Working with Program Settings

Use the Program Settings page, to modify the recipient list and the subject of email notifications that are periodically sent to EnterpriseTrack users. The recipients and the subject of these email messages are determined by your administrator. You can overwrite this at the individual program level, if you have the permission to do so. You can also select if non-WBS program activities should appear in the left and top navigation bars within your program.

Note: You must have the View Program Settings and the Modify Program Notification Settings permissions to disable and modify program notifications.

To edit the email notification settings:

  1. Navigate to the Settings page. Select the Settings link on the Left Navigation bar, or select (Program#) > Go To > Settings within a particular program.

    On the Program Settings page you will see the list of email notifications that have been configured for your system.

  2. Select the [Edit] link in the Action column next to the Email Notification you want to modify.
  3. From the Edit Notification page:
    1. Select the Enable Email Notification check box to enable email notifications. Uncheck the box to disable it.
    2. To modify the To, CC and Bcc addresses, click in the appropriate field and select the users from the Email list menu on the right. You can select multiple entries by holding down the Ctrl key on your keyboard.
    3. Update the Email subject.
  4. Click the Update to save your changes.

To display non-WBS activities on the left and top navigation bars for a selected program:

  1. Navigate to the Settings page. Select the Settings link on the Left Navigation bar, or select (Program#) > Go To > Settings within a particular program.
  2. Click the [Edit] link.
  3. Select the non-WBS activities.
  4. Click Save.

    Note: This setting only affects the display of non-WBS activities associated with the selected program.

See Also


Working with Programs

Creating a New Program

Viewing and Printing Program Details

Viewing Financial Information for a Program

Editing Program Evaluation Values

Viewing Program Timeline

Editing a Program

Deleting a Program

Working with Program Non WBS Activities

Working with Program Issues

Working with Program Risks

Working with Program Documents

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Last Published Tuesday, June 9, 2020