15Configuring Applet Layouts

Configuring Applet Layouts

This chapter describes how to use the Applet Web Template Editor to configure an applet. It includes the following topics:

Process of Using the Applet Web Template Editor

To use the applet web template editor, perform the following tasks:

  1. Setting the Language Mode of the Applet Web Template Editor

  2. Defining the Applet Mode

  3. Adding a Control or List Column to an Applet Layout

  4. Previewing the Applet Layout

The Applet Web Template Editor is a visual editing tool that allows you to modify the layout of an applet, which includes adding and removing controls and list columns. It includes a canvas and a preview mode that allows you to view how Siebel CRM displays the applet in the Siebel client.

The constrain mode affects some text strings. For more information, see Setting Up the Configuration File for Siebel Tools.

Note: The feature described in this topic is available in Siebel CRM 18.10 Update and later releases.

    Setting the Language Mode of the Applet Web Template Editor

    This task is a step in Process of Using the Applet Web Template Editor.

    Siebel Tools displays the current language at the end of the last quadrant of the Siebel Tools window. For example, Language:ENU. This language allows you to work with data in a language other than English. Example data includes a translatable text string. The language mode determines the records that are specific to a locale that Siebel Tools transfers during check in and check out and compiles to the Siebel runtime repository. You can set the language mode. For more information, see Overview of Localizing a Siebel Application.

    To set the language mode

    1. In Siebel Tools, click the View menu, and then click Options.

    2. Choose the Language Settings tab.

    3. Choose the appropriate language in the Language window, and then click OK.

      For more information, see Using Siebel Tools.

      Defining the Applet Mode

      This task is a step in Process of Using the Applet Web Template Editor.

      To define the applet mode

      1. In the Mode list of the Controls/Columns window, choose the applet mode that you must edit.

        Make sure you choose an active web template. Siebel Tools displays active and inactive web templates. It uses the following term to label an inactive web template:


        Siebel Tools does not apply modifications you make to an applet layout in one mode to the applet layout of another mode.

      2. In the Application field of the Configuration Context toolbar, choose an application.

        Choose the following to apply modifications to all applications:

        All Applications

        Choose one application to apply modifications to only one application. For more information, see Options to Determine How Siebel CRM Displays Controls and List Columns in a Siebel Application.

      3. Edit the applet layout.

        If you add a new control or list column to the applet layout, then you can use the Properties window to define an object property, such as Field or Name.

      4. Save your modifications to the Web layout.

        Adding a Control or List Column to an Applet Layout

        This task is a step in Process of Using the Applet Web Template Editor.

        You can use the Applet Web Template Editor to add a control or list column to an applet:

        • You can add a predefined control or list column that is a child object of the applet that exists in the Siebel repository but that Siebel CRM does not map to the applet web template.

        • You can add a custom control or list column to an applet layout. For example, you can add a custom control to the applet layout that displays a custom business component field.

        An applet header or footer can include a button control. You cannot place a nonbutton control, such as a field, in an applet header or footer.

        For more information, see About Applet Controls and List Columns.

        To add a control or list column to an applet layout

        1. In Web Tools, open a workspace and then navigate to Object Explorer.

          For information on using the workspace dashboard, see Using Siebel Tools.

        2. Click Applet and then locate the applet you must modify.

        3. Expand the applet list and click Applet Web Template and then Applet Web Template Item.

        4. Select an applet Web template and add a new control.

        5. Preview your changes in the desired application.

        6. To preview your changes, log in to the selected application, go to the workspace dashboard and then click Inspect.

          How Siebel Tools Treats Labels and Controls in a Grid Layout

          If an applet references an applet web template that uses a grid layout, then Siebel Tools treats the labels and controls as separate items. Siebel Tools does this to provide more flexibility when you design the layout. This functionality requires you to map the control and the label of the control onto the applet layout. A label includes the same name as the control, except that Siebel Tools appends the label with the word label. For more information, see Using Grid Layout for an Applet.

            Deleting a Control or List Column

            You can cut or delete a control or list column from an applet layout. It is not necessary to delete the object definition for the control or list column. For important caution information, see Deleting a Control or List Column While in Language Override Mode.

            To delete a control or list column
            1. In Web Tools, open a workspace and then navigate to Object Explorer.

              For information on using the workspace dashboard, see Using Siebel Tools.

            2. Click Applet and then locate the applet you must modify.

            3. Expand the applet list and click Applet Web Template and then Applet Web Template Item.

            4. In Object List Editor, select an applet Web template from the parent applet and then delete the required applet Web template item from the child applet.

            5. Click the preview (eye-shaped) icon in Applet Web Templates to verify that the Web template does not use the control.

              The preview displays after the child applet.

            6. Save your changes.

              Web Tools removes the item from the editor and deletes the corresponding applet Web template object definition from the Siebel repository.

              Note: You can delete a control only if it was created in the current version of the workspace. For a control created in a previous version, inactivate it to disable it in the object design.

              Previewing the Applet Layout

              This task is a step in Process of Using the Applet Web Template Editor.

              You can preview the applet layout to view how Siebel CRM displays the applet in the Siebel client. You can preview the layout in the following ways:

              • In different applet modes.

              • For one application.

              When working with the preview mode, consider the following:

              • If Siebel Tools displays the layout of a grid applet in preview mode, then Siebel Tools might compress spaces between fields and the spaces in labels. Siebel Tools does not compress fields.

              To preview the applet layout

              1. In Web Tools, open a workspace and then navigate to Object Explorer.

                For information on using the workspace dashboard, see Using Siebel Tools.

              2. Click Applet and then locate the applet you must preview.

              3. Expand the applet list and click Applet Web Template and then Applet Web Template Item.

              4. In the Applet Web Templates applet, click the preview (eye-shaped) icon.

                The preview displays after the child applet as an approximation of how Siebel CRM displays the applet in the Siebel client. For more information on preview, see Using Siebel Tools.

                Options for Configuring an Applet Layout

                This topic describes options for configuring an applet layout. It includes the following information:

                Note: The feature described in this topic is available in Siebel CRM 18.10 Update and later releases.

                  Configuring the Display Name for a Control Caption or List Column

                  You can configure the caption of a control or the display name of a list column.

                  For more information, see Setting Up the Configuration File for Siebel Tools.

                  To configure the display name for a control caption or list column

                  1. In Web Tools, click Applet in the Object Explorer.

                  2. In the Applets Web Template list, locate the applet web template you must modify, and then click the preview button.

                  3. In the canvas, double-click a control or list column.

                  4. Choose the text in the display name or caption, and then type new text.

                    Web Tools searches for a symbolic string that is an exact match to the text you type, and that is unique, and then does the following:

                    • If Web Tools finds an exact match, then Web Tools references the symbolic string from the control or list column and enters the value of the current string in the Display Name or Caption field. After you save your work, Web Tools updates the Display Name property for the control or list column.

                      Note: You can select from Display - String Reference or enter in Display – String Override for controls. Likewise, you can select from Caption – String Reference or enter in Caption – String Override for list applets in the Property Pane of the Siebel IDE for layout editing.
                    • If Web Tools does not find an exact match, or if the match is not unique to a single symbolic string, then Web Tools displays an error message.

                  5. Optional. You can use the Controls or List Columns list to modify the control caption or list column display name:

                    • Define the Caption property for a control and the Display Name property in the Property Pane of the Siebel IDE for layout editing.

                    Displaying a Parent Applet Field in the Title of a Detail Applet

                    You can display the value of a field from the parent record as the title of a detail form applet. Siebel CRM often uses a form applet as a detail applet. Displaying the title in this way helps the user to understand the relationship between the parent and child applet.

                    To display a parent applet field in the title of a detail applet

                    1. In Web Tools, click Applet in the Object Explorer.

                    2. In the Applets list, locate the detail applet web template you must modify, and then click the preview button.

                    3. Relocate a text control into the placeholder for the title that is positioned on the Siebel IDE editing layout.

                    4. Give the control a useful name, such as business component name Title.

                    5. Modify the HTML Type property of the control to PlainText in the Property Pane.

                    6. In the Field property of the control, choose the parent business component field whose value you must display, for example Name.

                    7. Preview your changes in the desired application.

                      For more information, see Using Siebel Tools.

                      Displaying a Subset of Fields or CRM Records

                      You can configure Siebel CRM to display a subset of fields in a form applet or a limited number of CRM records in a list applet. If the user clicks Show More, then the applet displays more fields or records. The applet includes a Less mode and a More mode. The user can toggle between these modes to display more or fewer controls or list columns.

                      The Mode property of the applet web template item determines the mode that Siebel CRM uses to display a control or list column. For more information, see Displaying a Field Only If the User Chooses Show More.

                      If no web template item is defined in the More mode for an applet, then Siebel CRM does not display the Show More or the Show Less button. Siebel CRM does not support the more or less feature for a pop-up applet. For more information, see Configuring Pop-Up Applets and Windows.

                      To display a subset of fields or CRM records

                      1. In Web Tools, click Applet in the Object Explorer.

                      2. In the Applets list, locate the applet web template you must modify, and then click the preview button.

                      3. In the Applet Web Template Editor, move a Link control from the Palette window onto the placeholder at the second quadrant of the applet.

                      4. In the Properties window, set properties for the control using values from the following table.

                        Property Value

                        HTML Bitmap


                        HTML Display Mode

                        EncodeData. For more information, see Properties of a Control That Displays HTML Content.

                        HTML Icon Map

                        Use one of the following values:

                        • For a form applet, use ToggleLayout.

                        • For a list applet, use ToggleListRowCount.

                        HTML Type


                        Method Invoked

                        Use one of the following values:

                        • For a form applet, use ToggleLayout.

                        • For a list applet, use ToggleListRowCount.


                        Use one of the following values:

                        • For a form applet, use ToggleLayout.

                        • For a list applet, use ToggleListRowCount.

                        Read Only




                        Show Popup






                      5. Close the Applet Web Template Editor.

                      6. Choose the applet, and then confirm that it now includes the ToggleLayout or ToggleListRowCount applet web template item.

                        For more information, see Properties of the Applet Web Template Item.

                      7. Publish you changes in the desired application.

                        For more information, see Using Siebel Tools.

                        Displaying a Field Only If the User Chooses Show More

                        You can define a control so that Siebel CRM only displays the field that references the control if the user chooses Show More.

                        To display a field only if the user chooses show more

                        1. In Web Tools, click Applet in the Object Explorer.

                        2. In the Applets list, locate the applet web template you must modify, and then click the preview button.

                        3. Click the pin icon that appears on the control/column after you move it to the form.

                          Note: The pin is a toggle to enable/disable a red border around the control and its label. The pin icon is available only in grid-based applets in Siebel 2018 18.10.

                          A border appears around the control/column to indicate that it will now display only during the Show More mode of the applet.

                        4. In the Siebel IDE editing layout, click the Show More button.

                          Web Tools displays the control in the Siebel IDE editing layout based on the mode you selected in Step 3.

                        For more information, see Displaying a Subset of Fields or CRM Records.

                          Setting the Input Method Editor Mode on a Controlor List Column

                          An input method editor (IME) is an editor that allows you to enter complex characters directly from the keyboard. For example, the characters in an Asian language. Several IME input modes handle different types of characters. For example, the Microsoft Windows Japanese IMEs include Hiragana, Katakana, English, Double-width English, and so on. You create a control or list column user property in Siebel Tools to set the IME mode for a control or list column.

                          To set the input method editor mode on a control or list column

                          1. In Siebel Tools, make sure the Control User Prop and List Column User Prop object types are displayed.

                            For more information, see Displaying Object Types You Use to Configure Siebel CRM.

                          2. Click Applet in the Object Explorer.

                          3. In the Applets list, locate the applet you must modify.

                          4. In the Object Explorer, expand the Applet tree, and then do one of the following:

                            • Click Control

                            • Expand the List tree, and then click List Column.

                          5. In the Controls or List Columns list, locate the control or list column you must modify.

                          6. In the Object Explorer, expand the Control or List Column tree, and then click Control User Prop or List Columns User Prop.

                          7. In the Control User Props list or in the List Columns User Props list, add the required records.

                            The following table lists the values for several example records.

                            Name Value




                            E0010411:Full-Width Katakana


                            E0010411:Half-Width Katakana


                            E0010411:Full-Width Ascii


                            E0010411:Half-Width Ascii





                            This setting can be useful for a field that must contain only numeric data, such as a phone number. In this situation, you can restrict the data the user enters to only numeric characters.

                            The code that you use for the IME version might vary. For more information, see the topics that describe the following information at the Microsoft TechNet Web site:

                            • Default input locales

                            • Locale IDs, input locales, and language collections for supported Microsoft Windows client and server operating systems

                          8. Compile and test your modifications.

                            For more information, see Using Siebel Tools.

                            Using Grid Layout for an Applet

                            This topic describes how to use grid layout for an applet. It includes the following information:

                            Grid layout is a design technology in the Applet Web Template Editor and some applet web templates that allow you to modify the layout of a form applet without having to directly modify the underlying applet web template. The work space is a grid canvas where controls snap to a grid. You use a palette of layout tools to define the layout of the form applet, such as resizing, aligning, and centering.

                            If you define a form applet, then it is recommended that you use a template that uses a grid. A template that uses a grid allows you to use the Applet Web Template Editor. This editor helps you to control the layout of the form applet.

                            For more information, see About Grid Form Applet Templates.

                            To use grid layout for an applet

                            Note: The feature described in this topic is available in Siebel CRM 18.10 Update and later releases.
                            1. In Web Tools, click Applet in the Object Explorer.

                            2. In the Applets list, locate the applet you must modify.

                            3. In the Object Explorer, expand the Applet tree, and then click Applet Web Template.

                            4. In the Applet Web Templates list, make sure the Web Template property references the appropriate template.

                              For more information, see Applet Web Templates That Support Grid Layout.

                            5. In the Applets list, click, the preview button.

                            6. In the Applet Web Template Editor, add and delete controls, and then arrange controls, as necessary.

                            7. For more information, see Guidelines for Arranging Controls in Grid Layout.

                              Applet Web Templates That Support Grid Layout

                              The following table describes the applet web templates that support grid layout. For more information, see About Grid Form Applet Templates.

                              Table Applet Web Templates That Support Grid Layout

                              Web Template Description

                              Applet Form Grid Layout

                              Use with all modes of form applets.

                              This template includes buttons in the applet header.

                              Applet Popup Form Grid Layout

                              Use with all modes of popup form applets.

                              This template includes buttons in the applet footer.

                                Accessing Grid Layout Web Templates

                                You can access grid layout web templates.

                                To access grid layout web templates

                                1. In Siebel Tools, click the View menu, Windows, and then the Web Templates menu item.

                                2. In the Web Template Explorer, expand the Siebel Web Templates tree, and then click CCAppletFormGridLayout.

                                  Siebel Tools displays the code for the CCAppletFormGridLayout file in the Web Template File window. You can use this template for a form applet.

                                3. To view the template, click CCAppletPopupFormGridLayout in the Siebel Web Templates tree.

                                  You can use this template for a popup form applet.

                                  Using the Conversion Wizard to Convert a Form Applet to Grid Layout

                                  The Applet Web Template Conversion Wizard allows you to convert an applet that does not use a grid layout to an applet that does use a grid layout. This conversion is useful in the following situations:

                                  • You must convert a form applet to use grid layout, you did not previously convert the applet to use a grid layout, and you preserved the custom layout during an upgrade.

                                  • You must convert a custom applet you defined that uses a template that does not use a grid.

                                  To use the Conversion Wizard to convert a form applet to grid layout

                                  1. Make sure the applet or applet web template you must convert can be converted.

                                    For more information, see Identifying an Applet or Applet Web Template That You Cannot Convert to a Grid Layout.

                                  2. In the Configuration Context Toolbar, make sure the Application field contains the context you require.

                                    For more information, see How the Siebel Application Context Affects Controls That the Applet Web Template Conversion Wizard Converts.

                                  3. If you work in Language Override mode, then make sure your Tools Language Mode is configured for the language you must convert.

                                    For more information, see About Localization in the Development Environment.

                                  4. In Siebel Tools, click Applet in the Object Explorer.

                                  5. In the Applets list, locate the applet you must convert.

                                  6. Click the Tools menu, and then click Convert to Grid Layout.

                                  7. In the Applet Web Template Conversion Wizard, move the applets you must convert from the Available Applets window to the Selected Window.

                                  8. Choose more options:

                                    • It is recommended that you choose the Backup Existing Applet Web Templates option.

                                    • If you choose the Label on the Left of the Fields option, then the Conversion Wizard creates a new form template that does not use a grid, moves labels to the left, and then converts that template to grid layout.

                                    • If you choose the Launch Web Layout Editor Upon Completion option, then the editor displays the applet web template for the last applet that you chose in Using the Conversion Wizard to Convert a Form Applet to Grid Layout.

                                  9. Click Next.

                                    The wizard converts the active web templates to grid layout web templates:

                                    • If no error occurs, then you can use the Applet Layout Editor to edit the layout of these applets. For more information, see Process of Using the Applet Web Template Editor.

                                    • If an error occurs, then the Applet Web Template Conversion Wizard displays the error in a dialog box. Siebel Tools stores this information in a log file. For more information, see step 7.

                                    If an item in an applet header or footer does not convert properly, then you might be required to manually modify the item after the conversion. This situation can occur if you map a field to a placeholder in an applet header or footer. You typically map a button control rather than a field to a header or footer.

                                    How the Siebel Application Context Affects Controls That the Applet Web Template Conversion Wizard Converts

                                    The Applet Web Template Conversion Wizard only converts controls that are valid in the current application context that is chosen in the Application field of the Configuration Context Toolbar. For example, if a particular Siebel CRM application is chosen, then Siebel Tools only converts the controls that are valid in the context of that Siebel CRM application. If a control is not valid in the chosen application context, then Siebel Tools displays a dialog box that allows you to cancel the conversion or to continue. If you choose continue, then Siebel Tools creates an entry in a log file for each control that it does not convert. For more information, see Troubleshooting a Grid Layout Conversion Problem.

                                      Modifying the Web Template to Convert a Form Applet to Grid Layout

                                      To convert the applet to a grid layout, you can modify the web template that the applet references. In Siebel Tools, you modify the web template file that is associated with each applet mode to a template that supports a grid layout. You manually perform this task for each applet you must convert.

                                      To modify the web template to convert a form applet to grid layout

                                      1. Make sure the applet or applet web template you must convert can be converted.

                                        For more information, see Identifying an Applet or Applet Web Template That You Cannot Convert to a Grid Layout.

                                      2. In the Object Explorer, click the Applet object type.

                                      3. In the Applets list, locate the applet web template that you must modify, and then click the preview button.

                                      4. In the Web Template pane of the Applet Web Template Editor, choose the appropriate template.

                                        For more information, see Applet Web Templates That Support Grid Layout.

                                      5. Repeat step 5 for each applet mode.

                                        After you reference a grid layout template, you can use the Applet Web Template Editor to edit the applet. For more information, see Process of Using the Applet Web Template Editor and Guidelines for Working with Grid Layout.

                                        Identifying an Applet or Applet Web Template That You Cannot Convert to a Grid Layout

                                        You cannot convert some applets and applet web templates to a grid layout.

                                        To identify an applet web template that you cannot convert to a grid layout

                                        1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\BIN directory.

                                          If you use another operating system, then use the appropriate navigation software.

                                        2. Open the awtcvtcfg.txt file.

                                          The awtcvtcfg.txt file is the configuration file for the Applet Web Template Conversion Wizard. It lists applets and applet web templates that you cannot convert.

                                        3. Make sure the applet or applet web template you must convert is not listed.

                                          Do not modify the list of applet classes and applet web template files that Siebel CRM lists in the configuration file for the Applet Web Template Conversion Wizard. Siebel CRM does not support modification of these classes or files.

                                        You cannot convert the following web templates to grid layout:

                                        • SWLS DetailApplet Template

                                        • SWLS Edit Template

                                          Modifying the Background Color of an Applet

                                          To modify the background color of an applet that references a grid layout web template, you can modify the relevant selectors in the main.css (Cascading Style Sheet). For more information about main.css, see Siebel Developer's Reference.

                                          To modify the background color of an applet

                                          • If the applet is the parent applet, then modify the AppletStyle1 selector.

                                            The parent applet is the highest-level applet in a view. For example:

                                            /*Parent Applet Style*/
                                            .AppletStyle1{background-color : #f00000; color:#00f0ff;}
                                          • If the applet is the child applet, then modify the AppletStyle3 selector.

                                            The child applet is not the highest-level applet in a view. For example:

                                            /*Child Applet Style*/
                                            .AppletStyle3{background-color: #f0f000;}

                                            Troubleshooting a Grid Layout Conversion Problem

                                            This topic describes guidelines for troubleshooting a grid layout conversion problem.

                                            To resolve a grid layout conversion problem, look for it in the list of Symptoms or Error messages column in the following table.

                                            Siebel Tools displays these errors in a dialog box at the end of the conversion process. Siebel Tools creates an entry in a log file for each control that it does not convert or for errors that it encounters when it converts an applet to grid layout. The log file is named awtconversion.txt and is located in the SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\temp directory.

                                            Table Problems That Occur During Conversion to Grid Layout

                                            Symptom or Error Message Diagnostic Steps or Cause Solution

                                            Cannot map a control or label.

                                            This problem might be due to an applet web template item that is not explicitly mapped to a control on the original applet web template. To display on the new grid applet web template, the Control property on each web template item must contain a value. For more information, see Properties of the Applet Web Template Item.

                                            Use the Applet Web Template Editor to map a control to the applet layout. For more information, see Adding a Control or List Column to an Applet Layout.

                                            Cannot convert an applet.

                                            The following items might cause the problem:

                                            Use Edit Web Layout to associate a valid web template to the applet.

                                            The applet web template is configured for more than one application context.

                                            For more information, see How the Siebel Application Context Affects Controls That the Applet Web Template Conversion Wizard Converts.

                                            Choose the appropriate application in the Application field of the Configuration Context toolbar and run the Conversion Wizard again.

                                            For more information, see Using the Conversion Wizard to Convert a Form Applet to Grid Layout.

                                              Guidelines for Working with Grid Layout

                                              If you use a grid layout, then use the following guidelines:

                                              • Controls snap to a grid where each grid cell measures 8 pixels by 8 pixels.

                                              • A grid layout only partially resizes a field according to the monitor resolution that is set on the computer where the Siebel client runs. For example, if a grid form applet is designed to run on a monitor with a resolution of 1024 by 768, and if Siebel CRM displays the applet on a monitor with a resolution of 800 by 600, then the user must scroll to view the farthest edge of the layout. If Siebel CRM displays the same applet on a monitor set to a resolution of 1280 by 1024, then the form does not occupy the entire width of the screen.

                                                To reduce the potential for horizontal scroll, the browser eliminates as much padding as possible. Siebel CRM does not modify field sizes, but it does modify empty characters that reside at the beginning or end of a label. For example, an applet that is 150 grid cells wide is 1200 pixels wide, and can display in the width of a screen that is set at a width resolution of 1028. The Tools Preview mode reflects this functionality. You can use the preview mode to track how many cells the form crosses, and to approximate how wide the form is when Siebel CRM displays it in the browser.

                                              • If you configure a control in an applet that uses a grid layout, then place controls marked for More mode at the lower level of the applet. The grid layout applet does not compress empty space in the applet.

                                              • In the Applet Web Template Editor, Siebel CRM displays a label as an item that is separate from the corresponding control. It allows you to independently position the label. Siebel CRM uses labels in the Applet Web Template Editor only. A label does not exist as a separate control in the Siebel repository. A label is defined as an applet web template item. It uses the Caption and Text Alignment- Label properties of the corresponding control. Other properties from the control do not apply.

                                              • The Item Identifier property of the applet web template item indicates the position of the label or control in the grid. For example, in the Edit applet web template of the Account Form Applet, the value of the Item Identifier for Country is 8,072. The label is CountryLabel and is located at 8,064. For more information about the item identifier, see Properties of the Applet Web Template Item.

                                              • If you save an applet layout, then the Applet Web Template Editor checks for overlapping controls. If an overlapping control exists, then Siebel Tools displays an error message and you cannot save the layout.

                                              • If you use the alignment buttons on the Format toolbar, then the last item you choose on the canvas is the item that Siebel Tools uses to align, center, and space all other items.

                                              Note: The Format toolbar is available only in Siebel Tools.

                                                Guidelines for Arranging Controls in Grid Layout

                                                The Format Toolbar includes several tools that help you arrange controls that Siebel Tools displays in the Applet Web Template Editor. If you arrange controls in grid layout, then use the following guidelines:

                                                • To determine the action a tool performs, scroll over the tool and view the small pop-up label that Siebel Tools displays.

                                                • A tool in the Format Toolbar is only active if the action that the tool performs in the Applet Web Template Editor is actionable. For example, the Align Lefts tool is only active if you choose more than one control.

                                                • To resize or position a control, always use the Applet Web Template Editor. Do not modify the property of a control in the Controls list.

                                                • You can use the arrow keys to move a control or controls to the position.

                                                Note: The Format toolbar is available only in Siebel Tools.