1What's New in This Release

What’s New in Siebel Database Upgrade Guide, Siebel CRM 18.12 Update

The following table lists the changes in this version of the documentation to support this release of the software.

Note: Siebel 2018 is a continuation of the Siebel 8.1/8.2 release.

Table What’s New in Siebel Database Upgrade Guide, Siebel CRM 18.12 Update

Topic Description

Supported Upgrade Paths for Siebel 2018

Modified topic. Updated the version numbers for supported upgrade paths.

About Single-Step Repository Upgrade

Modified topic. Updated the version numbers for supported upgrade paths.

Performing a Siebel Repository Merge

Modified topic. Before running a repository merge, make sure that EnableSafeboot=true is present in the tools.cfg file.

About Migrating with Siebel Migration

Modified topic. Migrating repository or data using Siebel Migration is not the same as performing a database upgrade where you migrate your custom repository and schema from one release of Siebel CRM to a higher release level.

Before You Begin Migrating with Siebel Migration

Modified topic. It is recommended that you back up your target database before starting to migrate repository or data using Siebel Migration.

Asynchronous Migration Using Siebel Migration

New topic. Describes how to use Siebel Migration to perform an asynchronous migration.

Activating Workflows and Tasks in the Production Environment After Full Migration

New topic. Workflows and tasks must be activated in the production (target RR) environment after a full migration.

Using REST API with the Siebel Migration Application

Modified topic. REST APIs can be used both before and after the repository upgrade is done.

What’s New in Siebel Database Upgrade Guide, Siebel CRM 18.11 Update

The following table lists the changes in this version of the documentation to support this release of the software.

Note: Siebel 2018 is a continuation of the Siebel 8.1/8.2 release.

Table What’s New in Siebel Database Upgrade Guide, Siebel CRM 18.11 Update

Topic Description

Migrating Siebel 18.8 Update or Later Release Repository Changes from a Development to a Production Environment

Modified topic. Describes how to migrate a Siebel 18.8 Update or later release development environment to a target environment.

What’s New in Siebel Database Upgrade Guide, Siebel CRM 18.9 Update

The following table lists the changes in this version of the documentation to support this release of the software.

Note: Siebel 2018 is a continuation of the Siebel 8.1/8.2 release.

Table What’s New in Siebel Database Upgrade Guide, Siebel CRM 18.9 Update

Topic Description

Using REST API with the Siebel Migration Application

New topic. Added information about using REST APIs with the Siebel Migration Application to do the following:

Migrating Siebel 18.8 Update or Later Release Repository Changes from a Development to a Production Environment

New topic. Added a new topic about migrating a Siebel 18.8 Update development environment to a target environment.

What’s New in Siebel Database Upgrade Guide, Siebel CRM 18.8 Update

The following table lists the changes in this version of the documentation to support this release of the software.

Note: Siebel 2018 is a continuation of the Siebel 8.1/8.2 release.

Table What’s New in Siebel Database Upgrade Guide, Siebel CRM 18.8 Update

Topic Description

Generating a Watermark

New topic. Added a new topic that provides procedures for using Siebel Migration to generate a watermark.

About the Process Flow for Migration Resources

New topic. Added a new topic that describes the new orchestration.json file that defines the process flow for all the migration resources available in the Siebel Server.

Executing a Siebel Migration Plan Modified topic. Added information about the Database Encoding parameter.

Viewing Migration History and Log Files

Modified topic. Added information about viewing the package filename in the History tab.

About Migrating with Siebel Migration

Modified topic. Added information about export and import asynchronous migration and information about the manifest file. Added information about configuring the Migration Package Location in the Siebel Management Console and added additional information about configuring the deployment package with Application Deployment Manager.

About the REST API Used for Migration Discovery and Execution

Modified topic. Added information about how the File Prepare and Deploy Service reads the watermark file and what the service does with that data.

What’s New in Siebel Database Upgrade Guide, Siebel Innovation Pack 2017, Rev. B

This guide has been updated to correct or remove obsolete product and component terms.

What’s New in Siebel Database Upgrade Guide, Siebel Innovation Pack 2017, Rev. A

The following table lists the changes in this version of the documentation to support this release of the software.

Note: Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 is a continuation of the Siebel 8.1/8.2 release. This guide is for upgrading to Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 (version 17.0).

Table What’s New in Siebel Database Upgrade Guide, Siebel Innovation Pack 2017, Rev. A

Topic Description

Supported Upgrade Paths for Siebel CRM Version 17.0

Modified topic. Added additional information about Siebel Runtime Repository.

About Siebel Upgrade Environments

Modified topic. Added additional information about the production environment.

About the Siebel Repository Merge

Modified topic. Added information about the Siebel Runtime Repository tables.

Upgrade Planning for Siebel RC4 or AES Encryption

Modified topic. Added information about updating the .cfg file before running the Key Database Manager. Added a reference to 2104053.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support.

Example of a Siebel Development Environment Upgrade Flow

Modified topic. Added additional information about the encryption upgrade in Table 17.

Fixing Column Alignment for Custom Objects

Modified topic. Added additional information about the Fixing Column Alignment for the Custom Objects Utility.

Inactivating Unreferenced Repository Objects

Modified topic. Added additional information about the Inactivating Unreferenced Repository Objects Utility.

Converting Siebel Web Templates with the SWT to OD Conversion Utility

Modified topic. Added additional information about the Siebel Web Templates with the SWT to OD Conversion Utility.

Generating the Runtime Repository Data

Modified topic. Added additional information about Full Publish in Siebel Tools.

Regenerating the Siebel Repository Definition Files

Modified topic. Added additional information about an additional custrep_dev.dat that contains the entire development repository.

Upgrading a Custom Database Schema

Modified topic. Added additional information about the physical encryption upgrade and enabling a workspace in Table 27.

Roadmap for Siebel Database Environment Upgrade

Modified topic. Updated Figure 9 with additional information about Full Publish in Siebel Tools.

Incorporate Custom Layout

Removed topic. For Siebel Innovation Pack 2017, the Incorporate Custom Layout merge is not applicable for an Incremental Repository Merge.

Assigning an Item Identifier to Siebel Web Template Items

Removed topic for Siebel Innovation Pack 2017.

What’s New in Siebel Database Upgrade Guide, Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

The following table lists the changes in this version of the documentation to support this release of the software.

Note: Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 is a continuation of the Siebel 8.1/8.2 release. This guide is for upgrading to Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 (version 17.0).

Table What’s New in Siebel Database Upgrade Guide, Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Topic Description

Copying Ancestor Repositories

Modified topic. Corrected the part number, patch ID, some version number references, and other content to be consistent with cases for upgrading to Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 (version 17.0). Added the ancestor repository file r160.dat.

Supported Upgrade Paths for Siebel CRM Version 17.0

Multiple topics

New or modified topics. The current release for this guide is Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 (version 17.0). You can upgrade to Siebel CRM version 17.0 from applicable prior Siebel CRM releases, including Siebel CRM version 8.1.1.x, version 8.2.2.x, version 15.x, or version 16.x. The upgrade tasks for this release are similar to those for previous releases.

Supported Upgrade Paths for Siebel CRM Version 16.0

Deleted topic. This guide documents upgrades to the current version, Siebel CRM version 17.0.

Multiple topics

Modified topics. Siebel Repository Files (SRF) are no longer used, as of Siebel Innovation Pack 2017. The Siebel Runtime Repository is used instead. For more information, see Using Siebel Tools.

Fixing Column Alignment for Custom Objects

New topic. Provides information about using the Fixing Column Alignment for the Custom Objects Utility.

Inactivating Unreferenced Repository Objects

New topic. Provides information about using the Inactivating Unreferenced Repository Objects Utility.

Converting Siebel Web Templates with the SWT to OD Conversion Utility

New topic. Provides information about using the Converting Siebel Web Templates with the SWT to OD Conversion Utility.

Migration Planning Using Siebel Migration

New Chapter. Provides information about planning for a database migration using Siebel Application Interface.

Data Preparation for Siebel Migration

New Chapter. Provides information about preparing data for a migration using Siebel Application Interface.

Data Migration Using Siebel Migration

New Chapter. Provides information about using Siebel Application Interface to migrate database data from a source environment to a target environment.

REST API References for Migration Services

New Appendix. Provides examples for using REST API to discover migration services.