15Performing Postupgrade Tasks on the Target Database

Performing Postupgrade Tasks on the Target Database

This chapter describes tasks you must perform after upgrading the target database. It includes the following topics:

Transferring the Development Environment Upgrade Output Files to the z/OS Host

Upgrades: All upgrades.

Environments: Development environment only.

This topic is part of an upgrade process. See How to Perform a Siebel Database Upgrade.

The development upgrade upgphys process generates the following files, which synchronize tables and indexes on the development database, and complete the development upgrade:

  • synctab.sql

  • syncidx.sql

Transfer these files to the z/OS host using the following procedure.

To transfer the development environment upgrade output files to the z/OS host

  1. Navigate to the \DB2390\dbsrvr\dboutput\upgrade directory (Windows) or the /DB2390/dbsrvr/dboutput/upgrade directory (UNIX) and double-click the ftp_syncdd.bat file (Windows) or issue the following command (UNIX):

    ftp -vn < ftp_syncdd.txt > ftp_syncdd.log
  2. Enter your TSO password and press Enter.

    All the development environment postupgrade files are transferred from the midtier to the z/OS host.

  3. Review the ftp_syncdd.log file which is created in the upgrade directory and verify that all the files listed in the ftp_syncdd.txt file transferred successfully to z/OS staging data sets.

Note: If the development and production upgrades are run on different midtier computers, then you must copy the files to be transferred to the z/OS host to the production midtier computer before running the ftp_syncdd.bat file.

Synchronizing the Schema

Upgrades: All upgrades.

Environments: Development environment only.

This topic is part of an upgrade process. See How to Perform a Siebel Database Upgrade.

After completing the development environment target database upgrade, you must perform the following procedure to synchronize database tables and indexes.

To synchronize the schema

  1. Use the following command to display the Siebel In-Place Upgrade Main Menu:


    The panel ID is SBLUPG8P.

  2. Select option 4: Post-Upgrade, and press Enter.

    The Target Database Post-Upgrade Menu appears. The panel ID is SBLPSTP.

  3. Select option 0: Apply/Run Table Synchronization, and press Enter.

    You are placed in edit mode for the data set &DSNHLQ.SIEBEL.INSTALL.JCL(SUBSYNCT).

  4. Run the job using the JCL in the data set.

    This job submits the SYNCTAB (synchronize table) job which executes a file containing the DDL for the tables.

  5. Verify that the job ran successfully with a return code of 0 or 4. For information, see Verifying JCL Upgrade Jobs.

  6. After submitting the job, enter cancel on the command line or press PF3 to save changes.

  7. On the Target Database Post-Upgrade Menu, select option 1: Apply/Run Index Synchronization, and press Enter.

    You are placed in edit mode for the data set &DSNHLQ.SIEBEL.INSTALL.JCL(SUBSYNCX).

  8. Run the job using the JCL in the data set.

    This job submits the SYNCIDX (synchronize index) job which executes a file containing the DDL for the indexes.

  9. Verify that the job ran successfully with a return code of 0 or 4. For information, see Verifying JCL Upgrade Jobs.

  10. Press PF3 to return to the Upgrade In-Place Main Menu.

    Upgphys processing is now completed.

Activating New License Keys After an Upgrade

Upgrades: All upgrades.

Environments: All environments.

This topic is part of an upgrade process. See How to Perform a Siebel Database Upgrade.

In Siebel Innovation Pack 2016, the license keys for Siebel CRM base applications that were previously provided in seed data in the Siebel database are inactive. License keys entered by customers are unchanged. A new utility is provided for activating or deactivating the license keys that you require. You run the License Key Activation utility after installing a new Siebel database, running Incremental Repository Merge (for migration installations), or completing a full database upgrade.

You can find license key information for Siebel Business Applications at Oracle’s license codes site.

For the Siebel license keys, see


The License Key Activation utility is supported on all operating systems and databases for Siebel

Business Applications.

To start the License Key Activation utility

  1. On the computer where you installed Siebel Server, navigate to the following location:

  2. Run the following program, according to your operating system:

    • Microsoft Windows: licensekeymodule.bat

    • UNIX: licensekeymodule.sh

  3. In the License Key screen, enter valid data for the following fields:

    1. In the Siebel Server Location field, enter the installation path for Siebel Server.

    2. In the ODBC DSN field, enter the ODBC data source for the Siebel Database.

    3. In the Table Owner field, enter the table owner for the Siebel database.

    4. In the Username field, enter the user name for logging into the Siebel database.

    5. In the Password field, enter the password for logging into the Siebel database.

    6. In the DB Platform field, enter the RDBMS type: IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, or Oracle Database.

    7. In the Log Folder field, enter the folder in which the log file licenseKeys.log is created. This log file shows database connection information for troubleshooting purposes, and lists all of the license keys that were activated or deactivated in each session.

  4. Click Login.

    The license key activation screen appears, which lists Siebel CRM license keys.

  5. For each license key module whose activation status you want to change, click the Active Flag check box to activate or deactivate this license key.

  6. To apply your selections to the Siebel database, click Apply. Or, to reset any changes you have made in this screen, or since you last clicked Apply, click Reset.

    Caution: After you have clicked Apply, the Reset button does not reset activation settings to their original state. However, you can change the activation status and click Apply again.
  7. To exit the utility, click the X in the upper corner of the screen.

For more information on installing license keys, see Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using and Siebel Applications Administration Guide.

Deleting Redundant Upgrade Files

Upgrades: All upgrades.

Environments: All environments.

This topic is part of an upgrade process. See How to Perform a Siebel Database Upgrade.

After you complete the database upgrade process, delete any upgrade files that are no longer required. The procedures in this topic describe how to drop all staging database objects, and how to delete Unload data sets and stored procedures.

    Removing the Staging Database

    After you have successfully completed your database upgrade, you must remove the staging database objects before you can reuse the same database prefix and tableowner name.

    To remove the staging database

    1. Log on to the z/OS host.

    2. Submit the JCL in the &DSNHLQ.SIEBEL.INSTALL.JCL(STGDROPJ) data set.

      The staging database objects are removed.

    3. Press PF3 to complete the process.

      Deleting Unload Data Sets

      When your database upgrade is completed, you no longer require the Unload data sets. Perform the following procedure to generate a list of the Unload data sets and then delete them.

      Note: Before performing this procedure, you must have the *.siebel.exec library allocated.

      To delete unload data sets

      1. Log on to the z/OS host.

      2. Enter the following command and press Enter:


        A list of the unload data sets to be deleted is generated.

      3. Navigate to the *.siebel.install.jcl library.

      4. Submit the JCL in the data set &DSNHLQ.SIEBEL.INSTALL.JCL(DELULDS) to delete the Unload data sets.

      5. Verify that the job ran successfully with a return code of 0. For information, see Verifying JCL Upgrade Jobs.

        Deleting Stored Procedures

        A number of stored procedures are installed during the database upgrade on the z/OS host to facilitate upgrade processing. These stored procedures are not required after the upgrade has been completed successfully and can be deleted. The following procedure describes how to drop the upgrade stored procedures.

        For information on installing the stored procedures, see Creating and Deploying Stored Procedures on the Target Database.

        To drop the upgrade stored procedures

        1. Log on to the z/OS host.

        2. Submit the JCL in the data set member DSNHLQ.SIEBEL.SP.CNTL(DRPSIA) or DSNHLQ.SIEBEL.SP.CNTL(DRPHOR), depending on your upgrade path.

          The Stored Procedures are deleted.

        3. Press PF3 to complete the process.