4Siebel Mobile Disconnected Application Administration

Siebel Mobile Disconnected Application Administration

This chapter describes how to administer Siebel Mobile disconnected applications. It includes the following topics:

Note: By default, most of the parameters referenced in this chapter are not automatically available as options in the menus of your Siebel Mobile disconnected application, and as a result they are not set in the default configuration. If you want to make these and any other new parameters available, then you must add them to your Siebel Mobile disconnected application by creating a new parameter record for each parameter that you want to make available.

Setting Up Users for Siebel Mobile Disconnected Applications

This task is a step in Roadmap for Setting Up Siebel Mobile Disconnected Applications. To set up users for a Siebel Mobile disconnected application, you must perform a number of tasks. The tasks that you must perform include the following:

    Adding Business Component Filters for Siebel Mobile Disconnected Application Users

    The Business Components Filters tab in the Administration - Siebel Mobile, Application Administration view contains the synchronization filter settings for business components. If you want to restrict the contents of selected business components to reduce the data set that is visible to your users, then you can change the filter settings in this view. For more information about adding business component filters, see the following:

      Adding Business Object Filters for Siebel CRM Disconnected Application Users

      The Business Object Filters tab in the Administration - Siebel Mobile, Application Administration view contains the synchronization filter settings for business objects. If you want to ensure that users avoid downloading too many records, then you can change the filter settings in this view. For more information about adding business object filters, see the following:

        Configuring Access to Views for Siebel Mobile Disconnected Applications

        Certain views in Siebel Mobile are useful only when there is connectivity as they are used, for example, to update information in real-time. Because such views do not serve an important purpose in offline mode, it is recommended that you do not download these views to the client as they only take up valuable browser storage space. As a general rule, if the mobile application has views that are useful in online but not in offline mode, then those views along with their data must not be downloaded to the client device in offline mode. For example, the Siebel Mobile application for Siebel Field Service has some views related to Shifts, Breaks and POUs which are useful only when there is connectivity.

        Each view and responsibility in Siebel CRM has a Local Access flag. You can use the Local Access flag to control which views mobile users can access when using Siebel Mobile disconnected as follows:

        • When Local Access is set to TRUE (checked), all users with the view in one of their responsibilities can access the view when using the Siebel Mobile disconnected application.

        • When Local Access is set to FALSE (unchecked), users cannot access the view when using the Siebel Mobile disconnected application.

        The following procedures show you how to limit the views that the Siebel Mobile disconnected application displays.

        For more information about defining local access to views, see Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide. For more information about responsibilities and access control, see Siebel Security Guide.

          Limiting Access to Views by Modifying Responsibilities

          This topic shows you how to limit the views that the Siebel Mobile disconnected application displays by modifying access to the view for a user responsibility.

          To limit access to views by modifying a responsibility

          1. Identify the views that users will not require in offline mode.

          2. Log in to the Siebel application as a user with administrator privileges.

          3. Navigate to the Administration - Application screen, then the Responsibilities view.

          4. Query for and select the appropriate responsibility or user role where you want to limit access.

            For example, query for Service Administrator.

          5. Select the Responsibilities tab, and then do the following:

            1. In the lower Users applet, review and update the list of users assigned to the responsibility as required.

            2. In the lower Views applet, deselect the Local Access check box for each view that you do not want to display in offline mode.

              For example, deselect the Local Access check box for the following views in the Siebel Mobile application for Siebel Field Service, which are not required in offline mode:

              SHCE Technician Breaks View - Mobile
              SHCE Technician POU View - Mobile
              SHCE Technician Shifts View - Mobile 
              Note: The Local Access check box is selected by default for all views, which means that all mobile application views are downloaded to client devices and available to users in offline mode by default.
          6. Repeat the previous two steps for each additional responsibility that contains views which are not required in offline mode.

          7. Inform users as required to log out, and then log back in to the mobile application for the changes to take effect.

          Related Topics

          Assigning Responsibilities to Siebel Mobile Disconnected Application Users

          Setting Up Users for Siebel Mobile Disconnected Applications

            Limiting Access to Views for All Responsibilities Globally

            This topic shows you how to limit the views that the Siebel Mobile disconnected application displays by modifying access to the view for every responsibility globally that is associated with the view.

            To limit access to views for all responsibilities globally

            1. Identify the views that users will not require in offline mode.

            2. Log in to the Siebel application as a user with administrator privileges.

            3. Navigate to the Administration - Application screen, then the Views view.

            4. Query for the appropriate view where you want to limit access.

              For example, query for the following: SHCE Technician Breaks View - Mobile.

            5. Deselect the Default Local Access check box for the view.

              The Default Local Access setting determines whether a view is available for the users that are assigned to the responsibilities that are associated with this view.

            6. Repeat the previous two steps for each view where you want to limit access for every responsibility that references the view.

            Related Topics

            Assigning Responsibilities to Siebel Mobile Disconnected Application Users

            Setting Up Users for Siebel Mobile Disconnected Applications

              Administration Screen Settings for Siebel Mobile Disconnected Applications

              Administration screen settings for Siebel Mobile can appear at three levels: application, component, or user. Certain settings are allowed only at specific levels. There are also two types of settings:

              • Single-line setting. For this setting, only one row can contain a unique setting name at a given level. Thus, a single-line setting at the User level can be used only once at that level. For single-line settings, the Sequence column must always contain a value of zero. For single-line settings, you can leave the sequence column value unchanged, which results in a default value of zero being assigned.

              • Multi-line settings. For this setting, the sequence column is necessary to allow multiple rows. The sequence column has no effect on actual processing, but is part of the logical key in the database table. When you create a new record in this database table, the record must have a unique logical key. For multi-line settings, each line must include a different sequence number to avoid logical key conflicts.

              If the combination of setting name and sequence number is not unique for a particular parent record (application, component, or user), then you get an error message when stepping off or saving the record. Multi-line entries must contain the correct key values before they can be saved to the database.

                About the Rules for an Override

                The rules for an override are that any setting, whether a single-line setting or multi-line setting, specified at the lower levels also overrides that same setting name at higher levels. Thus the settings at the application level apply unless specific settings are overridden for a particular component or a particular user. When an override occurs, it occurs for the complete setting name. Thus, if a particular multi-line setting has three rows at the user level and twelve rows at the application level, then the resulting multi-line setting value for that setting contains only the three rows at the user level. An override mechanism also allows a setting to be removed, rather than replaced.

                  Removing a Setting from a Higher Level

                  The following procedure shows how to remove a setting from a higher level.

                  To remove a setting from a higher level

                  • Specify the setting name that you want to remove, with an empty setting value.

                  Related Topic

                  Configuring Application Settings for Siebel Mobile Disconnected Applications

                    Configuring Application Settings for Siebel Mobile Disconnected Applications

                    The Administration - Siebel Mobile, Application Administration view lists all the mobile applications that are available within your enterprise. From the Application Administration view, you can create new application settings, change default settings, and administer settings that have already been created. Some of the settings are described in Application Settings for Siebel Mobile Disconnected Applications.

                    The following tabs, which are available from the Application Administration view, are used by the synchronization engine to extract application definition and user data:

                    Note: You use the User Administration view and its tabs in a similar way to how you use the Application Administration view and its tabs, except that you are configuring business components, business objects, and user settings at the user level rather than at the application level. The mobile application is populated with the user administration data when the user performs a synchronization. The user administration settings override the Siebel Server component-level and application-level settings.

                      Configuring a New Application Setting

                      Use the following procedure to configure a new application setting. This task is a step in Roadmap for Setting Up Siebel Mobile Disconnected Applications.

                      To configure a new application setting

                      1. Navigate to the Administration - Siebel Mobile screen, then the Application Administration view.

                      2. Select the appropriate mobile application from the upper applet.

                      3. Click the Settings tab, and then click New.

                      4. Click the name field, and select the setting you require.

                      5. Click the Value field, and enter the text of the setting.

                        Configuring the DefaultBusObj Setting Value

                        The Siebel Mobile disconnected application setting value field has a limit of 2000 characters. The following procedure shows how to create a default business object (DefaultBusObj) setting value with more than 2000 characters.

                        To configure the DefaultBusObj setting values

                        1. Break the value into multiple lines of DefaultBusObj settings.

                        2. Enter these settings using the same DefaultBusObj value format:

                          BusObj|Visibility|Query|BusComp_1|query specifications_1[|BusComp_n|query 

                          When defining multiple lines of DefaultBusObj settings for a single business object, all view modes and filters must match. If a business component is found in multiple DefaultBusObj settings for a single business object, then the business component’s query specifications are concatenated with a space and appended to the previous business component’s query specifications. You must be aware of this effect in order to decide if both query specifications must be combined with an OR operator or AND operator.

                          The DefaultBCuserProps and DefaultFields settings for a single business component can also be broken into multiple lines of settings if their values exceed 2000 characters. These settings must all be entered using the same value format as well:

                          BusComp|BCUserProp_1[|BCUserProp_n] or BusComp|Field_1[|Field_n]

                          Extracting Non-UI Fields During Synchronization

                          Fields displayed in the UI and fields that are part of the calculated field are extracted to the Siebel Mobile disconnected application during the synchronization process. However, not all fields in the business component are extracted. Often, you might have to refer to other fields in the user property that are either not exposed in the UI or they are calculated fields. For example, a user enters a value in the Amount field through the UI. This action updates a value in the Status field, but the Status field is not displayed in the UI and therefore is not automatically extracted to the Siebel Mobile disconnected application. Such fields must be sent to the Siebel Mobile disconnected application during synchronization.

                          Note: Calculated fields are downloaded from the Siebel Server and appear in the Siebel Mobile disconnected application. In offline mode, the calculated values for the new records created are set based on the fields available offline.

                          To extract specific non-UI fields during synchronization

                          1. Navigate to the Administration - Siebel Mobile screen, then the Application Administration view.

                          2. Click the Settings tab.

                            You use the Settings tab to define the parameter settings for your application.

                          3. Select, for example, Siebel ePharma Mobile Application Name.

                          4. Click Query, enter Account, and click Execute Query.

                          5. Select the DefaultFields Directive for the Account business component, and add the following to the end of the Value column:

                            |Start Time|End Time

                            Configuring the Application Directory Setting

                            Application Directory is an application-level parameter that is defined in the Administration - Siebel Mobile, Application Administration, Settings view. The default value for this parameter in the standard product is hhsync\app_name, where app_name is the name of the application, such as salesm or servicem, and so on. You can set this parameter using the following procedure. This task is a step in Roadmap for Setting Up Siebel Mobile Disconnected Applications.

                            To configure the Application Directory setting

                            1. Log in to the Siebel Server using a user ID with a Siebel administrator responsibility.

                            2. Navigate to the Administration - Siebel Mobile screen, then the Application Administration view.

                            3. Select the appropriate application (for example, Siebel ePharma Mobile) from the upper applet.

                            4. Click the Settings tab, and set the value of the Application Directory parameter to be the shared network location using a UNC format, for example, as follows:

                            5. Save the change.

                            6. Restart the Siebel Application Object Manager server component for the Siebel Mobile disconnected application.

                            Note: The location for the Application Directory must be a networked, high performance, highly available drive. SAN (Storage Area Network) or NAS (Network Access Server) with a high RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) rating is a good option for this purpose.

                              Configuring the Application Directory Setting for Multiple Servers

                              The following procedure shows you how to set the Application Directory parameter for Siebel Mobile disconnected applications in a multiple server or hybrid environment (for example, Microsoft Windows and UNIX).

                              To configure the Application Directory setting for multiple servers

                              1. Set up a shared CIFS (or Samba) FileSystem folder between Windows and UNIX servers.

                                On Windows for example, a folder called mobile is created on the c:\ drive (c:\mobile) and Siebel Servers are installed under C:\23044\ses\siebsrvr.

                                On Linux for example, a folder called mobile is mounted as /somepath/mobile (which points to the Windows folder) and Siebel Servers are installed under /export/home/siebelqa1/23044/ses/siebsrvr.

                              2. Create the hhsync subfolder c:\mobile\hhsync as follows:

                                mkdir c:\mobile\hhsync
                              3. On Windows, use mklink to link siebsrvr\hhsync to the shared folder c:\23044\ses\siebsrvr as follows:

                                C:\23044\ses\siebsrvr> mklink /D C:\23044\ses\siebsrvr\hhsync 
                              4. On UNIX, link siebsrvr/hhsync to the shared folder as follows:

                                ln -s /somepath/mobile/hhsync/export/home/siebelqa1/23044/ses/siebsrvr/hhsync
                              5. Log into the Siebel Server using a user ID with a Siebel administrator responsibility, and then do the following:

                                1. Navigate to the Administration - Siebel Mobile screen, then the Application Administration view.

                                2. Select the appropriate application (for example, Siebel ePharma Mobile) from the upper applet.

                                3. Click the Settings tab, and set the value of the Application Directory parameter to hhsync/phm.

                                  On Microsoft Windows, this points to: .\siebsrvr\hhsync\phm.

                                  On Linux, this points to: ./siebsrvr/hhsync/phm.

                                4. Save the change and restart the Siebel Application Object Manager server component for the Siebel Mobile disconnected application.

                                Application Settings for Siebel Mobile Disconnected Applications

                                The following table describes the application settings that you can configure for Siebel Mobile disconnected applications.

                                Table Application Settings for Siebel Mobile Disconnected Applications

                                Product Group

                                Server Components

                                Application Directory

                                Single-line setting. Specifies the working directory (UNC path) for the Siebel Mobile disconnected application synchronization component where user data is stored.

                                A valid value for Application Directory is as follows:

                                \\server name\directory name

                                For more information, see Configuring the Application Directory Setting Configuring the Application Directory Setting for Multiple Servers.


                                Single-line setting. This parameter enables thread-throttling functionality for database-extraction threads. DBExtractThreadLoad is the load (or weight) that is assigned to each individual, database-extraction thread. For each running database-extraction thread, this load value is used to determine the total system load, which is then compared with the MaxTotalThreadLoads value. A new thread is started only if the total system load does not exceed the MaxTotalThreadLoads value. A value of zero disables throttling of the database-extraction threads. The default value is 2.

                                A valid value for DBExtractThreadLoad is any integer greater than or equal to zero (0).


                                Multi-line setting. This parameter is used to force the extraction of a business object and its designated business components. DefaultBusObj is typically used when a business component is not extracted because it is not specified by using the DefaultView setting and is required for the application to function correctly. This setting is also used to designate business components that function as reverse business objects (RBOs). For more information about QBE (query by example) structure, see Constructing Business Component Filters for Siebel Mobile Disconnected Applications.

                                Valid values for DefaultBusObj are as follows:

                                Business Object Name|Visibility Level||Business Component Name|QBE query construct

                                For more information, see Configuring the DefaultBusObj Setting Value.


                                Multi-line setting. This parameter is used to force the extraction of fields for a particular business component, which is typically the case where the business component is extracted through the DefaultView setting. However, because the field is not visible on the applet, it is not extracted. Also when a hidden business component is extracted through the DefaultBusObj setting, it is necessary to specify all of the fields that must be extracted for the business component. If no fields are specified using this setting, then the business component is not extracted in this case.

                                Valid values for DefaultFields are as follows:

                                Business Component Name|Field1|Field2|…

                                For more information, see Extracting Non-UI Fields During Synchronization.


                                Single-line setting. This parameter enables the processing of insert operation failures for synchronization. If DefaultHandheldInsertMode is enabled, then synchronization stops when it encounters a data conflict during an insert operation. Users or administrators must resolve the data conflict before synchronization can resume. This feature is disabled by default.

                                Valid values for DefaultHandheldInsertMode include one of the following:

                                • NoFail

                                • FailOnError


                                Single-line setting. This parameter enables or disables the batch synchronization functionality. Disable batch synchronization is the default. For more information about batch synchronization, see Configuring Batch Synchronization for Siebel Mobile Disconnected Applications.


                                Single-line setting. This parameter enables or disables thread-throttling functionality.

                                Valid values for EnableThrottleDebugMode are TRUE or FALSE.


                                Single-line setting. This parameter is used for thread-throttling functionality. MaxThrottleWaitTime is the upper limit on the amount of time (in minutes) that any individual throttling request is allowed to wait. The default value is 5.

                                A valid value for MaxThrottleWaitTime is any integer greater than or equal to zero (0).


                                Single-line setting. This parameter is used for thread-throttling functionality. It defines the maximum number of total thread loads (determined by DBExtractThreadLoad and TranProcThreadLoad for each type of thread) that will be allowed to run for the scope defined by ThreadThrottleScope. If a throttling request is made that causes this maximum to be exceeded, then the requesting thread is delayed. The default value is zero, which disables the throttling mechanism.

                                A valid value for MaxTotalThreadLoads is any integer greater than or equal to zero (0).


                                Single-line setting. This parameter is used with thread-throttling functionality. It defines the scope of the thread-throttling mechanism by using one of two different modes:

                                • Process Thread. Where thread throttling occurs independently in each process.

                                • Application. Where thread throttling occurs in all processes running the same synchronization application on a single server.

                                Only the first character of the ThreadThrottleScope parameter is used to determine the value. All other characters are ignored. Thus aardvark is interpreted as Application. Case is also ignored. The default value is Application.

                                Valid values for ThreadThrottleScope include Application or Process Thread.


                                Single-line setting. This parameter is used with thread-throttling functionality. It defines the load (or weight) that is assigned to each individual, transaction-processing thread. For each running transaction processing thread, this load value is used to determine the total system load, which is then compared with the MaxTotalThreadLoads value. A new thread is started only if the total-system load does not exceed the MaxTotalThreadLoads value. A value of zero disables thread throttling of the transaction-processing threads. The default value is 3.

                                A valid value for TranProcThreadLoad is any integer greater than or equal to zero (0).


                                Single-line setting. This parameter is used with thread-throttling functionality. It specifies the minimum time (in minutes) that the Transaction Processor continues processing transactions before performing a handshake with the client. After this value is exceeded, a handshake occurs instead of starting to process the next transaction. Doing so prevents the client from timing out the session when thread throttling is enabled. The default value is 5.

                                A valid value for TranProcThreshold is any integer greater than or equal to zero (0).

                                  Configuring Component-Level Settings for Siebel Mobile Disconnected Applications

                                  You administer server components for your mobile application from the Administration - Mobile screen, Server Component Administration view. The Server Component Administration view enables you to manage server-level settings for synchronization components. These settings are used by the synchronization engine to extract application definition and user data. These settings override the application-level settings at the component level on a specific server. The data entered here is used by the synchronization engine when the user synchronizes with the Siebel Server.

                                  The server-component settings are used primarily for the functionality that is required for individual server components. For example, thread throttling depends on the components running on a particular server and is best set at the Siebel Mobile disconnected application server component level. Examples of settings that might be made at the component level are: MaxTotalThreadLoads, TranProcThreadLoad, DBExtractThreadLoad, and so on. Generally, the settings made at the application level are shared by all server components.

                                  The following procedure shows how to configure component-level settings for mobile applications. This task is a step in Roadmap for Setting Up Siebel Mobile Disconnected Applications.

                                  To configure component-level settings

                                  1. Navigate to the Administration - Mobile screen, then the Server Component Administration view.

                                    This view shows a list of server components associated with the application that is selected in the Siebel Mobile Setup view.

                                  2. For each server component listed, do the following:

                                    1. Make sure that the Name field value matches the exact component name, such as ePharmaMObjMgr_enu, of the synchronization server component for the Siebel Mobile disconnected application.

                                    2. In the lower Settings applet, review or update the associated settings as required.

                                  Thread Throttling for Siebel Mobile Disconnected Applications

                                  Thread throttling is a synchronization event that occurs when a large number of users attempt to synchronize simultaneously, and the load on a single server can become too much. Thread throttling significantly reduces the total number of transaction processor threads that are active simultaneously and database extraction threads. Thread throttling increases the throughput for synchronization, without reducing the number of concurrent users. Synchronization performance worsens slightly, but the synchronization will complete for all users.

                                  Thread throttling allows the maximum number of concurrent users. It maximizes the usage of the Siebel Server during any mixture of transaction-processing threads and database-extraction threads. Thus, if the Siebel Mobile disconnected application server supports x concurrent transaction-processing threads, then it allows x number of transaction-processing threads while disallowing all database-extraction threads.

                                  Similarly, if the server supports y concurrent database-extraction threads, then it allows this number of database-extraction threads while disallowing all transaction-processing threads. If less than x transaction-processing threads are currently active, then some database-extraction threads are allowed to execute concurrently. Similarly, if less than y database-extraction threads are currently active, then some transaction-processing threads are allowed to execute simultaneously. For information about the settings for thread throttling and about how to enable thread throttling, see Configuring Application Settings for Siebel Mobile Disconnected Applications.

                                  Load Balancing Support for Synchronization

                                  Load balancing distributes the workload for multiple Siebel Servers. You can load-balance the synchronization of the Siebel Mobile disconnected application at the Siebel Server level to achieve better scalability and high availability. This capability removes the limitation of assigning users to a specific application Siebel Server at installation time.

                                    Supported Load Balancers for Synchronization

                                    The load balancers used for synchronization are the same as those for Siebel Business Applications. You can use either the native load balancer or a third-party HTTP load balancer.

                                    For information about configuring native Siebel Server load balancing or third-party load balancing (which depends on the third-party product), see Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using and Siebel Deployment Planning Guide.

                                      Unique Synchronization Directory on Siebel Server

                                      The Siebel Server uses a location on the server to store users' extracted files and state information. Each user and mobile application combination has a unique synchronization directory. The Application Directory user parameter enables the administrator to define this location. For information about setting the Application Directory user parameter, see Configuring the Application Directory Setting.

                                      By defining a shared location for this parameter, synchronization services for Siebel Mobile disconnected applications can be load-balanced. When users request a synchronization session, their request is directed (by a load-balancer) to an available Siebel Server hosting the appropriate Application Object Manager for Siebel Mobile, which will be able to access the users’ synchronization directory. For example, a Siebel Mobile disconnected application can be configured to point to a generic URL for synchronization.

                                        Load Balancing When Synchronization is Configured for Siebel Mobile

                                        If multiple servers are configured with load balancing for the Siebel Mobile disconnected application when synchronization is also configured for the application, then all requests are routed to only one server. To change this so that requests are routed to all load balanced servers, complete the steps in the following procedure.

                                        To load balance when synchronization is configured

                                        1. Using Siebel Server Manager, set the MaxTasks and MaxMTServers parameters.

                                        2. Set the following parameters:

                                          1. MobileSync (the disconnected mobile synchronization component group). Set componentgroup to MobileSync. For more information, see the first step in Setting Up the Disconnected Mobile Synchronization Component Group.

                                          2. MobileDbXtract (the data extraction component). Set the data extraction component to whichever component is being used for the mobile data extraction. For example, set component to ServiceMobileDbXtract_enu. For more information, see Setting Up the Disconnected Mobile Synchronization Component Group.

                                          3. HonorMaxTasks. Set the HonorMaxTasks parameter to True.

                                            To check the existing value of HonorMaxTasks from the command line:

                                            list advanced param HonorMaxTasks for com <comp_name>

                                            To set HonorMaxTasks from the command line:

                                            change advanced param HonorMaxTasks=True for comp <comp_name>

                                            To check (and if required reset) the existing value of HonorMaxTasks from the Siebel business application user interface:

                                            • Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, then the Servers, Components, Parameters view.

                                            • Click the Advanced button in the Parameters applet, and then query for the HonorMaxTasks parameter.

                                            For more information about the MaxTasks, MaxMTServers, and HonorMaxTasks parameters and setting them, see Siebel System Administration Guide and Siebel Performance Tuning Guide.

                                          Configuring Synchronization for Siebel Mobile Disconnected Applications

                                          This topic describes how to configure synchronization for Siebel Mobile disconnected applications in general. There are four types of synchronization: full synchronization, incremental synchronization, full synchronization always, and batch synchronization. It includes the following information:

                                            Enabling Full Synchronization for Siebel Mobile Disconnected Applications

                                            A full data and metadata download process is always initiated from Siebel Server to a mobile device when the mobile device switches to offline mode for the first time. But when the mobile device subsequently switches to offline mode, then either a full or incremental synchronization process is initiated according to how the Siebel Mobile Always Full Sync system preference is set.

                                            If Siebel Mobile Always Full Sync is set to Y or Yes, then full synchronization is enabled and a full data and metadata download takes place between Siebel Mobile and the mobile client whenever the mobile client sends a synchronization request to the Siebel Server.

                                            To enable full synchronization for disconnected applications

                                            1. Log in to the Siebel application as a user with administrator privileges.

                                            2. Navigate to the Administration - Application screen, then the System Preferences view.

                                            3. Search for and set the Siebel Mobile Always Full Sync system preference to Y or Yes.

                                              The default setting for Siebel Mobile Always Full Sync is N or No, which means that incremental synchronization is enabled by default for Siebel Mobile disconnected applications.

                                            4. Restart Siebel Servers for the changes to take effect.

                                            Related Topics

                                            Switching to Offline Mode for the First Time

                                            Enabling Incremental Synchronization for Siebel Mobile Disconnected Applications

                                            Configuring Business Components for Full Synchronization Always

                                            Configuring Batch Synchronization for Siebel Mobile Disconnected Applications

                                              Enabling Incremental Synchronization for Siebel Mobile Disconnected Applications

                                              A full data and metadata download process is always initiated from Siebel Server to a mobile device when the mobile device switches to offline mode for the first time. But when the mobile device subsequently switches to offline mode, then either a full or incremental synchronization process is initiated according to how the Siebel Mobile Always Full Sync system preference is set.

                                              If Siebel Mobile Always Full Sync is set to N or No, then incremental synchronization is enabled and an incremental or partial data and metadata download takes place between Siebel Mobile and the mobile client whenever the mobile client sends a synchronization request to the Siebel Server.

                                              Incremental synchronization is enabled by default for Siebel Mobile disconnected applications.

                                              Note: Business components that are configured for full synchronization always are fully synchronized even when incremental synchronization is enabled for the application. For more information, see Configuring Business Components for Full Synchronization Always.

                                              To enable incremental synchronization for disconnected applications

                                              1. Log in to the Siebel application as a user with administrator privileges.

                                              2. Navigate to the Administration - Application screen, then the System Preferences view.

                                              3. Search for and set the Siebel Mobile Always Full Sync system preference to N or No (if not already done so).

                                                The default setting for Siebel Mobile Always Full Sync is N or No, which means that incremental synchronization is enabled by default for Siebel Mobile disconnected applications.

                                              4. Configure incremental synchronization as shown in Roadmap for Configuring Incremental Synchronization for Siebel Mobile Disconnected Applications.

                                              Related Topics

                                              Switching to Offline Mode for the First Time

                                              Configuring Batch Synchronization for Siebel Mobile Disconnected Applications

                                                Configuring Business Components for Full Synchronization Always

                                                The following procedure shows you how to configure full synchronization always for business components where objects are fully synchronized even if incremental synchronization is enabled for the Siebel Mobile disconnected application. Full synchronization is where a full data and metadata download takes place between Siebel Mobile and the mobile client whenever the mobile client sends a synchronization request to the Siebel Server.

                                                Note: This procedure is supported but not recommended for Siebel Mobile disconnected.

                                                To configure objects for full synchronization

                                                1. Navigate to the Administration - Siebel Mobile screen, then the Application Administration view.

                                                2. Select the mobile application from the upper applet.

                                                3. Query for the Always Full Download - BusComp setting, and then in the Value field select the dynamic business component.

                                                  In the following example, Calls is selected in the Value field for the Always Full Download - BusComp setting. This means that full synchronization will always be performed for Calls even if incremental synchronization is enabled for the application.

                                                  Name: Always Full Download - BusComp

                                                  Value: Calls

                                                  You can specify more than one business component as the value for Always Full Download - Buscomp and the list of business components must be separated by |, for example as follows:

                                                  Calls|Pharma Professional Call - Mobile|Contact 

                                                Related Topics

                                                Enabling Full Synchronization for Siebel Mobile Disconnected Applications

                                                Configuring Batch Synchronization for Siebel Mobile Disconnected Applications

                                                  Configuring Batch Synchronization for Siebel Mobile Disconnected Applications

                                                  Configuring batch synchronization for a Siebel Mobile disconnected application involves creating the data extraction component for the application first if required and then configuring the settings, including batch synchronization, for the mobile application. After that you configure the appropriate business object filters for the mobile application, and then synchronization for the mobile application as required.

                                                  Note the following about batch synchronization:

                                                  • Batch synchronization is set up by default for the Siebel Mobile application for Siebel Pharma, so it is not necessary to configure it for the application again.

                                                  • Where there are multiple Siebel Servers, make sure that only one batch synchronization process is running per enterprise.

                                                  To configure batch synchronization for disconnected applications

                                                  1. Verify that the MobileSync component group is enabled for Siebel Mobile.

                                                    For more information, see (the first step in) Setting Up the Disconnected Mobile Synchronization Component Group.

                                                  2. If required, create the data extraction component for the mobile application.

                                                    For more information, see (the second step in) Setting Up the Disconnected Mobile Synchronization Component Group.

                                                  3. Configure the settings for the mobile application as follows:

                                                    1. Navigate to the Administration - Siebel Mobile screen, then the Application Administration view.

                                                    2. Select the mobile application from the upper applet. For example: Siebel Field Service for Mobile.

                                                    3. Click the Settings tab, and then do the following:

                                                      • Click New, select Data Extraction Component in the Name field, and then select the actual data extraction component (for example: ServicemDbXtract) in the Value field.

                                                      • Click New, select Enable Batch Extraction in the Name field, and then select True in the Value field.

                                                      The Enable Batch Extraction parameter enables (True) the batch synchronization functionality. Enable batch synchronization is the default. Setting Enable Batch Extraction to False supports On Demand synchronization at run time.

                                                      Note: On Demand batch synchronization is supported but not recommended for Siebel Mobile.
                                                    4. Restart the Siebel Server for the changes to take effect.

                                                      After the changes take effect, batch synchronization is enabled for the mobile application.

                                                  4. Configure business object filters with chained data extraction for the mobile application.

                                                    The following table shows some example business object filters with chained data extraction. For more information about business object filters, see Constructing Business Object Filters for Siebel Mobile Disconnected Applications.


                                                    Business Object




                                                    Pharma Professional Call - Mobile


                                                    'Pharma Professional Call - Mobile'.Search = "([Start Date] >= Today() - 5) AND ([Start Date] <= Today() + 5)" AddSearch(("Pharma Professional Call - Mobile.Contact Id","PH2.Contact"),("Pharma Professional Call - Mobile.Account Id","PH3.Account"))




                                                    'Contact'.Search = "[My Position Id] = PositionId()" 'Pharma Professional Call - Mobile'.Search = "([Start Date] >= Today() - 10) AND ([Start Date] <= Today() + 10)" AddSearch(("Pharma Professional Call - Mobile","PH1.Pharma Professional Call - Mobile")("Contact.Id","PH2.Contact"))




                                                    'Account'.Search = "[Type] = LookupValue ( ""ACCOUNT_TYPE"", ""Hospital"" ) AND [My Position Id] = PositionId()" 'Pharma Professional Call - Mobile'.Search = "([Start Date] >= Today() -10) AND ([Start Date] <= Today() + 10)" AddSearch(("Pharma Professional Call - Mobile","PH1.Pharma Professional Call - Mobile"),("Contact","PH2.Contact"),("Affiliated Account.Party Id","Account")("Account.Id","PH3.Account"))

                                                  5. Configure synchronization for the mobile application as required.

                                                    For more information, see the following topics:

                                                  Related Topic

                                                  Setting Up the Disconnected Mobile Synchronization Component Group

                                                    Monitoring Synchronization Sessions for Siebel Mobile Disconnected Applications

                                                    This task is a step in Roadmap for Setting Up Siebel Mobile Disconnected Applications.

                                                    You can monitor synchronization sessions and synchronization conflicts for Siebel Mobile disconnected applications from a number of views within the Administration - Siebel Mobile screen. Every time a user synchronizes with the Siebel Server, a record is made. The following procedures relate to monitoring synchronization:

                                                      Monitoring Synchronization Sessions and Data Download

                                                      The Session Administration view contains detailed information about user synchronization sessions by gathering together all data related to each synchronization session that a user performs. Use this view to monitor and investigate user synchronization activities in Siebel Mobile disconnected applications. In the Session Administration view, the Sync Status list appears before the following two child lists: Sync Sessions and Extraction Info.

                                                      • Sync Status. Enables you to monitor each user synchronization session, and includes information on synchronization status, date, type of synchronization, and so on.

                                                      • Sync Sessions. Enables you to gather further information on the status of each synchronization session, including information on any conflicts that occurred during the synchronization, the size of the data extracted, and so on.

                                                      • Extraction Info. Enables you to review a detailed description of all data extracted during the synchronization session, including business component information and the number of records extracted.

                                                      To monitor synchronization sessions

                                                      The following procedures show you how to monitor synchronization sessions and how to monitor data download.

                                                      • Navigate to the Administration - Siebel Mobile screen, then the Session Administration view.

                                                        The Sync Status list appears with the two child lists: Sync Sessions and Extraction Info.

                                                      To monitor data download

                                                      1. Navigate to the Administration - Siebel Mobile screen, then the Session Administration view.

                                                        The Sync Status list appears with the two child lists: Sync Sessions and Extraction Info.

                                                      2. Scroll down to the Extraction Info list.

                                                        There is one extraction record for each unique extraction context. Review the data-extraction information. The information recorded for review is described in the following table.



                                                        Business Component

                                                        The business component on which the synchronization is based.


                                                        The context of the extraction.

                                                        # Records Extracted

                                                        The number of records that exist in the context of the applied filters.

                                                        Extract Time

                                                        The length of time it took to extract the set of records.

                                                        Business Object Filter

                                                        The business object filter (if any) applied to the extraction.

                                                        Business Component Filter

                                                        The business component filter (if any) applied to the extraction.

                                                      Information in the Extraction Record

                                                      The extraction record lists the following information:

                                                      • The filters used to control the extraction

                                                      • The context of the extraction

                                                      • How many records exist in that context for those filters

                                                      • How long it took to extract that set of records.

                                                      By analyzing these records and looking at all extraction changes resulting from the filter changes, or changes to the search specifications or both (defined in Siebel Tools), you can answer the following questions:

                                                      • Why did I download a particular record?

                                                      • Why is an expected server record not downloaded?

                                                      • Why is the total number of records showing up in some views so big?

                                                      • Why is the total number of records showing up in some views so small?

                                                      • Why does the extraction take so long?

                                                      Note: Because storage space on a mobile device is typically limited and the available networking bandwidth for synchronization might not always be optimal, you must configure the filters carefully, and keep the size of your local database small. It is recommended that users have a local database size of about 3 megabytes (MB), which can be expanded up to 50 MB.

                                                        Obtaining Error Details from Synchronization Sessions

                                                        The Conflict Administration view enables you to access selected transaction errors, and to obtain information about synchronization errors that occur during individual synchronization sessions. The following tabs are available from the Conflict Administration view:

                                                        • Error Details. Use this tab to obtain detailed information about specific data conflicts. You can also take a particular action on any given conflict.

                                                          For more information, see the following procedure.

                                                        • Business Components. Use this tab to see the business component information associated with a particular data conflict.

                                                          For more information, see Obtaining Business Component Information from Synchronization Conflicts.

                                                        • Audit Trail. Use this tab to obtain information about the action that is taken on a particular data conflict. The Audit Trail must first be enabled for the conflict data.

                                                          For more information, see Obtaining an Audit Trail for Synchronization Sessions.

                                                        To obtain error details from the synchronization sessions

                                                        1. Navigate to the Administration - Siebel Mobile screen, then the Conflict Administration view.

                                                        2. In the Transactions list, select the appropriate record, and then click the Error Details tab.

                                                        3. In the Error Details list, select or query for the record that you want.

                                                          Obtaining Business Component Information from Synchronization Conflicts

                                                          The Transactions view on the Conflict Administration screen enables you to obtain business component information related to synchronization errors that occur during individual synchronization sessions.

                                                          To obtain business component error details

                                                          1. Navigate to the Administration - Siebel Mobile screen, then the Conflict Administration view.

                                                            The Transactions list appears.

                                                          2. In the Transactions list, select the appropriate record, and then click the Business Components tab.

                                                            Obtaining an Audit Trail for Synchronization Sessions

                                                            The Transactions view on the Conflict Administration screen enables you to obtain audit-trail information for an action that was taken for a particular transaction. You must enable Audit Trail separately. For information about enabling Audit Trail, see Siebel Applications Administration Guide.

                                                            To obtain audit trail information for synchronization errors

                                                            1. Navigate to the Administration - Siebel Mobile screen, then the Conflict Administration view.

                                                              The Transactions list appears.

                                                            2. In the Transactions list, select the appropriate record, then click the Audit Trail tab.

                                                              Responding to Synchronization Errors in Siebel Mobile Disconnected Applications

                                                              When reviewing a synchronization error, you can respond to it in one of the following ways: you can ignore it, export it, or reapply it.

                                                              To respond to synchronization transaction errors

                                                              1. Navigate to the Administration - Siebel Mobile screen, then the Conflict Administration view.

                                                                The Transactions list appears. The transaction buttons are described in the following table.




                                                                Reapplies the selected transaction with the values listed in the view or Field Value view. These values override the results provided by the Siebel Server.


                                                                Exports the content of the transaction in the same format used by the synchronization engine. For help with interpreting the content, create a service request (SR) on My Oracle Support. Alternatively, you can phone Global Customer Support directly to create a service request or get a status update on your current SR. Support phone numbers are listed on My Oracle Support.


                                                                Accepts the current status and does not act upon the error. The record becomes read-only. There is no impact, except that the error will no longer appear in queries for unresolved conflicts.

                                                              2. Click Reapply, Export, or Ignore, depending on your needs.

                                                                Note: This step works only when the Siebel Application Object Manager is running on a Windows-based server.

                                                                Troubleshooting Synchronization Failures Due to Business Component Filters

                                                                If you are configuring synchronization for Siebel Mobile disconnected applications, a suggested practice is to start without any business component filters. The following procedure shows you how to troubleshoot business component filters.

                                                                To troubleshoot synchronization failures

                                                                1. Synchronize your mobile application, and if the synchronization fails because the data extraction is too big, then view the extraction results to find the business components that caused the problem.

                                                                2. If any business component extraction is too big, then reduce the size of the extraction by adjusting the existing search specifications.

                                                                  Search specifications are specified in Siebel Tools or in the Siebel Mobile disconnected application settings and the selection filters. For more information, see Developing Data Filters for Siebel Mobile Disconnected Applications.

                                                                3. If neither of these solutions works, then use a business component filter to reduce the size of the result set of a particular business component.

                                                                  For more information, see Developing Data Filters for Siebel Mobile Disconnected Applications.