11Reviewing the Siebel Upgrade Log Files

Reviewing the Siebel Upgrade Log Files

This chapter provides information on accessing, reviewing and archiving Siebel upgrade log files. This chapter includes the following topics:

Summarizing Siebel Log Files Using the Logparse Utility

Environments: Development, production test, production.

Platforms: Windows and UNIX only. Does not apply to IBM z/OS.

Use the Logparse utility to analyze and summarize the log files created when you run the Upgrade Wizard.

The Logparse utility writes its findings to a summary file:

  • Windows: SIEBEL_ROOT\log\process\summary.html

  • UNIX: $SIEBEL_ROOT/log/process/summary.html

In these paths, process is the upgrade process you want to review, for example, upgrep_dev_8x.

The Logparse utility also writes a summary.txt file that contains the same information as summary.html. Use the summary.txt file if you do not have a browser.

After writing the output files, the Logparse utility opens summary.html automatically.

    Command-Line Syntax for the Logparse Utility

    The following table lists the command-line syntax for the Logparse utility.

    Table Command-Line Syntax for the Logparse Utility

    Flag Parameter Description Comment



    Full path to the parent directory of SIEBEL_ROOT ($SIEBEL_ROOT). For example, if SIEBEL_ROOT is C:\sba8x\siebsrvr, then install_dir is C:\sba8x.

    Enclose the path in quotes.




    The language in which the Upgrade Wizard ran. This is called the resource language, and typically is the language in which you ran the Siebel Installation Wizard. For example, if the resource language is English, then the language code is enu.




    Name of the schema process for which you want to generate a summary file, for example, upgrep_dev_8x.

    To obtain the schema process name, look in siebsrvr\log. The subdirectory names in log are the schema process names.




    Name of the Logparse log file.

    Default value is logparse.log



    Maximum number of longest-running SQL statements to display in the summary.

    Default value is 10



    Threshold time for longest running SQL statement, in the format hh:mm:ss.

    Default value is 00:10:00

    (By default, SQL statements that run longer than 10 minutes are displayed)



    Maximum number of errors to display in the summary.

    Default is 8

      Running the Logparse Utility

      Use the following procedure to run the Logparse utility.

      To run the Logparse utility

      1. Navigate to the following directory:

        Windows: SIEBEL_ROOT\bin

        UNIX: $SIEBEL_ROOT/bin

      2. Run the following command. Use the syntax in the following table:


        Windows example (Upgrade Wizard language is English):

        logparse /s C:\sea8xx /g enu /r upgrep_dev_8xx /l logparse.log /n 10 /t 00:00:10
        /e 10
      3. Review the Logparse log and verify that Logparse ran without errors.

        Windows: SIEBEL_ROOT\bin\logparse.log

        UNIX: $SIEBEL_ROOT/bin/logparse.log

      Related Topics

      About the Siebel Database Upgrade Log Files

      Reviewing Siebel Upgrade Log Files for Errors

        Reviewing Siebel Upgrade Log Files for Errors

        Environments: Development, production test, production.

        Platforms: Windows and UNIX only. Does not apply to IBM z/OS.

        Using the Logparse utility to review the log files created when you run Upgrade Wizard is the recommended way to verify that the upgrade process completed correctly and to identify errors that must be resolved.

        The Logparse utility writes its findings to a summary file:

        Windows: SIEBEL_ROOT\ log\ process\summary.html

        UNIX: $SIEBEL_ROOT/log/process/summary.html

        In these paths, process is the upgrade process you want to review, for example upgrep_dev_8x.

        Logparse also writes a summary.txt file that contains the same information as summary.html. Use the summary.txt file if you do not have a browser.

        The procedures in this topic describe how to review the summary.html file.

          Verifying the Upgrade Environment

          Before reviewing the upgrade steps for errors, verify that the upgrade environment is set up correctly.

          To verify the upgrade environment

          1. If summary.html is not already open in your browser, then navigate to siebsrvr\log, and locate the subdirectory for the upgrade process you want to review.

          2. In the desired upgrade process directory, click summary.html to open the file in a browser.

          3. On the summary.html home page, Upgrade/Install Log File Navigation Page, locate the Parameter column in the table, and click the Parameters link.

            The Parameters page displays.

          4. Review the parameters, and verify that they are correct.

            License key values are encrypted. If you find errors in the parameters, then correct them, and run the upgrade process again as needed.

            Determining Whether the Upgrade Process Completed Successfully

            The upgrade processes consist of a series of steps. Each step must complete successfully.

            If the Upgrade Wizard cannot complete a step, then it marks the step incomplete in the state log (siebsrvr\log\Process\state\state.log) and exits. You must correct the error, and run the Upgrade Wizard again. When you rerun the Upgrade Wizard, it refers to the state log and resumes at the incomplete step that contained the error.

            Use the following process to identify errors:

            1. Resolve errors for steps with a Status of Incomplete.

            2. Review all the steps with a Status of Complete. If any contain unacceptable errors, then resolve these errors.

            3. Restart the Upgrade Wizard, or if necessary, restore the database and rerun the upgrade process.

            If you have any questions regarding how to resolve errors, then contact your Oracle sales representative for Oracle Advanced Customer Services to request assistance from Oracle’s Application Expert Services.

            To determine whether the upgrade process completed successfully

            1. If summary.html is not already open in your browser, then navigate to siebsrvr\log, and locate the subdirectory for the upgrade process you want to review.

            2. In the desired upgrade process directory, click summary.html to open the file in a browser.

            3. On the summary.html home page, Upgrade/Install Log File Navigation Page, locate the Step/Error column in the table and click the Steps/Errors link.

              The Steps/Errors Summary page displays.

            4. Locate the Status column, and verify that all the steps have a status of Complete.

              If the Status of all the steps is Complete, then the upgrade process completed successfully.

              If the Status of any step is Incomplete, then the upgrade process did not complete successfully. The Upgrade Wizard has exited before completing all the steps in the upgrade process. You must identify the error, and correct it.

              Caution: In some cases, the Upgrade Wizard can complete a step even though the step contains unacceptable errors. You must verify that all steps do not contain unacceptable errors.

              Determining Whether Steps Contain Unacceptable Errors

              There are two types of unacceptable errors:

              • The Upgrade Wizard could not complete a step due to an error and exited. You can locate these errors by checking the Status field on the Steps/Errors Summary page. If the Status of a step is Incomplete, then the step contains an unacceptable error.

              • The Upgrade Wizard encountered an unacceptable error but was able to complete the step. You can locate these errors by examining the detailed information for each step.

              To determine whether steps contain unacceptable errors

              1. If summary.html is not already open in your browser, then navigate to siebsrvr\log, and locate the subdirectory for the upgrade process you want to review.

              2. In the desired upgrade process directory, click summary.html to open the file in a browser.

              3. On the summary.html home page, Upgrade/Install Log File Navigation Page, locate the Step/Error column in the table, and click the Steps/Errors link.

                The Steps/Errors Summary page displays.

              4. In the Name column, click the name link.

                The detailed information for the step displays. An alternate method is to use the slide bar to browse down through the detailed information listing for all the steps.

              5. IBM DB2 and Oracle Database: In the detailed information for each step, check the Errors item.

                If the value for Errors is None, then the step has no unacceptable errors.

                If table lists one or more errors, then these errors are unacceptable and must be corrected. Click the links to the log files to obtain more information about the errors.

              6. Microsoft SQL Server: In the detailed information for each step, check the Errors item.

                If the value for Errors is None, then the step has no errors.

                If there is a table or a link to a table listing errors, then do the following:

                1. Open the errors.xls spreadsheet:

                  Windows: DBSRVR_ROOT\DATABASE_PLATFORM\errors.xls

                  UNIX: DBSRVR_ROOT/DATABASE_PLATFORM/errors.xls

                  If an errors.rtf (Windows) or errors.txt (UNIX) file is present, then you can use either of these files. They contain the same content as errors.xls. The errors file lists benign errors that do not need to be corrected.

                2. Compare the errors listed in the Logparse summary.html file to the list of acceptable errors documented in the error file.

                  The log files generated by Upgrade Wizard appear in the errors file as upgwiz1.log, upgwiz2.log, incrementing for additional log files.

                3. If you find the error in the errors file, then the error is acceptable and no action is required.

                  If you find an error that is not listed in the errors file, then the error is unacceptable. You must correct the condition that caused the error.

              7. To help resolve unacceptable errors, navigate to 477324.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support. Common errors and how to resolve them are listed in this document. If the error is not listed or you cannot resolve it, then contact Oracle Global Customer Support. Do not proceed with the upgrade.

                Reviewing Upgrade Performance

                The Logparse summary file provides the input that Upgrade Tuner uses to analyze the performance of the upgrade scripts. For example, the summary file provides Upgrade Tuner with information about SQL commands that returned 0 rows.

                If you plan to use the Upgrade Tuner to tune your production upgrade, then familiarize yourself with the performance information in the summary file.

                To review upgrade performance in the summary file

                1. If summary.html is not already open in your browser, then navigate to siebsrvr\log, and locate the subdirectory for the upgrade process you want to review.

                2. In the desired upgrade process directory, click summary.html to open the file in a browser.

                3. On the summary.html home page, Upgrade/Install Log File Navigation Page, locate the following columns:

                  • Performance Information for SQL

                  • Performance Information for DDL

                4. Click the links in these columns to display performance information about the upgrade process.

                  The Performance Information for SQL page displays the longest running queries and queries that returned 0 rows for SQL scripts.

                  The Performance Information for DDL page displays the tables created, altered, and deleted by the ddlimp utility and by SQL scripts.

                  In both pages, the Net Cost column lists the time required to perform each operation.

                Related Topics

                About the Siebel Database Upgrade Log Files

                Summarizing Siebel Log Files Using the Logparse Utility

                Manually Archiving Siebel Upgrade Log Files

                  Manually Archiving Siebel Upgrade Log Files

                  Environments: Development, production test, production.

                  Platforms: Windows and UNIX only. Does not apply to IBM z/OS.

                  After a successful installation and upgrade, you must manually save and archive the log files located in the SIEBEL_ROOT\log\PROCESS (Windows) directory.

                  By default, only nine upgrade log files are retained for subsequent retries of the Upgrade Wizard. After nine log files have been created, when the Upgrade Wizard is rerun, it overwrites log files beginning with the earliest one created and recycles the rest as necessary. (This does not apply to the state.log file.)

                  The number of log files retained can be increased by resetting the siebel_log_archiveenvironment variable to 20. For example, to retain twenty (20) log files.