-Asserted-ID headers when a CNAM response contains the unavailable=u parameter.

SIP Profile Inheritance

CNAM features, via the SIP Profile configuration element can be applied to session agents, realms, and SIP interfaces. The more generalized object inherits the more specific object’s values. For example, if CNAM support via a SIP profile is configured on a session agent, the expected processing will override any SIP profile configuration on the downstream realm or SIP interface. Likewise, if CNAM support is unconfigured on the receiving session agent, but configured in the realm, CNAM configuration on the SIP interface will be ignored.

CNAM Subtype Support Configuration

To enable the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller to preform CNAM subtype ENUM queries, you must configure a SIP profile with an enum-config object (that points to valid ENUM servers). The referenced enum-config configuration element lists the servers to contact for CNAM type queries (and other general ENUM server interaction parameters).

To configure CNAM subtype support:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type session-router and press Enter to access the signaling-level configuration elements.
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
  3. Type sip-profile and press Enter. The system prompt changes to let you know that you can begin configuring individual parameters.
    ORACLE(session-router)# sip-profile
  4. name—Enter a string that uniquely identifies this SIP profile configuration. You use this name in other areas of the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller configuration to refer to this SIP profile in session agents, realms, or SIP interfaces.
  5. cnam-lookup-server—Set this parameter to the name of an ENUM-config to that will query ENUM servers for CNAM data.
  6. cnam-lookup-dir—Set this parameter to ingress or egress to identify where the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller performs a CNAM lookup with respect to where the call traverses the system. The default value is egress.
  7. cnam-unavailable-ptype—Set this parameter to a string, no more than 15 characters, to indicate that the unavailable=p parameter was returned in a CNAM response.
  8. cnam-unavailable-utype—Set this parameter to a string, no more than 15 characters, to indicate that the unavailable=u parameter was returned in a CNAM response.
  9. Save your work.