10Upgrading the Siebel Database

Example of a Siebel Development Environment Upgrade Flow

This topic presents the flow of steps in part of a typical development environment upgrade. The steps are extracted from an actual driver file. To perform an upgrade, the Upgrade Wizard reads the steps in a driver file and performs the commands the steps contain. The driver file type used in this example is as follows:

  • Upgrade: Siebel Industry Application (SIA) 8.0 to Siebel SIA 8.1

  • Environment: Development

  • Upgrade mode: upgrep

  • Database: Oracle Database

  • Multilingual: No

The following table lists the steps in the driver file. Key steps are in bold.

The Script or Input File column in the table lists the SQL file or input file that is executed in each step. The Comment column provides a brief explanation of what the SQL file or input file does.

The SQL files used for an upgrade and the contents of the SQL files vary depending on the upgrade mode and database.

Table Example of Steps in a Development Environment Upgrep

Step Script or Input File Comment

Determine collation sequence of database.

Not applicable

Determines database sort order.

Verify repository name


Renames Siebel Repository to Prior Customer Repository.

Remove interface tables


Removes all Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager tables.

Remove database triggers


Removes all dynamically created triggers.

Remove database-level functions and procedures


Removes the exchange rate function: exrate.

Prepare for table creation


Removes specified tables. Performs DDL operations such as adding columns to tables. Performs DML operations such as revising date formats.

Create temporary tables for SIA

  • ddlimp utility

  • ddl_temp_sia.ctl as input

The input file specifies the structure of the tables to be created or updated. These tables are used to perform data migration and other DML changes.

Prepare for table creation for SIA


Drops specified tables. Performs DDL operations such as adding columns to tables. Performs DML operations such as revising date formats.

Create and update tables

  • ddlimp utility

  • ddl.ctl as input

The ddl.ctl file specifies the structure of tables to be created or updated.

Create temporary tables for stored procedures

  • ddlimp utility

  • ddlsptbl.ctl as input

The input file specifies the structure of temporary tables to be created or updated.

Household data migration for FINS


Creates and populates specified temporary tables. Then migrates data to them and performs DML operations. Migrates data back to primary tables. Drops temporary tables.

Prepare for index creation


Performs DML operations. Moves data between tables. Changes data in existing fields based on specified conditions.

Prepare for index creation for SEA


Same as preschm.sql.

Prepare for index creation for SIA


Same as preschm.sql.

Create indexes

  • ddlimp utility

  • ddl.ctl as input

The input file specifies the structure of indexes to be created.

Delete old license key


Deletes the Siebel license key from S_APP_KEY.

Preparation of prior customer repository

  • SWTClob.jar

  • RepCrawler.jar

The SWT to OD Conversion Utility converts Siebel Web Templates to an Object Definition Layout. Converted Web templates are stored in the database.

The Repository Sanitization Utility searches the entire repository for unreferenced repository objects. Unreferenced repository objects are deactivated if they are not used by any application.

Import seed data

  • dataimp utility

  • seedupg0.inp as input

  • seedupg1.inp as input

  • seedupg_locale.inp as input

Prior to importing seed data, dataimp deletes existing seed data.

The seedupg* files contain filters that dataimp uses to prevent deleting seed data that you have modified or seed data meeting specified criteria.

Unmodified seed data has a last update date (LAST_UPD) of 1980-01-01. Dataimp does not delete records where LAST_UPD is later than this date.

Upgrade data after seed data import


For customers who have not converted to UTC time, sets the UTC value in S_SYS_PREF to False. For customers who have converted to UTC time, the script takes no action.

Upgrade data after seed data import SIA



Set system preference for codepage for DB


Sets the database codepage in the S_SYS_PREF.

Set system preference for Unicode codepage for DB


Sets the Unicode codepage to UTF-8 in S_SYS_PREF.

Update version component information


Updates the S_UPG_COMP table with the product release level. The S_UPG_COMP table stores version information for application executable programs.

Run Oracle-specific DDL commands


Creates Oracle-specific DDL information, such as default storage parameters for docking objects, repository objects, and seed objects.

Import common ancestor repository

  • repimexp utility

  • Standard Siebel Repository as input

Imports the Standard Siebel Repository into S_REPOSITORY. For example, if you are upgrading from Siebel 8.1.x, then this command imports the standard Siebel 8.1.x repository.

Remove EIM columns and indexes


Removes Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager processing columns and indexes from the Prior Customer Repository and the common ancestor repository (Standard Siebel Repository). This prevents the repository merge from preserving Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager columns incorrectly.

The merge will preserve only those Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager columns shipped with the new release.

Update Siebel database version

  • update_ver.sql

  • seeduver.sql

The update_ver.sql script creates a temporary table, S_APP_VER_TEMP, which contains new version information for the database schema. The seeduver.sql script updates S_APP_VER with this information.

Import New Customer Repository

  • repimexp utility

  • Imports New Customer Repository

Imports the New Customer Repository into S_REPOSITORY.

Revises schema version information in S_APP_VER.

Encryption Upgrade

  • EncryptionUpgrade.jar

Siebel Business Applications allow customers to encrypt sensitive information stored in the Siebel database, for example, credit card numbers, Social Security numbers, birth dates. This information cannot be viewed without access to Siebel Business Applications.

Sensitive data can be encrypted by using AES (Advanced Encryption Standard). This utility identifies the RC2 encrypted columns and upgrades their data to the AES.

This utility updates the logical layer of data for columns which are candidates for encryption.

Restore database version


Uses S_APP_VER_TEMP to update the schema version information in S_APP_VER. Drops S_APP_VER_TEMP.

Upgrade repository data SIA



Upgrade repository data


Makes specific repository-related changes to repository records and to other tables.

Set repository workflow domains to MLOV



Install SQL packages


Verifies that versions are set correctly in S_APP_VER.


Sets storage parameters for Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager tables.


Sets storage parameters for Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager table indexes.


Adds a suffix to row IDs in the S_SEQUENCE table. Ensures that row IDs are unique.


Defines s_txn_log_del_proc. Procedure periodically deletes transactions from S_DOCK_TXN_LOG. Also deletes rows from S_DOCK_TXN SET. Prevents need for large rollback segment.


Ensures that denormalized rows in S_TERR have correct values.


Sets sequence numbers for specified tables.


Creates function that modifies how Oracle optimizer does visibility check.


Deletes Prior Customer Repository routing rules from S_DOC_VIS_RULE that meet specified conditions. Attempts to preserve rules added using Docking Wizard.

Create database-level functions and procedures


Creates or replaces the currency exchange rate function: exrate.

Set primary children in data tables


Sets primary child for S_DOC_QUOTE.




Sets primary child for S_LOY_PROMO.



Fix column alignment for custom objects


Applet alignments are executed based on the data type of the field. The following alignments are executed across the entire Repository for a similar look and feel for fields:
  • Consistent Left

  • Right

  • Center

Related Topics

About the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard Utilities

About the Siebel Upgrade Wizard and Driver Files

Renaming the Siebel Repository

Environments: Development environment only. (Also Production environment on UNIX.)

Platforms: Windows, UNIX, IBM z/OS.

Note: To prevent a naming conflict, before you run the upgrade, you must rename your existing development repository ( Siebel Repository) to Prior Customer Repository. After the upgrade, your new development repository is given the name Siebel Repository.

To rename the repository

  1. Start Siebel Tools and connect to the Siebel database.

    Use the version of Siebel Tools for the Siebel CRM release from which you are upgrading.

  2. If you archived repository objects as .sif files, and you want to have them available in your application, then import these archive files back into the repository.

    If you do not check these objects back into the repository, then they will not be upgraded. You need only to check in those archived objects that you need in the future and want to have available in your upgraded application.

  3. From the View menu, choose Options.

  4. Click the Object Explorer tab.

    The Object Explorer hierarchy displays.

  5. Locate Repository in the list, put a check mark in the adjacent box, and then click OK.

    This exposes the repositories.

  6. In the Object Explorer, click the Types tab, and then Click Repository.

  7. In the Repositories list view, verify that your existing repositories do not use the names reserved for the upgrade process:

    • New Customer Repository

    • New Siebel Repository

  8. Locate your current Siebel Repository in the list applet.

  9. Click the name and change it to Prior Customer Repository.

    For more information about renaming repositories, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications.

  10. Step off the list to commit the record to the database.

    If the validation check fails, then verify that you have renamed the repository correctly.

Copying Ancestor Repositories

This task is a step in Process of Meeting the Requirements for an Incremental Upgrade to Siebel 2018, Using the Incremental Repository Merge. You also perform this task for other repository upgrades.

Use this task to copy the ancestor repositories before beginning your upgrade. Ancestor repository files are located in an Ancestor Repositories media directory that you access from Oracle Software Delivery Cloud or My Oracle Support. Where these files are made available depends on the type of release.

The ancestor repository relevant to your upgrade is the Siebel repository that was shipped with the Siebel CRM release that you are upgrading from. It contains none of your customizations.

Note: This guide describes upgrading to Siebel 2018 (Siebel CRM update 18.12). This release and the associated ancestor repository media are available on Oracle Software Delivery Cloud or My Oracle Support. Use the following procedure to obtain Siebel CRM Version 18.12 Ancestor Repository media.
  • For upgrades of Siebel CRM 2018 or later to update 18.12 using Incremental Repository Merge:

    • If your repository version is update 18.12, then the ancestor repository version is 18.11 (Siebel CRM 2018).

  • For upgrades of Siebel CRM version 17.0 or later to update 18.12 using Incremental Repository Merge:

    • If your repository version is version 17.0, then the ancestor repository version is 17.0 (Siebel Innovation Pack 2017).

    • If your repository version is version 16.0, then the ancestor repository version is 16.0 (Siebel Innovation Pack 2016).

  • For upgrades of Siebel CRM version 15.5 or later to version 18.12 using Incremental Repository Merge:

    • If your repository version is version 15.5, then the ancestor repository version is 15.5 (Siebel Innovation Pack 2015, Patchset 5 or later).

  • For upgrades of Siebel CRM version 15.0 to update 18.12 using Incremental Repository Merge:

    • If your repository version is version 15.0, then the ancestor repository version is 15.0 (Siebel Innovation Pack 2015).

  • For upgrades of Siebel CRM version 8.1.1.x to update 18.12 using Incremental Repository Merge:

    • If your repository version is version, then the ancestor repository version is (Siebel Innovation Pack 2014).

    • If your repository version is version, then the ancestor repository version is (Siebel Innovation Pack 2013).

    • If your repository version is version, then the ancestor repository version is version

    • If your repository version is anything prior to version, then the ancestor repository is version 8.1.1.

  • For upgrades of Siebel CRM version 8.2.2.x to update 18.12 using Incremental Repository Merge:

    • If your repository version is version, then the ancestor repository version is (Siebel Innovation Pack 2014).

    • If your repository version is version, then the ancestor repository version is (Siebel Innovation Pack 2013).

    • If your repository version is version, then the ancestor repository version is version

    • If your repository version is anything prior to version, then the ancestor repository is version 8.2.2.

To copy the ancestor repositories

  1. To download ancestor repositories from Oracle Software Delivery Cloud, do the following:

  2. For Siebel CRM Update 18.12, access the Siebel CRM Update 18.12 Ancestor Repository media (for example, part number V886XXX-01).

    1. Proceed to step 4.

  3. To download ancestor repositories from My Oracle Support, do the following:

    1. From My Oracle Support, click the Patches & Updates tab.

    2. Enter the patch ID (for example, 26401985) in the Search box to access the ancestor repository media for Siebel CRM update 18.12.

  4. After downloading, extract the included file to its own unique folder.

    Note: Keep these files in a separate directory from other downloaded JAR files.
  5. From the newly created directory where the ancestor repository media files are located, run the following script to copy the ancestor repositories to your Siebel root directory:

    • Windows: copydat.bat (copydat.bat SIEBEL_ROOT optional_log_file)

      For example, if your Siebel Database Server installation location is c:\siebel\8.1.1.x\ses\dbsrvr, then you might run the following:

      copydat.bat c:\siebel\8.1.1.x\ses d:\temp\out.log
    • UNIX: copydat.sh (sh copydat.sh $SIEBEL_ROOT optional_log_file)

      For example, if your Siebel Database Server installation location is /export/home/22313/ses/dbsrvr, then you might run the following:

      sh copydat.sh /export/home/22313/ses /tmp/out.log

      The script copies the ancestor repository files r782.dat, r80.dat, r811.dat, r81110.dat, r82.dat, r821.dat, r822.dat, r8223, r2013.dat, r2014.dat, r150.dat, r155.dat, and r160.dat to $SIEBEL_ROOT/dbsrvr/common/SIA and copies hor782.dat, hor80.dat, and hor811.dat to $SIEBEL_ROOT/dbsrvr/common/HOR. After the script has been successfully run, the Checksum verification is run on the copied files against the checksum values shipped in the manifest file.

      Note: If a log file location is not specified, then a log file is generated in the directory that you run the script from or, if that directory is not writable, in your temp directory.

Changing the Siebel Database Configuration Utilities Language

Environments: Development, production test, production.

Platforms: Windows, UNIX, IBM z/OS.

The Database Configuration Utilities launch in the language selected when you ran the Siebel Enterprise Server Installer. You can change the language in which the utilities run, if desired, from the language chosen during installation.

To change the Database Configuration Utilities language, see the Siebel Installation Guide.

If you want an additional language to appear in the language list in the Database Configuration Utilities, then you first must install the appropriate language pack on the database server and on the Siebel Server. For information about installing additional language packs, see the Siebel Installation Guide.

Related Topic

About the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard Utilities

Preparing to Run the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard

Environments: Development, production test, production.

Use this topic to identify the information you must enter when running the Database Configuration Utilities. Collect this information, and verify that it is correct before running the utilities.

Note: If you are running Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 (SEA), and want to migrate to Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 (SIA), then you do so with the Database Configuration Wizard.

The Database Configuration Utilities are a group of wizards that request information about the upgrade process you want to perform. The utilities add this information to a master upgrade file and call an SQL generator. The SQL generator uses the information to create or populate SQL files:

  • The following table lists the information that the utilities request for performing an upgrade.

  • The table on the following page lists the additional information specific to Additive Schema Changes mode.

After the Database Configuration Wizard exits you run the Upgrade Wizard. The Upgrade Wizard executes the SQL files against the Siebel database.

Table Information Required for the Database Configuration Utilities

Field Name or Menu Required Information

Siebel Server Directory

The absolute path of the directory where the Siebel Server is installed. For UNIX, do not enter the string $SIEBEL_ROOT.

Siebel Database Server Directory

The absolute path of the directory where the Siebel Database Server (Siebel Database Configuration Utilities) is installed. For example: C:\sba81\dbsrvr.

RDBMS Platform

Choose the RDBMS type: IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, or Oracle Database.

Note: For IBM DB2 for z/OS, see Siebel Database Upgrade Guide for DB2 for z/OS instead of this guide.

Siebel Database Operation menu

For upgrep, upgphys and Prepare for Production modes, choose Upgrade Database.

For Apply Additive Schema Changes mode, choose Apply Additive Schema Changes.

The remaining menu choices are for database installation and administration.

Environment Type

Choose Development for development environment upgrades. Choose Production for production test environment and production environment upgrades.

Upgrade Options

Choose one of the following:

  • Development Environment:

    • Upgrade Siebel Database Schema (upgrep)

    • Upgrade Custom Database Schema (upgphys)

  • Production Environment:

    • Upgrade Siebel Database Schema (upgrep and upgphys)

Siebel Industry Application

As appropriate for the environment you are upgrading from, choose SIA (for Siebel Industry Applications) or SEA (for Siebel Business Applications, also known as Siebel Cross-Industry Applications).

Current Siebel Version

Choose the option for the application version that you are upgrading your Siebel database from. For more information about valid options for performing a full database upgrade, see Supported Upgrade Paths for Siebel 2018.

For information about specifying options for performing an Incremental Repository Merge instead, see Performing the Siebel Incremental Repository Merge.

Database Encoding

Indicate whether your database uses a Unicode code page.

ODBC Data Source Name

Verify the ODBC name for connecting to the Siebel database that you are upgrading. If the ODBC name is not correct, then enter the correct name.

Database User Name and Database Password

Account name and password for the Siebel administrator of the Siebel database that you are upgrading.

Note: For more information about supported characters for Siebel passwords, see Siebel Security Guide. See also relevant articles on My Oracle Support, such as 1931241.1 (Article ID).

Database Table Owner and Database Table Owner Password

Account name and password for the Siebel database table owner.

Note: For more information about supported characters for Siebel passwords, see Siebel Security Guide. See also relevant articles on My Oracle Support, such as 1931241.1 (Article ID).

Index Table Space Name and Table Space Name

Oracle Database and IBM DB2 only. Index tablespace name and tablespace name (4-KB tablespace name for IBM DB2).

16-KB Table Space Name, 32K Table Space Name

IBM DB2 only. The 16-KB and 32-KB tablespace names.

Database Server OS

Choose the RDBMS server operating system type.

Parallel Indexing

Oracle Database only. Select parallel indexing if you want SQL commands for index creation to include the arguments parallel and no logging.

Parallel indexing causes an index to be created using parallel processing, which requires an RDBMS server with multiple processors. Verify with your database administrator whether your RDBMS server is configured for parallel processing.

Tip: Oracle Library search phrase: parallel execution.

Selecting parallel indexing does not cause multiple indexes to be created simultaneously, in parallel. To set up parallel indexing, you must set up parallel index-creation threads using Siebel Upgrade Tuner. You create parallel threads as part of tuning the production upgrade files. For more information, see Tuning the Siebel Upgrade Files

Security Group ID/Grantee

Security group or grantee name for Siebel application users. Must have select, update, insert, and delete privileges on Siebel application tables. Specify SSE_ROLE.

Custom Scripts Directory

During the upgrade process, the Repository Sanitization script is executed. This script scans the prior customer repository to check if there are any unreferenced repository objects across multiple applications. The unused objects are then inactivated. If a repository object is referred to in a custom script, it will not be a candidate for inactivation.

Custom files have to be copied from the following locations:

For IP2015 and prior releases:

<SWSE HOME>\public\<LANG>\<BUILD#> 

For IP2016 and later releases:

<SWSE HOME>\public\scripts\<LANG>/siebel/custom

In addition, copy every language required into a directory and specify that location.

Web Templates Directory

Directory where the custom web templates are stored. With IP2017 onwards, web templates are stored in the database.

Custom web templates must be moved to the database as well. Therefore, a step is executed during the upgrade process that moves all the web templates specified in this particular location to the database.

You must copy over the files of the previous release from:


In addition, copy all files into a single directory and specify that location.

Verify Repository After Upgrade

Indicate whether you want to execute the steps to verify the repository during upgphys. To perform upgphys separately, select the Verify Repository After Upgrade option in the Database Configuration Wizard.

Upgrep log directory

If you select the option Verify Repository After Upgrade in the previous step, then you will have to provide the log directory of the upgrep process. The log directory is of the form $SIEBEL_ROOT/siebsrvr/log/upgrep_dev_UpgradeNumber. For example: C:\ses\siebsrvr\log\upgrep_dev_811. The log directory path is a requirement for generating the seed data conflict report.

Log Output Directory

Specify a different subdirectory, under the log directory, in which to create the log files. Accept the default or enter the directory name. If the directory does not exist, then it will be created. Do not use special characters, such as spaces or slashes.

Select runupg option

Indicate whether you want to run the operation you configured or run it at another time.

    Additional Information Required for Apply Additive Schema Changes Mode

    You can optionally run the Database Configuration Utilities in Apply Additive Schema Changes mode. Additive Schema Changes generates an SQL script, schema.additive.sql. The script contains production upgrep schema changes that can be performed while the database is online. This reduces the amount of time required for the upgrep when the database is offline.

    The additional information shown in the following table is required when you run the Database Configuration Utilities in Apply Additive Schema Changes mode.

    Table Additional Information Required for Apply Additive Schema Changes Mode

    Field Name Required Information

    Schema File

    The absolute path to the schema.ddl file. If a path is displayed, then verify that schema.ddl is located in this directory.

    Output Directory

    The absolute path to the directory where schema.additive.sql will be placed after the Upgrade Wizard generates it. The Upgrade Wizard also places the log file in this directory.

    Related Topics

    About the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard Utilities

    About Siebel Additive Schema Changes Mode

      Running the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard on Windows

      Environments: Development, production test, production.

      Platforms: Windows only.

      For a description of information required to run the Database Configuration Wizard, see the following table.

      Run the Database Configuration Wizard to upgrade the Siebel database. The Wizard collects information, populates a master configuration file, and calls the SQL generator to create SQL commands. The Upgrade Wizard then uses the configuration file and SQL commands to upgrade the Siebel database.


      • Collect the information that the Database Configuration Wizard requires. See Preparing to Run the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard.

      • Install the new release’s languages packs for all deployed languages. See Upgrade Planning for Multilingual Siebel Deployments.

      • Run the Database Configuration Wizard as described in this topic. All customers must perform this procedure. This procedure allows you to determine whether you have deployed languages that are not shipped with the Siebel product, or have unintended languages within your system that must be removed. For a list of shipped languages, see 1513102.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support.

        Note: If this procedure fails due to the presence of unshipped languages within your system, then you will receive an error message stating that your present installation was found to be incomplete. You are also displayed a list of languages which caused the error.

        If your system only contains shipped languages, and you still receive this error message, then you must review the records in the S_LST_OF_VAL database table using Siebel Tools. For more information, see Preparing for a Multilingual Upgrade.

      • If applicable, perform the tasks in Process of Deleting Unshipped Languages from the S_LST_OF_VAL Table on Windows.

        Caution: Perform the tasks in this process only if your configuration operation failed due to unshipped languages being deployed within your system.

        This process allows you to run the configuration utility, validate all data in shipped languages, and pass over all data in unshipped languages. You can manually verify the data in unshipped languages following the successful completion of the Database Configuration Wizard.

      For more information about starting the Database Configuration Wizard, see the Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows.

      To run the Database Configuration Wizard on Windows

      1. Ensure that no server tasks except the Siebel Gateway Name Service are running in the background.

        To verify, navigate to Start, Settings, Control Panel, and then Services.

      2. Start the Database Configuration Wizard by selecting Start, Programs, Siebel SES Configuration, and then Configure DB Server.

        The first window of the Database Configuration Wizard appears.

      3. Enter the information requested in each screen and click Next.

      4. After you have entered all the requested information, the wizard displays a screen that lists the values you entered. If you must make changes, then click Back.

      5. When the window displays inquiring whether you want to start the Upgrade Wizard, do the following:

        • Development Upgrep mode: Answer No. Do not start the Upgrade Wizard until you have performed all requirements.

        • Development Upgphys mode: Answer Yes to start the Upgrade Wizard.

        • Combined Production Upgrep and Upgphys mode: Answer No. Do not start the Upgrade Wizard until you have performed all requirements.

        • Additive Schema Changes: You will not be prompted. The Upgrade Wizard starts automatically and creates the schema.additive.sql script.

        • Prepare for Production mode: Answer Yes to start the Upgrade Wizard.

      Just before displaying the prompt, the wizard calls the SQL generator to create or populate SQL scripts.

      Process of Deleting Unshipped Languages from the S_LST_OF_VAL Table on Windows

      To delete unshipped languages from the S_LST_OF_VAL table on Windows, perform the following tasks.

      Caution: Perform the tasks in this process only if your configuration operation failed due to unshipped languages being deployed within your system.

        Backing Up the S_LST_OF_VAL Table on Windows

        This task is a step in Process of Deleting Unshipped Languages from the S_LST_OF_VAL Table on Windows. You back up your original S_LST_OF_VAL table before you begin deleting obsolete or unshipped languages. You can later import languages from this data file.

        To back up the S_LST_OF_VAL table on Windows

        1. In Siebel Tools, back up the original S_LST_OF_VAL table.

        2. From the Windows command prompt, navigate to the siebsrvr\bin directory.

        3. From this directory, execute a command like the following to run the Siebel dataexp utility (replacing $ tokens with actual values that represent the environment):

          dataexp /u $UserName /p $Password /c "$ODBCDataSource" /d $SiebelTableOwner /f 
          $DataFileToExport.dat /l $LogFile.log

          The utility connects to the database, and displays the following prompt:

          Connecting to the database...
          Exporting Tables
          Enter table name:
        4. Type S_LST_OF_VAL, and hit Enter.

          When the action is completed, the utility will display the following message:

          Exporting Tables
          Enter table name: S_LST_OF_VAL
          Reading tables matching "S_LST_OF_VAL" ...
          Exporting table S_LST_OF_VAL ... exported 30102 rows
          Enter table name:
        5. Close the command window and check the log file for errors, to verify that the data file was created.

          Deactivating Records for Unshipped or Unwanted Languages on Windows

          This task is a step in Process of Deleting Unshipped Languages from the S_LST_OF_VAL Table on Windows. You render unshipped or obsolete languages inactive.

          To deactivate records for unshipped or unwanted languages on Windows

          1. Connect to the database using a database client that allows you to run SQL interactively (either one of the native clients, or Siebel odbcsql), and execute the following query:

            update S_LST_OF_VAL set ACTIVE_FLG = 'N' 
            where LANG_ID not in ('ENU', 'lang_code1', ..., 'lang_codeN');
            Note: Be aware that lang_code* tokens must be replaced with actual codes of the languages that are going to be upgraded (such as FRA, DEU, and so on).
            Caution: You must not deactivate ENU records, even if you do not have the ENU language deployed in your environment. Some system records in S_LST_OF_VAL are ENU.
          2. Choose commit (if your database client is not in auto-commit mode), and execute the following query:

            delete from S_LST_OF_VAL where ACTIVE_FLG = 'N';
          3. Choose commit and exit the database client.

            Importing Newly Created Records from the Data File on Windows

            This task is a step in Process of Deleting Unshipped Languages from the S_LST_OF_VAL Table on Windows. Import the data file that you created when you backed up the S_LIST_OF_VAL table. This procedure is required to upgrade additional languages (those that were not available or were skipped during the primary upgrade).

            Note the following:

            • Depending on which data you have exported, how you set up the input file, and which options you use on the command line, you can import data for multiple languages at once or for one language at a time, or import data based on other criteria.

            • In order to import data for only particular languages, for example, you must first use filtering mechanisms when you export the data, so that only those languages are to be included in the data file.

            • If you use the /e N command-line option for dataimp, then dataimp only imports the data that was originally exported from the tables specified in the input file. If you instead use /e Y, then the dataimp imports the contents of the entire data.

            To import newly created records from the data file on Windows

            1. Create a text file that will serve as the input file for the Siebel dataimp utility.

              The contents of the file must be formatted as follows (replacing lang_code tokens with actual values that represent the environment):

               where LANG_ID in ('lang_code1', ..., 'lang_codeN')
            2. Save the file with the extension .INP.

            3. From the Windows command prompt window, navigate to the siebsrvr\bin directory.

            4. From the siebsrvr\bin directory, execute a command like the following to run the Siebel dataimp utility (replacing $ tokens with actual values that represent the environment):

              dataimp /u $UserName /p $Password /c "$ODBCDataSource" /d $SiebelTableOwner /f 
              $DataFileName.dat /h Log /e N /i $InputFileName.inp /A 1
            5. Check the log file for errors.

            6. Connect to the database using a database client that allows you to run SQL interactively, to verify that the imported records are there.

              For example, you execute the following query:

              select count (LANG_ID), ACTIVE_FLG from S_LST_OF_VAL where LANG_ID = 'lang_code' 
              group by ACTIVE_FLG;

              If the result set returns both active and inactive records, then you must investigate and see why some records have been deactivated, and either re-activate or delete these inactive records.

            Related Topics

            About the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard Utilities

            Starting the Siebel Upgrade Wizard

              Running the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard on UNIX

              Environments: Development, production test, production.

              Platforms: UNIX only.

              Run the Database Configuration Wizard to upgrade the Siebel database. The Wizard collects information, populates a master configuration file, and calls the SQL generator to create SQL commands. You then run the Upgrade Wizard to upgrade the Siebel database.

              Prior to running the Database Configuration Wizard you must install the new release’s languages packs for each language that you deploy.


              • Collect the information that the Database Configuration Wizard requires. See Preparing to Run the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard.

              • Install the new release’s languages packs for all deployed languages. See Upgrade Planning for Multilingual Siebel Deployments.

              • Run the Database Configuration Wizard as described in this topic. All customers must perform this procedure. This procedure allows you to determine whether you have deployed languages that are not shipped with the Siebel product, or have unintended languages within your system that must be removed. For a list of shipped languages, see 1513102.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support.

                Note: If this procedure fails due to the presence of unshipped languages within your system, then you will receive an error message stating that your present installation was found to be incomplete. You are also displayed a list of languages which caused the error.

                If your system only contains shipped languages, and you still receive this error message, then you must review the records in the S_LST_OF_VAL database table using Siebel Tools. For more information, see Preparing for a Multilingual Upgrade.

              • If applicable, perform the tasks in Process of Deleting Unshipped Languages from the S_LST_OF_VAL Table on UNIX.

                Caution: Perform the tasks in this process only if your configuration operation failed due to unshipped languages being deployed within your system.

                This process allows you to run the configuration utility, validate all data in shipped languages, and pass over all data in unshipped languages. You can manually verify the data in unshipped languages following the successful completion of the Database Configuration Wizard.

              For more information about starting the Database Configuration Wizard, see the Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX.

              To run the Database Configuration Wizard on UNIX

              1. Verify that all servers are stopped:

                • Stop all Siebel Servers.

                • Stop the Siebel Gateway.

              2. Make $SIEBEL_ROOT the current directory.

              3. Source the environment variables from the siebsrvr root directory: install_location/siebsrvr:

                Korn shell: . siebenv.sh

                C shell: source siebenv.csh

              4. Review the values of the following environment variables and confirm the settings are correct:

                • SIEBEL_ROOT. This path must end in siebsrvr. For example, /usr/siebel/siebsrvr.

                • LANGUAGE. This is the language in which the Database Configuration Wizard runs. The value of this variable is a language identifier string. For example, enu is the identifier string for English.

                  If either $SIEBEL_ROOT or $LANGUAGE is not set or is incorrect, then you must correct them before proceeding.

              5. Start the Database Configuration Wizard:

                install_location/config/config -mode dbsrvr
              6. Enter the information requested in each screen and click Next.

                After you have entered all the requested information, the wizard displays a screen that lists the values you entered.

              7. If you must make changes, then click Back.

              8. If you are performing a development upgrep or combined production upgrep and upgphys, then do not start the Upgrade Wizard. Instead, return to the upgrep process checklist and perform the next steps.

              9. If you are performing any of the following, then enter the command to start the Upgrade Wizard:

                • Development environment upgphys.

                • Additive Schema Changes. The Upgrade Wizard creates the schema.additive.sql script.

                • Prepare for Production.

              10. The Database Configuration Wizard will now exit and prompt you to launch the Upgrade Wizard (srvrupgwiz).

              Process of Deleting Unshipped Languages from the S_LST_OF_VAL Table on UNIX

              To delete unshipped languages from the S_LST_OF_VAL table on UNIX, perform the following tasks.

              Caution: Use the tasks in this process only if your configuration operation failed due to unshipped languages being deployed within your system.

                Backing Up the S_LST_OF_VAL Table on UNIX

                This task is a step in Process of Deleting Unshipped Languages from the S_LST_OF_VAL Table on UNIX. You back up your original S_LST_OF_VAL table before you begin deleting obsolete or unshipped languages. You can later import languages from this data file.

                To back up the S_LST_OF_VAL table on UNIX

                1. In Siebel Tools, back up the original S_LST_OF_VAL table.

                2. On the Siebel Server computer, navigate to the SIEBSRVR_ROOT\bin directory.

                3. From this directory, execute a command like the following to run the Siebel dataexp utility (replacing $ tokens with actual values that represent the environment):

                  dataexp /u $UserName /p $Password /c "$ODBCDataSource" /d $SiebelTableOwner /f 
                  $DataFileToExport.dat /l $LogFile.log

                  The utility connects to the database, and displays the following prompt:

                  Connecting to the database...
                  Exporting Tables
                  Enter table name: 
                4. Type S_LST_OF_VAL, and hit Enter.

                  When the action is completed, the utility will display the following message:

                  Exporting Tables
                  Enter table name: S_LST_OF_VAL
                  Reading tables matching "S_LST_OF_VAL" ...
                  Exporting table S_LST_OF_VAL ... exported 30102 rows
                  Enter table name:
                5. Check the log file for errors, to verify that the data file was created.

                  Deactivating Records for Unshipped or Unwanted Languages on UNIX

                  This task is a step in Process of Deleting Unshipped Languages from the S_LST_OF_VAL Table on UNIX. You render unshipped or obsolete languages inactive.

                  To deactivate records for unshipped or unwanted languages on UNIX

                  1. Connect to the database using a database client that allows you to run SQL interactively (either one of the native clients, or Siebel odbcsql), and execute the following query:

                    update S_LST_OF_VAL set ACTIVE_FLG = 'N' 
                    where LANG_ID not in ('ENU', 'lang_code1', ..., 'lang_codeN');
                    Note: Be aware that lang_code* tokens must be replaced with actual codes of the languages that are going to be upgraded (such as FRA, DEU, and so on).
                    Caution: You must not deactivate ENU records, even if you do not have the ENU language deployed in your environment. Some system records in S_LST_OF_VAL are ENU.
                  2. Choose commit (if your database client is not in auto-commit mode), and execute the following query:

                    delete from S_LST_OF_VAL where ACTIVE_FLG = 'N';
                  3. Choose commit and exit the database client.

                    Importing Newly Created Records from the Data File on UNIX

                    This task is a step in Process of Deleting Unshipped Languages from the S_LST_OF_VAL Table on UNIX. Import the data file that you created when you backed up the S_LIST_OF_VAL table. This procedure is required to upgrade additional languages (those that were not available or were skipped during the primary upgrade).

                    Note the following:

                    • Depending on which data you have exported, how you set up the input file, and which options you use on the command line, you can import data for multiple languages at once or for one language at a time, or import data based on other criteria.

                    • In order to import data for only particular languages, for example, you must first use filtering mechanisms when you export the data, so that only those languages are to be included in the data file.

                    • If you use the /e N command-line option for dataimp, then dataimp imports data only from the tables that are specified in the input file. If you instead use /e Y, then the contents of the entire data file are imported.

                    To import newly created records from the data file on UNIX

                    1. Create a text file that will serve as the input file for the Siebel dataimp utility.

                      The contents of the file must be formatted as follows (replacing lang_code tokens with actual values that represent the environment):
                       where LANG_ID in ('lang_code1', ..., 'lang_codeN')
                    2. Save the file with the extension .INP.

                    3. Navigate to the siebsrvr/bin directory.

                    4. From this directory, execute a command like the following to run the Siebel dataimp utility (replacing $ tokens with actual values that represent the environment):

                      dataimp /u $UserName /p $Password /c "$ODBCDataSource" /d $SiebelTableOwner /f 
                      $DataFileName.dat /h Log /e N /i $InputFileName.inp /A 1 
                    5. Check the log file for errors.

                    6. Connect to the database using a database client that allows you to run SQL interactively, to verify that the imported records are there.

                      For example, you execute the following query:

                      select count (LANG_ID), ACTIVE_FLG from S_LST_OF_VAL where LANG_ID = 'lang_code' 
                      group by ACTIVE_FLG;

                      If the result set returns both active and inactive records, then you must investigate and see why some records have been deactivated, and either re-activate or delete these inactive records.

                    Related Topics

                    About the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard Utilities

                    Starting the Siebel Upgrade Wizard

                      Starting the Siebel Upgrade Wizard

                      Environments: Development, production test, production.

                      The Siebel Upgrade Wizard executes the upgrade of the Siebel database. It takes a master configuration file as input. This file contains environment information and a driver file name. The Upgrade Wizard executes the steps in the driver file to perform the upgrade.

                      As the Upgrade Wizard performs the steps in the driver file, it lists the steps in a state log. The state log is located in siebsrvr/LOG/ process/state, where process is the upgrade process, for example upgrep_prod_811 (upgrade from 8.1.1, upgrep process, production test or production environment).

                      If the Upgrade Wizard encounters an error and exits during an upgrade, then you can restart it after correcting the error. The Upgrade Wizard reads the state log and continues the upgrade from the last successfully completed step.

                      When you run the Database Configuration Utilities on Windows, they will prompt you if you want to start the Upgrade Wizard. When you run the Database Configuration Utilities on UNIX, you must start the Upgrade Wizard manually.

                        Requirements for Restarting the Upgrade Wizard

                        If the Upgrade Wizard stops due to errors, then verify that you have met these requirements before restarting the wizard:

                        • Carefully review the relevant log files to make sure that your upgrade has completed successfully up to that point.

                        • Back up your complete set of log files, from the beginning of the process to the point at which it stopped, to another directory.

                        This backup maintains a complete record of your log files, and prevents your previous log files from being overwritten, which could prevent accurate diagnosis of the reason for the break in the upgrade.

                        • If you are continuing a previous and incomplete schema upgrade, then do not change the Log Output Directory that you previously selected.

                        • If problems with your environment prevent the upgrade from restarting, then you must restore the database from the prior base version (the version from which you are upgrading). For example, environment problems might occur when table creation fails due to a database problem (insufficient storage or network problems), which cause subsequent upgrade steps to fail.

                        If you must restore your database and restart the upgrade, then delete or store the upgrade log files. The files are located in the following directory:

                        Windows: SIEBEL_ROOT\log\PROCESS\output

                        UNIX: $SIEBEL_ROOT/log/PROCESS/output

                        Also delete the state.log file. It is located in the following directory:

                        Windows: SIEBEL_ROOT\log\PROCESS\state

                        UNIX: $SIEBEL_ROOT/log/PROCESS/state

                          Starting the Upgrade Wizard

                          Use this procedure to start the Upgrade Wizard. See the following topics to stop the Upgrade Wizard, Stopping the Upgrade Wizard on Windows and Stopping the Upgrade Wizard on UNIX.

                          To start the Upgrade Wizard

                          1. Navigate to the following directory:

                            Windows: SIEBEL_ROOT\bin

                            UNIX: $SIEBEL_ROOT/bin

                          2. Enter the following command:

                            Windows: siebupg /m master_UPGRADEOPTION_ENVIRONMENT_VERSION.ucf

                            UNIX: srvrupgwiz /m master_UPGRADEOPTION_ENVIRONMENT_VERSION.ucf

                            In these commands, UPGRADEOPTION_ENVIRONMENT_VERSION is the portion of the upgrade configuration file name that lists upgrade process, upgrade environment, and the Siebel CRM release (version) from which you are upgrading. The file is located in SIEBEL_ROOT\bin (UNIX: $SIEBEL_ROOT/bin).

                            Numbers like the following examples are used for the Siebel CRM release portion of the file name:

                            • 78

                            • 80

                            • 811 (SEA)

                            The following table lists an example of the file names for an upgrade from Siebel CRM version 8.0.

                            Table Example of File Names for an Upgrade from Siebel CRM 8.0

                            Upgrade Mode File Name

                            Development environment upgrep


                            Development environment upgphys


                            Additive Schema Changes


                            Prepare for Production


                            Production environment upgrep and upgphys

                          3. To begin the upgrade, click OK (Windows) or press Enter (UNIX).

                            The Upgrade Wizard will notify you when the upgrade process is complete.

                            Stopping the Upgrade Wizard on Windows

                            Do not stop the Upgrade Wizard unless you are confident that an error has occurred, and the Upgrade Wizard or a utility it has called is hanging. Some SQL commands issued by the Upgrade Wizard or by its utilities can take considerable time to complete.

                            If you are not sure whether the Upgrade Wizard is hanging, then create a service request (SR) on My Oracle Support, or contact your Oracle sales representative for Oracle Advanced Customer Services to request assistance from Oracle’s Application Expert Services.

                            Stopping the Upgrade Wizard can have varying effects on the RDBMS. Before restarting the Upgrade Wizard, review the RDBMS log files. Run SQL commands as needed to resolve errors found in the RDBMS log files.

                            To stop the Upgrade Wizard on Windows

                            • Do one of the following:

                              • If the Upgrade Wizard has launched a separate command window in which a utility is running, then close the command window. This terminates the utility and stops the upgrade.

                              • In the Upgrade Wizard dialog box, click Cancel. The Upgrade Wizard will exit when the current upgrade step is complete. There might be a delay while the step completes in the RDBMS.

                              Stopping the Upgrade Wizard on UNIX

                              Do not stop the Upgrade Wizard unless you are confident that an error has occurred, and the Upgrade Wizard or a utility it has called is hanging. Some SQL commands issued by the Upgrade Wizard or by its utilities can take considerable time to complete.

                              If you are not sure whether the Upgrade Wizard is hanging, then create a service request (SR) on My Oracle Support, or contact your Oracle sales representative for Oracle Advanced Customer Services to request assistance from Oracle’s Application Expert Services.

                              Stopping the Upgrade Wizard can have varying effects on the RDBMS. Before restarting the Upgrade Wizard, review the RDBMS log files. Run SQL commands as needed to resolve errors found in the RDBMS log files.

                              To stop the Upgrade Wizard on UNIX

                              1. If the Upgrade Wizard has started a utility in a child process, then stop the child process.

                              2. Exit the shell in which the Upgrade Wizard is running.

                              3. Locate and stop any orphaned child processes started by the Upgrade Wizard.

                              After the processes terminate, there might be a delay while the RDBMS executes the issued SQL commands.

                              Related Topic

                              About the Siebel Upgrade Wizard and Driver Files

                                Moving the Siebel Repository Files

                                Environments: Development and production test.

                                Before doing the production test environment upgrade, you must copy the upgraded repository definition files (schema.ddl and custrep.dat) from the development environment to the production test environment.

                                Requirement: If you modified repository objects or schema definitions after completing the development upgrade, then you must regenerate the schema.ddl and custrep.dat files. See Regenerating the Siebel Repository Definition Files.

                                To move the repository files

                                1. In the development environment, navigate to the following directory:


                                  UNIX: DBSRVR_ROOT/platform

                                  In these paths, platform is the database platform, for example, DBSRVR_ROOT\DB2.

                                2. Copy the following files:



                                3. In the production test environment, put these files in the following location:

                                  Windows: DBSRVR_ROOT\Platform

                                  UNIX: DBSRVR_ROOT/Platform

                                4. Make a copy of these files, and store them in a safe location.

                                Running the Siebel Case Insensitivity Wizard

                                Environments: Development and production test.

                                Platforms: Windows, UNIX, IBM z/OS.

                                For Siebel CRM 8.1, query features are enhanced to provide indexes that directly support case and accent insensitive (CIAI) queries on eligible text columns. The Case Insensitivity Wizard configures specified columns for CIAI queries by defining CIAI columns and CIAI indexes in the repository. The wizard also sets the Default Insensitivity property for these columns to DB Case & Accent.

                                The purpose of the enhanced CIAI features is to improve query effectiveness and performance. Running the Case Insensitivity Wizard is optional.

                                  Overview of What the Case Insensitivity Wizard Does

                                  The Case Insensitivity Wizard performs the following functions in the repository to configure columns to support CIAI queries. No columns or indexes are created in the Siebel database until you synchronize the repository to the Siebel database. The columns you want to configure for CIAI queries are called base columns:

                                  • Validates the syntax of all records if an input file is used.

                                  • Validates that all specified tables and columns are eligible for CIAI configuration.

                                  • For each eligible base column, defines a new CIAI column. The CIAI column contains the data in the base column converted to uppercase.

                                  • If you select the Single or Copy All index strategy, then the wizard defines an index on the CIAI column.

                                  • If you select the Copy All index strategy, then it defines a copy of all indexes that have the base column as a key. The new indexes reference the CIAI column instead of the base column.

                                  • Sets the Default Insensitivity property for the base column to DB Case & Accent.

                                  • Sets flags and performs other configuration operations in the repository to support CIAI queries.

                                  The Case Insensitivity Wizard can also be run in a special mode to set the Default Insensitivity property on columns that do not have any indexes defined.

                                  The main purpose of the CIAI query enhancements is to provide indexes that can be used for case insensitive searches. The database does not have to perform table scans to locate records. This allows the database to perform case insensitive searches more quickly.

                                  For example, in S_CONTACT, you configure the column LAST_NAME for CIAI queries. The Case Insensitivity Wizard defines a column called LAST_NAME_CI. When you query for the name Smith, the Object Manager creates a query similar to the following (IBM DB2):

                                  SELECT column list FROM S_CONTACT
                                  WHERE LAST_NAME_CI = SMITH

                                    CIAI Upgrade Issues for IBM DB2 Users

                                    The Case-Insensitive and Accent-Insensitive search functionality requires changes on database schema levels (new columns, indexes, and triggers). When running the ddlimp utility on IBM DB2 databases, tables that have CIAI columns and triggers are not rebuilt. To resolve this issue, see 553429.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support.

                                      Choosing the Correct Repository

                                      If you are upgrading a development environment, then run the Case Insensitivity Wizard on the Siebel Repository. Later in the upgrade process, this repository will be renamed Prior Customer Repository.

                                      If you have completed an upgrade of the development environment (upgrep, merge, upgphys), then run the Case Insensitivity Wizard on the Siebel Repository. You then must generate another schema.ddl file and use it to update your production test and production environments. Typically, you run the wizard after an upgrade is complete to revise the configuration of columns you have configured for case insensitive queries.

                                        Running the Case Insensitivity Wizard Using an Input File

                                        Oracle provides a recommended input file for Siebel Business Applications and for Siebel Industry Applications. The input files have a .csv extension and are located in the following directory:

                                        Windows: SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\objects

                                        These files list columns that are frequently used for queries and are provided as a recommendation. You can edit these files or create new input files as desired.

                                        Requirements: See About the Siebel Case Insensitivity Wizard for information on how the Case Insensitivity Wizard works, eligibility criteria, and how to edit input files.

                                        To run the Case Insensitivity Wizard using an input file

                                        1. Review the input file and verify the following:

                                          • The syntax for all records is correct.

                                          • The tables and columns are eligible.

                                          • The specified configuration options are correct.

                                          • The configuration defaults are acceptable if any configuration options are omitted.

                                        2. In Siebel Tools, open the repository.

                                        3. Lock the tables listed in the input file.

                                        4. From the Tools menu, choose Utilities, then Case Insensitivity.

                                          The Case Insensitivity Wizard displays.

                                        5. Select “Administer the columns listed in this file”.

                                        6. Click Browse.

                                          The SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\objects directory displays, containing the default .csv input files.

                                        7. Select the desired .csv file, and click Open.

                                        8. In the wizard, click Next.

                                          The Case Insensitivity Wizard validates the syntax of the file and validates the eligibility of all tables and columns. If the file contains errors or eligibility problems, then the wizard lists the records containing errors. If you continue, then the wizard skips records containing errors or eligibility problems.

                                          If there are errors, then export the listing to a file, correct any errors in the input file, and restart the Case Insensitivity Wizard. Click Export to export the error listing to a text file.

                                          If there are no errors, then click Next.

                                          The Wizard displays the records in the input file.

                                        9. Review the configuration settings, and verify that they are correct.

                                        10. If you want to change any configuration settings, then click Export.

                                          The Wizard exports the listing to a text file in input-file format.

                                        11. Edit the text file, restart the Case Insensitivity Wizard, and specify the edited text file as the input file.

                                        12. If the configuration settings are correct, then click Next.

                                          The Wizard displays the changes it will make to repository tables and indexes.

                                        13. If you want to save a record of the changes, then click Export.

                                          The Wizard writes the changes to a text file.

                                        14. Click Finish.

                                          The Wizard configures the columns in the repository to support CIAI queries.

                                          Running the Case Insensitivity Wizard by Selecting Columns

                                          This procedure assumes the Object Explorer is in Types mode where objects are displayed hierarchically. An alternate way to perform the procedure is to display Object Explorer in Flat mode. Then choose the Column object and navigate to the desired columns.

                                          Requirements: Review About the Siebel Case Insensitivity Wizard for information on how the Case Insensitivity Wizard works, eligibility criteria, and how to edit input files.

                                          Running the Case Insensitivity Wizard by selecting columns

                                          1. In Siebel Tools, open the repository.

                                          2. In the Siebel Tools Object Explorer, select Table.

                                          3. In the Tables list, lock the desired table, and highlight it.

                                          4. In the Object Explorer, select Table, then Column.

                                          5. In the Columns list, select the desired columns.

                                          6. Right-click the highlighted columns, and choose Case Insensitivity from the pop-up menu.

                                            The Case Insensitivity Wizard validates the eligibility of the selected columns. The Wizard lists any columns that have eligibility errors. If you continue, then the wizard skips columns containing errors.

                                            Export the error listing to a text file for reference, correct any errors, and restart the Case Insensitivity Wizard. Click Export to export the error listing.

                                            The Wizard displays the configuration settings it will use to configure the columns.

                                          7. Review the configuration settings and verify they are correct.

                                          8. If you want to change any configuration settings, then click Export.

                                            The Wizard exports the listing to a text file in input-file format. Edit the text file, then run the Case Insensitivity Wizard and specify the text file as the input file.

                                          9. If the configuration settings are correct, then click Next.

                                            The Wizard displays the changes it will make to the repository tables and indexes.

                                          10. If you want to save a record of the changes, then click Export.

                                            The Wizard writes the changes to a text file.

                                          11. Click Finish.

                                            The Wizard configures the columns in the repository to support CIAI queries.

                                            Configuring CIAI Support for Columns That Do Not Have Indexes Defined

                                            If a column does not have any indexes defined, then the Case Insensitivity Wizard does not create new columns or indexes.

                                            However, you can run the wizard in special mode that changes the column’s Default Insensitivity property to DB Case & Accent. The Wizard performs these steps on all eligible columns in the repository. You cannot manually select columns.

                                            Requirements: Review About the Siebel Case Insensitivity Wizard for information on how the Case Insensitivity Wizard works, eligibility criteria, and how to edit input files.

                                            To configure columns without indexes

                                            1. In Siebel Tools, open the repository.

                                            2. From the Tools menu, choose Utilities, then Case Insensitivity.

                                              The Case Insensitivity Wizard displays.

                                            3. Select Enable for all unindexed columns.

                                            4. Click Next.

                                              The Wizard locates unindexed columns that meet CIAI eligibility criteria. The Wizard then displays a list of tables that must be locked.

                                            5. Click Export to export the list of tables to a text file. Then exit the wizard.

                                            6. Lock all the tables in the text file.

                                            7. Start the Case Insensitivity Wizard again, and select Enable for all unindexed columns.

                                              The Wizard locates unindexed columns and then displays a page listing how they will be configured.

                                            8. Verify that for all the columns that the method is set to Database, and Index Strategy is set to None.

                                              When the index strategy is set to None, the wizard does not create a CIAI column or indexes.

                                              When you click Next, the wizard displays a page listing the repository changes it will make.

                                            9. Verify that for all columns, Default Insensitivity will be changed to DB Case & Accent. Click Finish.

                                              The Wizard makes the changes to the repository.

                                            Related Topics

                                            About the Siebel Case Insensitivity Wizard

                                            Regenerating the Siebel Repository Definition Files

                                              Applying Siebel Additive Schema Changes

                                              Environments: Production test, production.

                                              Platforms: Windows, UNIX, IBM z/OS.

                                              As of Siebel CRM 8.0, you can run Database Configuration Utilities in Apply Additive Schema Changes mode. This generates a schema.additive.sql script that makes schema changes to the Siebel database schema. You do not have to take the database offline to apply this script.

                                              Applying this script to your production database reduces the number of upgrade steps that must be performed while the production database is offline. This reduces production database downtime during the upgrade.

                                              The recommended method for using this feature is to first test it in the production test environment as part of upgrade tuning. After verifying that schema.additive.sqldoes not adversely affect the operation of the application, you then run the script against the production database.

                                                Requirements for Applying Siebel Additive Schema Changes

                                                The following are requirements for applying Siebel additive schema changes:

                                                • You must have run the Database Configuration Utilities in Apply Additive Schema Changes mode to generate the schema.additive.sqlscript.

                                                • You must have reviewed the Apply Additive Schema Changes log file and verified that schema.additive.sql was generated without errors.

                                                • If you are testing the script in the production test environment, then the schema of the Siebel database must be the same as the schema of the production environment Siebel database.

                                                  Applying Siebel Additive Schema Changes

                                                  Use the following procedure to apply Siebel additive schema changes.

                                                  To apply additive schema changes

                                                  1. Navigate to the directory where schema.additive.sql is located.

                                                  2. Review the script and verify that it does not make unacceptable changes to the schema.

                                                  3. Production environment only. Compare the script generated in the production environment with the one generated in the production test environment. If the scripts are not identical, then determine why. If you cannot determine that the differences are benign, then do not apply additive schema changes in the production environment.

                                                  4. Using any SQL editor, run the script against the Siebel database.

                                                    You can run schema.additive.sql multiple times. For example, you can run the script, revise it, and run it again.

                                                  Related Topic

                                                  About Siebel Additive Schema Changes Mode

                                                    Regenerating SQL Files for a Siebel Upgrade

                                                    Environments: Production test, production.

                                                    If you enter incorrect information in the Database Configuration Utilities, then the SQL files the utilities generate will be incorrect and must not be used. You must run the utilities again, enter the correct information, and regenerate the SQL files.

                                                    For example, you are upgrading a non-Unicode database. You run the Database Configuration Utilities and enter that you are upgrading a Unicode database. The SQL that the utility generates will be incorrect and cannot be used. You must regenerate the SQL files.

                                                    When the Database Configuration Utilities generate SQL files, all previously generated SQL files and master UCF files which contains the values of the required parameters are overwritten and newly created.

                                                    To regenerate SQL files with the Database Configuration Utilities

                                                    1. Verify that the SQL files must be regenerated.

                                                      Typically this is caused by entering incorrect information in the Database Configuration Utilities. If you are unsure if the files must be regenerated, then create a service request (SR) on My Oracle Support, or contact your Oracle sales representative for Oracle Advanced Customer Services to request assistance from Oracle’s Application Expert Services.

                                                    2. Rerun the Database Configuration Utilities.

                                                    Related Topic

                                                    About the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard Utilities

                                                    Identifying and Dropping Obsolete Indexes for a Siebel Upgrade

                                                    Environments: Production test environment only. Does not apply to production environment.

                                                    Use this topic to identify indexes that might be obsolete in the Siebel database and can be dropped. This topic is optional but is recommended since dropping obsolete indexes improves database performance.

                                                    When you run the Database Configuration Utilities in Prepare for Production mode, they do the following to identify obsolete indexes:

                                                    • Compares the repository schema definition in the development environment against the Siebel database physical schema definition in the production test environment.

                                                    • If an index is present in the Siebel database physical schema definition but not in the repository logical schema definition, then the utility creates an SQL drop statement and adds it to that index. The utility places this SQL statement in a file called gen_obs_idx.sql.

                                                    You must manually review the gen_obs_idx.sql file. If it contains indexes you want to remove (those containing a drop statement not followed by a create statement), then you must copy the corresponding SQL statements to another SQL file called obs_idx.sql. This file is executed by the Database Configuration Utilities in upgrep mode.

                                                    When the Upgrade Wizard is then run, all indexes, including obsolete indexes, are maintained during table rebuilds and data migration. The obsolete indexes file is executed during the Create Siebel Indexes step.

                                                    Requirements: You must have run the Database Configuration Utilities in Prepare for Production mode in the production test environment.

                                                    To identify and drop obsolete indexes

                                                    1. Navigate to the following file:

                                                      Windows: DBSRVR_ROOT\platform\gen_obs_idx.sql

                                                      UNIX: DBSRVR_ROOT/platform/gen_obs_idx.sql

                                                      In these paths, platform is the database type, for example DB2.

                                                    2. Open the file with a text editor and review the SQL statements it contains.

                                                      The SQL statements drop indexes that are present in the Siebel database but not in the development environment repository logical schema definition.

                                                    3. If you want to remove an index, then copy the corresponding SQL statement(s) to the following file:

                                                      Windows: DBSRVR_ROOT\platform\obs_idx.sql

                                                      UNIX: DBSRVR_ROOT/platform/obs_idx.sql

                                                      In these paths, platform is the database type, for example DB2.

                                                      This file will be executed when you run the Database Configuration Wizard in upgrep mode.

                                                    Preparing for a Nondevelopment Environment Siebel Upgrade

                                                    Environments: Production test, production.

                                                    Platforms: Windows, UNIX, IBM z/OS.

                                                    If your installation does not include a development environment, then you do not need to merge your Siebel Repository. Instead, you can use the repository and schema definition files included in the Siebel Database Server installation. The production environment also contains the entire repository.

                                                    Before performing the upgrade, you must move and rename these files.

                                                    To prepare for a Siebel upgrade in a nondevelopment environment

                                                    1. Navigate to DBSRVR_ROOT\common (UNIX: DBSRVR_ROOT/common) and locate the mstrep.dat file.

                                                    2. Copy the mstrep.dat file and rename it custrep.dat.

                                                    3. Place the custrep.dat file in the DBSRVR_ROOT\Platform (UNIX: DBSRVR_ROOT/platform) directory, where platform is the database platform, for example DBSRVR_ROOT\DB2.

                                                    4. In the platform directory, copy the ddl.ctl file and paste the copy into the same directory.

                                                    5. Rename the copy schema.ddl.

                                                    6. In the production test environment create a new database, separate from the Siebel database.

                                                      Install the Siebel database from the new release in the new database. Do not migrate any data to the new database. This database is called the reference database.

                                                    7. Define an ODBC for the reference database.

                                                    Fixing Column Alignment for Custom Objects

                                                    The Fixing Column Alignment for Custom Objects Utility sets the standard for list column header and data alignment based on type of fields they are mapped to across all Siebel applications.

                                                    The Fixing Column Alignment for Custom Objects Utility does the following:

                                                    • List columns mapped to the Currency field type are aligned right (to the far margin).

                                                    • List columns having icon maps mapped to them are center aligned.

                                                    • List columns mapped to a Numeric field type are center aligned.

                                                    • List columns mapped to a Boolean field (or CHAR(1)) type are center aligned.

                                                    • List columns mapped to any other field type are left aligned (to the near margin).

                                                    • List columns data alignment will be same as its header alignment.

                                                    Left (alignment to the near margin) is the default value for data and the header in list columns. HTML Width for list columns mapped to Date field type will be 185 by default.

                                                    The Fixing Column Alignment for Custom Objects Utility runs as part of the upgrade process. Use the procedures in this topic to manually run the Fixing Column Alignment for Custom Objects Utility.

                                                    Running the Fixing Column Alignment for Custom Objects Utility

                                                    1. Navigate to the following directory:

                                                      Windows: $DbsrvrRoot\common folder

                                                      UNIX: $DbsrvrRoot\common folder

                                                    2. Run the following command:

                                                      java -jar alignapplet.jar /s [Siebel Tool/Server Path, one folder up BIN directory]
                                                      /c [DSN] /d [Database Type - Oracle, DB2UDB, MSSQL or DB2390 ] /u [Database User]
                                                      /p [Database Password]  /o [Log directory] /t [Table Owner] /v "Prior
                                                      Customer Repository" /r "New Siebel Repository" /x "New Customer Repository" 
                                                    3. Review the AllignApplet log and verify that AlignApplet ran without errors.

                                                      Windows: $SiebelLogDir\AlignApplet.logUNIX: $SiebelLogDir/AlignApplet.log

                                                    4. Review the AllignApplet reports to see the modified objects.

                                                      • AlignApplet.log. A log of all the steps executed in this program.

                                                      • AlignAppletLog.log. A log folder that contains all the SQL logs executed during the column alignment process.

                                                      • AlignApplet.html. A report detailing the modified objects.

                                                    Inactivating Unreferenced Repository Objects

                                                    The Inactivating Unreferenced Repository Objects Utility identifies the unreferenced objects in the database and deactivates the unreferenced objects. The Inactivating Unreferenced Repository Objects Utility finds unreferenced objects for the following Siebel objects:

                                                    • Screen

                                                    • View

                                                    • Applet

                                                    • Business Object

                                                    • Business Component

                                                    • Integration Objects

                                                    • Link

                                                    • Pick List

                                                    • Task Group

                                                    • Task

                                                    The Inactivating Unreferenced Repository Objects Utility runs as part of the upgrade process. Use the procedures in this topic to manually run the Inactivating Unreferenced Repository Objects Utility.

                                                    Running the Inactivating Unreferenced Repository Objects Utility

                                                    1. Navigate to the following directory:

                                                      Windows: $DbsrvrRoot\common folderUNIX: $DbsrvrRoot\common folder

                                                    2. Run the following command:

                                                      java -jar RepCrawler.jar /s [Siebel Tool/Server Path, one folder up BIN directory]
                                                      /c [DSN] /d [Database Type - Oracle, DB2UDB, MSSQL or DB2390 ] /u [Database User]
                                                      /p [Database Password]  /o [Log directory] /t [Table Owner] /r "Prior Customer 
                                                      Repository" /l [logfilename] /j [Custom Script Directory] /a Y /z [DbsrvrRoot\common 
                                                    3. Review the RepCrawler log and verify that RepCrawler ran without errors.

                                                      Windows: $SiebelLogDir\RepCrawler.log

                                                      UNIX: $SiebelLogDir/ RepCrawler.log

                                                    4. Review the RepCrawler reports to see the inactive objects.

                                                      • RepCrawler.html. A report where you can see the inactive objects.

                                                      • RepcrawlerLog.log. A log folder that contains all SQL logs executed during the Repcrawler process.

                                                      • repcrawler.js. A data file in JSON format of all inactive objects used in the HTML report.

                                                    Converting Siebel Web Templates with the SWT to OD Conversion Utility

                                                    The SWT to OD Conversion Utility converts Siebel Web Templates to an Object Definition Layout. Converted Web templates are stored in the database.

                                                    The SWT to OD Conversion Utility runs as part of the upgrade process. Use the procedures in this topic to manually run the SWT to OD Conversion Utility. The SWT to OD Conversion Utility can also be run manually if you need to run template migration for few templates. However, all templates are migrated during the upgrade process.

                                                    Running the SWT to OD Conversion Utility

                                                    1. Navigate to the following directory:

                                                      Windows: $DbsrvrRoot\common folder

                                                      UNIX: $DbsrvrRoot\common folder

                                                    2. Run the following command:

                                                      java -jar $DbsrvrRoot\common\SWTClob.jar /s $SiebelRoot /c "$ODBCDataSource" /t$TableOwner /u $TableOwner /p $TablePassword /o $SiebelLogDir /d $DatabasePlatform/r $RepositoryName /j $WebTemplatesDir /w $WSUSerName /x $WorkspaceName /b $BranchedWS /i $WebTemplateName


                                                      • $DbsrvrRoot is the path of the database server installation.

                                                      • $SiebelRoot is the path of the Siebel Server installation.

                                                      • $SiebelLogDir is the path to the log directory.

                                                      • $DatabasePlatform is the database platform, such as Oracle, DB2UDB, MSSQL, and DB2390.

                                                      • $RepositoryName is the Name of the Repository, for example, Siebel Repository.

                                                      • $WebTemplatesDir is the directory for Web Templates, for example, $SiebelRoot/Webtempl.

                                                      • $WebTemplateName is the list of template names for the Incremental Migration. If not passed, all Web Templates are considered for the Incremental Migration.

                                                        The following are the optional parameters that are applicable only for the Workspace Environment.

                                                      • $WSUserName is the Workspace owner user, for example, SADMIN.

                                                      • $WorkspaceName is the Workspace Name to be created, for example, dev_xxxx_xxx.

                                                      • $BranchedWS is the Workspace Branch under which the $WorkspaceName needs to be created, for example, MAIN.

                                                    3. Review the SWTClob log and verify that SWTClob ran without errors.

                                                      Windows: $SiebelLogDir\SWTClob.log

                                                      UNIX: $SiebelLogDir/SWTClob.log

                                                      For more information about troubleshooting and verifying the results of the Web template migration process, see Using Siebel Tools.