Contract Fields and Settings

Vendor ID

Use a unique number that identifies the contractor.

Note: If you use an accounting interface with the TPM system, the Vendor ID (identity number) assigned to the Subcontractor in your accounting package will appear.

Contract Amount

Field defaults to £0.00 until the Work Breakdown (WB) for the contract is completed.

Default Payment Form

Choose the way a Subcontractor will be paid.

Note: You can override the form of payment on the Manage Payment screen when disbursing funds.


Enter a description of the subcontract.

Project Retention Mode

Field defaults to the value selected on Project Settings screen

Controlled Subcontract

A controlled subcontract is a contract that is set up without an original contract value. Amounts can be added by the subcontractor on a period by period basis up to a do not exceed limit. This setting can only be selected before the contract is confirmed by the subcontract, after which it becomes unavailable.

Default Retention %

Field defaults to the value selected on the Project Settings screen.

Note: If different, enter the retention rate for the contract.
See Subcontract Retention Overview for more information.

Open Book

Choose this setting to allow Above the Line (ATL) project participants to view details of the subcontract.

Contract Date

Shows today's date by default.

Note: If different, enter the date the contract will take effect.

Use Specified Billing

Choose this setting to create and manage a Subcontractor's Payment Application.

Sub Work Breakdown Option

Display Units

Choose this setting to allow units of measure and quantity data to display on Payment Applications.

Note: Display Units must be selected as a project setting, in order to manage unit related information in subcontracts, including adjusting unit and quantity columns.
See Period Settings.

Discount Terms

Offer discounted payments to Subcontractors. Complete the discount rate, number of days the subcontract must meet to trigger the discount, and the trigger date fields. Select the No Discount option if you are not offering a discount to your Subcontractors.

If you plan to use discount terms, you will also need to complete the following fields:

See Applying Contract Discount Terms for details about using discounts.

Allow Overbilling

This setting is displayed only if the Allow contract overbilling project setting is enabled. Choose this setting to enable Subcontractors to overbill any line item or component on their contract, and to bill above the current contract amount. This setting is automatically enabled if the Default new subcontract to allow overbilling project setting was enabled.

Caution: Prior to enabling this feature please verify that your ERP is able to accept payment applications for amounts greater then the remaining contract balance. Not all integrations support this, and can result in the failure of payment applications to successfully post. If you have additional questions about this feature please reach out to your Oracle Textura support representative.

Subcontractor cannot modify retention

Field defaults to the value selected on Project Settings screen.

Note: Choose this setting to prevent Subcontractors from changing the retention.

Subcontractor may bypass Electronic Notarisation

Only available when you enable the Allow Subcontractors to Bypass Electronic Notarisation organisation setting. When enabled, the Subcontractor can bypass the electronic notary step when signing documents which require notarisation on TPM. Instead, a Subcontractor will upload a scanned document which was notarised on paper. You will then need to review this document and approve it in order for the Subcontractor to remain in compliance.

You can also manually enable or disable this setting from the Documents section of the Project Settings page.

If you turn this setting off on a subcontract mid-project, you can still access all past documents uploaded as a part of the bypass electronic notary workflow, but the bypass the electronic notary step will no longer be available when signing documents in future periods.

Payment Application Approval Method

Field defaults to the value selected on Project Settings screen.

Pay When Paid

Choose the Pay When Paid setting to generate the date a Main Contractor should disburse payments to a Subcontractor after the owner funds a period.

Enter the maximum number of days allowed between the owner funding date and the date the Subcontractor payment is due.For example: If a contractor must be paid within 5 calendar days, enter 5 in the field.

The project must be set up to include the Track Owner Funding feature. Pay When Paid values default based on selections on the Project Settings screen.
See Configuring Owner Funding Settings for more details.

VAT Domestic Reverse Charge Eligible

This setting is used to specify if a contract is subject to the VAT domestic reverse charge scheme. When enabled, the contract will show a tax amount of 0. Main Contractors can use the VAT Domestic Reverse Charge report to calculate the amount they need to remit.
This setting is displayed only if the Allow Tax Rate Override project setting was selected.

Construction Act Due Date

The date that the application is due by, this is important for the Construction Act.

Deadline for Intention to Pay Less Notice

Select a trigger to calculate the deadline date for the pay less notice. An email notification is triggered to the main contractor when the deadline due date for the Pay Less Notice is approaching.

Final Date for Payment (FDP)

Select the trigger to calculate the date the payment should be disbursed to subcontractors. Use the Offset (+) Days field to enter the maximum number of days Subcontractor payments are due after the final payment date.

Allow Final Date for Payment Override

Select this tick box to allow manual override of the date a subcontractor payment is due.

(Optional) Bonding Information

Bonding settings are used on projects that must provide proof of a bond performance.

Note: The system does not use this information, but it may be displayed on custom documents.

Contact your Textura implementation team if you think you need to use this setting.

Bonding Institution

Enter the institution providing the bond.

Bond Amount

Enter the amount of the bond.

Expiry Date

Select the expiration date of the bond.

(Optional) Advance Payments

These setting are used to pay a percentage of the contracted price before work begins and then track the repayment over the life of the project.

Contact your Textura implementation team if you think you need to use this setting.


Enter the amount of the advance.

Recovery Percentage per Payment Application

Choose a percentage to repay from each Payment Application.

Threshold Percentage

Use this setting to delay repayment until the Subcontractor completes a specific percentage of work (the threshold).

(Optional) Enter any Prior Off-System Period/Payment Information

Contact your Textura implementation team if you think you need to use these setting.