Tracking Workforce Contracts

These topics discuss tracking workforce contracts.

Note: Contracts are driven by regulatory region (and that region's setID) on the job data record associated with the contract. On the Update Contracts component, you must select the regulatory region that is on the person's job data record and the system only makes available contract clauses and types that share the setID of this regulatory region.

Page Name

Definition Name


Contract Status/Content Page


Add or update basic information about the contract between your organization and a worker, including the contract duration, type, and content.

You must have previously set up contract template IDs on the Define Contract Templates page.

Contract Type/Clauses Page


Add or update any special contract clause information to the standard contract language for this worker.

Original Contract Data Page


(BEL) Enter information about the original contract that the new contract is replacing.

Contract Data - Task Order Information Page


Track contractor work to a more detailed line item, rather than at the contract level. This may enable more accountability and tracking of contractors. This page is optional.

Contract Data - Signature Date/Probation Info Page


Add or update the signature date, responsible party, and probation information. View basic job data.

Contract Information Report Page


Generate the Contract Information report (CNT001) that lists all contracts and task orders (subcontracts) for a worker or the contract history for all workers within a designated period.

Use the Contract Status/Content page (CONTRACT1) to add or update basic information about the contract between your organization and a worker, including the contract duration, type, and content.

You must have previously set up contract template IDs on the Define Contract Templates page.

Image: Contract Status/Content page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Contract Status/Content page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Contract Status/Content page

Field or Control


Contract Status

Indicate whether the contract is Active or Inactive.

Contract Begin Date

Enter the date when the contract begins. The current date is the default.

Contract Expected End Date

Enter the date when you expect the contract will end.

Contract End Date

Enter the date when the contract actually ended. This date may differ from the date that you expect the contract to end.

Regulatory Region

Enter a regulatory region. The regulatory region must share the setID of the contract type and be the regulatory region on the person's job data record for this contract.


Enter a comment for this contract.

Additional Contract

Select if the worker already has at least one contract. Leave this field blank if this is the worker's only contract.

More than one year expected

Select if you expect that this contract will result in more than one year of employment for this worker.

Note: This field is required for contracts with Japanese workers.

Waive Working Time Compliance

Select if the contract allows working time compliance to be waived by the worker.

Contract Template ID and Initialize Contract

If you have defined a template for the contract, select an ID from the list of valid templates stored on the Define Contract Templates page, and click Initialize Contract. The system displays a description of the contract and its default contents.

Note: If there are any task orders associated to the contract template, only those task orders with an effective date on or after the individual's Contract Begin Date will default to the individual contract level.

Provider ID

If this contract is with a contingent worker, specify the person's provider, agency, or employer.

Contract Content

If you entered a contract template code and clicked the Initialize Contract button, the system automatically completes this field with the content that was entered on the Define Contract Templates page. Otherwise, enter the contract language.

(BEL) Belgium

Field or Control



If you're entering a contract and you selected Employment as the contract type on the Contract Type / Clauses page, choose an RSZ category from the valid RSZ category codes stored on the RSZ Categories page (CNT_RSZ_TBL_BEL).


Select to indicate that social insurance premiums need to be paid by the worker to the Belgian RSZ governing body for this job contract.

Reduced Charges Category

Select from among the categories, if appropriate.

Employers can lower their RSZ premium contributions if they are offering a job for one of the two reduced charges categories. Companies that employ workers who qualify for the reduced charges category enjoy lower employee costs.

Social Balance Category

Select the appropriate social balance category. This information is included on the BEL Social report.

Use the Contract Type/Clauses page (CONTRACT2) to add or update any special contract clause information to the standard contract language for this worker.

Image: Contract Type/Clauses page (1 of 3)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Contract Type/Clauses page (1 of 3). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Contract Type/Clauses page (1 of 3)

Image: Contract Type/Clauses page (2 of 3)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Contract Type/Clauses page (2 of 3). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Contract Type/Clauses page (2 of 3)

Image: Contract Type/Clauses page (3 of 3)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Contract Type/Clauses page (3 of 3). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Contract Type/Clauses page (3 of 3)

Field or Control


Contract Type

Select the contract type.

Extend Contract

Indicate if the individual's original contract has been extended beyond it's original date or purpose.

Contract Clauses

Field or Control


Seq Nbr (sequence number)

When you add a clause to the contract, the system assigns a sequence number automatically.


Select a clause.

Clause Status

The status that is associated with the clause that you selected appears by default.

(BEL) Belgium

Field or Control



Select a duration period for the workforce contract.

Original Contract

If Replacement defines the duration period, the Original Contract link appears. Click to access the Replace Contract BEL page to enter the employee ID and original contract number.


Select a contract statute, or employment category, for this worker.

Independent Profession

If you selected Self employed as the contract type, provide the worker's independent profession here.


Select a substatute, or employment subcategory. The system displays only those substatutes that are associated with the statute code that you selected.


If you selected Member of the Professions as the contract type, indicate additional profession information here.

(FRA) France

Field or Control


Category TDS

Select a worker category: Apprentice, Executive, and Manager. This field is used to prepare the DADS TDS report.

Social Security Code

Select a social security code. The social security code is the contribution class, or régime, of the worker. Any worker who is eligible for a contribution must be associated with a social security code.

Multiple Employer Rate

The earnings ceiling is reduced if an employee has multiple contracts active at the same time. The reduction appears here as a percentage.

If a worker has more than one employer, use the multiple employer rate to indicate the percentage of contributions that should be taken from each employer to avoid over-taxing. The earnings ceilings are prorated using this rate. For example, suppose that a worker has two employers, and he receives 40 percent of his salary from employer A and 60 percent of his salary from employer B. In the Multiple Employer Rate field, employer A enters 40 and employer B enters 60.

Employee Professional Status

Select the profession that is designated for this worker.

Work Contrct/Activity Caract

Used to prepare the DADS TDS report. Values are Full Time, Home, Intermitt., Part Time, Seasonal W, Temporary, and Wo Ctc Cpl.

Category Status

Select the category status. The category status affects the type of pension/contingency fund to which the employee contributes.

Gross Reduction Percentage

The gross reduction percentage is applied to the gross salary for specific job categories, such as for journalists and artists. These workers do not pay their contributions on their gross salaries. Instead, their gross salaries are reduced by the percentage indicated here. For example, suppose that a worker is entitled to a 30 percent reduction. If he has a salary of 1500 EUR, he contributes for only 1000 EUR. This field has a default value of 0.

Mandatory Base Scheme

Select the base compensation scheme for this workforce contract.

CDD Contract Reason

Select the contract reason code applicable for the CDD contract.

Note: This field appears only when the contract is of type CDD.

Population Category

Displays the population category that applies to the employee. The system determines the population category from the INSEE code associated with the employee's job code. INSEE codes are linked to population categories on the INSEE Table page.

Social Policy Measure

Select the conventional plan attached to the selected Contract Type.

  • 21, 41, 42, 50, 50: These values can be selected if the contract type is CDI or CDD.

  • 61, 80: These values can be selected only if the contract type is CDI.

  • 40, 70: These values can be selected only if the contract type is CDD.

  • 64, 65: These values can be selected only if the contract type is APP.

Note: The above values are applicable as of year 2015 and may change in future.

Contract Notice Details

Use this group box to enter details of Contract Termination.

  • Contract Breach Notificatn Dt: Date on which the contract breach has been notified. It can be the date on the acknowledgement receipt of the letter of dismissal, or date of dispatch or hand delivery of the letter of resignation by the employee, or the date of notification of the end of the probationary period of the employer or employee.

  • Termination Agreement Sign Dt: Date on which the employer and employee sign the termination agreement.

  • Reason for breach of Contract: Reason behind the breach of contract. The possible values are: Dismissal following liquidation or judicial reorganization, dismissal following definitive closure of the establishment, economic redundancies, dismissals for end of construction, and other nature of dismissal as described by the French Government.

  • Dismissal Procedure Data: Date of interview prior to termination, or date of the first meeting of the work committee or staff delegates in case of redundancy of ten or more employees in a period of 30 days.

  • Portability Provident Contract: Whether there is a contract between the parties to settle if a dispute arises or to prevent future litigation.

  • Months of Notice: Number of months of notice served legally and for which compensation was paid.

  • Employee Special Status: Status or position of the employee within a business or association.

  • Notice’s Completion Begin Date and Notice’s Completion End Date: Begin date and end date of the notice.

  • Notice’s Completion & Payment: Status of the notice. The possible values are: Served, Not Served, Paid, and Unpaid.


Use this group box to assign the employee to an AGIRC or ARRCO pension contract, if you want to override the contracts defined for the employee's company or establishment. Use the Pension/Cont. Contracts Review page to view a list of the pension and contingency funds for which an employee is eligible.

Select the AGIRC/ARRCO contract in the Membership Number field and the system completes the remaining fields in this group box.

Click the link in the Membership Number column to view the contract details. The system displays the Pension/Contingency Contracts page.

Note: Employees should be assigned to only one contract with an institution type of AGIRC or ARRCO on any given date.

See (FRA) Setting Up French Workforce Tables.

See (FRA) Providing Additional Information for French Workers.

See Define OPS Page


Use this group box to assign the employee to a contingency fund contract. Contingency funds defined on this page are in addition to any contingency funds defined for the employee's company or establishment. Use the Pension/Cont. Contracts Review page to view a list of the pension and contingency funds for which an employee is eligible.

Select the contingency contract in the Membership Number field and the system completes the contract details fields.

Click the link in the Membership Number column to view the contract details. The system displays the Pension/Contingency Contracts page.

Select a value in the Covered Population field that indicates who is covered by the contract.

Select a value in the Contract Event field to indicate whether this is a new contract or the type of change in contract. Contract events are required for DADS reporting.

Select a value in the Population Category field to indicate the population category that applies. This value is required for DUCS reporting. The default value is the population category for the employee's job code but you can override it.

See Extracting DADS Data.

See Understanding DUCS Processing.

(ITA) Italy

Field or Control


Plan ID

If the worker was assigned a contract type of Training and Labor, you must select a plan ID.


If the worker was assigned a contract type of 001: Limited Contract, you must enter a reason for the contract.

Empl ID Replaced

If the reason for the determined period contract type is Maternity or Replacement, select the employee ID of the worker who is being temporarily replaced by this contract worker.

The following fields appear in the Target Categorization group box only if the contract type is Training and Labor.

Field or Control


Labor Agreement

Select the labor agreement for this contract and plan ID.


Select the labor category for this contract.


Select the subcategory for this contract.

Subcategory 2

If the subcategory selected above has further divisions, select the subcategory 2 here.

Use the Task Order Information page (CONTRACT4) to track contractor work to a more detailed line item, rather than at the contract level.

This may enable more accountability and tracking of contractors. This page is optional.

Image: Contract Data - Task Order Information page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Contract Data - Task Order Information page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Contract Data - Task Order Information page

If you are using Contract Templates, this page enables you to manage the task orders, such as subcontracts, with which an individual is associated with under the primary contract template. Once you enter the contract template ID and initialize the contract, the system will enter any task orders that have a begin date on or after the contract begin date. You can then manage the specific task orders and enter comments associated with this person.

Use the Signature Date/Probation Info page (CONTRACT3) to add or update the signature date, responsible party, and probation information.

View basic job data.

Image: Contract Data - Signature Date/Probation Info page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Contract Data - Signature Date/Probation Info page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Contract Data - Signature Date/Probation Info page

The display-only data at the top of this page is derived from the Job Data component.

Field or Control


Signature Date

Enter the contract's signature date. This information is required in some European countries, including Germany.

Responsible ID

Enter the company agent who drafted the contract and who is responsible for its language.

Minimum Hours and Maximum Hours

The system supplies default values from the Installation table for this contract.

Probation Date

Enter multiple probation dates if they are required for this worker.

The probation date that you enter here also appears on the job data record for this worker.


Indicate a probation reason, including New Date and Un-perform (indicating additional probation time for failure to perform within expectations for the position).

Use the Contract Information Report page (RUNCTL_CNT001) to generate the Contract Information report (CNT001) that lists all contracts and task orders (subcontracts) for a worker or the contract history for all workers within a designated period.

Image: Contract Information Report page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Contract Information Report page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Contract Information Report page

Field or Control


Person ID

Enter the person ID of the worker for whom you want to list contracts. If you leave this field blank, the report prints the contract history (within the date range that you specify) for all workers.

From Date and End Date

Enter the date range for which you want contract information.