
Report Setup

Select the Configuration>Setup>Report Setup>Reports menu option to display the Reports Configuration screen. Use this screen to manage the basic features of the OPERA reports. Each report belongs to a report group, and all reports, except for those that are report procedures, can have parameters associated with them.

Reports Configuration Screen

Search Criteria

Name. Type the name, or the first part of the name, of the report title or report file (.RDF or .REP).

Report Group. select the down arrow to choose the category the report will be found in.  A list of reports that belong to the report group appears in the search results grid below. All Reports is the default.

Application. Select the PMS and/or SC check boxes to expand or narrow your search for a report to the reports that are available for a specific application. The options available to you depend on the add-on licenses that are active at your property.

Property. (Available when the OPP_MHOT Multi Property PMS Add-on license is active.) Select the down arrow to choose the property to configure reports. The default property is your login property. The properties available from the LOV are the alternate properties that you have access to.

Report Grid

X. (Available when the OPP_MHOT Multi Property PMS Add-on license is active.) Mark an X in this column (either click in the column or highlight the record and press the spacebar) to select the report for copying to another property. Use the All or None buttons to select/unselect all reports.

REP Name. The file name assigned to the report (e.g., aractivity, rep_accon, etc.).

Report Name. Full  descriptive name of the report (e.g., A/R Activity - All Types, Account Contact Listing, etc.).

Report Group. The report group that the report belongs to.

S. An X in this column indicates that the report is a Simple Report (see Simple Report Writer for details).


Delete. Delete the selected report.

Caution: After deleting the selected report, the next one in sequence is automatically highlighted. If you choose Delete again, this report too will be deleted!

Copy. (Available when the OPP_MHOT Multi Property PMS Add-on license is active.) Copy the reports marked with an X in the X column to other properties. (Use the All or None buttons to select/unselect all reports.)

Adding or Editing a Report

A report consists of two parts, the report parameters and the report definition. The parameters determine the report’s form to be used and the Sort or Group By criteria, of the setup. The report definition creates a separate file for each report, with an .RDF extension. A single report definition can be associated with several different report parameter settings in order to produce different information on the same report. For example, a guest list showing names, arrival and departure dates, and room numbers can have one set of parameters to show arrivals only and another set of parameters to show both arrivals and in-house guests.

Report Name. Type the name of the report.

Simple Report. Select the check box to make the report a simple report (see Simple Report Writer for details).

Protected. Select the check box to protect the report, so that it can't be edited by a user.

Microsoft Word Icon. Select this check box with the Microsoft Word icon to indicate you will be using the Stationery Editor to create and manage this report.

File Name. When the Simple Report check box is selected, type in the name of the file that the report will be saved as. In all other cases, select the down arrow to choose a report name for the report.

Form to Run. Not available when the Simple Report check box is selected. Select the down arrow to choose the name of the form to be used for this report.

Language. Select the language that the report needs to display and print in from the single select LOV.

Note: For BI Publisher reports, the Locale language selected in the Report Date Language field on the Languages setup screen (Configuration>Profiles>Geographical Data>Languages), if specified, will be used for written dates in the chosen language. See Languages for details.

Copies. Enter the number of copies of this report to be run by default. The minimum is 1 copy. This number can be modified when actually running the report from Miscellaneous>Reports. This can only be modified by users that have been granted the correct user permission and will be grayed out without the granted permission.

Destination. Select the final destination for the report after it is populated (e.g., Printer, Fax, Email, etc.).

Report Group. Select the down arrow to choose the report group that the report needs to be assigned to. This field can be empty when creating the report, but the report must be assigned to a report group before it can be saved.

Default Format. (Only available when a BI Publisher report is highlighted and selected for editing.) Select the default format to be used when previewing the report in operation mode (Miscellaneous>Reports>BI Publisher Report>Preview). The options are: HTML, PDF, RTF, XML. EXCEL is also an option for some BI Publisher reports, such as rep_meal_type_forecast_bi, rep_catering_progress_bi, rep_room_rev_cat_pace_bi, rep_mgr_progress_bi, and rep_month_end_details_bi. On the BI Publisher report parameter screen, Preview opens the report in the associated program of the selected format, such as RTF in MS Word or EXCEL in MS EXCEL.

Application. Select the check box next to the application names that the report applies to. The options available to you depend on the add-on licenses that are active at your property.


Layout. Select this button to go directly to Oracle Report Builder with the highlighted report opened. This button is available if Oracle Report Builder is available on your application server and you have run the OPERA Report Builder installation CD on the local PC.

Parameter. Select this button to display the parameters screen for the highlighted report. The parameter screen can be used to set default options for the report.

Data. Available when the Microsoft Word (Stationery Editor) check box is selected. Use the Data button to select the data source for your report.

Customize. Available when the Simple Report check box is selected. Use the Customize button to set up a report using Simple Report Writer.

See Also