14Siebel Postmerge Development Tasks

Siebel Postmerge Development Tasks

Reviewing Objects Deleted from the Siebel Repository

Environments: Development environment only.

Platforms: Windows, UNIX, IBM z/OS.

If an object you have deleted from the Prior Customer Repository exists in the New Customer Repository, then the repository merge does not delete the object from the New Customer Repository. After the merge, you must review these objects and verify that they do not adversely affect the operation of the application.

Requirements: The repository merge must have been successful. See Reviewing the Siebel Repository Merge Log Files.

To generate a list of deleted objects

  1. In Siebel Tools, from the Screens menu, choose Application Upgrader, and then Application Upgrade Object List.

  2. In the Application Upgrades list, select the record of the successful merge.

  3. Click Query.

  4. Enter your query criteria in the Object Differences list:

    • Click in the In Prior Standard field so that a check mark appears.

    • Click in the Added to New Customized field so that a check mark appears.

    • Click in the In Prior Customized field so that a check mark appears. Then click in it again so that no check mark appears.

  5. Press Enter to run the query.

    Deleted objects appear in the Object Differences list. You can filter the objects displayed by using the Top Parent Type and Object Type fields.

  6. Review the list carefully to determine that deleted objects that have been restored to the merged repository will not have an adverse effect on upgraded applications.

Related Topic

About the Siebel Repository Merge

Reviewing Obsolete Objects in the Siebel Repository

Environments: Development environment only.

Platforms: Windows, UNIX, IBM z/OS.

Objects that were available in the Prior Siebel Repository but are not available in the New Siebel Repository are obsolete. After performing the repository merge, you can generate a list of obsolete objects using Siebel Tools. Objects that were available in the Prior Siebel Repository are compared with the objects that are available in the New Siebel Repository.

Requirement: The repository merge must have been successful. See Reviewing the Siebel Repository Merge Log Files.

To generate a list of obsolete objects

  1. In Siebel Tools, from the Screens menu, choose Application Upgrader, and then Application Upgrade Object List.

  2. In the Application Upgrades list, select the record of the successful merge.

  3. Click Query.

  4. Enter your query criteria in the Object Differences list:

    1. Click in the In Prior Standard field so that a check mark appears.

    2. Click in the Added or New Standard field so that a check mark appears.

    3. Click in the In Prior Customized field so that a check mark appears. Then click in the field again so that no check mark appears.

    4. Click in the Attribute field so that a check mark appears. Then click in the field again so that no check mark appears.

  5. Press Enter to run the query.

    Deleted objects appear in the Object Differences list. You can filter the objects displayed by using the Top Parent Type and Object Type fields.

  6. Review the list carefully to determine that obsolete objects that have been deleted will not have an adverse effect on upgraded applications.

Related Topic

About the Siebel Repository Merge

Upgrading to the Siebel Symbolic String Model

Environments: Development environment only.

The symbolic string model is object-oriented. As of Siebel CRM version 7.8.2, a single symbolic string replaces the text string translations. For each language, a text string is defined and assigned to the symbolic string as an attribute. This simplifies multilingual management of text strings throughout the user interface.

Some strings will not be converted to the symbolic string model during upgrade. Seed data, error messages, lists of values (LOVs), and non-translatable attributes (such as the text alignment property on a control) will continue to use locale-based strings.

You must execute a conversion utility (consoleapp) to convert and consolidate your custom locale-based strings to the new model. If you plan to install a language pack, then it is recommended that you do so before you run the string conversion or consolidation process.

Instructions for converting or consolidating to the symbolic strings model are found in Using Siebel Tools.

Related Topics

About the Siebel Repository Merge

Upgrade Planning for Siebel String Translation

Dropping IBM DB2 8-KB Tablespaces and Buffers After a Siebel Merge

Environments: Development environment only.

Databases: IBM DB2 UDB only.

Drop the 8-KB tablespace, 8-KB temporary tablespace, and 8-KB bufferpool. Before dropping your 8-KB tablespace, check for the existence of any tables in it by running the following SQL statement:

select name from sysibm.systables where TBSPACE='TBS_8K'

Updating Siebel Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)

Environments: Development environment only.

Platforms: Windows and UNIX only.

If you use Enterprise Application Integration (EAI), then perform the following procedure to update the definitions of the Business Objects to account for changes in data type, length, edit format or other properties.

To upgrade integration objects

  1. Determine whether you need to synchronize the integration objects, and synchronize if necessary.

    To determine whether you need to synchronize integration objects, review the synchronization considerations in Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.

  2. Validate the integration objects.

  3. If you receive validation errors, then deactivate the user keys or fields that cause the error.

  4. If you receive the error List Of in the XML Parent Element, then manually remove the value List Of from the XML Parent Element.