Enabling Profile Actions

To enable profile actions, use the Profile Actions (JPM_PROFILE_ACTION) component.

These topics provide an overview of profile actions, and discusses how to enable profile actions.

Page Name

Definition Name


Profile Actions Page


Enable profile actions by person or non-person profile component for each role.

Image: Example of the Profile Actions drop-down menu for a user

The Profile Actions field appears on the non-person profile and person profile pages. It enables administrators, managers, and employees to perform transactions directly from the profile pages, as shown in this example:

Example of the Profile Actions drop-down menu for a user

Use the Profile Actions component to modify action descriptions and to control which Profile Management roles within the organization (Administrator, Manager, or Employee) have access to specific actions. This functionality enables you to hide or display profile actions according to your organizational policies. For example, if your organization does not use the Search and Compare Profiles transaction, you can hide this option for each profile role.

Pages That Display the Profile Actions Field

The Profile Actions field is available on the person and non-person profile pages throughout the system. The following pages display the Profile Actions field.

The administrator uses these pages to access profile data by navigating to Workforce Development, Profile Management, Profiles:

  • Person Profiles

  • Non-person Profiles

See Maintaining Profiles.

Employees use these self-service pages to access profile data by navigating to Self Service, Learning and Development:

  • My Current Profile

  • My Historical Profile

  • My Job Profiles

  • View Job Profiles

Managers use these manager self-service pages to access profile data by navigating to Manager Self Service, Learning and Development:

  • Current Team Profiles

  • Historical Team Profiles

  • Maintain Job Profile

See Maintaining Person Profiles and Viewing and Updating Job Profiles.

Delivered Profile Actions

The following tables list the Profile Actions that are delivered with the Manage Profiles business process, although some of the actions are not available for all profile roles or pages.

This table lists the profile actions available for the Person profile transaction pages and the Profile Management roles that can perform these transactions:

Profile Action


Administrator Pages

Employee Self Service Pages

Manager Self Service Pages

Copy From Job Profile

Copy items from a non-person profile to the employee's profile using the Copy Items from Job Profile page, which lists the profiles related to the employee's active jobs.




Update Profile Groups

Categorize your profiles by profile groups using the Update Profile Groups page, which you use to list the profile group types and profile groups to which you want to add the profile.




Compare my profile to current job

Compare your own profile to your job profile. If more than one job profile applies to your job, select from a list of all applicable job profiles to compare.




Compare employee profile to current job

Compare an employee’s profile items to his or her job profile items. If more than one job profile applies to the employee, select from a list of all applicable job profiles to compare.




View Related Job Profiles

View a list of non-person profiles that are related to the employee's job data. The system determines which non-person profiles are related to an employee by searching the employee's job data record. If the employee has multiple jobs, the system checks all the person's active jobs for matching non-person profiles.




Search and Compare Profiles

Select and perform a search on the Search for Profiles page




This table lists the profile actions available for the Non-Person profile transaction types:

Profile Action


Administrator Pages

Employee Self Service Pages

Manager Self Service Pages

Update Profile Groups

Categorize your profiles by profile groups on the Update Profile Groups page, which you use to list the profile group types and profile groups to which you want to add the profile.




Express Interest for Employee

Add a non-person profile to a person's interest list using the Person Search - Simple page, which you use to search for an employee whose interest list you want to update.




Express Interest

Add a job profile to your interest list using the Add to Interest List - Confirmation page.




Search and Compare Profiles

Select and perform a search on the Search for Profiles page




This table lists the profile actions available for the Historical profile transaction types:

Profile Action


Administrator Pages

Employee Self Service Pages

Manager Self Service Pages

View As Of Another Date

Indicate a new as of date on the Select New As Of Date page to view profile information as of a certain time.




Use the Profile Actions page (JPM_JP_ACTION) to enable profile actions by person or non-person profile component for each role.

Image: Profile Actions page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Profile Actions page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Profile Actions page

Note: This Profile Action list is maintained by PeopleSoft development. Changes to this list require code line modifications. For a list of all profile actions delivered with the system, see Delivered Profile Actions in the Understanding Profile Actions topic.

See Understanding Profile Actions.

Profile transaction types are not available for all roles. When the system does not allow a profile transaction for a specific role, the access check box for that role is not available for selection.

Field or Control


Profile Transaction Type

Identifies the types of profile pages where this transaction can be used. This is also the high level key value for this table. Transaction types for Manage Profiles are:

  • Person

  • Non-Person

  • Historical


View or modify the text that will appear in the Actions Type drop-down list.

Admin Access (administrator access)

Select to add this action type to the Actions Type drop-down list on the administrator profile pages in the system.

Employee Access

Select to add this action type to the Actions Type drop-down list on employee self-service profile pages in the system.

Manager Access

Select to add this action type to the Actions Type drop-down list on manager self-service profile pages in the system.

Note: Deselecting a <role> Access check box will remove the profile action option from the Profile Actions drop-down menu list. If all options that could appear for a role in the Profile Actions drop-down menu list are deselected, the Profile Actions field will be hidden on the page.