Managing AR Account Invoices and Payments

The Manage Account Invoices screen provides a central location for maintaining AR account invoices and payments. Use the following steps to access the screen:
  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Financials, select Accounts Receivables, and select Manage Accounts Receivables.

  2. Search for the account.

  3. In search results, locate the account and click the Balance amount due.


    Alternatively, you can click the expand icon and then click Invoices, or click the row level I Want To . . . menu and select Invoices.
  4. If required, enter your cashier sign in and click Login.

Managing the Accounts Receivables Screen

The Manage Account Invoices screen displays a table of account invoices and payments. The Account Name and Account Number appear above the invoice table along with summary information on Balance, Invoices, Payments, and Total Selected. The summary information updates in real-time depending on the rows you select.
  • Balance. Displays the total amount due for all invoices in this account.

  • Invoices. Displays the amount of all selected invoices.

  • Payments. Displays the sum of selected payments.

  • Total Selected. Displays the total of all open amounts for selected invoices, minus selected payment.

  • Search results. Table lists the invoices and payments.

  • Check boxes. Enables selecting one or more invoices/payments for making payments, creating statements, transferring invoices, and so on.

Searching for Invoices or Payments

The following optional search criteria is available for invoices and payments.
  • Account Number.: Enter the AR Account Number.

  • Custom Number: Enter the full custom number or partial custom number. (Available when Custom Numbers in AR Manage Account Invoices OPERA Control is active).

  • Folio No: The full folio number or the first part of the folio number.

  • Invoice No: The full invoice number or the first part of the invoice number.

  • Statement No: Available when the Statement Numbering AR control is enabled. Enter the system assigned statement number associated with the invoice.

  • From Date Enter or select a date for the invoice.

  • To Date.: Enter or select a date for the invoice.

  • Open Balance Only: Select to display only open balance invoices (those having a non-zero balance); uncheck to include zero balance invoices and payments.

  • Payments Only: Select to display only payments posted to the AR account.

  • Finalized Invoices: Available when the Invoice Finalize Date AR control is enabled. Select to include finalized invoices in search; uncheck to exclude finalized invoices.

  • Non-Printed: Select the checkbox to display Invoices that have not been included as line items on successfully generated statements.

  • Un Billed: Available when the Statement Numbering AR control is enabled. Select the check box to display only the invoices that do not have a statement number associated with them.

Adding a New Invoice

On the Manage Account Invoices screen, click New and enter invoice information and charge information:

Invoice Information:
  • Name: Search and select a profile for the Invoice.


    The Name field defaults to the profile for the AR Account.
  • Market Code: Enter or select a market code for the invoice charges.

  • Source Code: Enter or select a source code for the invoice charges.

  • Room Class: Select a room class from the list.

  • Supplement: Enter text if applicable.

  • Reference: Enter a number if applicable.

Charge Information:
  • Transaction Code: Enter or select the charge from the list.

  • Price: Enter the amount.

  • Generated Charges: Click to view list of generates charges (e.g. taxes) for the charge.

  • Quantity: Enter the quantity.

  • Supplement: Use this field for supplemental information about the charge.

  • Reference: Use this field for reference information for the charge.

  • Check Number: Enter a number if applicable.

  • Arrangement Code: Enter or select a folio arrange code (this field is enabled when Arrangement Cashier Control is active).

  • Add New Row:
    • Click to create a new row to post additional charge(s).

    • Click to delete a row.

    • Click to post charge

  • Total Postings, Total Taxes and Total Charges: Values update automatically for each charge added or deleted on the new invoice.