A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - V - W - Y



adding for business rule   1

adding for dealer business rules   1


business rule action   1

changing activity types in dealer dashboards   1

administrators, about maintaining employees and stores   1


calendar data applet   1

daily data applet   1

automotive industry features   1

Back to top



adding sales consultants' forecasts   1

adding sales mgr forecasts to store forecast   1

creating monthly and yearly forecast framework   1

creating monthly store forecasts   1

creating sales consultants' forecasts   1

creating sales manager's yearly forecast   1

creating sales managers' forecasts   1

creating sales steps   1

creating store yearly forecast   1

creating team sales step goals   1

creating your team sales step goals   1

printing your teams sales step goals   1

process of creating monthly forecast   1

process of using sales steps   1

selecting monthly and yearly forecast period   1

specifying employees included in forecasts   1

steps to creating yearly forecast   1

tracking sales steps   1

using sales steps   1

viewing daily sales step goals   1

viewing monthly store forecast   1

viewing sales step goals   1

viewing store yearly forecast   1

ways to use sales steps   1

business hours, displaying for a dealer   1

business preferences, entering   1

business rules

about using and example   1

activating dealer business rules   1

adding actions for dealer business rules   1

adding an action   1

adding dealer business rule criteria   1

adding dealer business rule templates   1

changing parameters   1

configuring for dealer business rules   1

creating business rules for all dealers   1

creating new dealer business rule actions   1

process of creating business rule templates   1

publishing business rules   1

reactivating subscriptions   1

setting execution time for business rules   1

subscribing to business rules   1

viewing and inactivating subscriptions   1

viewing execution of dealer business rules   1

viewing executions of business rules   1

buyer's worksheet, about and process of creating   1

Back to top


calendar data applet   1


about using queries   1

associating with vehicles   1

automotive industry features   1

creating a recall campaign   1

executing a marketing campaign offer   1

marketing campaign features   1

marketing features   1

marketing scenarios   1

refreshing queries   1

viewing contacts with campaign   1

captive finance, about   1


creating rules for contacting customers   1

follow-up communication by dealers   1

condition of vehicle, entering details   1


reassigning contacts   1

viewing associating with a campaign   1

viewing others who have accessed a contact   1

credit appraisal form, about and creating   1

credit origination   1


assigning unassigned opportunities   1

creating rules for contacting customers   1

entering information in showroom log   1

entering opportunities   1

process of using showroom log   1

working with a new customer   1

Back to top


daily data applet   1


about   1


available dashboards   1 ,  2

calendar data applet   1

daily data applet   1

monthly data applet   1

using   1


about assigning vehicles to a dealers   1

assigning sales history to a dealer   1

assigning service history to a dealer   1

configuring vehicles and options   1

sharing data with dealers   1

dealer administrator

printing forms   1

process of creating forms   1

dealer business rules

activating   1

configuring   1

viewing execution   1

dealer company, assigning vehicles   1

dealer dashboards

allowing mgr to view team calendar   1

calendar data applet   1

daily data applet   1

dashboards available   1

monthly data applet   1

using dashboard   1

dealer employee, assigning a vehicle   1

dealer general manager

adding sales consultants' forecasts   1

adding sales mgr forecasts to store forecast   1

assigning unassigned opportunities   1

creating monthly and yearly forecast framework   1

creating monthly store forecasts   1

creating sales consultants' forecasts   1

creating sales managers' forecasts   1

creating sales steps   1

creating store yearly forecast   1

creating team sales step goals   1

creating yearly forecast   1

creating your team sales step goals   1

entering customer information in showroom log   1

entering opportunities   1

entering vehicles shown to customers   1

printing your sales step goals   1

printing your teams sales step goals   1

process of creating monthly forecast   1

process of using sales steps   1

process of using the showroom log   1

selecting monthly and yearly forecast period   1

specifying employees included in forecasts   1

steps to creating yearly budget   1

tracking sales steps   1

using sales steps   1

viewing daily sales step goals   1

viewing monthly store forecast   1

viewing store yearly forecast   1

ways to use sales steps   1

working with a new customer   1

Dealer Management System   1

Dealer Operation screen   1

dealer sales manager

adding sales consultants' forecasts   1

adding sales mgr forecasts to store forecast   1

assigning unassigned opportunities   1

creating monthly and yearly forecast framework   1

creating monthly store forecasts   1

creating sales consultants' forecasts   1

creating sales managers' forecasts   1

creating sales steps   1

creating store yearly forecast   1

creating team sales step goals   1

creating yearly forecast   1

creating your team sales step goals   1

entering customer information in showroom log   1

entering opportunities   1

entering vehicles shown to customers   1

printing your sales step goals   1

printing your teams sales step goals   1

process of creating monthly forecast   1

process of using sales steps   1

process of using the showroom log   1

selecting monthly and yearly forecast period   1

specifying employees included in forecasts   1

steps to creating yearly budget   1

tracking sales steps   1

using sales steps   1

viewing daily sales step goals   1

viewing monthly store forecast   1

viewing store yearly forecast   1

ways to use sales steps   1

working with a new customer   1


about assigning vehicles to a dealer   1

about managing dealers   1

about sharing data   1

about viewing dealer operations   1

adding a new dealer summary   1

adding new dealers   1

assigning a vehicle   1

assigning sales history   1

assigning service history   1

configuring vehicles and options   1

creating an organization for each store   1

displaying business hours   1

displaying makes a dealer sells   1

entering opportunities to sell to   1

partner self-registration does not apply   1

scenarios   1

viewing dealer operations   1

viewing service requests   1

dealers dashboards, changing activity types   1

delegated administration, about maintaining employees and stores   1

DMS (Dealer Management System)   1

Back to top


email, business rule action   1


assigning a vehicle   1

specifying employees included in forecasts   1

end-of-lease activities   1

entering inspection information   1


about   1

execution time, setting for business rules   1

Back to top



See Creating the Sales Manager's Yearly Forecast (Dealer)


printing forms   1

process of creating forms   1

process of printing   1

Back to top


general manager

adding sales consultants' forecasts   1

adding sales mgr forecasts to store forecast   1

assigning unassigned opportunities   1

creating monthly and yearly forecast framework   1

creating monthly store forecasts   1

creating sales consultants' forecasts   1

creating sales managers' forecasts   1

creating sales steps   1

creating store yearly forecast   1

creating team sales step goals   1

creating yearly forecast   1

creating your team sales step goals   1

entering customer information in showroom log   1

entering opportunities   1

entering vehicles shown to customers   1

printing your sales step goals   1

printing your teams sales step goals   1

process of creating monthly forecast   1

process of using sales steps   1

process of using the showroom log   1

selecting monthly and yearly forecast period   1

specifying employees included in forecasts   1

steps to creating yearly budget   1

tracking sales steps   1

using sales steps   1

viewing daily sales step goals   1

viewing monthly store forecast   1

viewing store yearly forecast   1

ways to use sales steps   1

working with a new customer   1


creating team sales step goals   1

creating your team sales step goals   1

printing your sales step goals   1

printing your teams sales step goals   1

viewing daily sales step goals   1

Back to top


hours, displaying for a dealer   1

Back to top


importing, about importing service history   1

inactivating subscriptions to business rules   1

Inventory Search, note about and vehicle association   1

Back to top


Lease Expiry Rule   1

letter, business rule action   1

Back to top


makes, displaying those the dealer sells   1

marketing campaigns

about using queries   1

associating campaigns with a vehicle   1

automotive industry features   1

creating a recall campaign   1

executing a marketing campaign offer   1

marketing campaign features   1

marketing features   1

marketing scenarios   1

refreshing queries   1

viewing contacts with campaign   1

monthly budget forecast

adding sales consultants' forecasts   1

creating monthly and yearly forecast framework   1

creating monthly store forecasts   1

creating sales consultants' forecasts   1

creating sales managers' forecasts   1

process of creating monthly forecast   1

selecting monthly and yearly forecast period   1

specifying employees included in forecasts   1

viewing monthly store forecast   1

monthly data applet   1

Back to top


No Activity After Sales Stage Rule   1

Back to top



about business rules   1

creating a recall campaign   1

marking opportunities to be closed   1

reviewing and closing opportunities   1

offer, executing a marketing campaign offer   1


assigning unassigned opportunities   1

entering in Opportunity record   1

marking to be closed   1

reassigning opportunities   1

reviewing and closing opportunities   1

Back to top


parameters, changing for business rules   1


dealer partner functionality   1

self-registration, does not apply to Siebel Dealer   1

Partner Relationship Management

See Differences Between Siebel Dealer and Siebel Partner Relationship Management

preferences, entering dealer business preferences   1

prewarranty authorization line items

entering   1

pre-warranty authorizations

about   1

prewarranty authorizations

creating   1

creating from a work order   1

process of creating   1

submitting for approval   1


printing your sales step goals   1

printing your teams sales step goals   1

process of printing forms   1

publishing business rules   1

purchasing returned vehicles   1


See Entering PWA Line Items

Back to top



about using for marketing campaigns   1

defining and using a query   1

refreshing queries   1

Back to top


reactivating subscriptions to business rules   1

recall campaign, creating   1


about   1

receiving returned vehicles   1

returned vehicles, purchasing   1

returned vehicles, receiving   1


about follow-up rules   1

creating rules for contacting customers   1

rules processing and exclusions

about   1

Back to top



about follow-up rules   1

assigning unassigned opportunities   1

creating rules for contacting customers   1

creating sales steps   1

creating team sales step goals   1

creating your team sales step goals   1

entering business preferences   1

entering customer information in showroom log   1

entering opportunities   1

entering vehicles shown to customers   1

marking opportunities to be closed   1

printing forms   1

printing your sales step goals   1

printing your teams sales step goals   1

process of creating forms   1

process of printing forms   1

process of using sales steps   1

process of using the showroom log   1

reassigning contacts   1

reassigning opportunities   1

reviewing and closing opportunities   1

tracking sales steps   1

using sales steps   1

viewing daily sales step goals   1

viewing others who have accessed a contact   1

ways to use sales steps   1

working with a new customer   1

sales consultant dashboard

about   1

calendar data applet   1

daily data applet   1

monthly data applet   1

using dashboard   1

sales consultants

about follow-up rules   1

adding sales consultants' forecasts   1

assigning unassigned opportunities   1

creating monthly forecasts   1

creating rules for contacting customers   1

creating sales managers' forecasts   1

creating sales steps   1

creating team sales step goals   1

creating your team sales step goals   1

entering vehicles shown to customers   1

marking opportunities to be closed   1

printing forms   1

printing your sales step goals   1

printing your teams sales step goals   1

process of printing forms   1

process of using sales steps   1

reassigning contacts   1

reassigning opportunities   1

reviewing and closing opportunities   1

tracking sales steps   1

using sales steps   1

viewing daily sales step goals   1

viewing monthly store forecast   1

viewing others who have accessed a contact   1

ways to use sales steps   1

sales history, assigning to a dealer   1

sales manager

adding forecasts to store forecast   1

adding sales consultants' forecasts   1

assigning unassigned opportunities   1

creating monthly and yearly forecast framework   1

creating monthly store forecasts   1

creating sales consultants' forecasts   1

creating sales managers' forecasts   1

creating sales steps   1

creating store yearly forecast   1

creating team sales step goals   1

creating yearly forecast   1

creating your team sales step goals   1

entering customer information in showroom log   1

entering opportunities   1

entering vehicles shown to customers   1

printing your sales step goals   1

printing your teams sales step goals   1

process of creating monthly forecast   1

process of using sales steps   1

process of using the showroom log   1

tracking sales steps   1

using sales steps   1

viewing daily sales step goals   1

viewing monthly store forecast   1

viewing store yearly forecast   1

ways to use sales steps   1

working with a new customer   1

sales manager dashboard

about   1 ,  2

calendar data applet   1

daily data applet   1

monthly data applet   1

using dashboard   1

sales rules

creating rules for contacting customers   1

note, components required   1

service employee dashboard

about   1

calendar data applet   1

daily data applet   1

monthly data applet   1

using dashboard   1

service history

assigning to a dealer   1

viewing dealer operations   1

service manager dashboard

about   1

calendar data applet   1

daily data applet   1

monthly data applet   1

using dashboard   1

service requests, viewing a dealer's service requests   1

showroom log

assigning unassigned opportunities   1

entering customer information in showroom log   1

entering opportunities   1

process of using   1

working with a new customer   1

Siebel Automotive, list of screens   1

Siebel Business Process Manager, about   1

Siebel Communication Manager server components   1

Siebel Configurator, about using to assign vehicle options   1

Siebel Dealer

about using Siebel Automotive   1

differences between Siebel PRM   1

enrollment process, step differences from PRM   1

functionality with partners   1

marketing campaigns   1

partner portal screens differences   1

Siebel Partner Relationship Management

See Differences Between Siebel Dealer and Siebel Partner Relationship Management

Siebel PRM

about managing dealers   1

about sharing data with dealers   1

creating an organization for each store   1

differences between Siebel Dealer   1

entering opportunities to sell to dealers   1

partner portal screens differences   1

partners, differences from adding dealers   1

scenarios   1


adding sales consultants' forecasts   1

adding sales mgr forecasts to store forecast   1

creating monthly and yearly forecast framework   1

creating monthly store forecasts   1

creating organization for each store   1

creating sales consultants' forecasts   1

creating sales managers' forecasts   1

creating sales steps   1

creating store yearly forecast   1

creating team sales step goals   1

creating your team sales step goals   1

printing your sales step goals   1

printing your teams sales step goals   1

process of creating monthly forecast   1

process of using sales steps   1

tracking sales steps   1

using sales steps   1

viewing daily sales step goals   1

viewing monthly store forecast   1

viewing store yearly forecast   1

ways to use sales steps   1

store dashboard

about   1

calendar data applet   1

daily data applet   1

monthly data applet   1

using dashboard   1

subscribing to business rules   1

supplier recovery claims

approving line items   1

finding   1

rejecting line items   1

roadmap for reviewing and submitting decisions   1

submitting decisions   1

Back to top


team calendar, allowing mgr to view   1


creating team sales step goals   1

creating your team sales step goals   1

printing your teams sales step goals   1


activating dealer business rules   1

adding actions for dealer business rules   1

adding an action   1

adding dealer business rule criteria   1

adding dealer business rule templates   1

changing business rule parameters   1

configuring dealer business rules   1

creating business rules for all dealers   1

creating new dealer business rule actions   1

process of creating business rule templates   1

publishing business rules   1

reactivating business rules   1

setting execution time for business rules   1

subscribing to business rules   1

viewing and inactivating business rules   1

viewing execution of dealer business rules   1

viewing executions of business rules   1

trade-in appraisal form, about and creating   1

turn-in appointments, viewing   1

Back to top


Vehicle Sales Anniversary Rule   1

Vehicle Sales Follow-up Rule   1


assigning to a dealer company   1

associating with a campaign   1

configuring and options   1

creating a recall campaign   1

entering vehicles shown to customers   1

making visible to a dealer   1

stores, about associating with suborganizations   1

viewing turn-in appointments   1

Back to top


warranty claim repair line items

entering   1

warranty claim repair lines

about   1

warranty claims

about   1

creating   1

creating from a work order   1

creating from a work order (without a prewarranty authorization)   1

managing, roadmap for   1

process of creating   1

scenario, processing   1

submitting for approval   1

updating   1

warranty claims management

about   1

basic concepts   1

warranty entitlement

verifying   1

work order line items

entering   1

work orders

about   1

creating   1

creating from a prewarranty authorization   1

process of creating   1

workflows, activating for Siebel Dealer   1

Back to top


yearly budget forecast

adding sales mgr forecasts to store forecast   1

creating store yearly forecast   1

creating yearly forecast   1

selecting monthly and yearly forecast period   1

specifying employees included in forecasts   1

steps to creating   1

viewing store yearly forecast   1

Back to top

Siebel Dealer Administration Guide Copyright © 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.