Viewing and Printing Program Details

View Program Details

  1. Click the Programs link in the Left Navigation bar, or select Go To > Programs from the Top Navigation bar.
  2. From the Programs listing page, select the Program you want to view. From the Program Basic page you can view the program details. The Basic Details, Organization, Program Budget, Program Custom Fields, Strategy, Statement and Notes, Associated Proposals, Associated Projects, Associated Programs sections are displayed on the Program Basics page.

Program Budget

The following fields are displayed in program Budget section:

Program Dates

The following fields are displayed in the Dates section:

Print Program Details

  1. Select a program from the Program listing page.
  2. From the Program Basics page, click Print.


You can also access the Program Basics page by selecting Program # > Go To > Basics, or clicking the Basics icon on the Left Navigation Bar.

See Also


Working with Programs

Creating a New Program

Viewing Financial Information for a Program

Editing Program Evaluation Values

Viewing Program Timeline

Working with Program Settings

Editing a Program

Deleting a Program

Working with Program Non WBS Activities

Working with Program Issues

Working with Program Risks

Working with Program Documents

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Last Published Tuesday, June 9, 2020