13Performing the Siebel Incremental Repository Merge

Process of Meeting the Requirements for an Incremental Upgrade to Siebel 2018, Using the Incremental Repository Merge

Environments: Development environment only.

Before you prepare Siebel Tools for the incremental repository merge, you must perform the following tasks:

  1. Before You Begin

  2. Preparing Siebel Tools for Custom ODBC Data Source Names on Oracle Database

  3. Preparing Siebel Tools for Custom ODBC Data Source Names for All Databases

  4. Editing the Siebel Tools Configuration File

  5. Copying Ancestor Repositories

    Before You Begin

    Refer to and follow the tasks listed in Preparing for Siebel Database Upgrade

    You must have the Siebel Enterprise Server, which includes the Siebel Gateway, the Siebel Server, and the Siebel Database Server (Database Configuration Utilities), installed. You must have installed Siebel 2018 (update 18.12). For installation information, see Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using and other applicable documentation.

    Note: Prior to running incremental repository merge, you must have one and only one repository in your development instance and that repository must be named Siebel Repository. Also, if you must delete any additional repositories, the only acceptable way to do so is to select the repository record in Siebel Tools and delete it. It is not acceptable to delete repositories using direct SQL.

      About the Siebel Server and Siebel Tools on Windows

      It is recommended that the Siebel Server and Siebel Tools be installed on the same Microsoft Windows computer. If your Siebel Server is installed on Windows, then the merge process automatically starts Siebel Tools to execute the incremental repository merge. For this reason, the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard must be started from the computer where Siebel Tools is installed.

      If the Siebel Server is not installed on the same computer as Siebel Tools, then map a network drive from the computer where Siebel Tools is installed to the computer where Siebel Server is installed. Use this mapped drive to specify the location of the Siebel Server when you run the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard.

      Note: Because the merge process requires extensive database resources, it is recommended that, before beginning the incremental repository merge process, you set the general cursor size to 5000.

        Preparing Siebel Tools for Custom ODBC Data Source Names on Oracle Database

        Platforms: Windows, UNIX, IBM z/OS.

        Use this task if you have a custom ODBC data source on Oracle Database.

        This task is a step in Process of Meeting the Requirements for an Incremental Upgrade to Siebel 2018, Using the Incremental Repository Merge.

        If you create a custom ODBC data source name for Oracle Database instead of using the default ODBC data source name, then you must perform the following modifications to enable Siebel Tools for the incremental repository merge. After Siebel Tools is installed, the ODBC data source named SSD default instance is automatically set up by the configurations, using the Oracle driver installed by the installation.

        To prepare Siebel Tools for a custom data source name on Oracle Database

        1. Use the Siebel Tools default ODBC driver, Siebel Oracle90.

        2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ODBC\ODBC.INI\ODBC_DSN_name.

        3. Right-click the new custom ODBC name you created, and select New, then String Value, and enter the following names:

          • ColumnsAsChar

          • ColumnSizeAsCharacter

        4. After you create the values, select each value, right-click each one. For each value, choose Modify, then in the data field, enter the following values:
          • Set the ColumnsAsChar value to 1

          • Set the ColumnSizeAsCharacter value to 1

          Note: The ODBC SSD default instance automatically has these values in the registry, but you have to manually create them for the ODBC data source that you create.
        5. Click the System DSN tab of the ODBC connection that you intend to use, and then test the connection.

          Preparing Siebel Tools for Custom ODBC Data Source Names for All Databases

          This task is a step in Process of Meeting the Requirements for an Incremental Upgrade to Siebel 2018, Using the Incremental Repository Merge.

          If you create a custom ODBC data source name instead of using the default ODBC data source name, then you must perform the following modifications to enable Siebel Tools for the incremental repository merge.

          To prepare Siebel Tools for a custom ODBC data source name for all databases

          1. Open tools.cfg located at SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\bin\primary_lang_code, where primary_lang_code is the language code for the primary language.

          2. In the [Siebel] section of the .cfg file, do the following:

            1. Change the ServerDbODBCDataSource parameter from the default value to your custom ODBC name.

            2. (For Microsoft SQL Server and IBM DB2 only) In the [ServerDataSrc] section, change the Connect String parameter from the default value to your custom ODBC name.

            Editing the Siebel Tools Configuration File

            Platforms: Windows, UNIX, IBM z/OS.

            This task is a step in Process of Meeting the Requirements for an Incremental Upgrade to Siebel 2018, Using the Incremental Repository Merge. Use this task to perform the required edits in the Siebel Tools configuration file.

            To edit the Siebel Tools configuration file

            1. Navigate to SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\bin\lang_code, and open the tools.cfg file.

            2. Make the following changes in the tools.cfg file:

              1. Change the SymStrPrefix value from the default value of X_ to SBL_.

                Caution: You must change these values back to the default value after the merge but before modifying the Siebel Repository. It is required that you set the prefix to SBL_ to differentiate between symbolic strings you create and those provided by Siebel CRM. After the merge, to enable you to create your own custom symbolic strings, you must return the prefix back to X_. To do this, see Editing the Siebel Tools Configuration File After the Development Environment Merge.
              2. Make sure the EnableToolsConstrain value is set to the default value of False. If it is not, then set the value to False.

              3. Set the DockRepositoryName value from the default value of Siebel Repository to New Customer Repository.

            3. Save the tools.cfg file.

            4. You do this because incremental repository merge requires this prefix to be set to SBL_ so that all the symbolic strings that are included as part of the New Siebel Repository are inserted into your repository during the merge.

              Process of Performing an Incremental Upgrade of the Siebel Database from Siebel CRM Version 8.1.1.x (SIA Repository), 8.2.2.x, 15.x, 16.x, and 17.x

                Preparing to Run the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard

                This task is a step in Process of Performing an Incremental Upgrade of the Siebel Database from Siebel CRM Version 8.1.1.x (SIA Repository), 8.2.2.x, 15.x, 16.x, and 17.x. Use this task to prepare for running the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard.

                Environments: Development, production test, production.

                To prepare to run Database Configuration utilities

                1. Identify the information that you must enter when running the Database Configuration utilities.

                2. Use the following table as a guide to collect all the required information.

                  After running the Database Configuration utilities and the utilities exit, you run the Siebel Upgrade Wizard. The Siebel Upgrade Wizard executes the SQL files against the Siebel database. For information on running the Siebel Upgrade Wizard, see Preparing to Start the Siebel Upgrade Wizard.

                Table Information Required for the Database Configuration Utilities

                Field Name or Menu Required Information

                Siebel Server Directory

                The absolute path of the directory where the Siebel Server is installed. For UNIX, do not enter the string $SIEBEL_ROOT.

                Siebel Database Server Directory

                The absolute path of the directory where the Siebel Database Server is installed. For example: C:\sba81\dbsrvr.

                RDBMS Platform

                Choose the RDBMS type: IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, or Oracle Database.

                Note: For IBM DB2 for z/OS, see Siebel Database Upgrade Guide for DB2 for z/OS instead of this guide.

                Siebel Database Operation menu

                Choose Upgrade Database. The remaining menu choices are for database installation and administration.

                Environment Type

                Choose Development for development environment upgrades. Choose Production for production test environment and production environment upgrades.

                Upgrade Options

                Choose one of the following:

                • Development Environment:

                  • Upgrade Siebel Database Schema (upgrep)

                  • Upgrade Custom Database Schema (upgphys)

                • Production Environment. Choose Upgrade Siebel Database Schema (upgrep and upgphys).

                Siebel Industry Application

                As appropriate for the environment you are upgrading from, choose SIA (for Siebel Industry Applications) or SEA (for Siebel Business Applications, also known as Siebel Cross-Industry Applications).

                Current Siebel Version

                Choose the option for the application version that you are upgrading your Siebel database from (where you previously had installed a new database or run Incremental Repository Merge, where applicable), based on the following criteria. Do this after installing the current release of Siebel CRM as a new installation or as a migration installation from the indicated prior version.

                • If your Siebel database is currently on update 18.12, then choose v18_12.

                • If your Siebel database is currently on update 18.11, then choose v18_11.

                • If your Siebel database is currently on update 18.9, then choose v18_9.

                • If your Siebel database is currently on update 18.8, then choose v18_8.

                • If your Siebel database is currently on version 17.0, then choose v17_0.

                • If your Siebel database is currently on version 16.0, then choose v16_0.

                • If your Siebel database is currently on version 15.0, then choose v15_0.

                • If your Siebel database is currently on version, then choose v8_1_1_14.

                • If your Siebel database is currently on version, then choose v8_1_1_11.

                • If your Siebel database is currently on version, then choose v8_1_1_10.

                • If your Siebel database is currently on version (SIA only) to, then choose v8_1_1SIA_To_v8_1_1_9SIA.

                • If your Siebel database is currently on version, then choose v8_2_2_14.

                • If your Siebel database is currently on version, then choose v8_2_2_4.

                • If your Siebel database is currently on version, then choose v8_2_2_3.

                • If your Siebel database is currently on version to, then choose v8_2_2SIA_To_v8_2_2_2SIA.

                Siebel Tools Installation Directory

                The absolute path of the directory where Siebel Tools is installed, such as c:\Siebel\8.1\Tools.

                Note: This entry applies only to the Siebel Server installed on Windows.

                Siebel Tools Data Source

                Provide the data source name that you use to log in using Siebel Tools, such as ServerDataSrc. This entry is in SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\BIN\lang_code\tools.cfg.

                Database Encoding

                Indicate whether your database uses a Unicode code page.

                ODBC Data Source Name

                Verify the ODBC name for connecting to the Siebel database that you are upgrading. If the ODBC name is not correct, then enter the correct name.

                Database User Name and Database Password

                Account name and password for the Siebel administrator of the Siebel database that you are upgrading.

                Note: For more information about supported characters for Siebel passwords, see Siebel Security Guide. See also relevant articles on My Oracle Support, such as 1931241.1 (Article ID).

                Database Table Owner and Database Table Owner Password

                Account name and password for the Siebel database table owner.

                Note: For more information about supported characters for Siebel passwords, see Siebel Security Guide. See also relevant articles on My Oracle Support, such as 1931241.1 (Article ID).

                Index Table Space Name and Table Space Name

                Oracle Database and IBM DB2 only. Index tablespace name and tablespace name (4-KB tablespace name for IBM DB2).

                16-KB Table Space Name, 32K Table Space Name

                IBM DB2 only. The 16-KB and 32-KB tablespace names.

                Database Server OS

                Choose the RDBMS server operating system type.

                Parallel Indexing

                Oracle Database only. Select parallel indexing if you want SQL commands for index creation to include the arguments parallel and no logging.

                Parallel indexing causes an index to be created using parallel processing, which requires an RDBMS server with multiple processors. Verify with your database administrator whether your RDBMS server is configured for parallel processing.

                Tip: Oracle Library search phrase: parallel execution.

                Selecting parallel indexing does not cause multiple indexes to be created simultaneously, in parallel. To set up parallel indexing, you must set up parallel index-creation threads, using Siebel Upgrade Tuner. You create parallel threads as part of tuning the production upgrade files. For more information, see Tuning the Siebel Upgrade Files

                Security Group ID/Grantee

                Security group or grantee name for Siebel application users. Must have select, update, insert, and delete privileges on Siebel application tables. Specify SSE_ROLE.

                Custom Scripts Directory

                During the upgrade process, the Repository Sanitization script is executed. This script checks the Prior Customer Repository for any unreferenced Repository objects across multiple applications. The unused objects are inactivated.

                If a Repository Object refers to in a custom script, it will not be a candidate for inactivation.

                Custom files have to be copied from the following locations:

                For IP2015 and prior releases:


                For IP2016 and later:

                <SWSE HOME>\public\scripts\<LANG>/siebel/custom.

                in addition, copy every language required into a directory and specify that location here.

                Web Templates Directory

                Directory where the custom web templates are stored. From IP2017 onwards, web templates are stored in the Database. Therefore, custom web templates must also be moved to the database. A step is executed during the upgrade process that moves all the web templates specified in this particular location to the database.

                You must copy over the files of the previous release from:


                In addition, copy all files into a single directory and specify that location here.

                Verify Repository After Upgrade

                Indicate whether you want to execute the steps to verify the repository during upgphys. To perform upgphys separately, select the Verify Repository After Upgrade option in the Database Configuration Wizard.

                Upgrep log directory

                If you select the option Verify Repository After Upgrade in the previous step, then you will have to provide the log directory of the upgrep process. The log directory is of the form $SIEBEL_ROOT/siebsrvr/log/upgrep_dev_UpgradeNumber. For example: C:\ses\siebsrvr\log\upgrep_dev_811. The log directory path is a requirement for generating the seed data conflict report.

                Log Output Directory

                Specify a different subdirectory, under the log directory, in which to create the log files. Accept the default or enter the directory name. If the directory does not exist, then it will be created. Do not use special characters, such as spaces or slashes.

                Select runupg option

                Indicate whether you want to run the operation that you configured or run it at another time.

                  About the Database Configuration Utilities

                  The Database Configuration utilities are a group of wizards that request information about the upgrade process that you want to perform. The utilities add this information to a master upgrade file and call an SQL generator. The SQL generator uses the information to create or populate SQL files. For information about the required information that the utilities request when you perform an upgrade, see Preparing to Run the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard.

                    Requirements for Running the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard on Windows

                    This task is a step in Process of Meeting the Requirements for an Incremental Upgrade to Siebel 2018, Using the Incremental Repository Merge.

                    Do the following:

                    • Collect the information that the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard requires.

                      For more information, see Preparing to Run the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard.

                    • If your Siebel Server is installed on Windows, then start the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard from the computer where Siebel Tools is installed.

                      The merge process automatically starts Siebel Tools to execute the incremental repository merge.

                    • If the Siebel Enterprise server is not installed on the same computer as Siebel Tools, then map a network drive from the computer where Siebel Tools is installed to the computer where Siebel Enterprise Server is installed. Use this mapped drive to specify the location of the Siebel Server when you run the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard.

                      Running the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard on Windows

                      This task is a step in Process of Performing an Incremental Upgrade of the Siebel Database from Siebel CRM Version 8.1.1.x (SIA Repository), 8.2.2.x, 15.x, 16.x, and 17.x. Use this task to run the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard on Windows.

                      Environments: Development, production test, production.

                      Platforms: Windows only.

                      Run the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard to upgrade the Siebel database. The Wizard collects information, populates a master configuration file, and calls the SQL generator to create SQL commands. The Siebel Upgrade Wizard then uses the configuration file and SQL commands to execute the incremental repository merge process to incrementally upgrade the database to the newer release.

                      To run the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard on Windows

                      1. Ensure that no server tasks except the Siebel Gateway Name Service are running in the background.

                        To verify this step, navigate to Start, Settings, Control Panel, and then Services.

                      2. Start the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard by selecting Start, Programs, Siebel SES Configuration, and then Database Server Configuration.

                      3. In the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard, enter the information requested in each screen, and click Next.

                      4. After you have entered all the requested information, the wizard displays a screen that lists the values you entered. If you want to make changes, then click Back.

                      5. When a dialog box is displayed asking whether you want to start the Siebel Upgrade Wizard, click Yes.

                        The Upgrade Wizard starts.

                        Running the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard on UNIX

                        This task is a step in Process of Performing an Incremental Upgrade of the Siebel Database from Siebel CRM Version 8.1.1.x (SIA Repository), 8.2.2.x, 15.x, 16.x, and 17.x. Use this task to run the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard on UNIX.

                        Environments: Development, production test, production.

                        Platforms: UNIX only.

                        Run the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard to upgrade the Siebel database. The Wizard collects information, populates a master configuration file, and calls the SQL generator to create SQL commands. You then run the Siebel Upgrade Wizard to upgrade the Siebel database.

                        You must meet the following requirements:

                        • Before running the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard, you must install the language packs of the new release of Siebel CRM for each language that you deploy.

                        • Collect the information that the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard requires. For more information, see Preparing to Run the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard.

                        To run the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard on UNIX

                        1. Verify that all servers are stopped:

                          1. Stop all Siebel Servers.

                          2. Stop the Siebel Gateway.

                        2. Make $SIEBEL_ROOT the current directory.

                        3. Source the environment variables from the siebsrvr root directory: install_location/siebsrvr

                          Korn shell: siebenv.sh

                          C shell: source siebenv.csh

                        4. Review the values of the following environment variables, and confirm that the settings are correct:

                          • SIEBEL_ROOT. This path must end in siebsrvr, for example, /usr/siebel/siebsrvr.

                          • LANGUAGE. This is the language in which the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard runs. The value of this variable is a language identifier string. For example, enu is the identifier string for U.S. English.

                            If either $SIEBEL_ROOT or $LANGUAGE is not set or is incorrect, then you must correct it before proceeding.

                        5. Start the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard:

                          $SIEBEL_ROOT/config/config.sh -mode dbsrvr
                        6. Enter the information requested in each screen, and click Next.

                          After you have entered all the requested information, the wizard displays a screen that lists the values you entered.

                        7. If you want to make changes, then click Back.

                          The Siebel Database Configuration Wizard exits and prompts you to start the Siebel Upgrade Wizard (srvrupgwiz).

                          Preparing to Start the Siebel Upgrade Wizard

                          This task is a step in Process of Performing an Incremental Upgrade of the Siebel Database from Siebel CRM Version 8.1.1.x (SIA Repository), 8.2.2.x, 15.x, 16.x, and 17.x. Use this task to run the Siebel Upgrade Wizard.

                          Environments: Development, production test, production.

                          When you run the Database Configuration Utilities on Windows, there is a prompt asking whether you want to start the Siebel Upgrade Wizard. When you run the Database Configuration Utilities on UNIX, you must start the Siebel Upgrade Wizard manually.

                          The Siebel Upgrade Wizard executes the upgrade of the Siebel database. The Siebel Upgrade Wizard takes a master configuration file as input. This file contains environment information and a driver file name. The Siebel Upgrade Wizard executes the steps in the driver file to perform the upgrade.

                          Because the Siebel Upgrade Wizard performs the steps in the driver file, it lists the steps in a state log. The state log is located in the following directory:


                          In the directory, process refers to the upgrade process. For example, upgrep_dev_811sia indicates that the upgrade is from 8.1.1, and that the upgrep process is being run in the production test or production environment.

                            Starting the Siebel Upgrade Wizard

                            This task is a step in Process of Meeting the Requirements for an Incremental Upgrade to Siebel 2018, Using the Incremental Repository Merge.

                            Use this procedure to start the Siebel Upgrade Wizard.

                            To start the Siebel Upgrade Wizard

                            1. Navigate to the following directory:

                              • Windows: SIEBEL_ROOT\bin

                              • UNIX: $SIEBEL_ROOT/bin

                            2. Enter the following command:

                              • Windows: siebupg /m master_UPGRADEOPTION_ENVIRONMENT_VERSION.ucf

                              • UNIX: srvrupgwiz /m master_UPGRADEOPTION_ENVIRONMENT_VERSION.ucf

                                In these commands, UPGRADEOPTION_ENVIRONMENT_VERSION is the portion of the upgrade configuration file name that lists the upgrade process, the upgrade environment, and the Siebel CRM release (version) from which you are upgrading. The file is located in SIEBEL_ROOT\bin (UNIX: $SIEBEL_ROOT/bin).

                                Numbers like the following examples are used for the Siebel CRM release portion of the file name:

                                • 811sia

                                • 81114

                              The following table lists an example of the file names for an upgrade from Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 (SIA).

                              Table Example Upgrade Configuration File Names for Upgrade from Siebel 8.1.1 (SIA)

                              Upgrade Mode File Name

                              Development environment upgrep


                              Development environment upgphys


                              Production environment upgrep and upgphys


                              The following table lists an example of the file names for an upgrade from Siebel CRM version (SIA).

                              Table Example Upgrade Configuration File Names for Upgrade from Siebel (SIA)

                              Upgrade Mode File Name

                              Development environment upgrep


                              Development environment upgphys


                              Production environment upgrep and upgphys

                            3. To begin the upgrade, click OK (Windows), or press Enter (UNIX).

                              The Siebel Upgrade Wizard will notify you when the upgrade process is complete.

                              Stopping the Siebel Upgrade Wizard on Windows

                              This task is a step in Process of Meeting the Requirements for an Incremental Upgrade to Siebel 2018, Using the Incremental Repository Merge.

                              Only stop the Siebel Upgrade Wizard if you are confident that an error has occurred and the Siebel Upgrade Wizard or a utility it has called has stopped responding. The reason for this caution is that some SQL commands issued by the Siebel Upgrade Wizard can be very time intensive and stopping and restarting the Siebel Upgrade Wizard will slow down your upgrade process.

                              If you are not sure whether the Siebel Upgrade Wizard has stopped responding, then create a service request (SR) on My Oracle Support, or contact your Oracle sales representative for Oracle Advanced Customer Services to request assistance from Oracle’s Application Expert Services.

                              To stop the Siebel Upgrade Wizard on Windows

                              Do one of the following:

                              • If the Siebel Upgrade Wizard has started a separate command window in which a utility is running, then close the command window. This step terminates the utility and stops the upgrade.

                              • In the Siebel Upgrade Wizard dialog box, click Cancel. The Siebel Upgrade Wizard exits when the current upgrade step is complete. There might be a delay while the step completes in the RDBMS.

                              Stopping the Siebel Upgrade Wizard can have different effects on the RDBMS. Before restarting the Siebel Upgrade Wizard, review the RDBMS log files. Run SQL commands to resolve errors found in the RDBMS log files.

                                Stopping the Siebel Upgrade Wizard on UNIX

                                This task is a step in Process of Meeting the Requirements for an Incremental Upgrade to Siebel 2018, Using the Incremental Repository Merge.

                                Only stop the Siebel Upgrade Wizard if you are confident that an error has occurred and the Siebel Upgrade Wizard or a utility it has called has stopped responding. The reason for this caution is that some SQL commands issued by the Siebel Upgrade Wizard can be very time intensive and stopping and restarting the Siebel Upgrade Wizard will slow down your upgrade process.

                                If you are not sure whether the Siebel Upgrade Wizard has stopped responding, then create a service request (SR) on My Oracle Support, or contact your Oracle sales representative for Oracle Advanced Customer Services to request assistance from Oracle’s Application Expert Services.

                                Stopping the Siebel Upgrade Wizard can have varying effects on the RDBMS. Before restarting the Siebel Upgrade Wizard, review the RDBMS log files. Run SQL commands as needed to resolve errors found in the RDBMS log files.

                                To stop the Siebel Upgrade Wizard on UNIX

                                1. If the Siebel Upgrade Wizard has started a utility in a child process, then stop the child process.

                                2. Exit the shell in which the Siebel Upgrade Wizard is running.

                                3. Locate and stop any orphaned child processes started by the Siebel Upgrade Wizard.

                                After the processes terminate, there might be a delay while the RDBMS executes the issued SQL commands.

                                  Preparing to Restart the Merge

                                  This task is a step in Process of Performing an Incremental Upgrade of the Siebel Database from Siebel CRM Version 8.1.1.x (SIA Repository), 8.2.2.x, 15.x, 16.x, and 17.x.

                                  Platforms: Windows, UNIX, IBM z/OS.

                                  Before restarting the merge, consider the following requirements:

                                  If the Siebel Upgrade Wizard encounters an error and exits during an upgrade, then you can restart it after correcting the error. The Siebel Upgrade Wizard reads the state log and continues the upgrade from the last successfully completed step.

                                  If the Siebel Upgrade Wizard stops because of errors, then verify that you have met these requirements before restarting the wizard:

                                  • Carefully review the relevant log files to make sure that your upgrade has completed successfully up to that point.

                                  • Back up your complete set of log files, from the beginning of the process to the point at which it stopped, to another directory.

                                    This backup maintains a complete record of your log files, and it prevents your previous log files from being overwritten, which might prevent an accurate diagnosis of the reason for the error in the upgrade.

                                  • If you are continuing a previous and incomplete schema upgrade, then do not change the path of the Log Output Directory that you previously selected.

                                  • If problems with your environment prevent the upgrade from restarting, then you must restore the database from the prior base version; that is, the version from which you are upgrading. For example, environment problems might occur when table creation fails because of a database problem (insufficient storage or network problems), which causes subsequent upgrade steps to fail.

                                    If you want to restore your database and restart the upgrade, then delete or store the upgrade log files. The files are located in the following directory:

                                    Windows: SIEBEL_ROOT\log\PROCESS\output

                                    UNIX: $SIEBEL_ROOT/log/PROCESS/output

                                    Also delete the state.log file. It is located in the following directory:

                                    Windows: SIEBEL_ROOT\log\PROCESS\state

                                    UNIX: $SIEBEL_ROOT/log/PROCESS/state

                                    Requirements for Restarting the Incremental Repository Merge

                                    Platforms: Windows, UNIX, IBM z/OS.

                                    If the incremental repository merge stops because of errors, then you must review the log files, and restart the merge.

                                    It is recommended that you perform the following tasks to preserve the premerge environment in the event of a failed merge.

                                    1. Perform a full database backup. Before the merge, back up the entire database. If the merge fails, then you can restore the database to its premerge state, and rerun the merge operation.

                                    2. Export the new customer repository. Before the merge, export the New Customer Repository to create a backup copy. If the merge fails, then delete the failed repository, and import the backed-up copy of the New Customer Repository. See Using Siebel Tools for information on exporting and importing repositories using the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard.

                                      Note: If you export the New Customer Repository, then you must truncate the following merge log tables: S_MERGE_LOG, S_MERGE_LOG_OBJ, and S_MERGE_LOG_ATTR.

                                      Restarting the Merge

                                      This task is a step in Process of Meeting the Requirements for an Incremental Upgrade to Siebel 2018, Using the Incremental Repository Merge.

                                      To restart the merge

                                      1. Restore the database to the state of the backup taken before the merge.

                                        You must have already executed database statistics.

                                      2. Review the irm_sav_file.ssf file located in SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\bin. The State value should equal 7 (State=7). If it is any other value, then you must change it to 7 before starting the incremental repository merge again.

                                      3. Do one of the following:

                                        • On a Windows computer. Restart the Execute Incremental Repository Merge task by marking the step as Incomplete in the state.log file located in the Siebel Server installation directory, in siebsrvr\log\upgrade.

                                        • On a UNIX computer. Execute the incremental repository merge through the command line on your Windows computer.

                                          For more information, see Starting the Siebel Upgrade Wizard to restart the upgrade process.

                                        Executing the RUNSTATS Command on Oracle Database During the Pause Following New Repository Creation

                                        This task is a step in Process of Meeting the Requirements for an Incremental Upgrade to Siebel 2018, Using the Incremental Repository Merge. Use these tasks to run database checks on your specific database platform after your new repository has been created. The Upgrade Wizard pauses and notifies you to execute the RUNSTATS command and then resume. Execute RUNSTATS as described in the procedure that follows.

                                        To execute the RUNSTATS command on Oracle Database

                                        • Connect to SQL*Plus, and execute the following command:

                                          EXEC DBMS_STATS.gather_schema_stats (ownname => 'table_owner_name', cascade =>true,estimate_percent => dbms_stats.auto_sample_size);


                                          Invoke SQL*Plus from the Oracle client.

                                          SQL*Plus: Release Production on Wed Nov 21 19:21:46 2012
                                          Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.
                                          Connected to:
                                          Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
                                          With the Partitioning, Oracle Label Security, OLAP, Data Mining,
                                          Oracle Database Vault and Real Application Testing options
                                          SQL> EXEC DBMS_STATS.gather_schema_stats (ownname => 'ORAZQ108', cascade 
                                          =>true,estimate_percent => dbms_stats.auto_sample_size);
                                          PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

                                          Executing the RUNSTATS Command on IBM DB2 During the Pause Following New Repository Creation

                                          This task is a step in Process of Meeting the Requirements for an Incremental Upgrade to Siebel 2018, Using the Incremental Repository Merge. Use this task to execute the RUNSTATS command on IBM DB2, or see your database administrator to have the command executed. The Upgrade Wizard pauses and notifies you to execute the RUNSTATS command and then resume. Execute RUNSTATS as described in the procedure that follows.

                                          To execute the RUNSTATS command on IBM DB2

                                          • Connect to the IBM DB2 command window and execute the following commands:

                                            echo "select 'runstats on table ' concat rtrim(creator) concat '.' concat rtrim(Name) concat ' and detailed indexes all shrlevel change' concat ';' from sysibm.systables where type='T' and (name not in ('S_ESCL_LOG','S_DOCK_INIT_ITEM') and name not like ('S_DOCK_INITM_%')) order by name ;">DBname_tmp_runstats.sql

                                            Example (for UNIX operating systems):

                                            db2 connect to db204205 user siebel using db2
                                            db2 -tf DB204205_tmp_runstats.sql | grep runstats | grep -v ^select > 
                                            db2 terminate
                                            db2 connect to db204205 user siebel using db2
                                            db2 -tf DB204205_runstats.sql
                                            db2 terminate

                                            Executing the UPDATESTATS Command on Microsoft SQL Server During the Pause Following New Repository Creation

                                            This task is a step in Process of Meeting the Requirements for an Incremental Upgrade to Siebel 2018, Using the Incremental Repository Merge. Use this task to execute the UPDATESTATS command on Microsoft SQL Server. The Upgrade Wizard pauses and notifies you to execute the UPDATESTATS command and then resume. Execute UPDATESTATS as described in the procedure that follows.

                                            To execute the UPDATESTATS command on Microsoft SQL Server

                                            1. Navigate to SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\bin on the command window, and log in to odbcsql, using the following command:

                                              /u SADMIN /p MSSQL /s ODBC_data_source_name
                                            2. Execute the following command:

                                              Exec sp_updatestats; 

                                              Process of Upgrading the Siebel Development Environment from Siebel CRM Version 8.1.1.x (SIA Repository)

                                                Upgrading the Siebel Database Schema

                                                This task is a step in Process of Upgrading the Siebel Development Environment from Siebel CRM Version 8.1.1.x (SIA Repository). Use this task to upgrade the Siebel database schema.

                                                Note: Before you upgrade the Siebel database schema using the upgrep process, it is strongly recommended to back up the entire database. This step is mentioned in the following table, as Upgrading the Siebel Database Schema. If this upgrade operation fails, then you can restore the database to its preupgrade state, and rerun the upgrade operation.

                                                To upgrade the Siebel database schema

                                                1. Execute the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard by specifying the following parameter values:

                                                  • Environment Type: Development

                                                  • Upgrade Options: Upgrade Siebel Database Schema (upgrep)

                                                2. Start the Siebel Upgrade Wizard.

                                                  The Siebel Upgrade Wizard reads the steps from the driver file, which is determined by your Siebel CRM version. The Siebel Upgrade Wizard performs the commands listed in the steps. The driver file shown in the following table contains the following information:

                                                  • Environment: Development

                                                  • Upgrade mode: upgrep

                                                  • Database: Oracle

                                                  • Multilingual: No

                                                3. After the incremental repository merge has been completed successfully, review the merge log files in SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\log.

                                                  See the following table for the Siebel Upgrade Wizard steps.

                                                Table Steps That the Siebel Upgrade Wizard Executes

                                                Step Script or Input File Description Comments

                                                1. Verify Siebel Version


                                                Verifies whether the correct Siebel CRM version (from which you are upgrading) was selected when the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard is started.

                                                If this step stops because of an error, then it was because the wrong Siebel CRM version was selected during the launch of the Database Configuration Wizard. Select the Current Siebel Version as explained in the previous table.

                                                2. Verify Repository Name


                                                Renames the Siebel Repository to Prior Customer Repository.


                                                3. Drop Interface tables


                                                Removes all Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager tables.


                                                4. Drop triggers


                                                Removes all dynamically created triggers.


                                                5. Remove database-level functions and procedures


                                                Removes the exchange rate function: exrate.


                                                6. Prepare for table creation


                                                Performs DDL operations, such as adding columns to tables.

                                                Performs DML operations, such as revising date formats.


                                                7. Create and update tables

                                                ddlimp utility

                                                ddl.ctl as input

                                                The ddl.ctl file specifies the structure of tables to be created or updated.


                                                8. Prepare for index creation


                                                Performs DML operations. Moves data between tables. Changes the data in the existing fields, depending on the specified conditions.


                                                9. Create indexes

                                                ddlimp utility

                                                ddl.ctl as input

                                                The input file specifies the structure of indexes to be created.


                                                10. Prepare prior customer repository



                                                This utility executes two steps, the repository sanitization before the upgrade and the SWT files to Object Definition conversion.

                                                1. The SWT to Object Definition Conversion Utility converts Siebel Web Templates to Object definition layout. The converted Web templates are stored in the database.

                                                2. The Repository Sanitization Utility checks for unreferenced repository objects across the full repository and they inactivated if they are not used anywhere in any application.


                                                11. Import seed data

                                                dataimp utility

                                                seedupg0.inp as input

                                                seedupg1.inp as input

                                                seedupg_locale.inp as input

                                                Before importing seed data, the dataimp utility deletes the existing seed data.

                                                The three seedupg files contain filters that the dataimp utility uses to prevent the deletion of seed data that you have modified or seed data that meets specified criteria.

                                                Unmodified seed data has a last update date (LAST_UPD) of 1980-01-01. The dataimp utility does not delete records in which the last update date (LAST_UPD) is later than this date.


                                                12. Upgrade data after seed data import



                                                Updates existing seed data if any new columns have to be populated.


                                                13. Set system pref for Codepage DB


                                                Sets the database code page in the S_SYS_PREF table.


                                                14. Set system pref for unicode DB


                                                Sets the Unicode code page to UTF-8 in the S_SYS_PREF table.


                                                15. Update version component information


                                                Updates the S_UPG_COMP table with the product release level. The S_UPG_COMP table stores version information for application executable programs.


                                                16. Run Oracle-specific DDL commands


                                                Creates Oracle-specific DDL information, such as default storage parameters for docking objects, repository objects, and seed objects.


                                                17. Update Siebel database version



                                                The update_ver.sql script creates a temporary table, S_APP_VER_TEMP, which contains new version information for the database schema. The seeduver.sql script updates the S_APP_VER table with this information.


                                                18. Encryption Upgrade


                                                Siebel Business Applications allow customers to encrypt sensitive information stored in the Siebel database, for example, credit card numbers, Social Security numbers, birth dates. This information cannot be viewed without access to Siebel Business Applications.

                                                Sensitive data can be encrypted by using AES (Advanced Encryption Standard). This utility identifies the RC2 encrypted columns and upgrades their data to the AES.

                                                Updates the logical layer of data for columns which are candidates for encryption.


                                                19. Export Prior Customer Repository

                                                repimexp utility

                                                Export Prior Customer Repository

                                                Exports the existing Prior Customer Repository to create New Customer Repository.


                                                20. Import Prior Siebel, New Siebel and New Customer repositories in parallel

                                                repimexp utility

                                                Import the Prior Siebel Repository, New Siebel Repository, and New Customer Repository.

                                                Imports the Prior Siebel Repository, New Siebel Repository, and New Customer Repository in parallel to the repository tables.

                                                If this step produces an error while creating the New Customer Repository, check the log file in: SIEBEL_ROOT\siebsrvr\log\upgrade_path\output).

                                                For Oracle Database: If you receive an error similar to the following, then you must restart the upgrade from the previous step Export Prior Customer Repository by changing the state.log of that step to Incomplete.

                                                Error message: 
                                                12899: value too
                                                large for column "S_ACCELERATOR"."INA
                                                CTIVE_FLG" (actual: 
                                                4, maximum: 1)

                                                21. Install SQL packages


                                                Verifies that correct versions are set in the S_APP_VER table.



                                                Sets the storage parameters for Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager tables.



                                                Sets the storage parameters for Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager table indexes.



                                                Adds a suffix to row IDs in the S_SEQUENCE table. Ensures that row IDs are unique.

                                                The pkgldel.sql script defines s_txn_log_del_proc. The procedure periodically deletes transactions from the S_DOCK_TXN_LOG file. It also deletes rows from the S_DOCK_TXN SET table. This action prevents the need for a large rollback segment.



                                                Ensures that denormalized rows in the S_TERR table have the correct values.



                                                Sets the sequence numbers for the specified tables.



                                                Creates a function that modifies how Oracle Optimizer performs the visibility check.


                                                22. Create temporary indexes for merge performance


                                                Creates temporary indexes to improve the merge performance.


                                                23. Fix column alignment for custom objects


                                                Sets the standard for list column's header and data alignment based on type of fields they are mapped to across all the Siebel applications


                                                24. Take backup of the Siebel database and update database statistics


                                                Pauses the Siebel Upgrade Wizard to enable a database backup and the execution of database statistics before the merge.

                                                At this point in the upgrade, back up the database, and execute database statistics, then click Yes to continue the upgrade.

                                                To stop at this step and restart the wizard later, click No.

                                                To resume the upgrade, see Preparing to Start the Siebel Upgrade Wizard.

                                                25. Execute Incremental Repository Merge


                                                Starts the incremental repository merge automatically for Windows. If you are using a Windows computer and Siebel Tools is installed for Siebel Enterprise servers in UNIX environment, then you must perform this step manually.

                                                For UNIX or Linux: You must execute the incremental repository merge process manually. (On Microsoft Windows, incremental repository merge starts automatically.) See Executing Incremental Repository Merge on UNIX.

                                                26. Generate Merge Report


                                                Generates the hierarchical merge report in HTML format.

                                                Also creates the file IRM_Merge*_ERROR.txt in SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\log, which contains only the errors that are present in the IRM_Merge*.txt file.

                                                For more information about the hierarchical merge report, see Reviewing the Hierarchical Merge Report.

                                                For UNIX or Linux: You must generate the hierarchical merge report manually, by running MergeReport.bat. Typically, you run this report after running incremental repository merge. (On Microsoft Windows, this report runs automatically.)

                                                27. Export Merge Data to CSV Script or Input File


                                                Exports repository-merge log data to a CSV file for business object, business component, applet, view, and Web page object definitions. This data can be compared with the Usage Pattern Tracking (UPT) CSV files to obtain the intersection data, so that you can focus testing on these objects only.

                                                The Siebel Upgrade Wizard exports the log data to CSV files in the following folder:


                                                This step is executed only when you run IRM after migrating from a prior Siebel CRM release in which UPT was enabled (for example, version 15.5 or later, or version 16.0). For information about the specific releases (including applicable patchset releases) for which UPT can be enabled, see 2145521.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support.

                                                For more information about Usage Pattern Tracking, see Siebel Applications Administration Guide.

                                                28. Record Upgrade History


                                                Stores the upgrade history in the S_INST_UPG_HIST table.


                                                  Executing Incremental Repository Merge on UNIX

                                                  This task is a step in Process of Upgrading the Siebel Development Environment from Siebel CRM Version 8.1.1.x (SIA Repository). Use this task to execute incremental repository merge on UNIX.

                                                  Incremental repository merge is started automatically on Windows, but on UNIX you must initiate the process manually. You begin executing the incremental merge when the Upgrade Wizard pauses and notifies you to execute the manual merge.

                                                  To execute incremental repository merge on UNIX

                                                  1. Copy irm_sav_file.ssf from $SIEBEL_ROOT\siebsrvr\bin from the UNIX computer to SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\bin on the Windows computer.

                                                  2. Execute the following command to start the incremental repository merge:

                                                    siebdev /u UserName /p Password /d "ToolsDataSource" /c "SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\BIN\lang_code\tools.cfg" /iPackmode /IRM UpgDeltaMerge
                                                  3. Click Yes to continue.

                                                    To pause now and resume later, click No. To resume, see Starting the Siebel Upgrade Wizard.

                                                    If the merge fails, see Requirements for Restarting the Incremental Repository Merge.

                                                    About Siebel Repository Merge Errors

                                                    This task is a step in Process of Upgrading the Siebel Development Environment from Siebel CRM Version 8.1.1.x (SIA Repository). Use this task to review Siebel Repository merge log files.

                                                    Environments: Development environment only.

                                                    Platforms: Windows, UNIX, IBM z/OS.

                                                      Acceptable and Unacceptable Errors

                                                      To determine whether the repository merge was successful, review the merge log files. The merge is successful if it completes without unacceptable errors:

                                                      • Acceptable errors. If an ancestor object is specified in an object definition, and if the ancestor object is not present in the New Siebel Repository, then a merge error occurs. This error is acceptable, and you can ignore it. The following is an example of an acceptable error in the merge log file, IRM_merge0.txt:

                                                        !!ERROR::CANNOT upgrade objects which have Briefing Tracking Profile Applet - Product marked as 'Upgrade Anc'.

                                                        If an object already exists in the New Customer Repository that has come from any Release Feature (RF) from Siebel CRM version 8.1.1.x or 8.2.2.x, then a merge error results stating that the object cannot be inserted because the same values already exist. This error is acceptable.

                                                      • Unacceptable errors. All other types of merge errors are unacceptable and indicate that the merge was not successful. For more information, see 477269.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support. This document was previously published as Siebel Troubleshooting Steps 19.

                                                        Merge errors are displayed in the Upgrade Applications Objects List view in Siebel Tools. Additional details on merge errors are located in the incremental repository merge log file:


                                                        Each time you run the merge process, the name of the IRM_merge0.txt file is incremented, for example, to IRM_merge1.txt.

                                                        Causes of an Incomplete Merge Process

                                                        If your repository merge process terminates and is flagged as Incomplete, then navigate to the Screens menu in Siebel Tools, and choose the Application Upgrader menu item. The most common reasons for its failure are as follows:

                                                        • The number of errors (!!ERROR) exceeds the number that was predefined in Siebel Tools when the merge was started.

                                                        • The merge process has been terminated because of a local issue on the Siebel Tools workstation, such as a scheduled reboot.

                                                        • RDBMS errors caused the process to stop.

                                                        • Memory allotment issues occurred on the workstation on which Siebel Tools is installed.

                                                        • A network failure occurred.

                                                        If the repository merge is terminated and flagged as Incomplete, then restart the incremental repository merge. For more information, see Process of Meeting the Requirements for an Incremental Upgrade to Siebel 2018, Using the Incremental Repository Merge.

                                                          Reviewing the Siebel Repository Merge Log Files

                                                          This task is a step in Process of Upgrading the Siebel Development Environment from Siebel CRM Version 8.1.1.x (SIA Repository). Use this task to review Siebel Repository merge log files.

                                                          Environments: Development environment only.

                                                          Platforms: Windows, UNIX, IBM z/OS.

                                                          To determine whether the repository merge was successful
                                                          1. In Siebel Tools, from the Screens menu, choose Application Upgrader, and then Application Upgrade Object List.

                                                          2. In the Application Upgrades list, select the record of the merge.

                                                          3. Review the entry in the Status column as follows:
                                                            • Completed. Indicates the merge completed without errors.

                                                            • Completed with Errors. Indicates the merge contains errors.

                                                            If the Status column indicates Completed, then no further action is required. The merge was successful.

                                                            If the Status column indicates Completed with Errors, then you must review the errors to determine whether the merge was successful. To review the errors, complete the remaining steps in this task.

                                                            Note: These errors do not indicate an incomplete merge and rerunning the merge will not correct them.
                                                          4. In the Object Differences list, click Query.

                                                          5. In the Status field, enter the following: ERROR::*

                                                          6. Press Enter to run the query.

                                                            This step displays all the objects in which the merge process encountered errors.

                                                          7. Open the merge log file, IRM_merge0.txt.

                                                            It is located in the following directory:


                                                            If there are multiple files, then open the one with the highest number in the file name, for example, IRM_merge1.txt.

                                                          8. To locate merge errors in the file, search for the !!ERROR string.

                                                            Informational messages are marked as !!INFO.

                                                          9. Use the objects displayed in the Object Differences list and the errors displayed in the log file to analyze the errors:

                                                            • If all the errors are acceptable, then the merge is successful.

                                                              It is advisable, however, to consider the number of acceptable errors when determining whether to rerun the merge operation.

                                                            • If the log file contains unacceptable errors, then the merge has failed.

                                                          10. If the merge contains unacceptable errors, then see 477269.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support. This document was previously published as Siebel Troubleshooting Steps 19.

                                                            This document explains many of the error messages that can appear in the log file. Use this document to correct the errors. If you cannot resolve all the errors, then contact Oracle Global Customer Support.

                                                          11. Open the workflow merge log file:


                                                            If there are multiple files, then open the file with the highest number in the file name, for example, IRM_merge1_ver.txt. This log file is created by the workflow premerge and postmerge steps.

                                                          12. Review the log file. If the file contains errors, then create a service request (SR) on My Oracle Support, or contact your Oracle sales representative for Oracle Advanced Customer Services to request assistance from Oracle’s Application Expert Services.

                                                            Reviewing the Hierarchical Merge Report

                                                            This task is a step in Process of Upgrading the Siebel Development Environment from Siebel CRM Version 8.1.1.x (SIA Repository). Use this task to review the hierarchical merge log files.

                                                            The hierarchical merge report is generated in HTML format for Application Hierarchy objects, which are Application, Screen, View, Business Component, Applet, Table, Business Service, Business Object and Workflow Process. This report allows you to review the tree of a particular object and see exactly what has been changed in the Application Hierarchy. If an object on which the currently selected object depends has changed, then you can drill down on that object and get a better idea of the testing effort involved.

                                                            The report is generated in the SIEBSRVR_ROOT\log\upgrep_dev_*\output directory and is named MergeReport.html.

                                                            When you run Incremental Repository Merge on Microsoft Windows, the HTML report is generated automatically once the incremental repository merge has completed. On UNIX, you must generate the hierarchical merge report manually, by running MergeReport.bat. Typically, you run this report after running incremental repository merge. For Upgrade, you also must generate the hierarchical merge report manually. MergeReport.bat is located in the SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\reppatch directory.

                                                            You are prompted to specify values for the following parameters, which are required to generate the report. Where necessary, you must enclose parameter values in double-quotes.

                                                            • Tools Installation Folder

                                                            • ODBC Data Source Name

                                                            • Database Table Owner

                                                            • Database Table Owner Password

                                                            • Table Owner User Name

                                                            • Tablespace Name

                                                            • Index Space Name

                                                            • 16k Tablespace Name

                                                            • 32k Tablespace Name

                                                            • Is DB Unicode or Not

                                                            • Grantee Role (SSE_ROLE)

                                                            • Repository Name

                                                            • Full Path of Directory in Which to Generate HTML Report

                                                            • Full Path of Log File to Run Patch

                                                            • Database Platform (Oracle, MSSQL, DB2UDB, or DB2390)

                                                            • Merge ID for Report Generation. This value can be identified in Siebel Tools. Log in to Siebel Tools, navigate to Screens menu, then Application Upgrader, Application Upgrade Object List. Select a record and get the row ID from Help, About Record.

                                                            • Generate Report for Latest Merge Run. Enter Y to generate report. Enter N to display all available Merge Log ID.

                                                            • Retain Files for Debugging. Enter N to retain files for debugging. Otherwise, enter Y.


                                                              Different sections of the report present different types of information, as follows:

                                                              • The navigation section of the report, which appears in a side pane, lists the objects that are affected by the merge process. Select an object in this section to view information about the object.

                                                              • The upper or first section of the report lists the objects that are dependent on the object that is selected in the navigation section.

                                                              • The lower section of the report displays the attribute-level details of the object that is selected in the upper section.

                                                                Navigation Section

                                                                This report limits the objects that are part of the application hierarchy. Nine tabs are displayed for each object type. When a tab is selected, it expands and displays the list of objects that are affected by the merge process. Two options provide searching capability for any particular object in the report:

                                                                • Global Search searches any object in all objects of the application hierarchy.

                                                                • Local search limits the search functionality to (for example) a particular tab on which a search operation is triggered.

                                                                  Dependent Object Section

                                                                  The dependent object section, displays the dependent objects for the object that is selected in the navigation section. The selected object name is displayed before the dependent object section. You can further navigate to each tab to see the list of objects.

                                                                  Tabs are displayed only for objects that are dependent on the selected object. For example, if Applet has been modified and no Business Service is dependent on that Applet, then the Business Service tab will not be displayed in this section. Under each tab, if an object name has no background color, it means that no attribute level information is changed as part of the merge for this object.

                                                                  For example, for the View tab, responsibility information is displayed for the selected view. When the View tab is selected and a View object is selected, then the responsibility information for this view is also displayed.

                                                                  The lower section of the report displays attribute-level information for the selected object. You can filter the resulting records based on Critical Conflicts, Non Critical Conflicts and All Changes.

                                                                  Related Topic

                                                                  Reviewing Siebel Repository Object Property Conflicts

                                                                    Reviewing Siebel Repository Object Property Conflicts

                                                                    This task is a step in Process of Upgrading the Siebel Development Environment from Siebel CRM Version 8.1.1.x (SIA Repository). Use this task to review Siebel Repository object property conflicts.

                                                                    Environments: Development environment only.

                                                                    Platforms: Windows, UNIX, IBM z/OS.

                                                                    You can change how repository object property conflicts are resolved during the repository merge.

                                                                      How Repository Object Property Conflicts Occur

                                                                      Note: Use the Hierarchical Reports feature in Siebel Tools to learn what conflicts might have occurred, and to help identify areas to target for regression testing. For more information on this feature, see Using Siebel Tools.

                                                                      You cannot resolve conflicts from the report, but you can use the report to identify where to target regression testing and what conflicts have occurred.

                                                                      The repository merge compares repository object properties in the Prior Siebel Repository, Prior Customer Repository, and New Siebel Repository. When the value of an object property is different in all three repositories, an object property conflict exists. This conflict occurs when you have changed the value of an object property in the Prior Customer Repository, and the value of this property has also changed in the new release (New Siebel Repository).

                                                                      An object property conflict does not occur if you changed the value of an object property in the Prior Customer Repository, and the object property value did not change in the new release. When a conflict does not happen, the merge process transfers the changed value to the New Customer Repository.

                                                                      The merge process resolves object property conflicts by referring to the setting of the object’s Standard Win property. For the majority of repository objects, the merge process resolves conflicts by using the object property value in the New Siebel Repository. Do not change the setting of the Standard Win property.

                                                                        Reviewing Object Property Conflicts

                                                                        You can review and change how object property conflicts were resolved using the Application Upgrade Attribute List view in Siebel Tools. The Attribute Differences List in the view includes the following columns:

                                                                        • Object Name. The name of the object.

                                                                        • Attribute. The object property name.

                                                                        • Conflict. The merge process puts a check mark in this field if there was an object property conflict during the merge.

                                                                        • Resolution. Displays which property value the merge process used to resolve the conflict:

                                                                          • Standard Value. The property value in the New Siebel Repository was used. This value is displayed in the New Standard column.

                                                                          • Custom Value. The property value in the Prior Customer Repository was used. This value is displayed in the Prior Customized column.

                                                                        • Override. Puts a check mark in this column to change how the conflict is resolved. Overriding the resolution changes the property value in the merged repository. If the resolution was the Standard Value, then the displayed value is changed to the Custom Value and vice versa.

                                                                          Putting a check mark in the Override column does not change the value displayed in the Resolution column. A check mark indicates that the displayed value was manually overridden in the merged repository.

                                                                        • Prior Standard. Displays the value of the object property in the Prior Siebel Repository.

                                                                        • Prior Customized. Displays the value of the object property in the Prior Customer Repository. In the Resolution column, this value is called the Custom Value.

                                                                        • New Standard. Displays the value of the object property in the New Siebel Repository. In the Resolution column, this value is called the Standard Value.

                                                                        • Conflict Resolution Type. Displays whether the conflict is critical or non-critical. Only critical conflicts have to be resolved.

                                                                        Related Topic

                                                                        Reviewing the Hierarchical Merge Report

                                                                          Reviewing Log Files for All Upgrades

                                                                          This task is a step in Process of Upgrading the Siebel Development Environment from Siebel CRM Version 8.1.1.x (SIA Repository). The repository merge must have been successful. For information about reviewing log files, see Reviewing the Siebel Upgrade Log Files

                                                                            Reviewing Conflicts at the Attribute Level

                                                                            This task is a step in Process of Upgrading the Siebel Development Environment from Siebel CRM Version 8.1.1.x (SIA Repository). Use this task to review conflicts at the attribute level.

                                                                            Platforms: Windows, UNIX, IBM z/OS.

                                                                            For more information on review conflicts, see Reviewing Siebel Repository Object Property Conflicts.

                                                                            To review conflicts at the attribute level
                                                                            1. In Siebel Tools, from the Screens menu, choose Application Upgrader, and then Application Upgrade Attribute List.

                                                                              By default, you can see only the critical conflicts in the Application Upgrades Attribute differences screen. You must review the critical conflicts. To view informational conflicts, right-click and select Show Non-Critical Conflicts. Noncritical conflicts include conflicts of attributes, such as Sequence number, Comments, Layout, and so on.

                                                                            2. In the Application Upgrades list, select the record of the successful merge.

                                                                            3. In the Attribute Differences list, click Query.

                                                                            4. In the Attribute Differences list, click in the Conflict field so that a check mark appears.

                                                                            5. Press Enter to run the query.

                                                                              The query displays a list of all object properties in which there is a conflict.

                                                                            6. For each record, review the entry in the Resolution field.

                                                                            7. To change the resolution, click in the Override field.

                                                                              A check mark appears that changes the value of the object property in the merged repository. Avoid overriding conflicts for the following object properties:
                                                                              • Left

                                                                              • Right

                                                                              • Top

                                                                              • Height

                                                                              • Width

                                                                              Review these properties in the upgraded application before changing them.

                                                                              Marking Conflict Resolution as Complete Using Siebel Tools

                                                                              This task is a step in Process of Upgrading the Siebel Development Environment from Siebel CRM Version 8.1.1.x (SIA Repository). Use this task to mark conflict resolution as Complete.

                                                                              To mark conflict resolution as Complete using Siebel Tools
                                                                              1. After you have resolved all conflicts, execute the following command from the SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\bin directory on the command prompt:

                                                                                siebdev.exe /u username /p SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT /d "ServerDataSrc" /c "SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\bin\SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\tools.cfg" /l SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT /IRM UpgDeltaMerge /iPackmode
                                                                              2. After Siebel Tools is started, select the Conflict Resolution Completed check box.

                                                                              3. Click Finish.

                                                                                Clicking Finish creates an entry in S_INST_UPG_HIST table, indicating that the merge and conflict resolution steps have been completed. If this step is not executed, then the next phase of upgrading the custom database schema (upgphys) produces an error in the first step.

                                                                                Generating the Runtime Repository Data

                                                                                Environments: Development environment only.

                                                                                Platforms: Windows, UNIX, IBM z/OS.

                                                                                Once the Repository merge is complete and after all merge conflicts have been resolved and before starting upgphys, you must generate the Siebel Runtime Repository data. To generate the Siebel Runtime Repository data, you must execute the Full Publish command in Siebel Tools. Full publish has to be executed against the New Customer Repository. Make sure to change the DockRepositoryName in tools.cfg to New Customer Repository and ensure Siebel tools launches against the correct Repository. If there are multiple repositories in your database, then the first preference of opening a particular repository in Siebel tools is to read from devtools.prf preference file. If the devtools.prf preference file does not exist, Siebel Tools reads from the Repository name from the DockRepositoryName parameter of the tools.cfg file. Make sure you delete the devtools.prf to ensure Siebel Tools reads the Repository name from the tools.cfg file. For more information about executing the Full Publish command in Siebel Tools, see Using Siebel Tools.

                                                                                Note: This is a mandatory step and not executing this successfully will have consequences in the further steps of an upgrade.

                                                                                The full Publish command is the following:

                                                                                siebdev /c tools.cfg /TL ENU /d ServerDataSrc /u <username> /p <password> /

                                                                                The TL <lang_code> parameter is a mandatory argument for Full Publish because it specifies the published languages for the database. You can add multiple languages separated by a comma. For example:

                                                                                TL ENU,DEU,JPN

                                                                                Depending on the number of the languages specified, the Full Publish process spans the number of Siebdev processes to compile objects in the specified language and write the data to the database. Siebdev silently closes after completion of a Full Publish, which indicates there are no errors. If there are errors during the Full Publish process, the Siebdev process throws errors and stops. In the log file, Failure Reported For indicates an error with an object. The log file lists the object name and type for Failure Reported For errors. Any Workflow Process errors in the log file can be ignored.

                                                                                  Upgrading a Custom Database Schema

                                                                                  To upgrade a custom database schema, perform the following task. For information on the following:

                                                                                  Note: Before you upgrade a custom database schema using the upgphys process, it is strongly recommended to back up the entire database. If this upgrade operation fails, then you can restore the database to its preupgrade state, and rerun the upgrade operation.

                                                                                  To upgrade a custom Siebel database schema

                                                                                  • Execute the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard by specifying the following parameter values:

                                                                                  • Environment Type: Development

                                                                                  • Upgrade Options: Upgrade Custom Database Schema (upgphys)

                                                                                  The following table shows the different steps executed by the upgphys process. The Script or Input File column in the table lists the SQL file or input file that is executed in each step. The Description column provides a brief explanation of what the SQL file or input file does. The SQL files used for an upgrade and the contents of the SQL files vary depending on the upgrade mode and database.

                                                                                  Table Steps That the upgphys Process Executes

                                                                                  Step Script or Input File Description Solution

                                                                                  1. Check whether the merge and conflict resolution steps are complete


                                                                                  Verifies whether the merge and conflict resolution steps are complete.

                                                                                  If this step stops because of an error, then the conflict resolution has not been completed. For information on resolving the conflict, see Reviewing Siebel Repository Object Property Conflicts.

                                                                                  After you resolve the conflict, restart the Siebel Upgrade Wizard, and click No when asked if you want to continue. Then start the Siebel Upgrade Wizard again from the beginning.

                                                                                  Oracle recommends verifying if the Full Publish logs were successful. For more information about Full Publish, see Using Siebel Tools.

                                                                                  Caution: Full Publish logs must be verified before running upgphys.

                                                                                  2. Drop temporary indexes created for merge performance


                                                                                  Removes all the temporary indexes created to improve the merge performance.


                                                                                  3. Export schema definition


                                                                                  Exports the schema definition to the file DBSRVR_ROOT/platform/schema.ddl. This file is used as an input to the production test and production environments.


                                                                                  4. Sync physical and logical tables


                                                                                  Applies the schema.ddl and synchronizes the tables.


                                                                                  5. Sync physical and logical indexes


                                                                                  Applies the schema.ddl and synchronizes the indexes.


                                                                                  6. Migrate query search controls of list applets into the Siebel database


                                                                                  This step migrates query search controls of list applets from files into the Siebel database.

                                                                                  This step also exports the entire New Customer Repository to:



                                                                                  7. Encryption Upgrade - Physical


                                                                                  This step updates the physical layer data for columns which are encrypted with the RC2 algorithm. This updates the data to AES algorithm.


                                                                                  8. Encryption Upgrade


                                                                                  Updates the physical layer data for columns which are encrypted with the RC2 algorithm. This updates the data to the AES algorithm.


                                                                                  9. Enable workspace


                                                                                  Enables the workspace on the New Customer Repository for repository content.


                                                                                  10. Export repository to a file


                                                                                  Exports the New Customer Repository to:


                                                                                  This file contains only the required repository data and is used as an input to the production test and production environments.

                                                                                  This step also creates a custrep_dev.dat file which contains the entire New Customer Repository as a backup.


                                                                                  11. Import New Customer Repository as Siebel Repository


                                                                                  Truncates the repository tables and imports the previously exported New Customer Repository as Siebel Repository.


                                                                                  12. Enable Workspace


                                                                                  Enables the workspace on the New Customer Repository for Seed data (List of Values).


                                                                                  13. Migrate custom manifest data from XML files to the database

                                                                                  Note: This step applies only to upgrades with custom Siebel Open UI manifest files for Siebel CRM version or, and version or
                                                                                  • custom_manifest.xml

                                                                                  • manifest_extensions.map

                                                                                  This step migrates Siebel Open UI custom manifest data from XML files to the database. For more information, see About Migrating the XML Manifest Data for Siebel Open UI from Previous Releases to the New Manifest Data in the Database.


                                                                                  14. Create list import package for Siebel Marketing



                                                                                  (Oracle Database only)

                                                                                  This step creates a package to support the Siebel Marketing list import functionality for Oracle Database 12c. For more information, see Siebel Marketing Installation and Administration Guide.


                                                                                  15. Verify repository after upgrade

                                                                                  • dbchck

                                                                                  • dictutl
                                                                                  • mlovupgd
                                                                                  • SeedConflict.jar

                                                                                  The repository is optionally verified after you complete the upgphys process. This step is executed if you selected the option Verify Repository After Upgrade in the Database Configuration Wizard. For more information, see Verifying the Repository After Upgrade.


                                                                                  16. Upgrade history


                                                                                  Stores the upgrade history in the S_INST_UPG_HIST table.


                                                                                    Verifying the Repository After Upgrade

                                                                                    As noted in Step 15 of the table in Upgrading a Custom Database Schema, the repository is optionally verified after you complete the upgphys process. This step is executed if you selected the option Verify Repository After Upgrade during database configuration. The following are the verification steps executed:

                                                                                    1. dbchck. Provides a report of the schema differences between the physical database and the repository definition. Unacceptable errors can occur if data types are mismatched. Acceptable errors occur if a schema object (such as a table or an index) is intentionally external to the repository.

                                                                                    2. dictutl. Verifies that all dock objects and rule definitions are correct.

                                                                                    3. mlovupgd. Validates the repository for data inconsistencies. Errors are logged into the log file and upgrade wizard continues with the next steps.

                                                                                    4. SeedConflict. Generates the seed conflict report in HTML format. The report contains details of all the records with unique constraint violations.

                                                                                      About Migrating the XML Manifest Data for Siebel Open UI from Previous Releases to the New Manifest Data in the Database

                                                                                      Platforms: Windows, UNIX, IBM z/OS.

                                                                                      In Siebel Open UI, before Siebel CRM version or version (Siebel Innovation Pack 2013), files to be downloaded for an applet were configured in one of the following ways:

                                                                                      • Through the Applet object properties Presentation_Model and Physical_Renderer in Siebel Tools.

                                                                                      • By adding entries under the Presentation Model and Physical Renderer sections in the manifest_extensions.map file in the SIEBSRVR_ROOT\objects folder on the Siebel Server.

                                                                                      The files were then configured against the key in the custom_manifest.xml file or in an application-specific custom manifest file.

                                                                                      Starting with Siebel CRM version and version, Siebel Open UI replaces the XML manifest file with manifest data that it stores in the Siebel database, as noted in Upgrading a Custom Database Schema. You cannot modify this predefined manifest data, but you can use the Manifest Administration screen in the client to configure the manifest data that your customizations require. Applets are mapped directly to files, and expressions are configured to determine under what conditions the applets use a given file.

                                                                                      The following example illustrates how data from the XML manifest file is migrated. The example uses the applet Activity HI Calendar Applet, which is used for calendar functionality in Siebel Open UI. It has separate renderings in mobile and desktop applications.

                                                                                      Note: The migration described in this topic applies only to upgrades with custom Siebel Open UI manifest files for Siebel CRM version or, and version or

                                                                                      The following figure shows the UI Objects view with two Activity HI Calendar Applet UI object entries. One of these entries has a usage type of Renderer, while the other entry has a usage type of Presentation Mode. Two object expressions are shown in the Object Expression view: Mobile and Desktop, and in the Files view, the required JavaScript file is shown.

                                                                                      Activity HI Calendar Applet in UI Objects View, with Object Expressions and Files

                                                                                      As the following example from an earlier version shows, the two separate renderings were implemented in the XML manifest file for the applet using the CalPR key:

                                                                                      <PLATFORM Name="IsMobileApplication()">
                                                                                        <KEY Name=SignViewPM"
                                                                                        <KEY Name="SignViewPR"
                                                                                        <KEY Name="AppletPR"
                                                                                        <KEY Name="CalPR">
                                                                                           <FILE Name>siebel/jqmcallistrenderer.js</FILE_NAME>"
                                                                                        <KEY Name="GridPR"
                                                                                        <KEY Name="RestOfUIPR"
                                                                                        <PLATFORM Name="IsDesktopApplication()">
                                                                                        <KEY Name="AppletPR">
                                                                                        <KEY Name="ListPR">
                                                                                        <KEY Name="GridPR">
                                                                                        <KEY Name="TaskPanePR">
                                                                                        <KEY Name="TreePR">
                                                                                        <KEY Name="TileRenderer">
                                                                                        <KEY Name="CalPR">
                                                                                           <FILE Name>siebel/jqfullcalrenderer.js</FILE_NAME>"

                                                                                      As shown in the example, separate files for mobile and desktop platforms are configured using the CalPR key. However, for the new manifest data in the Siebel database, there are two required configured entries: Mobile and Desktop. Both expressions correspond to a single user interface object, and they are evaluated sequentially by their level number. If the setting is True for either entry, then the respective file is downloaded, and further evaluation does not take place.

                                                                                      However, if a record is an Application type user interface object, with a usage type of Common, then all expressions set to True are considered, not just the first in Object Expression list. All True expressions are then aggregated and downloaded to the browser. For information on modifying manifest data, see Configuring Siebel Open UI.

                                                                                        Manifest File Migration Rules

                                                                                        The migration rules for this example are as follows. For each applet mapped to a manifest key in either of the following ways, an entry is made in the UI Objects applet.

                                                                                        • By using the Presentation_Model and Physical_Renderer user properties under the Applet object in Siebel Tools.

                                                                                        • By adding entries under the [Presentation Model] and [Physical Renderer] sections in the manifest_extensions.map file, in the SIEBSRVR_ROOT\objects folder on the Siebel Server.

                                                                                        Each time the manifest key is used in the legacy XML file, an entry is made in the new Manifest screen, and a record is also added to the Object Expression and Files views, using the rules shown in the following table.

                                                                                        Table Key Usage Rules

                                                                                        Use of Keys in Legacy XML Files Record Created in the Object Expression and Files Applets

                                                                                        Under a PLATFORM subsection within the PLATFORM_KEY_SPECIFIC section in the custom_manifest.xml

                                                                                        The record in the Object Expression applet with an expression value that evaluates to True only for the specified platform. The record also exists in the Files applet for any files associated with the record.

                                                                                        Under the KEY_COMMON section in the custom_manifest.xml

                                                                                        The record in the Object Expression applet with no entry in the Expression field. The record also exists the Files applet for any files associated with the record.

                                                                                        Under a PLATFORM section within the PLATFORM_KEY_SPECIFIC section in a custom Application Manifest XML file

                                                                                        The following records are created in the Object Expression applet:

                                                                                        • A record for Group Expression

                                                                                        • A record with an Expression value that evaluates to True only for the given platform

                                                                                        • A record with an Expression value that evaluates to True only for the given application

                                                                                        The records in the Files applet are associated with the Group Expression.

                                                                                        Under the KEY_COMMON section in a custom Application Manifest XML file

                                                                                        The record in the Object Expression applet with an Expression value that evaluates to True only for the given application and a record in the Files applet for the file associated with the record.

                                                                                          Default Configuration for Generic Applet Types and Configuration of Non-Applet User Interface Constituents

                                                                                          This topic applies to the following:

                                                                                          • Applets that use the default configuration for generic applet types. Such as List, Tree, and so on. In other words, applets that have not been mapped to any Manifest Key specific to an individual applet.

                                                                                          • Other user interface elements. Such as navigation user interface elements other than applets, whose keys are defined within the implementation itself, in other words, not through user properties or through the mapping file.

                                                                                          • File downloads that occur during the application startup.

                                                                                          For generic applet types, the UI Object applet is populated with records with well known values for the Name field. The following table lists these values.

                                                                                          Table Default Configuration for Generic Applet Types and Configuration of Non-Applet UI Constituents

                                                                                          Key in the Legacy Manifest File UI Object Type UI Object Usage Type Generic UI Object Name Description



                                                                                          Presentation Model

                                                                                          DEFAULT FORM APPLET

                                                                                          Key from the default Form Applet Presentation Model.



                                                                                          Physical Renderer

                                                                                          DEFAULT FORM APPLET

                                                                                          Key for the default Form Applet Physical Renderer.



                                                                                          Presentation Model

                                                                                          DEFAULT LIST APPLET

                                                                                          Key for the default List Applet Presentation Model.



                                                                                          Physical Renderer

                                                                                          DEFAULT LIST APPLET

                                                                                          Key for the default List Applet Physical Renderer.



                                                                                          Presentation Model

                                                                                          DEFAULT TREE APPLET

                                                                                          Key for the default Tree Applet Presentation Model.



                                                                                          Physical Renderer

                                                                                          DEFAULT TREE APPLET

                                                                                          Key for the default Tree Applet Physical Renderer.



                                                                                          Presentation Model

                                                                                          NAVIGATION CONTROL

                                                                                          Key for the default Navigation Control Presentation Model.




                                                                                          PLATFORM INDEPENDENT

                                                                                          Key for Presentation Model implementation of parts of the user interface other than those with specific keys for their default implementation, such as Menu, Toolbar, and so on.




                                                                                          PLATFORM DEPENDENT

                                                                                          Key for Physical Renderer implementation of parts of user interface other than those with specific keys for their default implementation, such as Menu, Toolbar, and so on.



                                                                                          Physical Renderer

                                                                                          NAVIGATION TREE

                                                                                          Key for the default tree Navigation Control Physical Renderer.



                                                                                          Physical Renderer

                                                                                          NAVIGATION TAB

                                                                                          Key for the default tab Navigation Control Physical Renderer.

                                                                                            Generic Applet Types from the XML Manifest File

                                                                                            Platforms: Windows, UNIX, IBM z/OS.

                                                                                            This example of a generic Mobile applet shown in the following figure uses the AppletPR key in the XML manifest file. This key has two entries in the Object Expression view: Mobile and Desktop. The Files view contains the JavaScript file that the manifest file maps to display the applet.

                                                                                            PLATFORM Name Is Set to "IsMobileApplication()"

                                                                                            The following figure shows the entries for the navigation controls, such as ScreenPM, in the UI Objects screen.

                                                                                            navigation controls, such as ScreenPM, in the UI Objects screen

                                                                                            The following figure shows the entries for NAVIGATION_TREE.

                                                                                            entries for NAVIGRATION TREE

                                                                                            The following figure shows the entries for NAVIGATION_TAB.

                                                                                            entries for NAVIGRATION TAB

                                                                                            The files specified in the legacy manifest keys, RestOfUIPM and RestOfUIPR, are now located within the entries for UI Objects named PLATFORM_INDEPENDENT and PLATFORM_DEPENDENT. The following figure shows the migrated legacy manifest keys.

                                                                                            the migrated legacy manifest keys

                                                                                            Files configured against a number of sections in the legacy manifest XML file are now part of these two UI Objects:

                                                                                            • PLATFORM DEPENDENT

                                                                                            • PLATFORM INDEPENDENT

                                                                                            The following table shows the mapping of the legacy XML file.

                                                                                            Table Legacy XML Mapping

                                                                                            Legacy XML Section Legacy Manifest Specific Subsection Legacy Manifest Key UI Object Name UI Object Expression


                                                                                            Not applicable

                                                                                            Not applicable

                                                                                            PLATFORM INDEPENDENT

                                                                                            Not applicable

                                                                                            PLATFORM_ COMMON

                                                                                            PLATFORM Name="IsDesktopApplication()"

                                                                                            Not applicable

                                                                                            PLATFORM DEPENDENT


                                                                                            PLATFORM_KEY_ SPECIFIC

                                                                                            PLATFORM Name="IsDesktopApplication()"

                                                                                            Not applicable

                                                                                            PLATFORM DEPENDENT



                                                                                            Not applicable


                                                                                            PLATFORM INDEPENDENT

                                                                                            Not applicable

                                                                                            PLATFORM_KEY_ SPECIFIC

                                                                                            PLATFORM Name="IsDesktopApplication()"


                                                                                            PLATFORM DEPENDENT

                                                                                            Note: When processing Object Expressions Records to choose files for a given UI Object, the first Expression that evaluates to True is selected, and the file associated with it is downloaded to the browser. However, there is one exception. With the UI Object records of the Application type and Common usage type, all expressions in the Object Expression list are considered, and then they are aggregated and downloaded to the browser.

                                                                                              Differences Between Customer Manifest Data and Oracle Manifest Data

                                                                                              All manifest data that replaces the previous configuration in the core_manifest.xml file is seeded in the database that is packaged with the release of Siebel CRM version. You cannot change the Oracle manifest seed data. For any UI Objects record that has been seeded in the database by Oracle, the record itself and all child Object Expression records are read-only.

                                                                                              If you want to customize a given UI Object, then a separate high-level UI Objects record must be created, and the required Object Expression records must be created under it. For example, if a UI Object record with a Name value of Contact List Applet is seeded in the manifest database for the Usage Type Physical Renderer, and if you want to override the configuration with a different implementation of the Physical Renderer, then you must create a new UI Objects record with a Name value of Contact List Applet and a Usage Type value of Physical Renderer, and the Object Expression record you want to create and corresponding Files record must be entered.

                                                                                              Note: If you add a UI Objects record with the same Name, Type, and Usage Type values to a UI object that is already seeded in the Manifest database, then your newly created record is given precedence by the Manifest Runtime engine, and is used when evaluating true Object Expression values when choosing a File record to download. There is one exception, however. For UI Objects records with a Type value of Application and a Usage Type value of Common, both the Oracle seeded record and your new record are considered. The sum total of all the chosen Files for both the seeded record and your new record is aggregated and downloaded to the browser.

                                                                                                File Selection Rules

                                                                                                The following table shows file selection rules.

                                                                                                Table File Selection Rules

                                                                                                UI Object Record Values Oracle (Siebel?) Record Present User Created Record File Selection Rule

                                                                                                Type = 'Application' and Usage Type = 'Common'



                                                                                                All files against all winning expressions under the Oracle supplied UI Objects record are aggregated and downloaded to the browser.

                                                                                                Type = 'Application' and Usage Type = 'Common'



                                                                                                All files against all winning expressions under both the Oracle supplied and user entered UI Objects record are aggregated and downloaded to the browser.

                                                                                                Usage Type != 'Common'



                                                                                                The file against the first winning expressions under the Oracle supplied UI Objects record is downloaded to the browser.

                                                                                                Usage Type != 'Common'



                                                                                                The file against the first winning expressions under the user entered UI Objects record is downloaded to the browser.

                                                                                                  Checking the Post-upgphys Verification Process

                                                                                                  After the upgphys upgrade is completed, check the oui_manifest.log file located in SIEBEL_ROOT\siebsrvr\upgphys_dev_versionnumber\output to verify whether the upgrade was successful.

                                                                                                    Checking for Database Errors

                                                                                                    Use the following method to check for database errors.

                                                                                                    To check for database errors
                                                                                                    • If you encounter database errors during the running of the upgphys upgrade, check the manifest_sqllog.txt file.

                                                                                                      Checking for Application Errors

                                                                                                      Use the following method to check for application errors.

                                                                                                      To check for application errors
                                                                                                      • If you encounter application errors during the running of the upgphys upgrade, check the oui_manifest.txt file.

                                                                                                        Process of Regenerating the Siebel Repository Definition Files

                                                                                                        The tasks in this process enable you to regenerate the Siebel Repository definition files.

                                                                                                        Environments: Development environment only.

                                                                                                        If you have modified repository objects after the development environment upgrade (upgphys) and before upgrading the production test environment, then you must regenerate the schema.ddl and custrep.dat files. These files were created during the development environment upgrade (upgphys):

                                                                                                        • Schema.ddl. This file contains the logical definition of the Siebel database.

                                                                                                        • Custrep.dat. This file contains the definition of the repository objects.

                                                                                                        These files are used as input to the production test and production environment upgrades. These files contain only the Runtime Repository and required Design Time Repository which is required for production environments. There is an additional custrep_dev.dat that contains the entire development Repository. This can be created for backup. If you modify the object definitions or the schema definitions in the repository after these files have been created, you must regenerate the files. Perform the following tasks to regenerate the Siebel Repository definition files:

                                                                                                        1. Regenerating the schema.ddl File

                                                                                                        2. Regenerating the custrep.dat File

                                                                                                        3. Editing the Siebel Tools Configuration File After the Development Environment Merge

                                                                                                          Regenerating the schema.ddl File

                                                                                                          This task is a step in Process of Regenerating the Siebel Repository Definition Files. Use this procedure to regenerate the schema.ddl file.

                                                                                                          To regenerate the schema.ddl file

                                                                                                          1. On the Siebel Server where the Siebel Database Server files are installed, navigate to the following location:

                                                                                                            • Windows. SIEBEL_ROOT\bin

                                                                                                            • UNIX. $SIEBEL_ROOT/bin

                                                                                                          2. Run the following command:

                                                                                                            ddldict /u DatabaseOwner /p Password /c "ODBCDataSource" /d TableOwner /f DBSRVR_ROOT\DatabasePlatform\schema.ddl /e y /a y /l SiebelLogDir\sch_dict.log /n "Siebel Repository" /t dcir


                                                                                                            • DatabaseOwner is the Siebel database administrator account name.

                                                                                                            • Password is the Siebel database administrator account password.

                                                                                                            • ODBCDataSource is the ODBC name for connecting to the database. Enclose the name in quotation marks.

                                                                                                            • TableOwner is the Siebel table owner name.

                                                                                                            • DBSRVR_ROOT is the absolute path to the Siebel Database Server installation directory.

                                                                                                            • DatabasePlatform is the Siebel Database Server directory name for the database, for example, Oracle. The example shows the Windows path syntax. On UNIX systems, use the UNIX path syntax.

                                                                                                            • SiebelLogdir is the path to the directory where you want the output log placed; that is, the log output directory. The example shows the Windows path syntax. On UNIX systems, use the UNIX path syntax.

                                                                                                          3. After the command completes, review the output log files for errors. If the log indicates there are errors, then create a service request (SR) on My Oracle Support, or contact your Oracle sales representative for Oracle Advanced Customer Services to request assistance from Oracle’s Application Expert Services.

                                                                                                            Regenerating the custrep.dat File

                                                                                                            This task is a step in Process of Regenerating the Siebel Repository Definition Files. Use this procedure to regenerate the custrep.dat file.

                                                                                                            To regenerate the custrep.dat file

                                                                                                            1. On the Siebel Server where the Siebel Database Server files are installed, navigate to the following location:

                                                                                                              Windows: SIEBEL_ROOT\bin

                                                                                                              UNIX: $SIEBEL_ROOT/bin

                                                                                                            2. Run the following command:

                                                                                                              repimexp /a O /u DatabaseOwner /p Password  /c "$ODBCDataSource" /d TableOwner /
                                                                                                              r "Siebel Repository" /f $DbsrvrRoot/$DatabasePlatform/custrep.dat /l 
                                                                                                              $SiebelLogDir/exprep.log /v Y /Y "SrcWorkspaceName=MAIN;SrcEndVer=;Lang=ALL"


                                                                                                              • DatabaseOwner is the Siebel database administrator account name.

                                                                                                              • Password is the Siebel database administrator account password.

                                                                                                              • ODBCDataSource is the ODBC name for connecting to the database. Enclose the name in quotation marks.

                                                                                                              • TableOwner is the Siebel table owner name.

                                                                                                              • DBSRVR_ROOT is the absolute path to the Siebel Database Server installation directory. The example shows Windows path syntax. On UNIX systems, use UNIX path syntax.

                                                                                                              • DatabasePlatform is the Siebel Database Server directory name for the database, for example, Oracle.

                                                                                                              • SiebelLogdir is the path to the directory where you want the output log placed (log output directory). The example shows Windows path syntax. On UNIX systems, use UNIX path syntax.

                                                                                                                This command exports only the repository content that is required on the production environment. The entire repository is not needed on the production environment for Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 and later releases.

                                                                                                            3. After the command has finished, review the output log files for errors. If the log indicates there are errors, then create a service request (SR) on My Oracle Support, or contact your Oracle sales representative for Oracle Advanced Customer Services to request assistance from Oracle’s Application Expert Services.

                                                                                                              Editing the Siebel Tools Configuration File After the Development Environment Merge

                                                                                                              This task is a step in Process of Regenerating the Siebel Repository Definition Files. Use this task to edit the Siebel Tools configuration file after successfully performing your Development environment repository merge.

                                                                                                              Caution: You must set the prefix to back to X_ from changed value of SBL_ to enable you, after the merge, to create your own custom symbolic strings.

                                                                                                              To change the Sym Str Prefix value in tools.cfg file

                                                                                                              1. Navigate to SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\bin\lang_code, and open the tools.cfg file.

                                                                                                              2. Make the following changes in the tools.cfg file:

                                                                                                                1. Change the SymStrPrefix value from SBL_ back to the default value of X_.

                                                                                                                2. Make sure the Set EnableToolsConstrain value is set to the default value of False. If it is not, then set the value to False.

                                                                                                                3. Change the DockRepositoryName value from Prior Customer Repository to Siebel Repository.

                                                                                                              3. Save the tools.cfg file.

                                                                                                                Performing a Production Test or Production Environment Migration from Siebel CRM Version 8.1.1.x (SIA Repository)

                                                                                                                Environments: Production test, production.

                                                                                                                To upgrade your production environment use the following task. For information on Siebel Database Configuration Wizard parameters, see Preparing to Run the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard. For information on running the Database Configuration Wizard, see Running the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard on Windows or Running the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard on UNIX, depending on your platform.

                                                                                                                Requirements: You must copy the schema.ddl and the custrep.dat files to your production test environment and production environment to conduct upgrades in each of these environments. For more information, see Process of Regenerating the Siebel Repository Definition Files.

                                                                                                                To perform a production upgrade

                                                                                                                1. In the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard, select the following options:

                                                                                                                  • Environment Type: Production

                                                                                                                  • Upgrade Options: Upgrade Custom Database Schema (upgrep and upgphys)

                                                                                                                2. Start the Siebel Upgrade Wizard.

                                                                                                                  For information on running the Siebel Upgrade Wizard, see Preparing to Start the Siebel Upgrade Wizard.

                                                                                                                  The Siebel Upgrade Wizard reads the steps from the driver file that relate to your Siebel CRM version. The Siebel Upgrade Wizard performs the commands listed in those steps.