6Setting Up Web Marketing

Setting Up Web Marketing

This chapter describes how to set up Web Marketing. It includes the following topics:

About Siebel Web Marketing

Oracle’s Siebel Web Marketing is an optional Siebel Marketing module that provides you with the tools and templates to manage and execute Web-based marketing. It provides the Web site visitor a method of viewing a Web offer, downloading literature, and using preconfigured Web response forms to request more information or ask you to contact them by telephone.

A Web Survey Daemon resides in the DMZ and supports Web landing sites and surveys without the need for SmartScript. For information on how to create Web landing sites and surveys, see Siebel Marketing User Guide.

Siebel Web Marketing Web sites can be deployed in more than one language. For information about deploying Siebel applications in a multilingual environment, see Siebel Global Deployment Guide.

About Web Marketing Web Site Visitors

A Web site visitor can navigate to the Web Marketing home page by typing the URL or by clicking a link on another Web page. At this point, the user is an anonymous visitor and can choose to register, log in (if they have an existing user name and password), or continue to navigate anonymously. When the anonymous visitor arrives at the Web Marketing home page, the default campaign offers and the details for the first offer in the Featured Offers list appear. If the visitor registers or logs in, the visitor sees other campaign offers for which they are eligible. For more information about default offers and default campaigns, see the description of featured offers in Siebel Marketing User Guide.

If a contact logs in using the contact’s user ID and password, any responses generated by this customer are tagged with the customer’s account ID and with the associated campaign ID. For information about setting up users, see Setting Up Default Responsibilities and Users for Web Marketing.

Web site visitors can also navigate to the Web Marketing site by clicking on an embedded URL from within an email offer. Only contacts or prospects receive these offers. When an email contact or email prospect clicks an embedded URL, the Web Offer page for this offer appears. Any responses to the offer from this contact or prospect are tagged with the associated campaign ID and offer ID, so marketers can track response rates for specific campaigns. For a list of responses that are captured, see Response Management.

    How Visitors Access the Web Marketing Home Page

    Visitors access the Web Marketing home page in the following ways:

    • Anonymous visitor. Any visitor can enter the Web Marketing URL into a Web browser and navigate to your Web Marketing home page. This visitor sees no personalized Welcome message and responses are not captured when the visitor clicks a Recommended Product link or downloads literature. An anonymous visitor can create a product information or call response by clicking on the Send Product Information or Request a Call link in the Offers page or Information page. The profile information that the anonymous visitor enters creates a prospect record that is associated with the responses.

    • Email contact. When a contact clicks an embedded link in an email, your Web Marketing home page appears and the Contact Id is set in an anonymous session. At this point, the email contact is not logged in. The contact must be a registered contact and must log in to access profile information in the My Accounts link or to perform any other tasks that require the contact to be a registered contact. The email contact can generate responses by clicking a Recommended Product link, downloading literature, or requesting product information or a telephone call.

      In the Web Marketing home page, the contact can log in. After logging in, the email contact becomes a logged-in contact.

      If an email contact clicks the My Accounts link during an anonymous session, the User Login (user registration) view appears, requiring the anonymous visitor to log in before continuing.

    • Email prospect. When a prospect clicks an embedded link in an email, your Web Marketing home page appears and the Prospect Id is set in an anonymous session. At this point, the email prospect is not logged in. The prospect must become a registered contact and must log in to access profile information in the My Accounts link or to perform any other tasks that require the prospect to be a registered contact. The email prospect can generate responses by clicking a Recommended Product link, downloading literature, or requesting product information or a telephone call.

      In the Web Marketing home page, the email prospect must register as a new contact before the prospect can log in. In the User Login view, the email prospect can enter a user ID and password or click the New User link to register as a new contact and obtain a user ID and password.

      In the User Login view, the User Login (user registration) view appears, requiring the anonymous visitor to log in or to register as a new user before continuing. When registration is complete, the prospect is converted to a new logged-in contact. However, the original email prospect’s responses are not associated with the new contact record. After logging in, the email prospect becomes a logged-in contact.

      Note: If an email prospect clicks the My Accounts link during an anonymous session, the User Login (user registration) view appears, requiring the anonymous visitor to log in or to register as a new user before continuing.
    • Logged-in contact. This contact has access to the My Account link and can perform all other tasks that a registered contact is eligible to perform. The logged-in contact can generate responses by clicking a Recommended Product link, downloading literature, or by requesting product information or a telephone call. These responses are associated with the contact record in the Siebel database.

      Setting Up Siebel Web Marketing

      This topic describes how to set up Siebel Web Marketing. It includes information about customizing the user interface, controlling user access, setting up responsibilities, and managing default campaigns and offers.

      Before Siebel Web Marketing can be used, certain setup tasks must be performed. These include:

        Installing Web Marketing

        Before you install and use Web Marketing, you must install the following:

        • Siebel Web Engine. To deploy information about the Web and customer applications, you must install the Siebel Web Engine and the components on which it depends. These include a Web server, Siebel Gateway, and Siebel Server. For information about installing Siebel components, see Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using.

        • Siebel Applications. To perform administrative tasks such as server administration, creating Web offers, and managing marketing activities, you must install a Siebel employee application such as Siebel eSales and add the Siebel Web Marketing license key. For information about installing your Siebel employee application, see the appropriate administration guide, for example, Siebel eSales Administration Guide.

          Siebel Web Marketing is an add-on module to Siebel Marketing. Siebel Web Marketing requires the Web Marketing Object Manager component, which is part of the Marketing Component Group. For information about installing Siebel Marketing, see Installing and Administering Siebel Marketing and the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using.

          Installing the Web Survey Daemon

          The Web Survey Daemon (WSD) resides in the DMZ and supports Web landing sites and surveys without the need for SmartScript. For information on how to create Web landing sites and surveys, see Siebel Marketing User Guide.

          This topic contains the information that you need to install the Web Survey Daemon. Before installing the Web Survey Daemon, make sure that you have completed the installation requirements:

          • Java Runtime Environment (JRE)

          • Oracle Database, MS SQL Server, or DB2 database, with JDBC drivers

            Installing the Web Survey Daemon on Windows

            The following procedure describes how to install the Web Survey Daemon on a Windows server.

            To install the Web Survey Daemon on Windows
            1. On a Windows server, run the Web Survey Daemon installation program, wsd_install.exe.

            2. In the Installation dialog box, review the information, and then click Next.

            3. In the Choose Java Virtual Machine dialog box, select the JRE that you installed in Requirements for Installing Email Marketing, and then click Next.

              Note: Make sure that you choose the correct JRE. Selecting the wrong JRE will not properly start the Daemon.
            4. In the Choose Install Folder dialog box, choose the Web Survey Daemon installation directory, and then click Next.

            5. Review the Pre-Installation Summary dialog box, and then click Install.

            6. In the Install Complete dialog box, verify the information, and then click Done.

            7. Create a Windows service file for stopping and starting the Siebel Web Survey Daemon as follows:

              1. Navigate to the directory where you installed the Web Survey Daemon in Step 4.

              2. Locate the install-win32-service.bat file, then double-click the file.

                The Web Survey Daemon service file is created in the Windows services list.

            8. From the Start menu, choose Programs, Administrative Tools, and then the Services menu item.

            9. Start the Siebel Web Survey Daemon service.

            10. Verify that the Apache Welcome page is displayed when you access the server where the Web Survey Daemon has been installed.

              Installing the Web Survey Daemon on UNIX

              The following procedure describes how to install the Web Survey Daemon on a UNIX server.

              To install the Web Survey Daemon on UNIX
              1. On a UNIX server, perform the following steps:

                1. Make an installation directory named wsd using the following command:

                  mkdir wsd
                2. Copy the Web Survey Daemon installation program from the installation media to the directory that you created.

                3. In the Web Survey Daemon installation directory, run the Web Survey Daemon installation program.

              2. In the WSD installation directory, open the tomcat-ctl.sh file and, after the line #Execute the bundled (integrated) tomcat,add the following:

                # get the name of this program
                export JAVA_HOME
              3. Before the text, # get the name of this program, add the following line:
                PROGNAME=`basename $0`
              4. In the bin directory for the WSD installation, open the setenv.sh file and make sure the path provided for configuration directory is correct. For example:

              5. Use the CHMOD 777 * command to grant Read, Write, and Execute permissions to all the files in the WSD directory.

              6. Configure the WSD. For details, see Configuring the Web Survey Daemon.

                Configuring the Web Survey Daemon

                This topic describes the tasks you must perform to configure the Web Survey Daemon after it is installed. After configuring the WSD, you must also configure the outbound Web service in Siebel Marketing for the Web Survey Daemon. This task is also described in this topic.

                  Configuring the Web Survey Daemon

                  Perform the steps in the following procedure to configure the WSD.

                  To configure the Web Survey Daemon
                  1. In the Oracle database, create a new user for the Web Survey Daemon.

                  2. Assign all Admin privileges to the user, and then log out.

                  3. Log in as the new user and run the appropriate script for your database (for example, communicatorOracle10g.sql script). This creates all WSD tables.

                  4. In the websurveys.properties file located at WSD_HOME\webapps\websurveys\config, define the parameters shown in the following table.

                    Parameter Value



                    The configuration file contains driver classes for several databases.


                    com123 the new WSD database user’s password

                    Note: The password must be encrypted. To encrypt strings, make sure occam-crypto.jar is in the classpath. At the command line, type:
                    java com.siebel.occam.security.OccamCrypto 
                    encrypt string. 

                    Use the output to make entries in the properties file.


                    Make sure the database URL is set for the appropriate database type. Sample URLs are provided in the configuration file.


                    com the new WSD database user


                    Sleep time in milliseconds for the response processor daemon.


                    Interval in milliseconds that the response processor is invoked.


                    Max Queue size after which the response processor is invoked.


                    Siebel Password for response Web Service call.


                    Siebel endpoint URL for response processing.


                    Siebel Username for response Web Service call.








                    Directory where the queue files will be written. The default directory is WSD_home_directory\webapps\websurveys'ueueing.

                    You can specify a different location if you choose.

                  5. (Optional) Configure advanced settings in the websurveys.properties file.

                    Parameter Value


                    This is an optional but recommended system cache setting to activate the WSD's object cache. Default is true.


                    This is an optional system cache setting to specify the maximum number of Java objects to keep in the Web survey’s cache. Default is 9216.


                    This is an optional system cache setting to specify the maximum age (in milliseconds) of objects in the cache.

                    Default is 3,600,000 (one hour).


                    This is an optional system cache setting to specify how often (in milliseconds) the cache is cleaned. Default is 300,000 (5 minutes).


                    This is an optional (but highly recommended) respondent cache setting to activate the Web survey’s object cache. Default is true.


                    This is an optional respondent cache setting to specify the maximum number of respondents' answers that will be kept in the Web survey's cache. Default is 1024.


                    This is an optional respondent cache setting to specify the maximum age (in milliseconds) of objects in the cache. Default is 1,200,000 (20 minutes).


                    This is an optional respondent cache setting to specify how often (in milliseconds) the cache is cleaned. Default is 60,000 (1 minute).


                    This is a response processor setting that adjusts the timeout of the network socket used to communicate with the response import Web Service. It prevents a socket timeout from occurring when the import Web Service needs more time to process the responses (due to resource issues or the batch size). Default is 300,000 ms.

                  6. (Optional) If you are running the WSD in a load-balanced, multi-server configuration, list the base URLs of each computer in your configuration in the Multi-Server Settings section of the websurveys.properties file. These URLs go directly to the individual computers, bypassing whatever load balancing facility you are using. Be sure to include the application context path (typically /websurvey). For example:

                    #server.1 = http://websurvey01.example.com/websurvey
                    #server.2 = http://websurvey02.example.com/websurvey
                    #server.3 = http://websurvey03.example.com/websurvey
                  7. On a Windows server, start the Siebel Web Survey Daemon service.

                  8. On a UNIX server, enter and run the following command:

                    ./tomcat-ctl.sh start

                    Configuring the Web Survey Outbound Web Service

                    Perform the steps in the following procedure to configure the Web Survey outbound Web service for the WSD.

                    To configure the Web survey outbound Web service for the WSD
                    1. Navigate to the Administration - Web Services screen, and then the Outbound Web Services view.

                    2. Configure the IP address and port for the Web Survey outbound Web service to point to the appropriate computer name and port where the WSD is running. For example:

                    3. WSD Web Service security is seeded in Siebel Marketing and the WSD server. The default username is SiebelSystem. If the user password is changed in the WSD, it must also be changed for the Web Survey Daemon server in the server configuration as follows:

                      1. Navigate to the Administration - Marketing screen, and then the Servers view.

                      2. Query for Web Survey Daemon.

                      3. Change the password and save it.

                    4. (Optional) If the default port 8080 is unavailable, you can change the port by doing the following:

                      1. Navigate to %CATALINA_HOME%\conf and open the server.xml file.

                      2. Edit the port number in the following section:

                        <!-- Define a non-SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8080 -->
                        <Connector port="< your port No.>" maxHttpHeaderSize="8192" 
                      3. Restart Apache Tomcat server.

                      Controlling User Access to the Web Marketing Web Site

                      You can perform some of the following tasks to control user access in your Siebel Web Marketing Web site:

                      • Using external authentication using LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)

                        LDAP is an Internet protocol that email programs use to look up contact information from a server.

                      • Creating database users for LDAP to use in database access

                      • Defining visibility for views and products

                      • Assigning a proxy employee

                      • Creating users through registration or user administration

                      • Associating users with accounts

                      • Allowing various levels of access such as Anonymous, Implicit login, and Explicit login

                      • Customizing access to home and login pages

                        For more information, see about the New User link in Siebel Marketing User Guide.

                      • Using single-sign on functionality

                      • Allowing another application to log in

                      • Adding fields to registration forms

                      For more information about controlling user access, see Siebel Security Guide.

                        Setting Up Default Responsibilities and Users for Web Marketing

                        Responsibilities control which views the users can display. The views to which a user has access determines the links and page tabs that the user sees. For example, if a user has a responsibility that does not permit access to the Credit Cards view, no Credit Cards link appears in the My Settings view. If no views within a business object are visible, the page tab that maps to that business object is not visible.

                        The responsibilities predefined for Siebel Web Marketing include:

                        • Web Anonymous User. Grants view visibility to anonymous users such as anonymous visitors, email prospects, and email contacts. For more information about these user enters, see About Web Marketing Web Site Visitors. This responsibility allows the user to access views that do not have the Requires_Explicit_Login flags set to TRUE in Siebel Tools. For more information, see Siebel Tools Online Help.

                        • Web Registered User. End user in a business-to-consumer model such as logged-in contact. For more information about these user types, see About Web Marketing Web Site Visitors. This user has registered and is recognized by the Siebel Marketing application either through his or her login, or because the user enters the site by clicking an embedded link in an email offer.

                        • Web Corporate User. End user in a business-to-business model. A Web corporate user is associated with an account and must be authorized by the Web Delegated Customer Administrator to access the site. An administrator can add new Web corporate users.

                        For more information about setting up and managing responsibilities, see Siebel Security Guide.

                          Setting Up a Default Campaign and Default Offer

                          Assigning a default campaign and offer is part of the Web Marketing setup process. An offer associated with the default campaign can be designated as the default offer. The default campaign and default offer determine which offers are presented to the customer during his or her Web Marketing session. These offers appear in addition to any targeted offers such as an embedded link in an email offer. For more information about configuring default offers and default campaigns, see Siebel Marketing User Guide.

                            Using Siebel Personalization with Web Marketing

                            Siebel Personalization delivers personalized content and offers to a customer profile, needs, interests, and history. Personalized content includes greeting users by name, presenting them with content targeted to their needs and interests, and showing them recommended products and offers based on their needs and history.

                            Using Siebel Personalization, you can define rules to show and hide content dynamically during a user's experience with Siebel Web Marketing. Personalization deployment rules can depend on data such as user's profile information, date ranges, company information, products and services they already purchased or reviewed, and specific session information.

                            The home page in Siebel Web Marketing includes the salutation applet in the upper left corner. It typically includes a personal greeting but it can be configured to deliver targeted content such as product promotions, announcements, birthday greetings, and offer updates. The home page also contains a list of recommended products and featured offers, both of which can be personalized based on user-specific information. Conditional expressions can be used to hide applets under certain conditions.

                            You manage personalization in the Personalization Administration screen in your Siebel application. For information about administering personalization, see Siebel Personalization Administration Guide.

                              Customizing the Web Marketing User Interface

                              The product provides a set of Web templates and cascading style sheets (CSS) to create the look and feel of an Oracle Siebel application. Customers can create their own look and feel by modifying corporate logos, colors, and fonts in the style sheets and Web templates. When modifying these elements, make sure you save a backup copy in case you need to restore the original files.

                              Note: These elements are not automatically upgraded during the upgrade process.

                              The Siebel Web architecture uses the Siebel Application Interface to dynamically generate HTML pages from the configuration information in the Siebel runtime repository.

                              To customize the Web Marketing User Interface, perform the following tasks:

                              If you are using Web Offers with a custom Web site rather than the prebuilt Siebel microsite, do not use the standard response types such as Downloads, Request Unsubscribe, Web Survey, and so on. These response types do not work because they generate Siebel specific URLs that do not function without additional scripting. An easier solution is to use Trackable URLs for your links.

                                Modifying Web Templates

                                A Web template defines the layout and formatting elements of the user interface (UI), such as views, applets, and controls. You associate these UI elements with the templates in Siebel Tools. The associated information is stored in the Siebel runtime repository. For example, you might have a View object with three applets. You associate a View Template with the view, and map each applet to a placeholder in that template. The advantage of this approach is that the UI objects in the repository are not hard-coded in individual templates. As a result, a number of View objects can share the same template if they share the same layout. The same process and design applies to Applet objects.

                                The three primary templates types are Container, View and Applet. The final HTML pages created by the Siebel Application Interface places the applet in the view and the view in the container. Siebel Business Applications provide numerous applet and view templates with the product. They can be viewed in Tools, but are edited in an external editor. For information about the physical user interface layer, see Siebel Tools Online Help.

                                The following is a list of some modifications available to change the look and feel of your Web site:

                                • Modifying Views and Applets

                                • Modifying Web Templates

                                • Changing colors

                                • Modifying behavior caused by clicking a button

                                • Adding or removing applets

                                • Changing controls

                                • Making fields in a form appear

                                For more information about customizing the user interface, see Siebel Tools Online Help.

                                  Implementing Web Marketing without Frames

                                  Customer and partner applications use HTML frames for compatibility when running in browser-based applications. HTML frames create portions of the browser window that can scroll independently of the rest of the window. For example, you can place the navigation elements in one frame and content in another frame. You can scroll the content while the navigation elements remain in a fixed location.

                                  Customer and partner applications can be implemented without using frames. Before choosing this method, consider the following limitation. In an unframed application, all UI elements exist in the same window. Therefore, the contents list might scroll off the page as a user scrolls down. For example, if the user scrolls down to review content, the navigation elements might not be visible.

                                    Full-Text Search

                                    Siebel Search for Customers is a subset of the Siebel Search product. Users can scan database tables and documents for pertinent information. Siebel Search is included with every license of an Oracle Siebel application. For information about Siebel Search and Siebel Search for Customers, see Siebel Search Administration Guide.

                                      Response Management

                                      Siebel Web Marketing captures a series of responses during a customer interaction. Siebel Web Marketing supports automatic capture of the following responses:

                                      • Clicked on Web Offer. Captured when the recipient clicks the embedded link for a Web offer in an email offer.

                                      • Clicked on Product URL. Captured when the recipient clicks the embedded link for the product in an email or Web offer.

                                      • Clicked on Web Survey. Captured when the recipient clicks the embedded link for the Web survey in an email or Web offer.

                                      • Completed Web Survey. Captured when the recipient submits his or her survey responses, after clicking the embedded link in an email. To view the response, navigate to the Responses screen.

                                      • Downloaded Info or File. Captured when the recipient clicks the embedded link for the document that is downloaded in a Web offer.

                                      • Requested Unsubscribe. Captured when the recipient submits his or her subscription preference updates after clicking the embedded link in the email offer. In addition to the response, the contact profile is updated.

                                      • Requested call back. Captured when the recipient submits his or her request after clicking the embedded link in an email or Web offer.

                                      • Requested more info. Captured when the recipient submits his or her request after clicking the embedded link in an email or Web offer.

                                      • Submitted Source Code. Captured when a contact or prospect enters a source code and offer code in the Do you have Another Offer form in the Offers page.

                                        Preconfigured Values for the COMM_RESPONSE_TYPE LOV

                                        The following table shows the list of values for the COMM_RESPONSE_TYPE LOV that are seeded in the preconfigured Marketing product.

                                        Note: The values that either trigger specialized logic or are automatically set by various features of the Siebel Marketing application must not be changed or deleted.

                                        Table Preconfigured Values for the COMM_RESPONSE_TYPE LOV

                                        Values Values Triggering Specialized Logic or Automatically Set

                                        Language-Independent Code

                                        Clicked on Product URL

                                        Clicked on Web Offer

                                        Clicked on Web Survey

                                        Completed Web Survey

                                        Downloaded info or file(s)

                                        Email Bounceback

                                        Email Reply


                                        Requested Unsubscribe

                                        Requested Call Back

                                        Requested More Info

                                        Respondent Purchased

                                        Respondent Unreachable

                                        Response Created Opportunity

                                        Read Receipt

                                        Unclassified Response


                                        No Interest


                                        Respondent Interested


                                        Accepted Invitation


                                        Declined Invitation


                                        Gave Referral


                                        Requested Further Engagement

                                        Submitted Source Code

                                        Clicked on URL









                                        No Show







                                        Clicked on Event URL

                                        Forward to Friend

                                        Unsubscribe from List

                                        Subscribe to List

                                        One Click Unsubscribe

                                        Confirm Unsubscribe from List

                                        Confirm Subscribe to List

                                        Additional responses and Siebel events can be captured through configuration. For more information, see event tracking topics in Siebel Tools Online Help.

                                          Overriding Delete Protection for Phone and Web Offers

                                          Active offers of type Phone or Web cannot be deleted by default. This prevents users from deleting offers that are in progress. You can override this delete protection at your own risk.

                                          To override deletion protection for phone and Web offers
                                          1. Start Siebel Tools.

                                          2. Locate the Phone Offer or Web Offer Business Components.

                                          3. Set the No Delete Protection user property to Y.