Event Information in Reporting and Analytics Reports

You can view Simphony event-related reporting information in Reporting and Analytics version 8.5.1 and later. The event information includes event code, name, type, sub type, and area.

Table 48-7 Reporting and Analytics Event Reporting

Report Description

Events Summary Reports

These reports provide summary information for properties with events enabled, and help you identify top level areas that need improvement for subsequent events.

The following summary reports include event information:
  • Events Today’s Operations Report

  • Events Revenue Center Report

Only the Events Today’s Operations Report enables you to drill down to more information or investigate further by running Detail Reports.

Detail Reports

These reports help you analyze the transaction details for specific events. Parent and child events are shown separately.

The following detail reports include event information:
  • Events Adjustments Detail Report

  • Events Control Report

  • Events Cost of Goods Sold Summary Report

  • Events Daily Discounts Report

  • Events Sales Mix Summary Report

  • Events Service Charges Report

  • Events Taxes Report

  • Events Tender Media Report

Most detail reports enable you to drill down to more information.

Comparison Reports

These reports provide information for comparing key performance indicators used in specific events. Comparison reports help you analyze productivity in different revenue centers and plan future events. Parent and child events are shown separately.

The following comparison reports include event information:
  • Events Daily Operations Comparison by Revenue Center (also includes tax information)

  • Events Store and Date Comparison Report

These reports do not enable you to drill down to more information.

Menu Engineering Reports

These reports provide information to help you analyze the menu mix, prices, and cost of goods for specific events. Menu engineering reports enable you to increase event revenue by planning menus for subsequent events using menu information from past events. Parent and child events are shown separately.

The following menu engineering reports include event information:
  • Events Menu Engineering Items Summary Report

  • Menu Engineering by Major and Family Group Reports

  • Events Item Groups Average Pricing Report

  • Sales Mix Summary Report

  • Top Items Summary Report

Only the Menu Engineering by Major and Family Group and Events Item Groups Average Pricing reports enable you to drill down to more information.

Employee Reports

These reports provide information about employee performance for specific events. Employee reports help you to select the most productive staff for events and highlight training issues. Parent and child events are shown separately.

The following employee reports include event information:
  • Employee Productivity Report

  • Events Employee Financial List Report (also includes tax information)

  • Events Employee Sales Performance Report

  • Events Tip Track Summary Report

  • Events Manager Control Report

  • Events Employee Control Report

These reports enable you to drill down to more information.

Events Daily Operations Summary Report

This report provides a summary of the daily operations, including tax information, for one or more events.

This report enables you to drill down to more information.

Events Financial Report

This report provides a summary of the daily financials by event. The Events Financial Report shows all tenders, service charges, discounts, taxes, and void activity per revenue center during the event.

This report enables you to drill down to more information.

Events Consolidated Employee Financial Report by RVC

This report shows a combined view of the employee financials by revenue center for each event. It also shows all tenders, service charges, discounts, taxes, and void activity per revenue center during the event.

This report enables you to drill down to more information.

Events Menu Item Report by RVC by Employee

This report provides a summary of the menu item sales by revenue center and by employee for each event. The report shows the revenue center number and name, the employee, menu item, quantity sold, price, sales less item discounts, taxes, and net sales.

This report enables you to drill down to more information.

Consolidated Events Employee Meal

This report shows a combined view of the employee meals for an event. The report shows the revenue center, the employee consuming the meal, the check number, the time of the transaction, the menu items, the price when the menu item was ordered, taxes associated with the transaction, net sales of the transaction, and the employee adding the sales.

This report enables you to drill down to more information.

Event Consolidated RVC Financial

This report shows a combined view of the revenue center financials by event. The report shows all tenders, service charges, discounts, taxes, net sales, voids, transaction count, and percent of sales per revenue center during the event.

This report enables you to drill down to more information.

KDS Reports

These reports provide information to help you analyze the sales mix and labor for specific events. Parent and child events are shown separately. KDS reports help to identify problems with preparation and service times, and improve these times for subsequent events.

The following KDS reports include event information:
  • Events KDS Summary Report

  • Events Today’s KDS Summary Report

  • Speed of Service Report

These reports enable you to drill down to more information.